Zone1 Am I the only one surprised when they see a commercial with all white people?

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It is still very hard to watch the meds for tranny/homo/sexually perverted ads with males kissing and whatever. I dread the day i become accustomed to seeing that.
Yesterday there was an advertisement on for a AIDs medication that showed to queers kissing. I made a comment to my wife that at least the commercial was trying to reach the right demographics for the product.

It was disgusting to everybody else but hit the mark for the queers that got AIDS from having anal sex with each other.
Basically, if you want to be “inclusive and representative” well and good, okay.

But what we’re talking about here isn’t remotely accurate representation, it’s blatant overrepresentation. On purpose. Why do they do this? Hard to say, but they are doing it and it is noticeable.

Probably that damn ESG bullshit. “Look how ‘socially conscious’ we are, now banks give us more moneyyyyy, plox.”

What all this woke shit isn’t about is their bottom line, it doesn’t help profits or their stockholders. It is malicious interference with the basic functioning of the free market system - companies that don’t seek profit and return on investment for their stockholders under normal circumstances are companies that should die and be replaced with rational actors in charge who will do what companies are supposed to do.

When companies like Gillette shit on men and focus on bullshit that is statistically irrelevant and depraved like helping your trans child learn to shave, that is pushing an agenda and telling me that as a normal dude who used to like their brand they don’t want me anymore, and so I went from buying almost always their product to never touching their output at all.

African Americans make up 14.6% of the American population. So theoretically, to portray a realistic demographic representation, there should only be 1 African American for every 6-7 Caucasians depicted in television commercials.
Basically, if you want to be “inclusive and representative” well and good, okay.

But what we’re talking about here isn’t remotely accurate representation, it’s blatant overrepresentation. On purpose. Why do they do this? Hard to say, but they are doing it and it is noticeable.

Probably that damn ESG bullshit. “Look how ‘socially conscious’ we are, now banks give us more moneyyyyy, plox.”

What all this woke shit isn’t about is their bottom line, it doesn’t help profits or their stockholders. It is malicious interference with the basic functioning of the free market system - companies that don’t seek profit and return on investment for their stockholders under normal circumstances are companies that should die and be replaced with rational actors in charge who will do what companies are supposed to do.

When companies like Gillette shit on men and focus on bullshit that is statistically irrelevant and depraved like helping your trans child learn to shave, that is pushing an agenda and telling me that as a normal dude who used to like their brand they don’t want me anymore, and so I went from buying almost always their product to never touching their output at all.
Yes, and the problem I’ve noticed is that when I pointed this out - a few months ago - I had blacks calling me “raaaacist!!!!” for objecting to the blatant favoritism shown this one, small minority group.

MACYs is one of the most obvious. Even though the majority of their customers are white, you’d never know it from their advertising. Every single promotional mailer features either a black woman or a black family on the cover, and then the inside pages has groups of people either all black or with a token white or Asian mixed in, and on top of that bragging about how they partner with black designers and now have numerous “black clothing lines” in their store.
I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.
they want us to think that all couples are mixed race and that all families are mixed race, and that every family and gathering has a few gays and lesbians.

this is the new racism
To make a comparison to how ridiculous this whole situation is, imagine if you walked toward Target and every window poster showed Jews lighting the menorah, and then when you walked in you were first met with row after row of Chanukah decorations, with posters of Jews lighting the menorah everywhere you looked, and then in the back was a small little section of Christmas decorations.

As a Jew, I’d shudder at this blatant pandering and would support any Christian who pointed out how lopsided the whole thing was.
I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.
What the fuck is with this obsession over fucking TV commercials? Weird.
they want us to think that all couples are mixed race and that all families are mixed race, and that every family and gathering has a few gays and lesbians.

Which is?


1. Liberal white males naturally feel inferior to Black males, and consider a Black girlfriend or wife to be a "trophy" or "status symbol."

2. Black females are often abused and neglected by Black males, so they consider a white boyfriend or husband to be a "trophy" or "status symbol."

Racism isn't always blatant in liberals, but it exists all the same.
I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.
What was it for, haven't seen one of those in months
I was observing how often honky guys are portrayed as the bf or husband of black chicks on TV commercials nowadays. I wonder if there is an ulterior motive here

Seems the ulterior motive is to put cracker kids out of work. I've seen plenty of commercials with a white dad and a mixed race child, but I can't think of one commercial with a POC dad and a white child.
African Americans make up 14.6% of the American population. So theoretically, to portray a realistic demographic representation, there should only be 1 African American for every 6-7 Caucasians depicted in television commercials.
Notice how in TV series and movies the Black is always the boss nowadays? The business executive, the Chief of Police, the Mayor, the billionaire, etc?

Funny as hell, isn't it? In reality it is much more likely that the Black would be on welfare or an ex con.

You can refer back to the OP as to why while liberal males feel inferior to black males. Being under-represented in TV commercials, being portrayed as "geeks", "uncool", etc. in the same commercials, being raised to believe they were less masculine than blacks, that they can't dance or play sports as well, that they have smaller penises.

Then the are the effects the white liberal feminist movement has had on liberal males. That one's a doozy. Feminism has really done a number on the white liberal male's heads. No wonder so many of them become transvestites.
Commercials are very significant, sociologically speaking. Advertisers spend mountains of money trying to influence viewers to buy their products and services. Hence, when the demographics of commercials are distorted, one has to ask, Why?

Why do Cadillac commercials usually show a Black female driving their cars? How many Black females actually buy a Cadillac? It is a number approaching zero.

As noted above, POC's are grotesquely over-represented in television commercials. Couples with a white male and a Black female are common, even though that combination is microscopic in the general population. Sexual irregulars comprise a couple percent of the population (by actual polling), and yet they are about 20-25% of the characters in scripted television. Indeed, every program that shows a group of people incudes at least one sexual irregular. The Jerry Seinfeld show COULD NOT BE CAST today the way it was in the day it was made. Could not happen. There would have to be at least one openly gay character.

Sadly, one relatively recent innovation - the introduction of fat people into commercials - is actually more reflective of the general population, but still, is this the image those advertisers ought to be showing? A group of fat people lining up at the counter at Burger King? It's real, but is it wise to show it realistically?
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