Am I an asshole

I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans.

Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Am I being an asshole in thinking they should be on their own in their hunt for vengeance over a couple hundred Frogs?


Natural feeling in view of what occurred, but we all pay the price for turning a blind eye.
I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans.

Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Am I being an asshole in thinking they should be on their own in their hunt for vengeance over a couple hundred Frogs?


Natural feeling in view of what occurred, but we all pay the price for turning a blind eye.
Really? What price do I pay for letting France figure it out for themselves the way they did to us?
I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans.

Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Am I being an asshole in thinking they should be on their own in their hunt for vengeance over a couple hundred Frogs?


Natural feeling in view of what occurred, but we all pay the price for turning a blind eye.
Really? What price do I pay for letting France figure it out for themselves the way they did to us?
It allows the shitbird terrorists to perpetuate themselves over in France which may place US citizens in jeopardy and they may bring there hate and tactics which worked in France to the US.
I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans.

Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Am I being an asshole in thinking they should be on their own in their hunt for vengeance over a couple hundred Frogs?


Natural feeling in view of what occurred, but we all pay the price for turning a blind eye.
Really? What price do I pay for letting France figure it out for themselves the way they did to us?
It allows the shitbird terrorists to perpetuate themselves over in France which may place US citizens in jeopardy and they may bring there hate and tactics which worked in France to the US.
How is France's suicidal immigration policy our problem? These stupid fucks, including the US, keep taking in these camel lovers, what the hell do we think is going to happen? Didn't France have a Muslim uprising 5 years ago where they were burning cars in the streets? When are they going to learn and why do American soldiers have to pay for their idiocy?
I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans.

Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Am I being an asshole in thinking they should be on their own in their hunt for vengeance over a couple hundred Frogs?


Natural feeling in view of what occurred, but we all pay the price for turning a blind eye.
Really? What price do I pay for letting France figure it out for themselves the way they did to us?
It allows the shitbird terrorists to perpetuate themselves over in France which may place US citizens in jeopardy and they may bring there hate and tactics which worked in France to the US.
How is France's suicidal immigration policy our problem? These stupid fucks, including the US, keep taking in these camel lovers, what the hell do we think is going to happen? Didn't France have a Muslim uprising 5 years ago where they were burning cars in the streets? When are they going to learn and why do American soldiers have to pay for their idiocy?
Intervention does not necessarily mean soldiers, and yea I want to take care of the problem over there before it comes here.
I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans.

Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Am I being an asshole in thinking they should be on their own in their hunt for vengeance over a couple hundred Frogs?


Natural feeling in view of what occurred, but we all pay the price for turning a blind eye.
Really? What price do I pay for letting France figure it out for themselves the way they did to us?
It allows the shitbird terrorists to perpetuate themselves over in France which may place US citizens in jeopardy and they may bring there hate and tactics which worked in France to the US.
How is France's suicidal immigration policy our problem? These stupid fucks, including the US, keep taking in these camel lovers, what the hell do we think is going to happen? Didn't France have a Muslim uprising 5 years ago where they were burning cars in the streets? When are they going to learn and why do American soldiers have to pay for their idiocy?
Intervention does not necessarily mean soldiers, and yea I want to take care of the problem over there before it comes here.
Then we agree. It's time to give MIRV a chance. Make glass, not war.
Natural feeling in view of what occurred, but we all pay the price for turning a blind eye.
Really? What price do I pay for letting France figure it out for themselves the way they did to us?
It allows the shitbird terrorists to perpetuate themselves over in France which may place US citizens in jeopardy and they may bring there hate and tactics which worked in France to the US.
How is France's suicidal immigration policy our problem? These stupid fucks, including the US, keep taking in these camel lovers, what the hell do we think is going to happen? Didn't France have a Muslim uprising 5 years ago where they were burning cars in the streets? When are they going to learn and why do American soldiers have to pay for their idiocy?
Intervention does not necessarily mean soldiers, and yea I want to take care of the problem over there before it comes here.
Then we agree. It's time to give MIRV a chance. Make glass, not war.

Not yet. Right now, that would be overkill, and damage allies as well.
Really? What price do I pay for letting France figure it out for themselves the way they did to us?
It allows the shitbird terrorists to perpetuate themselves over in France which may place US citizens in jeopardy and they may bring there hate and tactics which worked in France to the US.
How is France's suicidal immigration policy our problem? These stupid fucks, including the US, keep taking in these camel lovers, what the hell do we think is going to happen? Didn't France have a Muslim uprising 5 years ago where they were burning cars in the streets? When are they going to learn and why do American soldiers have to pay for their idiocy?
Intervention does not necessarily mean soldiers, and yea I want to take care of the problem over there before it comes here.
Then we agree. It's time to give MIRV a chance. Make glass, not war.

Not yet. Right now, that would be overkill, and damage allies as well.
So how many more need to die first? Your kids? Mine? My 12 year old already can't wait to grab a rifle, kevlar, flack, and full battle rattle and go kill him some sandniggers, a continuation of a war I already fought in. How many generations of Americans need to die before we light those fuckers up?
It allows the shitbird terrorists to perpetuate themselves over in France which may place US citizens in jeopardy and they may bring there hate and tactics which worked in France to the US.
How is France's suicidal immigration policy our problem? These stupid fucks, including the US, keep taking in these camel lovers, what the hell do we think is going to happen? Didn't France have a Muslim uprising 5 years ago where they were burning cars in the streets? When are they going to learn and why do American soldiers have to pay for their idiocy?
Intervention does not necessarily mean soldiers, and yea I want to take care of the problem over there before it comes here.
Then we agree. It's time to give MIRV a chance. Make glass, not war.

Not yet. Right now, that would be overkill, and damage allies as well.
So how many more need to die first? Your kids? Mine? My 12 year old already can't wait to grab a rifle, kevlar, flack, and full battle rattle and go kill him some sandniggers, a continuation of a war I already fought in. How many generations of Americans need to die before we light those fuckers up?

Fight smart.
How is France's suicidal immigration policy our problem? These stupid fucks, including the US, keep taking in these camel lovers, what the hell do we think is going to happen? Didn't France have a Muslim uprising 5 years ago where they were burning cars in the streets? When are they going to learn and why do American soldiers have to pay for their idiocy?
Intervention does not necessarily mean soldiers, and yea I want to take care of the problem over there before it comes here.
Then we agree. It's time to give MIRV a chance. Make glass, not war.

Not yet. Right now, that would be overkill, and damage allies as well.
So how many more need to die first? Your kids? Mine? My 12 year old already can't wait to grab a rifle, kevlar, flack, and full battle rattle and go kill him some sandniggers, a continuation of a war I already fought in. How many generations of Americans need to die before we light those fuckers up?

Fight smart.
Yes. We're on the same page.

Intervention does not necessarily mean soldiers, and yea I want to take care of the problem over there before it comes here.
Then we agree. It's time to give MIRV a chance. Make glass, not war.

Not yet. Right now, that would be overkill, and damage allies as well.
So how many more need to die first? Your kids? Mine? My 12 year old already can't wait to grab a rifle, kevlar, flack, and full battle rattle and go kill him some sandniggers, a continuation of a war I already fought in. How many generations of Americans need to die before we light those fuckers up?

Fight smart.
Yes. We're on the same page.


No, I'm not on that page yet.
Don't sweat it, horty....the only help Obama plans to give France is to offer all their terrorists a free ride, including White House tours, in the zUS.
It allows the shitbird terrorists to perpetuate themselves over in France which may place US citizens in jeopardy and they may bring there hate and tactics which worked in France to the US.
How is France's suicidal immigration policy our problem? These stupid fucks, including the US, keep taking in these camel lovers, what the hell do we think is going to happen? Didn't France have a Muslim uprising 5 years ago where they were burning cars in the streets? When are they going to learn and why do American soldiers have to pay for their idiocy?
Intervention does not necessarily mean soldiers, and yea I want to take care of the problem over there before it comes here.
Then we agree. It's time to give MIRV a chance. Make glass, not war.

Not yet. Right now, that would be overkill, and damage allies as well.
So how many more need to die first? Your kids? Mine? My 12 year old already can't wait to grab a rifle, kevlar, flack, and full battle rattle and go kill him some sandniggers, a continuation of a war I already fought in. How many generations of Americans need to die before we light those fuckers up?
Alright now I know where you are coming from. Yea light up, blow up and annihilate.
Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Tell the class what you think happened post-9/11. It's a slow day and I could use a laugh.
I said what I recall in the OP.

You recall incorrectly.
I think Iraq was post 9/11/01....I could be wrong, but it was definitely after the "You're either with us or against us" speech. And, yes, Iraq was sympathetic to terrorists.Every single one of you lying assholes, and the majority of democratic senators. were in favor of hanging Saddam and leveling his castles


Q.v. Post #32.
you mean by holding a grudge for them not agreeing to invade a country that had nothing to do w/ 9/11? Them being proven right that the war-for-profit would turn into a 10+ yr, TRILLION $$$ unpaid-for, quagmire resulting in countless 1000's of US serviceman's deaths & the eventual creation of ISIL? Yeah, that would make you an asshole.

No, you have it wrong. It's not a grudge. It's taking the same attitude that they had. Sad part is you think it's wrong in one situation and OK in the other despite the same circumstances. That makes you an asshole but we already knew you were.

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