'Am I Gay' Web Searches up 1300% in U.S.

Are you exiting the closet? Checking out: "Am I Gay" web searches. Is that just a hobby?

Yes I am.

Do you have a problem with that?

I thought you people were supposed to be the "tolerant" ones.

I love fucking men up the arse - got a problem with that, deplorable?
internet searches are not up, it is NBC, that is by definition Fake News, ran by the Democrats


Yeah, the funniest part is there is no way Google's search engine would ever produce a PJ Media link.

So, just like with everything else, these assholes' stupid argument falls flat on its face.

But I am gay, why - is there something wrong with that?

Just don't tell my wife. ;)
Such idiotic displays are worth noting so we can see how screwed up these homos are and keep them away from our kids. There is no excuse for exposing kids to homosexuality.

Or heterosexuality, for that matter.

That's what's so stupid about the "homophobia" talking point.

No, you demented dipshits, we don't think you should be showing chicks getting boned to 5 year olds either.

No sex, period.

But somehow that makes us bigots.
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Yeah, the funniest part is there is no way Google's search engine would ever produce a PJ Media link.

So, just like with everything else, these assholes' stupid argument falls flat on its face.

But I am gay, why - is there something wrong with that?

Just don't tell my wife. ;)
the question nobody asks, and that i dont know how to find the answer, is who bought, paid for, "I AM GAY"

somebody paid for their website to found if that is searched, google is paid advertising, and or political activism.
No matter how you answer the quiz, we find by doing that search, it is going to tell you, that you are gay, it will not give you a no. Many of the questions, tell you how to think and do not give a choice a normal person would give.

What do my results mean?

Some people experience little to no romantic desire or sexual attraction to anyone. Asexuality is an umbrella term, which means a lot of identities fall under it. You can identify as ace and experience different levels of sexual attraction and romantic attraction, and that can change over time.

Sexual attraction and romantic attraction are different things. The aromantic label might sound right to you if you have zero interest in dating or having a partner. People who identify as aro might experience sexual attraction, or they might not. In fact, many people also separate aesthetic attraction (liking the way someone looks or dresses), emotional attraction (being drawn to someone’s personality), romantic attraction (getting those warm fuzzy feelings), and physical attraction (being sexually interested in someone).

Ultimately, romantic and sexual attraction exist on a wide spectrum, and no quiz or person can tell you how you should identify. You get to love who you love, feel what you feel, identify how you want, and be affirmed no matter what. If you’re looking for more in-depth resources to aid you in exploring your sexuality, consider joining online communities such as TrevorSpace,
Totally fucking organic and natural!!

Holy shit, I followed your link, the democrats are literally asking kindergartners if they are gay!
41 of those 675 are elementary schoolchildren, per the report.
Maryland’s largest public school district, for instance, observed a drastic 582 percent increase of students in Montgomery’s County Schools labeling themselves as “gender nonconforming” in a short two-year period, per student surveys.
A survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in April found that approximately 1 in 4 high school students now consider themselves to be LGBTQ.
It is time to fire all, and I do mean all government life long employees. They are about the stupidest, out of control creatures on earth.

Time to make government small, we are paying government democrat workers to ask 6 year old boys if they would have sex with another boy?
Holy shit, I followed your link, the democrats are literally asking kindergartners if they are gay!


I don't even have kids, and I shout this shit from the rooftops to my normie friends who do.

Some of them get it, some of them have too much TDS which supplants any and all rational thinking pertaining to pretty much any subject under the sun.
All you have to do is hit "Change Settings" - but you may not want to!

You're right, I really don't want to see what I assume the video would show, but I looked around anyway and don't see where I just "change settings" anyway so I'll leave it at that. All they really need is a button saying I'm over 18, but they want me to log in to gather info on me. Funny though that I need an account to view media content not fit for minors showing video of minors viewing the same stuff up close and personal that apparently wasn't fit for them!
If you clicked on the link you'd find out.

It wasn't that long ago I was a Democrat.

But, I swear to Christ, I was never as narrow minded and intellectually incurious about anything that may challenge my worldview as this current batch o' muppets.
As evidenced by what?
Such idiotic displays are worth noting so we can see how screwed up these homos are and keep them away from our kids. There is no excuse for exposing kids to homosexuality.
Oh, I see your also checking out those gay sites.

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