Am I the only one?

Yes, elitism is always repugnant.

But say, why is he making a vagina sign with his hands? Is it because Baron's fingers are so much longer than his?

If there is anything to thank God for, it's I don't have a mind that would think of something like that when viewing that picture.

You're welcome. Now that you see it, what do you think? It's actually an obsession with him. Go find any picture where he's sitting down and his hands are visible, you'll see what I mean.

Weird, isn't it?

Talk about obsession. Pogo... you seem to find some point about the poster, or Trump or something that occupies a lot of your time and attention.
For example. How many people look at Trump's hands in the photos and come to the conclusion Trump makes the vagina sign.
Wow. Not only are you obsessed with Obama's bowel habits... which hand does he wipe with, BUT now you are obsessed with proving Trump is obsessed with vagina signage.

I must say Pogo... you need to get some help. Feces fascination or coprophagia now finger placement? Have you sought any professional help Pogo?

Even more frightening than that is how he brought Trump's son into the same conversation.

I did not "bring his son" into it. I brought his son's fingers into it. Because they look normal. And that makes me wonder if Rump mistakenly let that go, and/or if Baron had to pay the "price" later for showing him up by displaying normal full-length fingers. I'm guessing he got a tirade of hissyfit insults once Rump realized it got out.

That sounds enormously petty, doesn't it? It is. Normal people wouldn't do that. But that's normal people.

Your comment was utterly sick. Again, my mind could never work like that, and I thank God for it.
But apparently that's alright because he was a POW.

Trump carries and shores and it's totally despicable. Prices he hates women

Go fig

I can tell you care so little about our veterans from war zones that you are totally ignorant of pstd and how this can affect their lives upon their return to civilian life. McCain & his first wife were separated for over 5 years while serving his country while your fast assed pillsbury doughboy Trump was cheating on wives & groping women at will.

Only a trump apologist would equate those two things

you think comparing adultery and ditching your wife for a younger, prettier woman is not the same as adultery and ditching your wife for a younger, prettier woman?

This is your best reasoning? It doesn't matter what the reason, cheating on your wife and abandoning her is wrong. Hold peop.le to the same standard and you won't be such a hypocrite.

1) McCain was separated from his wife for over 5 years serving his country. Trump was living with those wives the entire time while cheating on them. Many marriages would not survive this.

2) McCain likely suffered from PSTD. Something your orange buddy did not because he hid under his bed to avoid serving his country. Soldiers returning home from war zones are known to be at risk for marital issues.

3) McCain did this once. Trump did this multiple times over & over.

4) How many women have claimed McCain sexually harassed them? How many for your hero.

The idea you equate the two demonstrates your disdain for our men & woman who served their country at time of war.


You can justify your hypocrisy all you want. It’s still hypocrisy.

Neither of these men is my hero.

Why do you feel the need to lie to defend your positions? If you are on the side of truth the truth will support you. If not, repent and seek the truth.

Divorce is divorce in your tunny little mind.

It does not make any difference if that marriage was stressed while serving your country or while sitting on your golden throne chearting on your pregnant wife. It makes no difference if it was once 40 years ago or an ongoing parade of porn stass & hookers.

Quit pretending you do not slobber all over Trump. You are here making an ass out of yourself defending him.
Yet, you guys have been calling McCain a saint, even though he cheated on his wife all over Washington DC.

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