Zone1 Am I the only one surprised when they see a commercial with all white people?

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Notice how in TV series and movies the Black is always the boss nowadays? The business executive, the Chief of Police, the Mayor, the billionaire, etc?

Funny as hell, isn't it? In reality it is much more likely that the Black would be on welfare or an ex con.
I’ve noticed that too: the black family owns the nice house, and the white guy is the delivery driver.
The Jerry Seinfeld show COULD NOT BE CAST today the way it was in the day it was made. Could not happen. There would have to be at least one openly gay character.
"Not that there is anything wrong with that".
The purpose of a commercial is to sell a product or service. Nothing more. It makes no difference the color of the actors.
Like hell, it doesn't matter. If the actors were majority white, all black, and brown actors would be screaming discrimination. FJB and what he is responsible for.
Commercials are part of the ongoing brainwashing program that began way back in the sixites.......most dumbasses have succumed to it and even some otherwise intelligent people who unfortuately have been inducted into political correctness not even realizing it.

Negroes compose approx l2% of our total popuation....yet black actors in our commericals are around 50 per cent and in some companies more.

This is blatant reverse racism and white actors need to speak out about being discriminated against.

Negroes are not our only minority about mexicans, chinese, native americans etc.

When was the last time you saw a mexican in a t.v. commerical?
Commercials are very significant, sociologically speaking. Advertisers spend mountains of money trying to influence viewers to buy their products and services. Hence, when the demographics of commercials are distorted, one has to ask, Why?

Why do Cadillac commercials usually show a Black female driving their cars? How many Black females actually buy a Cadillac? It is a number approaching zero.

As noted above, POC's are grotesquely over-represented in television commercials. Couples with a white male and a Black female are common, even though that combination is microscopic in the general population. Sexual irregulars comprise a couple percent of the population (by actual polling), and yet they are about 20-25% of the characters in scripted television. Indeed, every program that shows a group of people incudes at least one sexual irregular. The Jerry Seinfeld show COULD NOT BE CAST today the way it was in the day it was made. Could not happen. There would have to be at least one openly gay character.

Sadly, one relatively recent innovation - the introduction of fat people into commercials - is actually more reflective of the general population, but still, is this the image those advertisers ought to be showing? A group of fat people lining up at the counter at Burger King? It's real, but is it wise to show it realistically?
You hit on the point that is so wrong with woke casting.

The minorities depicted don't represent the demographics that actually buy the product.

It is just stupid advertising.

Don Draper would have never come up with an idea to put unrepresentative demographics in an advertisement. It would have been an idiotic thing to do.

So why are the real life Don Drapers of today doing it? It is because they are told by the filthy woke corporate clinets to do it. Clients that are suffering from the woke mental illness.
Less than 1% of the total US population and don't breed. Yet they seem to be everywhere you look. :laughing0301:
That is because the msm seeks them out and presents them to you...I would bet a lot of them are not even gay....just ordered to look and like it in order to pursue their perverted agenda and thus turn America into a nation of freaks and perverts.
I’ve noticed that too: the black family owns the nice house, and the white guy is the delivery driver.
Absoutely or the black dude is a scientist and the white guy waits tables etc.

It is all too obvious but way too many are taken in by is well known if a big lie if presented often enough --people will start to believe it.....One can only wish negroes were as intelligent, wise and kind as they are presented by our entertainment industry.

One big example was Obama.....just a average i.q. at best but was portrayed as some kind of genius. with a i.q. off the charts....and the media got away with it.
Why do they do this? Hard to say, but they are doing it and it is noticeable.

Just looking at the mechanics of it along with the approach and financial reports ... And not trying to sell a conspiracy theory ...
It's not that hard to see where a lot of it is coming from.

To start ... When you look at large corporations, you tend to think that they are working independently within their boardrooms ...
But I can give you two names you have probably heard of just in passing ... Earnst and Young ... and Price Waterhouse Cooper.
When you get down to it ... They don't control the corporations ... But their job is to Consult and Train the people that do.

Then you have other things going on ...

Like someone sitting in a boardroom that better think of something, anything ... Or they are of no value to the corporation.
It doesn't even matter what they think of as long as they can "pitch it".
Use the acceptable vocabulary, key phrases, que in the 10 other people sitting there that went to the same Earnst and Young Seminar ...
Shit ... Half the Board is on your side already ... And they haven't even cracked a Market Study yet.

It may have all started because one person was figuring out how they could keep their job for the next 6 months and maybe buy a new Mercedes.

Then there is a cherry on top ... The deeper you dig ... The more crossover you find.

The NFL came out with an ad saying "Football is Gay" ... And some people lost their minds wondering why they would do that.
But ... When you watch the ad ... At the very end you can see the tagline "Trevor Project".
Then you can look up the Trevor Project ... And it is an organization that runs a crisis line and center that helps homosexual teens deal with their parents.

Then you can look up where they get their funding ... And guess what ...
It's Earnst and Young, Price Waterhouse Cooper ... And all the Corporations they service like Disney, Levi Strauss, Starbucks and so on.

Then you can look at their current activities ... And that amounts to them running around the country giving each other Awards,
throwing dinners for each other ... and, figuratively speaking, patting each other on the back for doing exactly what everyone else in the room is doing.
Then they are also passing money and grants around like a slush fund to pay for more garbage and keep the ball rolling.

They don't give a damn about you ... They are not even thinking about you ...
You weren't invited to the party they are having, although they are using your money to pay for it all ...

I wouldn't even suggest that it is malicious.
It's more like a big circle-jerk comprised of people in powerful positions ...
Running around and telling each other how awesome they are.

Where the malicious part comes in, is when people in Academia or the Press try to start explaining it all
like it actually means something else ... Just so they might be able to get invited to the party and get their piece of pie.

Commercials are part of the ongoing brainwashing program that began way back in the sixites.......most dumbasses have succumed to it and even some otherwise intelligent people who unfortuately have been inducted into political correctness not even realizing it.

Negroes compose approx l2% of our total popuation....yet black actors in our commericals are around 50 per cent and in some companies more.

This is blatant reverse racism and white actors need to speak out about being discriminated against.

Negroes are not our only minority about mexicans, chinese, native americans etc.

When was the last time you saw a mexican in a t.v. commerical?
But we are supposed to keep our mouths shut about it, and when we speak up, we are met with nasty and untrue accusations of “raaaacist!!!”

For example, when I brought this up in the summer - it was about 20 store window posters of ONLY BLACKS IN A ROW - the haters not only screamed “raaaaacist” at me and lying about “how upsetting it must be for you to see a black face,” they are STILL bringing it up to me months later on threads unrelated.

What it is is PUNISHMENT for not going along with the anti-white racism sweeping the country and just keeping my white mouth shut about it.
Absoutely or the black dude is a scientist and the white guy waits tables etc.

It is all too obvious but way too many are taken in by is well known if a big lie if presented often enough --people will start to believe it.....One can only wish negroes were as intelligent, wise and kind as they are presented by our entertainment industry.

One big example was Obama.....just a average i.q. at best but was portrayed as some kind of genius. with a i.q. off the charts....and the media got away with it.
Reminds me of the fable, “The Emperor‘s New Clothes.” Everyone knows the truth but is afraid to speak up because of the punishment that awaits.
I’ve noticed that too: the black family owns the nice house, and the white guy is the delivery driver.
I remember watching Siskel and Ebert doing a review of Lethal Weapon circa 1987, and the fat gay guy Ebert loved it because Danny Glover was the married guy with the nice house and the white guy, Mel Gibson, was crazy. Same deal with Karate Kid, Ralph Macchio, grease ball from Jersey who just as well could have been hispanic, beats the Blonde haired California kid.

It's all marxist programming.
It is still very hard to watch the meds for tranny/homo/sexually perverted ads with males kissing and whatever. I dread the day i become accustomed to seeing that.
So change the damn channel. It works, I've tried it.
But we are supposed to keep our mouths shut about it, and when we speak up, we are met with nasty and untrue accusations of “raaaacist!!!”

For example, when I brought this up in the summer - it was about 20 store window posters of ONLY BLACKS IN A ROW - the haters not only screamed “raaaaacist” at me and lying about “how upsetting it must be for you to see a black face,” they are STILL bringing it up to me months later on threads unrelated.

What it is is PUNISHMENT for not going along with the anti-white racism sweeping the country and just keeping my white mouth shut about it.
You realize you are talking about fucking advertising, right? Get a grip.
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