Amazing, Six Members of the Clown Car did WHAT?

Do you support institutional bigotry

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Yeah, I'm sure this law allows for the Muslim DMV worker to refuse to issue licenses to women, right?

Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

There aren't any cities that have "implemented Sharia Law". Very stupid people fell for a satirical website.

And please, by all means, explain to me how such a law would allow a bigoted KY Clerk to deny marriage licenses to gays and not allow a bigoted Muslim clerk to deny driver's licenses to women?

I did not know that National Report was a satirical site. Thanks for the info.
Also Sharia Law does not forbid women to drive.
We are not Saudi Arabia where it is forbidden and that law over there is not based on their religion.

Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.

In Saudi Arabia, they interpret Sharia law to do just that. From wiki:

Many conservative Saudi women do not support loosening traditional gender roles and restrictions, on the grounds that Saudi Arabia is the closest thing to an "ideal and pure Islamic nation," and under threat from "imported Western values".[12]

Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian peninsula

So stop dodging. Why should this law allow a bigoted clerk not to issue a marriage license to gays, but not allow a Muslim to deny driver's licenses?

Maybe if you could actually find a Muslim American who would want to deny drivers licenses to women.
I don't know of any do you?

Duck and dodge, duck and dodge.

It would more likely apply to all Christians, Jews and Muslims who's religion teaches that homosexuality is sinful, than it would be for not wanting women to drive.

Well lookie there, you just caught on. It's a law about fag hating and nothing more. It's not about "religious freedom", it's about hating gays.
But that won't stop them for continually trying to push it down our throats.

No doubt. This pledge is simply throwing a little red meat to the religious right.

Quite frankly, I would love to see state and federal public accommodations laws scrapped almost entirely.

You would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to you based on the fact that you are gay?

I would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to any person and for whatever reason. If people find those business practices objectionable than they will take their duckets elsewhere. If their business fails then they have no one to blame but themselves. I wouldn't to give my money to that business anyway.
But that won't stop them for continually trying to push it down our throats.

No doubt. This pledge is simply throwing a little red meat to the religious right.

Quite frankly, I would love to see state and federal public accommodations laws scrapped almost entirely.

You would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to you based on the fact that you are gay?

I would like businesses to be permitted to deny service to any person and for whatever reason. If people find those business practices objectionable than they will take their duckets elsewhere. If their business fails then they have no one to blame but themselves. I wouldn't to give my money to that business anyway.

I hope you never run out of gas in a small town where the owners of the two gas stations both think you are an abomination. It's OK. You can always walk. No harm done.

Businesses have responsibilities as well as rights. One of them is that they need to serve everyone regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation or gender. It's one of the ways we all contribute to a civil society.

It's cool to be super libertarian and all.....but it's unworkable.

My state offers no such protections for gays now and I've never once had any issues. Besides, how in the hell would they even know I was gay in first place?

So because you're not inconvenienced it's ok to do that to someone else right?
I did not know that National Report was a satirical site.

How could you not? The headline today is:


I mean, seriously...:rolleyes:

I don't read nor know the website.
Just like many did not know the Onion was one.
All I did was type in where in America is Sharia Law implemented and that came up.

Oh, so you were lazy.

Don't see how you came to that conclusion.
Yeah, I'm sure this law allows for the Muslim DMV worker to refuse to issue licenses to women, right?

Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

There aren't any cities that have "implemented Sharia Law". Very stupid people fell for a satirical website.

And please, by all means, explain to me how such a law would allow a bigoted KY Clerk to deny marriage licenses to gays and not allow a bigoted Muslim clerk to deny driver's licenses to women?

I did not know that National Report was a satirical site. Thanks for the info.
Also Sharia Law does not forbid women to drive.
We are not Saudi Arabia where it is forbidden and that law over there is not based on their religion.

Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.

In Saudi Arabia, they interpret Sharia law to do just that. From wiki:

Many conservative Saudi women do not support loosening traditional gender roles and restrictions, on the grounds that Saudi Arabia is the closest thing to an "ideal and pure Islamic nation," and under threat from "imported Western values".[12]

Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian peninsula

So stop dodging. Why should this law allow a bigoted clerk not to issue a marriage license to gays, but not allow a Muslim to deny driver's licenses?

Maybe if you could actually find a Muslim American who would want to deny drivers licenses to women.
I don't know of any do you?
It would more likely apply to all Christians, Jews and Muslims who's religion teaches that homosexuality is sinful, than it would be for not wanting women to drive.

You are passig a law that says Muslims in the government are allowed to put their religious beliefs above the law. Forget about drivers licenses for now. Can a Muslim refuse to sign a marriage certificate for a jew or mixed faith marriage?
Can a Christian refuse a wedding license to a bride that is pregnant?

Is that the country you are proposing?
Nobody said it was genetic. What scientists say is that there is a genetic predisposition for sexual orientation, but there is no single "gay gene".

Male Sexual Orientation Influenced by Genes, Study Shows

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation

The Science of Sexual Orientation

The one thing that scientiest in the field all agree upon? That sexual orientation is not chosen.
That's a lie. Scientists do not all agree, that's your faith speaking. Some people are naturally more masculine or feminine but human sexuality is complex. The environment the child is raised in plays a huge role. So they may be influenced by no fault of their own but to pretend it's like race or gender is wrong.

Okay, you find me an actual scientist that does not' agree.

Just an "FYI", the scientists from NARTH have been discredited by the scientific community.

And no, the environment raised in does not play any role.
Strawman alert. You made a claim all scientists agree people have no choice. I called you on it now you want to drag NARTH into your cellpool.


NARTH is not credible. They have been universally panned by the scientific community.

Snake oil salesmen are not pharmacists. See a real doctor.

But hey, by all means, post your studies that prove being gay is a choice.
Hey asshole. What does this have to with NARTH? Put your dildo down and go start another thread. You are full of shit, you wanted one, you got one:

Nature vs. Nurture: The Biology of Sexuality | BU Today | Boston University
Pillard and Bailey examined identical and fraternal twin brothers—as well as nonrelated brothers who had been adopted—in an effort to see if there was a genetic explanation for homosexuality. They found that if one identical twin was gay, 52 percent of the time the other was also; the figure was 22 percent for fraternal twins, and only 5 percent for nonrelated adopted brothers. Pillard and Bailey’s findings have been debated in the intervening decades.

Pillard is quick to point out that much about how sexual orientation is determined remains a mystery. “It’s really hard to come up with any definite statement about the situation,” he says. “I think some sort of genetic influence seems very likely, but beyond that, what really can we say? And the answer is: not a lot.”

:lol: You didn't read through the whole thing you posted did you?

BU Today: Has your research found that sexual orientation is biologically determined?
I think so. But nobody knows for sure what causes a person to be either gay or straight. It’s one of the great mysteries of science, at least of biological science.

And since you brought up twins:

Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers

Sexual orientation is not a choice. The only choice is in acting upon our natural inclinations.
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

There aren't any cities that have "implemented Sharia Law". Very stupid people fell for a satirical website.

And please, by all means, explain to me how such a law would allow a bigoted KY Clerk to deny marriage licenses to gays and not allow a bigoted Muslim clerk to deny driver's licenses to women?

I did not know that National Report was a satirical site. Thanks for the info.
Also Sharia Law does not forbid women to drive.
We are not Saudi Arabia where it is forbidden and that law over there is not based on their religion.

Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.

In Saudi Arabia, they interpret Sharia law to do just that. From wiki:

Many conservative Saudi women do not support loosening traditional gender roles and restrictions, on the grounds that Saudi Arabia is the closest thing to an "ideal and pure Islamic nation," and under threat from "imported Western values".[12]

Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian peninsula

So stop dodging. Why should this law allow a bigoted clerk not to issue a marriage license to gays, but not allow a Muslim to deny driver's licenses?

Maybe if you could actually find a Muslim American who would want to deny drivers licenses to women.
I don't know of any do you?
It would more likely apply to all Christians, Jews and Muslims who's religion teaches that homosexuality is sinful, than it would be for not wanting women to drive.

You are passig a law that says Muslims in the government are allowed to put their religious beliefs above the law. Forget about drivers licenses for now. Can a Muslim refuse to sign a marriage certificate for a jew or mixed faith marriage?
Can a Christian refuse a wedding license to a bride that is pregnant?

Is that the country you are proposing?

Christians have never refused marriage to a bride that is pregnant.
Haven't you ever heard of shot gun weddings?

I am proposing laws that are equal for all, not give rights to one that takes away rights of others.
That's a lie. Scientists do not all agree, that's your faith speaking. Some people are naturally more masculine or feminine but human sexuality is complex. The environment the child is raised in plays a huge role. So they may be influenced by no fault of their own but to pretend it's like race or gender is wrong.

Okay, you find me an actual scientist that does not' agree.

Just an "FYI", the scientists from NARTH have been discredited by the scientific community.

And no, the environment raised in does not play any role.
Strawman alert. You made a claim all scientists agree people have no choice. I called you on it now you want to drag NARTH into your cellpool.


NARTH is not credible. They have been universally panned by the scientific community.

Snake oil salesmen are not pharmacists. See a real doctor.

But hey, by all means, post your studies that prove being gay is a choice.
Hey asshole. What does this have to with NARTH? Put your dildo down and go start another thread. You are full of shit, you wanted one, you got one:

Nature vs. Nurture: The Biology of Sexuality | BU Today | Boston University
Pillard and Bailey examined identical and fraternal twin brothers—as well as nonrelated brothers who had been adopted—in an effort to see if there was a genetic explanation for homosexuality. They found that if one identical twin was gay, 52 percent of the time the other was also; the figure was 22 percent for fraternal twins, and only 5 percent for nonrelated adopted brothers. Pillard and Bailey’s findings have been debated in the intervening decades.

Pillard is quick to point out that much about how sexual orientation is determined remains a mystery. “It’s really hard to come up with any definite statement about the situation,” he says. “I think some sort of genetic influence seems very likely, but beyond that, what really can we say? And the answer is: not a lot.”

:lol: You didn't read through the whole thing you posted did you?

BU Today: Has your research found that sexual orientation is biologically determined?
I think so. But nobody knows for sure what causes a person to be either gay or straight. It’s one of the great mysteries of science, at least of biological science.

And since you brought up twins:

Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers

Sexual orientation is not a choice. The only choice is in acting upon our natural inclinations.
That isn't what it says! He said he thinks so, that means there isn't evidence. Hello? You ignored everything else because you are a dishonest militant homosexual asshole. And that's a life choice. 'Seems to be' isn't evidence.

Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture | AllPsych
While all of this scientific experimentation and conclusion seems evidentiary, sociobehaviorists are not convinced. This opposing point-of-view proposes that homosexuality is the result of environmental factors, not biological ones. Most social theorists see childhood elements as the largest contributing factors to homosexuality. Often they examine childhood play patterns, early peer interactions and relations, differences in parental behavior toward male and female children, and the role of gender constancy in the household [9].
Last edited:
Maybe, but only in the cities who have implemented Sharia Law like Dearborn Michigan.
Very stupid move by that city council by the way.

There aren't any cities that have "implemented Sharia Law". Very stupid people fell for a satirical website.

And please, by all means, explain to me how such a law would allow a bigoted KY Clerk to deny marriage licenses to gays and not allow a bigoted Muslim clerk to deny driver's licenses to women?

I did not know that National Report was a satirical site. Thanks for the info.
Also Sharia Law does not forbid women to drive.
We are not Saudi Arabia where it is forbidden and that law over there is not based on their religion.

Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.

In Saudi Arabia, they interpret Sharia law to do just that. From wiki:

Many conservative Saudi women do not support loosening traditional gender roles and restrictions, on the grounds that Saudi Arabia is the closest thing to an "ideal and pure Islamic nation," and under threat from "imported Western values".[12]

Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian peninsula

So stop dodging. Why should this law allow a bigoted clerk not to issue a marriage license to gays, but not allow a Muslim to deny driver's licenses?

Maybe if you could actually find a Muslim American who would want to deny drivers licenses to women.
I don't know of any do you?

Duck and dodge, duck and dodge.

It would more likely apply to all Christians, Jews and Muslims who's religion teaches that homosexuality is sinful, than it would be for not wanting women to drive.

Well lookie there, you just caught on. It's a law about fag hating and nothing more. It's not about "religious freedom", it's about hating gays.

No it's about being sinful, all sins, not hate to anyone.
Or say the gas station? They won't let you get gas because you're gay. Where are you going to get gas?
You can move if no one will sell you food or gas. Now if you are talking about chaining a homosexual to a lamp post I'd agree with you.
Ah...gays can move or starve. Nice, bigot. You a Christian?
Ah, you need a group to attack. That's what militant assholes do. Yes, move or starve if you are too stupid to move. Governments taking over people's lives is far worse.
I did not know that National Report was a satirical site.

How could you not? The headline today is:


I mean, seriously...:rolleyes:

I don't read nor know the website.
Just like many did not know the Onion was one.
All I did was type in where in America is Sharia Law implemented and that came up.

Oh, so you were lazy.

Don't see how you came to that conclusion.

You saw a google return and didn't bother clicking on the link. Lazy.
Okay, you find me an actual scientist that does not' agree.

Just an "FYI", the scientists from NARTH have been discredited by the scientific community.

And no, the environment raised in does not play any role.
Strawman alert. You made a claim all scientists agree people have no choice. I called you on it now you want to drag NARTH into your cellpool.


NARTH is not credible. They have been universally panned by the scientific community.

Snake oil salesmen are not pharmacists. See a real doctor.

But hey, by all means, post your studies that prove being gay is a choice.
Hey asshole. What does this have to with NARTH? Put your dildo down and go start another thread. You are full of shit, you wanted one, you got one:

Nature vs. Nurture: The Biology of Sexuality | BU Today | Boston University
Pillard and Bailey examined identical and fraternal twin brothers—as well as nonrelated brothers who had been adopted—in an effort to see if there was a genetic explanation for homosexuality. They found that if one identical twin was gay, 52 percent of the time the other was also; the figure was 22 percent for fraternal twins, and only 5 percent for nonrelated adopted brothers. Pillard and Bailey’s findings have been debated in the intervening decades.

Pillard is quick to point out that much about how sexual orientation is determined remains a mystery. “It’s really hard to come up with any definite statement about the situation,” he says. “I think some sort of genetic influence seems very likely, but beyond that, what really can we say? And the answer is: not a lot.”

:lol: You didn't read through the whole thing you posted did you?

BU Today: Has your research found that sexual orientation is biologically determined?
I think so. But nobody knows for sure what causes a person to be either gay or straight. It’s one of the great mysteries of science, at least of biological science.

And since you brought up twins:

Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers

Sexual orientation is not a choice. The only choice is in acting upon our natural inclinations.
That isn't what it says! He said he thinks so, that means there isn't evidence. Hello? You ignored everything else because you are a dishonest militant homosexual asshole. And that's a life choice. 'Seems to be' isn't evidence.

Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture | AllPsych
While all of this scientific experimentation and conclusion seems evidentiary, sociobehaviorists are not convinced. This opposing point-of-view proposes that homosexuality is the result of environmental factors, not biological ones. Most social theorists see childhood elements as the largest contributing factors to homosexuality. Often they examine childhood play patterns, early peer interactions and relations, differences in parental behavior toward male and female children, and the role of gender constancy in the household [9].

You really should read completely through everything you link to:

Most psychoanalytic theories, however, stress the role of parental and family dynamics, not the society as a whole. Behaviorists believe that some sexual and gender identification differences result from roles imposed by family and friends upon children, such as the masculine and the feminine stereotypes. Problems with this are there is no evidence, social or biological, to support that homosexual children were raised differently than were the heterosexual children. Also, with reinforcement of gender identification norms, one would be led to logically deduce that all of the stereotype reinforcement would ensure a heterosexual outcome [7].

Also, try something that has come out in the last, oh five years. Your link is over a decade old.
There aren't any cities that have "implemented Sharia Law". Very stupid people fell for a satirical website.

And please, by all means, explain to me how such a law would allow a bigoted KY Clerk to deny marriage licenses to gays and not allow a bigoted Muslim clerk to deny driver's licenses to women?

I did not know that National Report was a satirical site. Thanks for the info.
Also Sharia Law does not forbid women to drive.
We are not Saudi Arabia where it is forbidden and that law over there is not based on their religion.

Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.

In Saudi Arabia, they interpret Sharia law to do just that. From wiki:

Many conservative Saudi women do not support loosening traditional gender roles and restrictions, on the grounds that Saudi Arabia is the closest thing to an "ideal and pure Islamic nation," and under threat from "imported Western values".[12]

Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian peninsula

So stop dodging. Why should this law allow a bigoted clerk not to issue a marriage license to gays, but not allow a Muslim to deny driver's licenses?

Maybe if you could actually find a Muslim American who would want to deny drivers licenses to women.
I don't know of any do you?
It would more likely apply to all Christians, Jews and Muslims who's religion teaches that homosexuality is sinful, than it would be for not wanting women to drive.

You are passig a law that says Muslims in the government are allowed to put their religious beliefs above the law. Forget about drivers licenses for now. Can a Muslim refuse to sign a marriage certificate for a jew or mixed faith marriage?
Can a Christian refuse a wedding license to a bride that is pregnant?

Is that the country you are proposing?

Christians have never refused marriage to a bride that is pregnant.
Haven't you ever heard of shot gun weddings?

I am proposing laws that are equal for all, not give rights to one that takes away rights of others.

Why haven't they?

The bible has firm laws against adultery. Why draw the line only at gays?
If you pass the law, it has to apply to all religious beliefs in not just the private sector but the public sector. You can't just pass a "we hate fags" law
There aren't any cities that have "implemented Sharia Law". Very stupid people fell for a satirical website.

And please, by all means, explain to me how such a law would allow a bigoted KY Clerk to deny marriage licenses to gays and not allow a bigoted Muslim clerk to deny driver's licenses to women?

I did not know that National Report was a satirical site. Thanks for the info.
Also Sharia Law does not forbid women to drive.
We are not Saudi Arabia where it is forbidden and that law over there is not based on their religion.

Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.

In Saudi Arabia, they interpret Sharia law to do just that. From wiki:

Many conservative Saudi women do not support loosening traditional gender roles and restrictions, on the grounds that Saudi Arabia is the closest thing to an "ideal and pure Islamic nation," and under threat from "imported Western values".[12]

Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian peninsula

So stop dodging. Why should this law allow a bigoted clerk not to issue a marriage license to gays, but not allow a Muslim to deny driver's licenses?

Maybe if you could actually find a Muslim American who would want to deny drivers licenses to women.
I don't know of any do you?

Duck and dodge, duck and dodge.

It would more likely apply to all Christians, Jews and Muslims who's religion teaches that homosexuality is sinful, than it would be for not wanting women to drive.

Well lookie there, you just caught on. It's a law about fag hating and nothing more. It's not about "religious freedom", it's about hating gays.

No it's about being sinful, all sins, not hate to anyone.

If that were true, you'd hear about bakers refusing to bake for divorced couples, fat couples, couples with children, etc.

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings

We are not fooled. It's about hating gays, nothing more.
There aren't any cities that have "implemented Sharia Law". Very stupid people fell for a satirical website.

And please, by all means, explain to me how such a law would allow a bigoted KY Clerk to deny marriage licenses to gays and not allow a bigoted Muslim clerk to deny driver's licenses to women?

I did not know that National Report was a satirical site. Thanks for the info.
Also Sharia Law does not forbid women to drive.
We are not Saudi Arabia where it is forbidden and that law over there is not based on their religion.

Where does biblical law allow refusing service? Is that what Jesus would have done? Nope...he's bake the gay cake and turn their water into wine.

In Saudi Arabia, they interpret Sharia law to do just that. From wiki:

Many conservative Saudi women do not support loosening traditional gender roles and restrictions, on the grounds that Saudi Arabia is the closest thing to an "ideal and pure Islamic nation," and under threat from "imported Western values".[12]

Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian peninsula

So stop dodging. Why should this law allow a bigoted clerk not to issue a marriage license to gays, but not allow a Muslim to deny driver's licenses?

Maybe if you could actually find a Muslim American who would want to deny drivers licenses to women.
I don't know of any do you?
It would more likely apply to all Christians, Jews and Muslims who's religion teaches that homosexuality is sinful, than it would be for not wanting women to drive.

You are passig a law that says Muslims in the government are allowed to put their religious beliefs above the law. Forget about drivers licenses for now. Can a Muslim refuse to sign a marriage certificate for a jew or mixed faith marriage?
Can a Christian refuse a wedding license to a bride that is pregnant?

Is that the country you are proposing?

Christians have never refused marriage to a bride that is pregnant.
Haven't you ever heard of shot gun weddings?

I am proposing laws that are equal for all, not give rights to one that takes away rights of others.

See...even you admit it's all about hating gays. Premarital sex is a sin.
Or say the gas station? They won't let you get gas because you're gay. Where are you going to get gas?
You can move if no one will sell you food or gas. Now if you are talking about chaining a homosexual to a lamp post I'd agree with you.
Ah...gays can move or starve. Nice, bigot. You a Christian?
Ah, you need a group to attack. That's what militant assholes do. Yes, move or starve if you are too stupid to move. Governments taking over people's lives is far worse.

Public Accommodation laws do not equate to the government "taking over people's lives". Again, we've had PA laws since the 60s, Rip Van Winkle. You are just now waking up to them because in a few places they ALSO protect gays?

And this law that these Presidential candidates are supporting would allow government services to be denied gays.
When have we ever allowed personal religious beliefs to take precidence over public law?

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