Am I wrong to bet on my immune system instead of the Covid vaccine?

I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?

I'll probably get it, but I don't disparage people who don't. Or those who take a 'wait-and-see' attitude.

What bothers me is the propaganda war being waged to undermine, in general, our efforts to fight the pandemic.
That is interesting. What bothers Me is the propaganda war being waged to tell us we are all going to die unless we follwo the government recommendations --> to the letter.
I have been out in it everyday. Touched common surfaces dozens have touched every day, no prob. I'll stick with the supplement regimen I started yr and half before covid. Keeps the zinc and D levels higher than the norm. If I get a shot it probably would be the J&J single dose.
Well said. :thup: I have been around hundreds the last year.I have gone out of my way to try and get it,I can’t seem to get it no matter how hard I try.:abgg2q.jpg:
About 2o % of people where I live wear a mask. I know many who have had covid. 1 died, it was very early when he got it and he was in his 70's. Convenient stores , the cashiers don't wear a mask. With all the transactions they make in a day and are not infected nobody is worried. There were teenagers here months ago trying to get it and didnt.
I dont know what channels he has but he's telling me that vaccine deaths are not being reported.
Both my doctors refuse to give the jab. They send them to someone else with a referal because there are MANY deaths not being reported. The one doc said she is agog at pregnant women who come in who want the shot...when so many miscarriages are happening NOT being reported and if doctors do try to inform people, they are threatened with losing their licenses. So...the let someone else do it after giving advice of what they know to patients. Which is another reason I refuse that shot(s). Nope. Not gonna. I will be 69 in October. Some may consider me at risk due to my age. I don't.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?

I'll probably get it, but I don't disparage people who don't. Or those who take a 'wait-and-see' attitude.

What bothers me is the propaganda war being waged to undermine, in general, our efforts to fight the pandemic.
That is interesting. What bothers Me is the propaganda war being waged to tell us we are all going to die unless we follwo the government recommendations --> to the letter.
The government wants half of us all dead. And they have Gates to assist with his poison. He is like Mengele, but instead of doing his experiments here, he goes to India. News here will not report the deaths of his "vaccines", but you might get info from India news.
Wonder if they will report how many vaxxed die of it?
vaers report.jpg

This is the official counter "fact check" that is given by the establishment. . . just so folks can get both sides. You make up your own mind.

VAERS reports of adverse events in people who received COVID-19 vaccines don’t demonstrate that these events were caused by the vaccines; evidence does not indicate COVID-19 vaccines caused Bell’s palsy and deaths
18 of my friends & their families caught Covid-19. After months only 3 feel they got over it. 15 still have fatigue, brain fog, loss of stamina, or lack of smell. 2 were hospitalized for a week, but fortunately none of them died. So I prefer the vaccines low risk or minor side effects to the Major Permanent Damage Covid-19 will most likely cause.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
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I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I'll pass I'm 73 and with a host of medical problems. When they first started giving flu shots I always took the shot and always developed flu symptoms immediately afterward and then still likely as not caught the flu later on. So I quit taking them and caught the flu less often. Frankly too many people that I definitely do not trust seem far too determined that I will take the shot. I'll pass, thank you.
I have been out in it everyday. Touched common surfaces dozens have touched every day, no prob. I'll stick with the supplement regimen I started yr and half before covid. Keeps the zinc and D levels higher than the norm. If I get a shot it probably would be the J&J single dose.
Yep, I started taking zinc and vitamin D about 3 months ago just to "stack the deck", so to speak. I'm outside everyday getting the real vitamin D also either biking, running or golfing.
on the bottle you get at walgreens or wherever says take 1 tablet daily of 5mg..... the highly educated fellow who wrote the article on it takes 70 mg. I opted for 30mg after reading that...I had taken 5 mg daily for many years.
I take it every night. 15 mgs when I go to bed. I wake up every two hours, so I take 10mg more. Two hours later, 5mg. Two hours later, all the way up to around 4 or 5 am, another 5mg gummy. THEN I finally sleep for about 5 hours with no waking up if I am lucky.

I also take magnesium, calcium, b12, d3, vit c. Daily. Most are gummies. Some melt under the tongue. The zinc I get from the others that have it in it. My doctors (I have 2) both refused the jab. They are doing what I am doing, which is why I am now doing what I'm doing, lol. I feel fine...except for joint flareups and a stuffy nose from allergies due to all the pollen in the air now.
put this into your search engine, "boron micro-nutrient for joints"

I eat an organic apple every day. I read somewhere that apples that do not use commercial grade fertilizer are high in the micro-nutrient Boron. . .
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?

There's absolutely no reason to compromise a healthy immune system with a vaccine that could do more harm than good.
I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I don't think you are wrong or right, it truly is up to you.

I just would like you to consider the full circumstances that surround you...the whole picture that only you would know before you make your final decision of whether to get a shot or not...

Let me say first, it is Great that you are healthy and fairly young for what is considered a senior cit!

-As a healthy person, you very well may catch covid and even be Asymptomatic and not notice anything....and that is really great for you!

but what you need to also consider is any family or friends or coworkers that you have... could catch it from you and get very sick from it, if not die....and if your contacts catch it from you, they in turn could pass the covid infection on to their family members or friends that are vulnerable.

This is a disease, that is hard to stop from spreading.... if you caught it... it is near 100% that you also gave it to someone else, or two someone elses or three someone elses, according to studies, and if you catch the new variant from the UK it is likely that you will pass it on to more than three, they are estimating through studies that you will likely pass on the UK Covid infection to 7 other people and those 7other people to another 7 each, and so on and so forth....

On the other hand, it could be that you have no family or friends near you, and don't work anymore and don't go out that much, but the grocery store, and then... you wear a mask, you may not pass it on to someone else less healthy?

Or, enough of the people surrounding and in your space, have had vaccines already, and you likely won't pass it on to them?

Or it could be that you don't give a hoot about others, one way or another? ;)

-the other thing I'd like you to consider is that even if you and the young-uns that don't get sick and are healthy....

by catching covid, you give Covid a chance to replicate and create a mutation, a new variant that spreads faster than the UK variant which is spreading now in the USA at a faster rate than the original Covid strain that we got in the U.S initially.... and the more people, even healthy people who catch it but do not get really sick from it, covid can create a variant different from the one you caught, and when you pass on the virus to someone else which studies show it is likely, there is a chance it is a new variant a mutated version...that you are passing on to them and this gets repeated until one variant gets stronger than the preceding one...and takes over, and this is repeated over and over again.

Well, bottom line is, eventually the vaccines given to those who took them that are the high risk vulnerable, along with others....will reach a point where the vaccines given, no longer protect all of society because the virus has changed so many times that it's structure is different enough, that the vaccines won't work.....

You personally, may not need one, and your circumstances may also dictate that you really don't need to get one, you can wait until it is fully approved by the FDA or choose not to at all... what ever!

But, there could be more to this than just you...that you should also consider??
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I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?

Great way of looking at it and also Virus's aren't alive in the first place.
Some information to consider:

Dr Steven Hotze on the Covid-19 Vaccination




I'm in my 60s, quite healthy haven't had a cold in at least 2 years. I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. People don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true. So why would I monkey with a proven robust immune system with (IMO) an unproven vaccine? I know there are plenty of anti-vaxxers out there but I have no problem with people opting for it, particularly if they are old and/or unhealthy. Covid numbers are coming down but no one KNOWS that it is because of the vaccines. Viruses do die out, you know. So that's my opinion, what is yours on the vaccine?
I like you and will be honest !!
I strongly recommend you get the vaccine !!
There are very strong mutations coming and without the basic vaccine you may very well die .
The basic Covid can cause permanent damage to lungs , brain and heart
The mutations will be much more dangerous
You’re going to eventually get the virus and your age group puts you at high risk
I'll pass I'm 73 and with a host of medical problems. When they first started giving flu shots I always took the shot and always developed flu symptoms immediately afterward and then still likely as not caught the flu later on. So I quit taking them and caught the flu less often. Frankly too many people that I definitely do not trust seem far too determined that I will take the shot. I'll pass, thank you.
It’s a bad move !! You’re at extreme risk of catching it and not surviving
Talk to a doctor
This virus is no joke
Wonder if they will report how many vaxxed die of it?
You can query the VAERS database at CDC on just about any bad reaction, including death to a variety of vaccines. I did so, a week or so before my vaccination. Now VAERS queries me, daily on my phone by text message. I signed into the app on my Iphone the day I got vaccinated. They have checked on my status daily ever since. It is about 5 questions or so, checking on reactions, symptoms and basically how I feel.
If you do query the VAERS data base, I recommend you use WONDER, but I think you can get raw data directly into Excel if you are a gutton for punishment.


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