Amazing, Six Members of the Clown Car did WHAT?

Do you support institutional bigotry

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You're a liar.

Great response....almost on par with a Kosh response.

From the first link you provided:

BU Today: Has your research found that sexual orientation is biologically determined?
I think so. But nobody knows for sure what causes a person to be either gay or straight. It’s one of the great mysteries of science, at least of biological science.

From the 2nd:

Most psychoanalytic theories, however, stress the role of parental and family dynamics, not the society as a whole. Behaviorists believe that some sexual and gender identification differences result from roles imposed by family and friends upon children, such as the masculine and the feminine stereotypes. Problems with this are there is no evidence, social or biological, to support that homosexual children were raised differently than were the heterosexual children. Also, with reinforcement of gender identification norms, one would be led to logically deduce that all of the stereotype reinforcement would ensure a heterosexual outcome [7].

So, no, scientists do not believe that how a child is raised has anything to do with their sexual orientation. They do believe that environmental factors in the womb can be a factor. You are confusing environmental with socially acquired. Environment means anything that is not in our DNA at birth. (chemicals ingested by a pregnant woman, etc.)
So now your argument is with Kosh? Scientists don't believe children's environment plays a role? Which ones? Which scientist raised a set of children in a lab? It's psychologists that examines their lives and I posted a source that disagrees with you. People don't take you seriously because you are incredibly dishonest and prolific. You lie all the time. You ARE a lie.

You have a choice of religion

If your religion says you are not allowed to serve gays you are free to choose another one

If your religion says you are not permitted to serve gays, you are also free to retain your religion and then the only question becomes whether the government has the authority to compel you to do that which your religion forbids.

I can come up with some absurd examples, too. Like: you have a freedom of religion that "permits" you to bend to my will when some legislative act commands you to do so.

You chose that religion

Choose another one
And shall make no law interfering with the free exercise thereof.
Missed that part, eh?
Great response....almost on par with a Kosh response.

From the first link you provided:

BU Today: Has your research found that sexual orientation is biologically determined?
I think so. But nobody knows for sure what causes a person to be either gay or straight. It’s one of the great mysteries of science, at least of biological science.

From the 2nd:

Most psychoanalytic theories, however, stress the role of parental and family dynamics, not the society as a whole. Behaviorists believe that some sexual and gender identification differences result from roles imposed by family and friends upon children, such as the masculine and the feminine stereotypes. Problems with this are there is no evidence, social or biological, to support that homosexual children were raised differently than were the heterosexual children. Also, with reinforcement of gender identification norms, one would be led to logically deduce that all of the stereotype reinforcement would ensure a heterosexual outcome [7].

So, no, scientists do not believe that how a child is raised has anything to do with their sexual orientation. They do believe that environmental factors in the womb can be a factor. You are confusing environmental with socially acquired. Environment means anything that is not in our DNA at birth. (chemicals ingested by a pregnant woman, etc.)
So now your argument is with Kosh? Scientists don't believe children's environment plays a role? Which ones? Which scientist raised a set of children in a lab? It's psychologists that examines their lives and I posted a source that disagrees with you. People don't take you seriously because you are incredibly dishonest and prolific. You lie all the time. You ARE a lie.

You have a choice of religion

If your religion says you are not allowed to serve gays you are free to choose another one

If your religion says you are not permitted to serve gays, you are also free to retain your religion and then the only question becomes whether the government has the authority to compel you to do that which your religion forbids.

I can come up with some absurd examples, too. Like: you have a freedom of religion that "permits" you to bend to my will when some legislative act commands you to do so.

You chose that religion

Choose another one
And shall make no law interfering with the free exercise thereof.
Missed that part, eh?

Now you are getting it Rabbi!

That is why Government employees are not allowed to put their religious beliefs over their job responsibilities and why the law is unconstitutional
So now your argument is with Kosh? Scientists don't believe children's environment plays a role? Which ones? Which scientist raised a set of children in a lab? It's psychologists that examines their lives and I posted a source that disagrees with you. People don't take you seriously because you are incredibly dishonest and prolific. You lie all the time. You ARE a lie.

You have a choice of religion

If your religion says you are not allowed to serve gays you are free to choose another one

If your religion says you are not permitted to serve gays, you are also free to retain your religion and then the only question becomes whether the government has the authority to compel you to do that which your religion forbids.

I can come up with some absurd examples, too. Like: you have a freedom of religion that "permits" you to bend to my will when some legislative act commands you to do so.

You chose that religion

Choose another one
And shall make no law interfering with the free exercise thereof.
Missed that part, eh?

Now you are getting it Rabbi!

That is why Government employees are not allowed to put their religious beliefs over their job responsibilities and why the law is unconstitutional
No, you're not getting it. Religious rights are on a par with free speech rights. Gov't has no business dictating what you can and cant do in violation of your religious conscience.
You're a liar.

Great response....almost on par with a Kosh response.

From the first link you provided:

BU Today: Has your research found that sexual orientation is biologically determined?
I think so. But nobody knows for sure what causes a person to be either gay or straight. It’s one of the great mysteries of science, at least of biological science.

From the 2nd:

Most psychoanalytic theories, however, stress the role of parental and family dynamics, not the society as a whole. Behaviorists believe that some sexual and gender identification differences result from roles imposed by family and friends upon children, such as the masculine and the feminine stereotypes. Problems with this are there is no evidence, social or biological, to support that homosexual children were raised differently than were the heterosexual children. Also, with reinforcement of gender identification norms, one would be led to logically deduce that all of the stereotype reinforcement would ensure a heterosexual outcome [7].

So, no, scientists do not believe that how a child is raised has anything to do with their sexual orientation. They do believe that environmental factors in the womb can be a factor. You are confusing environmental with socially acquired. Environment means anything that is not in our DNA at birth. (chemicals ingested by a pregnant woman, etc.)
So now your argument is with Kosh? Scientists don't believe children's environment plays a role? Which ones? Which scientist raised a set of children in a lab? It's psychologists that examines their lives and I posted a source that disagrees with you. People don't take you seriously because you are incredibly dishonest and prolific. You lie all the time. You ARE a lie.

You have a choice of religion

If your religion says you are not allowed to serve gays you are free to choose another one

If your religion says you are not permitted to serve gays, you are also free to retain your religion and then the only question becomes whether the government has the authority to compel you to do that which your religion forbids.

I can come up with some absurd examples, too. Like: you have a freedom of religion that "permits" you to bend to my will when some legislative act commands you to do so.

You chose that religion

Choose another one

Actually, as is my right, I didn't choose any religion. But, even if I did, I would have no obligation to choose another one.

Instead, it might be that you have an obligation not to try to compel me to bend to your dopey will.

That whole '"freedom" thing eludes your conceptual grasp, leftwhiner.
Great response....almost on par with a Kosh response.

From the first link you provided:

BU Today: Has your research found that sexual orientation is biologically determined?
I think so. But nobody knows for sure what causes a person to be either gay or straight. It’s one of the great mysteries of science, at least of biological science.

From the 2nd:

Most psychoanalytic theories, however, stress the role of parental and family dynamics, not the society as a whole. Behaviorists believe that some sexual and gender identification differences result from roles imposed by family and friends upon children, such as the masculine and the feminine stereotypes. Problems with this are there is no evidence, social or biological, to support that homosexual children were raised differently than were the heterosexual children. Also, with reinforcement of gender identification norms, one would be led to logically deduce that all of the stereotype reinforcement would ensure a heterosexual outcome [7].

So, no, scientists do not believe that how a child is raised has anything to do with their sexual orientation. They do believe that environmental factors in the womb can be a factor. You are confusing environmental with socially acquired. Environment means anything that is not in our DNA at birth. (chemicals ingested by a pregnant woman, etc.)
So now your argument is with Kosh? Scientists don't believe children's environment plays a role? Which ones? Which scientist raised a set of children in a lab? It's psychologists that examines their lives and I posted a source that disagrees with you. People don't take you seriously because you are incredibly dishonest and prolific. You lie all the time. You ARE a lie.

You have a choice of religion

If your religion says you are not allowed to serve gays you are free to choose another one

If your religion says you are not permitted to serve gays, you are also free to retain your religion and then the only question becomes whether the government has the authority to compel you to do that which your religion forbids.

I can come up with some absurd examples, too. Like: you have a freedom of religion that "permits" you to bend to my will when some legislative act commands you to do so.

You chose that religion

Choose another one

Actually, as is my right, I didn't choose any religion. But, even if I did, I would have no obligation to choose another one.

Instead, it might be that you have an obligation not to try to compel me to bend to your dopey will.

That whole '"freedom" thing eludes your conceptual grasp, leftwhiner.

It is easier to change your religion than it is your sexual orientation

If your religion is causing you problems at work..
1. Get a new job
2. Get a new religion
So now your argument is with Kosh? Scientists don't believe children's environment plays a role? Which ones? Which scientist raised a set of children in a lab? It's psychologists that examines their lives and I posted a source that disagrees with you. People don't take you seriously because you are incredibly dishonest and prolific. You lie all the time. You ARE a lie.

You have a choice of religion

If your religion says you are not allowed to serve gays you are free to choose another one

If your religion says you are not permitted to serve gays, you are also free to retain your religion and then the only question becomes whether the government has the authority to compel you to do that which your religion forbids.

I can come up with some absurd examples, too. Like: you have a freedom of religion that "permits" you to bend to my will when some legislative act commands you to do so.

You chose that religion

Choose another one

Actually, as is my right, I didn't choose any religion. But, even if I did, I would have no obligation to choose another one.

Instead, it might be that you have an obligation not to try to compel me to bend to your dopey will.

That whole '"freedom" thing eludes your conceptual grasp, leftwhiner.

It is easier to change your religion than it is your sexual orientation

If your religion is causing you problems at work..
1. Get a new job
2. Get a new religion
Unfortuntaly for you the Supreme Court disagrees.
But that won't stop them for continually trying to push it down our throats.

No doubt. This pledge is simply throwing a little red meat to the religious right.

Quite frankly, I would love to see state and federal public accommodations laws scrapped almost entirely.

You would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to you based on the fact that you are gay?

I would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to any person and for whatever reason. If people find those business practices have objectionable than they will take their duckets elsewhere. If their business fails then they have no one to blame but themselves. I wouldn't to give my money to that business anyway.

What about those who live in remote rural areas? Places that are hundreds of miles from the nearest next town?

Areas that have only one store. That one store won't allow you inside to buy food just because you're gay.

Where are you going to get food or the necessities of life?

Or say the gas station? They won't let you get gas because you're gay. Where are you going to get gas?

Even though your tax dollars paid for the streets that the store owner uses for trucks to bring food and other life necessities to his store to sell. Even though your tax dollars is paying for the police and fire department that serve that store.

Or the private company that owns the electricity or natural gas that is used to electrify and heat homes? Is it fair that they deny you electricity or gas just because you're gay?

Do you think it's fair for someone to deny you food or gas or anything just because you're gay and you have no other place to get those things?

I already gave answers to these concerns. :thup:

So you advocate it's ok to discriminate against people.

So it's ok to deny electricity, heat, food gas and other things to gay people?

Do you realize that it can be applied to you too?

What would you do if someone bought the electric company in your area and decided they didn't want to sell electricity to you based on their religion?

How are you going to have electricity?

Or apply it to food, gas etc. What would you do if someone took that from you just because their version of their religion says you're bad?

Or how would you like it if a muslim denied you basic necessities of life based on your religion?

America doesn't condone discrimination. We have specific laws against it.

You have all the right in the world to believe what you want but you have absolutely no right to force it on anyone else and deny them basic necessities of life.
No doubt. This pledge is simply throwing a little red meat to the religious right.

Quite frankly, I would love to see state and federal public accommodations laws scrapped almost entirely.

You would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to you based on the fact that you are gay?

I would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to any person and for whatever reason. If people find those business practices have objectionable than they will take their duckets elsewhere. If their business fails then they have no one to blame but themselves. I wouldn't to give my money to that business anyway.

What about those who live in remote rural areas? Places that are hundreds of miles from the nearest next town?

Areas that have only one store. That one store won't allow you inside to buy food just because you're gay.

Where are you going to get food or the necessities of life?

Or say the gas station? They won't let you get gas because you're gay. Where are you going to get gas?

Even though your tax dollars paid for the streets that the store owner uses for trucks to bring food and other life necessities to his store to sell. Even though your tax dollars is paying for the police and fire department that serve that store.

Or the private company that owns the electricity or natural gas that is used to electrify and heat homes? Is it fair that they deny you electricity or gas just because you're gay?

Do you think it's fair for someone to deny you food or gas or anything just because you're gay and you have no other place to get those things?

I already gave answers to these concerns. :thup:

So you advocate it's ok to discriminate against people.

So it's ok to deny electricity, heat, food gas and other things to gay people?

Do you realize that it can be applied to you too?

What would you do if someone bought the electric company in your area and decided they didn't want to sell electricity to you based on their religion?

How are you going to have electricity?

Or apply it to food, gas etc. What would you do if someone took that from you just because their version of their religion says you're bad?

Or how would you like it if a muslim denied you basic necessities of life based on your religion?

America doesn't condone discrimination. We have specific laws against it.

You have all the right in the world to believe what you want but you have absolutely no right to force it on anyone else and deny them basic necessities of life.
Ah yes the old bogeyman.
If someone decided they wouldnt sell me something I'd buy it from someone who was happy to do so. Liberals just dont get that idea. Because in their world everything is a monopoly run by government license. In the real world capitalism makes discrimination expensive, so people dont engage in it.
So you advocate it's ok to discriminate against people.

So it's ok to deny electricity, heat, food gas and other things to gay people?

Do you realize that it can be applied to you too?

What would you do if someone bought the electric company in your area and decided they didn't want to sell electricity to you based on their religion?

How are you going to have electricity?

Or apply it to food, gas etc. What would you do if someone took that from you just because their version of their religion says you're bad?

Or how would you like it if a muslim denied you basic necessities of life based on your religion?

America doesn't condone discrimination. We have specific laws against it.

You have all the right in the world to believe what you want but you have absolutely no right to force it on anyone else and deny them basic necessities of life.
Sexual preference has only very recently been added. You people keep yapping like it was that way all along. That's bullshit. Utilities are controlled by government, it isn't the same as baking a gay cake. You guys are a joke.
So you advocate it's ok to discriminate against people.

So it's ok to deny electricity, heat, food gas and other things to gay people?

Do you realize that it can be applied to you too?

What would you do if someone bought the electric company in your area and decided they didn't want to sell electricity to you based on their religion?

How are you going to have electricity?

Or apply it to food, gas etc. What would you do if someone took that from you just because their version of their religion says you're bad?

Or how would you like it if a muslim denied you basic necessities of life based on your religion?

America doesn't condone discrimination. We have specific laws against it.

You have all the right in the world to believe what you want but you have absolutely no right to force it on anyone else and deny them basic necessities of life.
Sexual preference has only very recently been added. You people keep yapping like it was that way all along. That's bullshit. Utilities are controlled by government, it isn't the same as baking a gay cake. You guys are a joke.
They have no sense of proportion. If you want a laugh read the complaint by the carpet munchers against the bakery. If someone said they wouldnt sell you a cake, you'd go on and find someone else, right? Normal people do that. Not these gals. They claimed they needed counseling. They were depressed. They were suicidal. They reconsidered getting married. Because someone wouldnt bake a cake for them. One shudders to imagine what happens when a waiter tells them they are out of whatever they've ordered for dinner.
No doubt. This pledge is simply throwing a little red meat to the religious right.

Quite frankly, I would love to see state and federal public accommodations laws scrapped almost entirely.

You would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to you based on the fact that you are gay?

I would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to any person and for whatever reason. If people find those business practices have objectionable than they will take their duckets elsewhere. If their business fails then they have no one to blame but themselves. I wouldn't to give my money to that business anyway.

What about those who live in remote rural areas? Places that are hundreds of miles from the nearest next town?

Areas that have only one store. That one store won't allow you inside to buy food just because you're gay.

Where are you going to get food or the necessities of life?

Or say the gas station? They won't let you get gas because you're gay. Where are you going to get gas?

Even though your tax dollars paid for the streets that the store owner uses for trucks to bring food and other life necessities to his store to sell. Even though your tax dollars is paying for the police and fire department that serve that store.

Or the private company that owns the electricity or natural gas that is used to electrify and heat homes? Is it fair that they deny you electricity or gas just because you're gay?

Do you think it's fair for someone to deny you food or gas or anything just because you're gay and you have no other place to get those things?

I already gave answers to these concerns. :thup:

So you advocate it's ok to discriminate against people.

So it's ok to deny electricity, heat, food gas and other things to gay people?

Do you realize that it can be applied to you too?

What would you do if someone bought the electric company in your area and decided they didn't want to sell electricity to you based on their religion?

How are you going to have electricity?

Or apply it to food, gas etc. What would you do if someone took that from you just because their version of their religion says you're bad?

Or how would you like it if a muslim denied you basic necessities of life based on your religion?

America doesn't condone discrimination. We have specific laws against it.

You have all the right in the world to believe what you want but you have absolutely no right to force it on anyone else and deny them basic necessities of life.

Why don't actually read the whole thread instead asking a flurry of questions I've already covered? I never once stated anyone should be denied the basic services of life, if you had read the entire thread you would know that already.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
The hillbillies at the Oregon bakery will sell you a wedding cake for your fourth wedding if you are straight, but won't sell a lesbian one for her first wedding. Hypocrites.

Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
"Six of the Republican candidates vying for the presidency have signed a pledge promising to support legislation during their first 100 days in the White House that would use the guise of “religious liberty” to give individuals and businesses the right to openly discriminate against LGBT people.

"Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee vowed to push for the passage of the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), legislation that would prohibit the federal government from stopping discrimination by people or businesses that believe “marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman” or that “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.”
That sounds like they want to make gay sex illegal again. Talk about getting in people's bedrooms.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.

The hillbillies at the Oregon bakery will sell you a wedding cake for your fourth wedding if you are straight, but won't sell a lesbian one for her first wedding. Hypocrites.

You are the hypocrite, piss guzzler. Most Christians recognize divorce but not gay marriage.
For the hypocrites, biblically compliant marriage is one man and one woman, with a mistress on the side. Then you get divorced and spend years in the courts fighting over custody of the children. Then you both marry second spouses, and maybe go on to a third or fourth.

"Wait, is he my step-brother or my half-brother?"

Then you scream and howl that gays are going to ruin marriage.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.

How about that it goes for both sides.
Only those who are more internet savvy to all of the political news sites are the ones who really know the satarical websites.
There was plenty on the left here that did not know the Onion was a satire site either.

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