Amazing story (on many levels): Grandmother who raised grandson disabled after shooting


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Scott Fowler: Rae Carruth's prison release nears as son he wanted dead, full of thank yous, turns 18

This one article reads like a novel, with chapters on each angle to this story.
I'm AMAZED that a journalist would capture all of this, AND get it published as a whole.

Not only does the story speak to the value of lives and relations despite adversity,
and show the power of positive commitment instead of wallowing in victimhood.

But the grandmother explains why she forgave the men who killed her daughter
and left her grandson disabled for life: she needed to have unconditional love to help her grandson,
so she had to forgive the past and the people responsible, or that negativity would affect her child:
1. Saundra Adams starts her talk by telling the men that she believes in hope and forgiveness. She says that she also believes a man should not be defined only by the worst act he has ever committed. She plans to get into the reasons she long ago forgave Carruth and her conspirators later.

2. For years, Adams has said she has already forgiven Carruth and the other three men involved in the conspiracy for what they did. Of the four co-conspirators, only Watkins and Carruth are still incarcerated. All but Carruth have apologized to her and Chancellor Lee.

She says people should not believe she is totally pure of heart for forgiving them, for there is also a selfish component to the act.

"Forgiveness is for me," she says. "It's so I can love unconditionally. And I think my grandson deserves unconditional love, because that's what he gives. It's total, unconditional love. If I did not forgive Rae, it would block that flow. So many times parents hold animosity toward one of the other parents and they take it out subconsciously on the children. I never wanted that to happen."
So this story confirms what counselors and studies have found, that forgiveness and faith correlate with better health and ability to recover from traumatic events and setbacks.

Because of her forgiving open approach to managing the aftermath of the incident, the other people in the story were better able to come forward and help the family longterm with the expenses and support needed for this grandmother to raise this special son by herself. If she hadn't been so receptive, they couldn't have helped.
Yo, Emily Nghiem, I would hire Bill and Hillary Clinton to kill them sorry bast----, and still love my grandson with unconditional love!!!

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Well 1stRambo the level of love this young man needed to grow up loving himself and others independent of adversity,
apparently is much greater than the level you need to love your grandson that doesn't require that.

He even looks FORWARD to meeting his dad upon release from prison.
The grandmother even THANKS the dad for giving his son the good genes for STRENGTH and handsome looks!

I hope that the healing the father needs is what he gets from possibly restoring relations with his son and the grandmother.
He denies he was involved in the hit, and claims the other men acted on their own to pressure him on drug deals gone bad.

So even if that is true, it was his illegal dealing with drugs that indirectly led to the hit, whether he planned it or not.

That's a lot to forgive as well, if the father was false incarcerated for the crimes of others.

So if you don't carry as much, and don't need to forgive as much in order to function and serve your purpose in life,
then be glad for it. This family has been through a lot, and it seems the novel has more chapters yet to be written.
Yo, Emily Nghiem, I would hire Bill and Hillary Clinton to kill them sorry bast----, and still love my grandson with unconditional love!!!

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BTW to make this joke about hiring the Clintons
does speak to SOME level of accepting how they are.
If you totally couldn't forgive or deal with them at all, you wouldn't even
be able to imagine hiring them to do anything much less joke about it!

You may be more forgiving than you think.
Forgiving does not mean you approve of that behavior or action, or you condone or endorse it.
It means you don't attach such personal emotions to it that you injure yourself in the process.

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