Amazing, Six Members of the Clown Car did WHAT?

Do you support institutional bigotry

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Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.

You have proved to be pretty gullible yourself at times.
It happens to us all at one time or another.
So one Muslim loans another Muslim some money, and he doesn't charge interest.

"SHARIA LAW!!!!", the hysterical scream.

A Muslim will only marry within the faith.

"SHARIA LAW!!!!", the hysterical scream.

A Muslim will only eat food that is kosher halal.

"SHARIA LAW!!!!", the hysterical scream.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.

You have proved to be pretty gullible yourself at times.
It happens to us all at one time or another.
Some far more than others, rube.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.

How about that it goes for both sides.
Only those who are more internet savvy to all of the political news sites are the ones who really know the satarical websites.

You are admitting you don't have a bullshit detector.

You bleeved it because you WANTED TO BLEEV IT.

99 percent of a con is done inside the head of the rube.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.

Wait. So now your standard is "If I cant show you infidels being beheaded then that means there is no sharia law being implemented"? I want to get this clear before I humiliate you so you dont start moving the goalposts.
Is your idea that unless people are being beheaded there is no sharia law?
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.


How about you actually read some of our court cases?
Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases
Our findings suggest that Shariah law has entered into state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy. Some commentators have said there are no more than one or two cases of Shariah law in U.S. state court cases; yet we found 50 significant cases just from the small sample of appellate published cases. Others state with certainty that state court judges will always reject any foreign law, including Shariah law, when it conflicts with the Constitution or state public policy; yet we found 15 Trial Court cases, and 12 Appellate Court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in the case at bar. The facts are the facts: some judges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with Constitutional protections. This is a serious issue and should be a subject of public debate and engagement by policymakers.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.

Wait. So now your standard is "If I cant show you infidels being beheaded then that means there is no sharia law being implemented"? I want to get this clear before I humiliate you so you dont start moving the goalposts.
Is your idea that unless people are being beheaded there is no sharia law?
You dipshits imply they are somehow violating US law. The beheading of an infidel was illustrative.

So go ahead. Explain "sharia law" and then show where it is being implement in contravention to US law. Eating halal meat is not against US law. Just ask the Jews.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.

Wait. So now your standard is "If I cant show you infidels being beheaded then that means there is no sharia law being implemented"? I want to get this clear before I humiliate you so you dont start moving the goalposts.
Is your idea that unless people are being beheaded there is no sharia law?
You dipshits imply they are somehow violating US law. The beheading of an infidel was illustrative.

So go ahead. Explain "sharia law" and then show where it is being implement in contravention to US law. Eating halal meat is not against US law. Just ask the Jews.
OK so now your standard is "It's not sharia law if it doesnt conflict with US law." Is that right?
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.


How about you actually read some of our court cases?
Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases
Our findings suggest that Shariah law has entered into state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy. Some commentators have said there are no more than one or two cases of Shariah law in U.S. state court cases; yet we found 50 significant cases just from the small sample of appellate published cases. Others state with certainty that state court judges will always reject any foreign law, including Shariah law, when it conflicts with the Constitution or state public policy; yet we found 15 Trial Court cases, and 12 Appellate Court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in the case at bar. The facts are the facts: some judges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with Constitutional protections. This is a serious issue and should be a subject of public debate and engagement by policymakers.
Show me a specific case.
Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.

Wait. So now your standard is "If I cant show you infidels being beheaded then that means there is no sharia law being implemented"? I want to get this clear before I humiliate you so you dont start moving the goalposts.
Is your idea that unless people are being beheaded there is no sharia law?
You dipshits imply they are somehow violating US law. The beheading of an infidel was illustrative.

So go ahead. Explain "sharia law" and then show where it is being implement in contravention to US law. Eating halal meat is not against US law. Just ask the Jews.
OK so now your standard is "It's not sharia law if it doesnt conflict with US law." Is that right?
A lot of people have tried to violate US law using their religion as an excuse. The Oregon bakery for example. Polygamous Mormons, for another example.

So it would not surprise me if a Muslim tried the same. What matters is the ultimate outcome. Did US law prevail.

Reading Peach's link, I have read the first four cases so far, and US law prevailed in each of them. One guy thought he should be able to beat his wife, but US law prevailed.

In the second, US international agreements (comity) prevailed.

In the third, contract law prevailed. Dumb shit signed a pre-nup without knowing what was in it.

In the fourth, contract law and comity prevailed.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.

How about that it goes for both sides.
Only those who are more internet savvy to all of the political news sites are the ones who really know the satarical websites.

You are admitting you don't have a bullshit detector.

You bleeved it because you WANTED TO BLEEV IT.

99 percent of a con is done inside the head of the rube.

I know you are very good at bullshitting.
Nope was in a hurry and typed in the question has shira law been emplimented in America and that site came up.
My mistake was I did not read anything else on that page.
That is what happens when you don't look into things throughly before posting.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.

Wait. So now your standard is "If I cant show you infidels being beheaded then that means there is no sharia law being implemented"? I want to get this clear before I humiliate you so you dont start moving the goalposts.
Is your idea that unless people are being beheaded there is no sharia law?
You dipshits imply they are somehow violating US law. The beheading of an infidel was illustrative.

So go ahead. Explain "sharia law" and then show where it is being implement in contravention to US law. Eating halal meat is not against US law. Just ask the Jews.
OK so now your standard is "It's not sharia law if it doesnt conflict with US law." Is that right?
A lot of people have tried to violate US law using their religion as an excuse. The Oregon bakery for example. Polygamous Mormons, for another example.

So it would not surprise me if a Muslim tried the same. What matters it he ultimate outcome. Did US law prevail.

Reading Peach's link, I have read the first three cases so far, and US law prevailed in each of them. One guy thought he should be able to beat his wife, but US law prevailed.

In the second, US international agreements (comity) prevailed.

In the third, contract law prevailed. Dumb shit signed a pre-nup without knowing what was in it.
OK so you have no idea what sharia law is and you dont care it is being implemented in the US. Thanks for clearing that up.
Reading the court cases in peach's link, we find that "Sharia Law" does not succeed in violating the US Constitution any more than Bilblical Law did in Oregon or Kentucky.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.

Wait. So now your standard is "If I cant show you infidels being beheaded then that means there is no sharia law being implemented"? I want to get this clear before I humiliate you so you dont start moving the goalposts.
Is your idea that unless people are being beheaded there is no sharia law?
You dipshits imply they are somehow violating US law. The beheading of an infidel was illustrative.

So go ahead. Explain "sharia law" and then show where it is being implement in contravention to US law. Eating halal meat is not against US law. Just ask the Jews.
OK so now your standard is "It's not sharia law if it doesnt conflict with US law." Is that right?
A lot of people have tried to violate US law using their religion as an excuse. The Oregon bakery for example. Polygamous Mormons, for another example.

So it would not surprise me if a Muslim tried the same. What matters it he ultimate outcome. Did US law prevail.

Reading Peach's link, I have read the first three cases so far, and US law prevailed in each of them. One guy thought he should be able to beat his wife, but US law prevailed.

In the second, US international agreements (comity) prevailed.

In the third, contract law prevailed. Dumb shit signed a pre-nup without knowing what was in it.
OK so you have no idea what sharia law is and you dont care it is being implemented in the US. Thanks for clearing that up.
It is not implemented, dumbass.

Read the court cases. In every case, the US constitution prevailed. Just because the Muslim in question didn't lose every time pisses you off doesn't mean sharia law "is being implemented".

When a Muslim won in those cases, it was because of straightforward contract law. One idiot signed a pre-nup without knowing what it said. You are a fool if you think that means "sharia law is being implemented".
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

Oh. My. God. I am constantly surprised by how many people are stupid enough to bleev this kind of manufactured bullshit.

The desire to believe is a powerful force exploited by your propaganda ministries.
Do you think they have not implemented some elements of sharia law in places? The ignorance is strong in this one.
Like I said. I am constantly amazed at the gullibility of you goldfish.

So how about this. Explain "sharia law", and then show me an example where it takes place in America. Show me infidels being beheaded and it being allowed here.


How about you actually read some of our court cases?
Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases
Our findings suggest that Shariah law has entered into state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy. Some commentators have said there are no more than one or two cases of Shariah law in U.S. state court cases; yet we found 50 significant cases just from the small sample of appellate published cases. Others state with certainty that state court judges will always reject any foreign law, including Shariah law, when it conflicts with the Constitution or state public policy; yet we found 15 Trial Court cases, and 12 Appellate Court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in the case at bar. The facts are the facts: some judges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with Constitutional protections. This is a serious issue and should be a subject of public debate and engagement by policymakers.
Show me a specific case.

Here is the booklet.
The cases are listed in it by each State.
So here are the facts of the contract law case of which I was speaking.

An American Muslim man marries an Arab Muslim woman. In Sharia Law, the husband is supposed to provide a dowry. The woman had a pre-nuptial contract drawn up, and it included a provision whereby the husband would pay his bride $20,000 at a future date. The contract was written in Arabic, and the American doesn't read Arabic, but he signed it anyway.

That's what's called an "ironclad contract" boys and girls. Ignorance is no excuse. "I didn't read it" is no excuse.

They were married in an Islamic ceremony and a civil ceremony. A few month later, the wife was kicked out of the house and she filed for divorce.

During the divorce proceedings, she insisted she was due the dowry in accordance with the contract.

She was correct, and was awarded the dowry.

None of this violates the US Constitution. It is a basic first year law student contract case.
Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.
Biblical law? You don't know the first thing about it! Go play with your dildos, you have nothing of value to offer here.
Matthew 19:9.
Haha, another biblical scholar! Matthew is in the NT, not Torah!
Do you think the Oregon hillbillies are biblical scholars?


Does Matthew 19:9 say if you remarry you are committing adultery, or not?

It's very straightforward, willfully blind hypocrite.

This is JESUS HIMSELF speaking: I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.
Wait. So now your standard is "If I cant show you infidels being beheaded then that means there is no sharia law being implemented"? I want to get this clear before I humiliate you so you dont start moving the goalposts.
Is your idea that unless people are being beheaded there is no sharia law?
You dipshits imply they are somehow violating US law. The beheading of an infidel was illustrative.

So go ahead. Explain "sharia law" and then show where it is being implement in contravention to US law. Eating halal meat is not against US law. Just ask the Jews.
OK so now your standard is "It's not sharia law if it doesnt conflict with US law." Is that right?
A lot of people have tried to violate US law using their religion as an excuse. The Oregon bakery for example. Polygamous Mormons, for another example.

So it would not surprise me if a Muslim tried the same. What matters it he ultimate outcome. Did US law prevail.

Reading Peach's link, I have read the first three cases so far, and US law prevailed in each of them. One guy thought he should be able to beat his wife, but US law prevailed.

In the second, US international agreements (comity) prevailed.

In the third, contract law prevailed. Dumb shit signed a pre-nup without knowing what was in it.
OK so you have no idea what sharia law is and you dont care it is being implemented in the US. Thanks for clearing that up.
It is not implemented, dumbass.

Read the court cases. In every case, the US constitution prevailed. Just because the Muslim in question didn't lose every time pisses you off doesn't mean sharia law "is being implemented".

When a Muslim won in those cases, it was because of straightforward contract law. One idiot signed a pre-nup without knowing what it said. You are a fool if you think that means "sharia law is being implemented".
So in your mind sharia is not implemented unless it 1) violates US law, and 2) is not overturned.
Is that about right?
Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.
Biblical law? You don't know the first thing about it! Go play with your dildos, you have nothing of value to offer here.
Matthew 19:9.
Haha, another biblical scholar! Matthew is in the NT, not Torah!
Do you think the Oregon hillbillies are biblical scholars?


Does Matthew 19:9 say if you remarry you are committing adultery, or not?

It's very straightforward, willfully blind hypocrite.
Wow who appointed you Archbishop of Canterbury?

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