Amazing, Six Members of the Clown Car did WHAT?

Do you support institutional bigotry

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The poll is dopey. The topic is dopey. The fake "concern" is dopey.

And while I don't support that proposed piece of legislation, I do find the lolberal Democrap position to be pretty fucking stupid too: to wit,

Modern American "liberal" Democraps believe that, by law, employers should be required to forego their religious beliefs entirely to accommodate the "liberal" views and orthodoxies. You know the drill. In the world of liberal Democraps, 1st Amendment rights are for them, not for others.

The bubble you live in is dopey, and of your own making.

Thanks for your utterly baseless and completely worthless, but still asinine input, fuckwit.

I'm not the one who lives in a bubble. Shitballs like you hear "Tea Party" and wet your panties because you are far too ignorant to grasp the purpose the Tea Party ever came into existence, and far too narrow-minded to comprehend why their position is ultimately in your benefit.

Nevertheless, to get back to the actual topic (something you avoid), there are real-world, concrete examples that make the proposed legislation even begin to seem necessary.
You need the government to protect you from immorality? How sad.

Since individuals are prevented, by law, for the most part, from doing so ourselves, YES.

U less you want to go back to the day and age where relatives of mine were apparently involved in lynching a Tory and burning his home to the ground aftrr the American Revolution.
You need the government to protect you from immorality? How sad.

Since individuals are prevented, by law, for the most part, from doing so ourselves, YES.

U less you want to go back to the day and age where relatives of mine were apparently involved in lynching a Tory and burning his home to the ground aftrr the American Revolution.

Don't worry. The nanny state will protect you from whatever you deem immoral.
"Six of the Republican candidates vying for the presidency have signed a pledge promising to support legislation during their first 100 days in the White House that would use the guise of “religious liberty” to give individuals and businesses the right to openly discriminate against LGBT people.

"Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee vowed to push for the passage of the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), legislation that would prohibit the federal government from stopping discrimination by people or businesses that believe “marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman” or that “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.”

I'm not surprised.

If they tried they would fail. All they will accomplish is wasting time and tax dollars needlessly.

They might be able to get such a thing passed in the House but they will never overcome a filibuster.

But if by some miracle they got it passed and signed into law, no court, including the supreme court, is going to uphold it.

But I don't expect anything from republicans that actually help all Americans and our nation.
"Six of the Republican candidates vying for the presidency have signed a pledge promising to support legislation during their first 100 days in the White House that would use the guise of “religious liberty” to give individuals and businesses the right to openly discriminate against LGBT people.

"Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee vowed to push for the passage of the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), legislation that would prohibit the federal government from stopping discrimination by people or businesses that believe “marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman” or that “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.”

This is comprehensively ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

The states are at liberty to enact public accommodations laws as they see fit, and to provision those laws as they see fit; such laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional, consistent with Commerce Clause jurisprudence, in no way manifesting as a 'violation' of religious liberty.

And the hypocrisy of most on the right does not go unnoticed, where they advocate for Federal legislation in conflict with the notion of 'states' rights.'
So instead of pushing a bill to improve infrastructure or to fund science...Well, they push crap like this? republicans are sick.

The Democrats panders to Welfare rats and border jumpers, promising free shit in exchange for votes.
The Republicans pander to Bible Bangers, promising a Christian theocracy in exchange for votes.

Neither party is in the least bit interested in funding STEM unless it's in the guise of coming up with new and exciting way to kill people via defense pork.
What you liberals are REALLY upset about is the realization that the end of political correctness is at hand.
They are they lamely pandering and The FADA is unlikely going to become law. It was introduced six months ago and nothing has come of it.

But that won't stop them for continually trying to push it down our throats.

No doubt. This pledge is simply throwing a little red meat to the religious right.

Quite frankly, I would love to see state and federal public accommodations laws scrapped almost entirely.
Just think...if they made any kind of effort to repeal those PA laws....but they aren't. Wonder why they aren't even trying.

Only a dumbass would ask that question. If a bill was passed in the House and Senate, Obama would veto it.
They are they lamely pandering and The FADA is unlikely going to become law. It was introduced six months ago and nothing has come of it.

But that won't stop them for continually trying to push it down our throats.

No doubt. This pledge is simply throwing a little red meat to the religious right.

Quite frankly, I would love to see state and federal public accommodations laws scrapped almost entirely.
Just think...if they made any kind of effort to repeal those PA laws....but they aren't. Wonder why they aren't even trying.

Only a dumbass would ask that question. If a bill was passed in the House and Senate, Obama would veto it.
but what if it was attached to something obama wanted, like, free access to explosives for his muslim refugees
Only a dumbass would ask that question. If a bill was passed in the House and Senate, Obama would veto i

You would think the GOP would want that to happen so they can paint the Democrats as being opposed to religious liberty. Instead this bill has gone nowhere in Congress. It is pandering and nothing more.
They are they lamely pandering and The FADA is unlikely going to become law. It was introduced six months ago and nothing has come of it.

But that won't stop them for continually trying to push it down our throats.

No doubt. This pledge is simply throwing a little red meat to the religious right.

Quite frankly, I would love to see state and federal public accommodations laws scrapped almost entirely.
Just think...if they made any kind of effort to repeal those PA laws....but they aren't. Wonder why they aren't even trying.

Only a dumbass would ask that question. If a bill was passed in the House and Senate, Obama would veto it.
but what if it was attached to something obama wanted, like, free access to explosives for his muslim refugees

Actually, it is moot since neither one of them would pass the House or the Senate. Good thought tho'.

The poll is dopey. The topic is dopey. The fake "concern" is dopey.

And while I don't support that proposed piece of legislation, I do find the lolberal Democrap position to be pretty fucking stupid too: to wit,

Modern American "liberal" Democraps believe that, by law, employers should be required to forego their religious beliefs entirely to accommodate the "liberal" views and orthodoxies. You know the drill. In the world of liberal Democraps, 1st Amendment rights are for them, not for others.

LIE ability is a classic curmudgeon, as well as a punk. He hits and runs, makes bets and won't pay, and when he loses and hereturns as a dirty smelly sock. That said, his post is an echo of GMU. Anyone who echos a dumb shit .... drum roll please ... is a dumb shit too.
Dumb poll
Dumb thread
Dumb op

A perfect storm, of stupidity

I need to consider this post ^^^ As the board dumb shit, he might have a point other than the one on his head.

After considering his comment, it is rejected as a stupid comment by a dumb shit.
Two hours of thinking and that's the best rebuttal you have?

Two hours? Let's see, I watched some of the Raider game and some of the 49er game, went to Safeway, cleaned the garage, prepped for dinner and played Frisbee with my dog (twice) and lastly made a cogent and concise statement about your abilities.

The poll is dopey. The topic is dopey. The fake "concern" is dopey.

And while I don't support that proposed piece of legislation, I do find the lolberal Democrap position to be pretty fucking stupid too: to wit,

Modern American "liberal" Democraps believe that, by law, employers should be required to forego their religious beliefs entirely to accommodate the "liberal" views and orthodoxies. You know the drill. In the world of liberal Democraps, 1st Amendment rights are for them, not for others.

The bubble you live in is dopey, and of your own making.

Thanks for your utterly baseless and completely worthless, but still asinine input, fuckwit.

I'm not the one who lives in a bubble. Shitballs like you hear "Tea Party" and wet your panties because you are far too ignorant to grasp the purpose the Tea Party ever came into existence, and far too narrow-minded to comprehend why their position is ultimately in your benefit.

Nevertheless, to get back to the actual topic (something you avoid), there are real-world, concrete examples that make the proposed legislation even begin to seem necessary.

Post nominated for the most déclassé comment of the month.

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