Amazon cancels plans to build headquarters in New York

Since they are not going to consider another place, makes me wonder if this has anything to do with his divorce at all.
It might. But the VA and TN projects are supposedly going forward so maybe it’s a middle finger to NY?
New York isn`t going to miss the 20,000 $12 an hour jobs.
How much does pay? |
In fact, Amazon has declared a company wide $15 minimum wage and NY is losing 25,000 jobs.

Amazon Raises Minimum Wage to $15 for All U.S. Employees

Read about all the benefits 25,000 New Yorkers will not be eligible for.
When the wages suck they`ll still get govt. paychecks. Most food stamp recipients do have incomes. Why should taxpayers subsidize the employees of the world`s richest human being?
What do you know about the paychecks that theoretical Amazon employees would bring home and their being on food stamps? Not even Snopes makes that claim though they do cite one single leftist NGO in Ohio (Policy Matters Ohio) that estimates that 11.8% of the Ohio Amazon workforce qualifies for SNAP benefits.
FACT CHECK: Do Amazon Employees Qualify for Food Stamps?

Snopes rates the claim that Amazon employees are on food stamps as "mixed".

What's True
Official statistics suggest that 11.8 percent of Amazon's 6,000 Ohio workers might receive food stamp benefits.

What's False
The 11.8 percent figure is only an estimate; it is based on one single state; income is not the sole factor that determines food stamp eligibility.

Snopes also dropped this gem of wisdom: "Another factor to consider is whether a worker is employed by Amazon on a full-time or part-time basis. Someone whose only source of income was their part-time job at an Amazon fulfillment center would earn a lower monthly income than a full-time worker in a similar position, even if they received the same hourly wage."
So people who work less hours earn less than people who work more hours....duh!

The fact is moron politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is celebrating the fact that Amazon decided to take their business elsewhere and real people who want and need jobs will not have a chance now at Amazon jobs just so leftists fools could stick a finger in the eye of a billionaire. A classic case of cutting off the nose to spite the face. Stupid!
Ocasio-Cortez takes a victory lap after Amazon scraps plans to build in New York

She just chased Amazon out of New York with some 25,000 jobs along with it.

Nice going. York has a bright future.
It was a shit deal in the first place.

Blind squirrel finds an acorn.
/——/ democRATs spent decades screeching We need to create good high paying tech jobs... but not for New York.
And not subsidized. Winners should not be subsidized, yet there is Amazon collecting huge tax payer funded benefits from all areas of its business.
/——/ So we should subsidize losers? Maybe NY could offer Sears a billion to open a few new stores in Queens. What da ya think?
Did I say that you retard? Logical fallacy much?

Are you defending giving tax payer funded subsidies and benefits to winners? Are you also an economic conservative believing in competition and the free market? Cuz that would be hilarious. See how am asking for clarification rather than assuming?

Subsidy has a few niches. The defacto subsidy of poverty wage labor is not one of them. Someone send that in a memo to Congress, Amazon, and walmart.

Tax payer subsidies are way over used. Imo, they should only be used to pay for public goods that arent effectively or shouldnt be motivated by profit. Or things that aren't economical for a business to pay for or split costs on. They should always be tied to a needed value being gained that has few or no alternative. It should be required.
Amazon will end up somewhere in the U.S.A. And yes, one city will end up benefiting. If every single city in America told Amazon to go F themselves, they will not give tax breaks as an incentive. Amazon would still build a new headquarters somewhere in America, the difference would be that America would be, in this case, $2,000,000,000 richer instead of Amazon.
Amazon should be bending over for you, the shopper, instead of the other way around.
Amazon is Amazon because of rubber stamping by the government, and because they sell shit by the ship load every single day.
Why would they bend over for anyone? They are just like Walmart, everyone hates them...yet...they are the nations largest company.
We hate Amazon! We hate Amazon!....while checking their iPhone to see if their packages have arrived yet.

Bung. The entire story is full of it.
Cities providing funds/incentives etc. for large companies has been happening since America was founded.
It is nothing new.
What WAS NEW... was corrupt city/state officials trying to black mail Amazon into providing them campaign wins.
Unionizing for instance. That is just stupid. Since when do $150k salaried employees need a union??
70% of the NY population was all for it...yet of course...the left media is trying to convince everyone that no one wanted Amazon there.

Only morons will claim the city was getting screwed over by providing $3 billion in incentives, when the city stood to gain $150,000,000 in annual tax revenues, a 7 year payback not counting $10's million every year in other taxes. And then of course the state gets even more.
NYC and NY would have won big. But local politicians and AOC felt it was more important to score political points than to provide employment for 25,000 people.
NY did not feel like groveling to Amazon

Haha...yes they were, and did.
Officials and Amazon last year were both saying it would happen within one year.
Both sides.
Until they weren't.
There is blame to go around, and NYC was game for the demands...until activist started acting.
$3 billion is absolute chump change in comparison to what NYC and NY would get back in return...THIS IS WHY CITIES ALL OVER AMERICA PROVIDE INCENTIVES. And have been doing so since America's independence.
The media is trying to paint a story that NYC people didn't want Amazon to of the residents were for it.
They are trying to paint Amazon as somehow more evil then THEMSELVES or the Apple products they walk around with. Or Chinese made shit all over their homes.
It's all bullshit.
Politicians fucked it all up.
WHat Amazon did wrong was brag. They put up social media tweets and games as if the whole thing was a lottery. THAT is all they did wrong.
And THAT is what the politicians are up in arms over. If it was all kept quiet...they would have been very happy to provide Amazon with whetever they needed.
Ocasio-Cortez takes a victory lap after Amazon scraps plans to build in New York

She just chased Amazon out of New York with some 25,000 jobs along with it.

Nice going. York has a bright future.

The democrat Party is lead by a genuine fucking moron! Awesome!

Oh she doesn't lead it but she sure is an embarrassment for it to deal with.

Pelousy should stick her in the broom closet and leave her there before she embarrasses not only the Dems but the Reps who have to listen to her insanity.

Woman is a dingbat.
Worse, a dingbat elected to Congress somehow. Unbelievable.
Ocasio-Cortez takes a victory lap after Amazon scraps plans to build in New York

She just chased Amazon out of New York with some 25,000 jobs along with it.

Nice going. York has a bright future.
Cuomo did not communicate properly that Amazon is going to be paying $27 billion in taxes over the course of 10 years. The tax break was not the elimination of taxes. It was just gonna be given a break of $3 billion. But nobody knows that Amazon was gonna pay $27 billion, because Cuomo is so bad at what he does. By the time he finished making his big announcement, what the people of New York heard was that Amazon is given a $3 billion tax break to move to New York and to open a headquarters.

And the way they interpreted that is, essentially, “Amazon is being paid $3 billion to come here? Screw that!” They failed to properly explain that the $3 billion was spread over 10 years and was just a portion of the $27 billion that Amazon was gonna be spending. So none of it exists now. Since Amazon’s not coming, there isn’t $27 billion — Rush
Ocasio-Cortez Celebrates Victory Over Billionaire Bezos
New York certainly showed Amazon. The state doesn't need 25,000 jobs. Those little supporting businesses don't need customers who work for Amazon. Good thing Occasional Cortex was elected. I hope she does more.
New York certainly showed Amazon. The state doesn't need 25,000 jobs. Those little supporting businesses don't need customers who work for Amazon. Good thing Occasional Cortex was elected. I hope she does more.

Hey well the good thing is, those 25,000 jobs and all the tax revenue, and new rentals and home sales, and car leases, and shopping trips, visits to local eateries, etc and etc. will all go someplace that deserves it more than the people of NY... meanwhile AOC plans to invest the 3 billion locally... no doubt if she invests 3 billion,, it will probably cost her tax payers at least another 3 billion to keep afloat whatever programs she starts
New York certainly showed Amazon. The state doesn't need 25,000 jobs. Those little supporting businesses don't need customers who work for Amazon. Good thing Occasional Cortex was elected. I hope she does more.

Hey well the good thing is, those 25,000 jobs and all the tax revenue, and new rentals and home sales, and car leases, and shopping trips, visits to local eateries, etc and etc. will all go someplace that deserves it more than the people of NY... meanwhile AOC plans to invest the 3 billion locally... no doubt if she invests 3 billion,, it will probably cost her tax payers at least another 3 billion to keep afloat whatever programs she starts
Noooo. Really? Nooooo. She can't really think there is 3 billion, like not paying taxes means the state would write Amazon a check. There's no 3 billion.

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