Amazon removes shirts with derogatory slogan about Kamala Harris

Amazon has removed a clothing line emblazoned with an offensive slogan referring to Kamala Harris from its website after complaints from Twitter users who branded it “unacceptable”.

The T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies which had the words “Joe and the hoe” written in red, white and blue in the style of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Harris’s campaign logo, were on sale for between $24.99 and $42.99.

The derogatory phrase was also recently adopted by the conservative radio host and friend of Donald Trump Rush Limbaugh, who has a history of making abusive comments about the senator.

Dear me. They should really filter out this type of crap before it even gets to the market. Trumpers will have to look elsewhere for their fashion items. I wonder if the evangelist fringe joined in with the protest ?

I don't know why right wingers are so hateful , but they are.
Yeah tell that to Palin, you pussies can dish it out, but can't take it.
Unlike Palin, Harris has a measurable IQ. Sarah probably can`t spell IQ.
That's funny the only thing smart that came out of here mouth. Was a bunch of sperm, the only way she got where she is now.
so i take it she doesnt swallow?.....
She might, I don't have the power to help her. So she would just get a pat on the back and a thank you from me. So I wouldn't get one.

Amazon has removed a clothing line emblazoned with an offensive slogan referring to Kamala Harris from its website after complaints from Twitter users who branded it “unacceptable”.

The T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies which had the words “Joe and the hoe” written in red, white and blue in the style of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Harris’s campaign logo, were on sale for between $24.99 and $42.99.

The derogatory phrase was also recently adopted by the conservative radio host and friend of Donald Trump Rush Limbaugh, who has a history of making abusive comments about the senator.

Dear me. They should really filter out this type of crap before it even gets to the market. Trumpers will have to look elsewhere for their fashion items. I wonder if the evangelist fringe joined in with the protest ?

I don't know why right wingers are so hateful , but they are.

No different than the left wingers, it is all shameful and embarrassing. And neither candidate has any ability to bring the two sides closer. Too bad we can’t get better candidates to run for office.
dont worry pap....joe biden said in one of his ads he is the one that will bring everyone still waiting to hear how....

Hell, the guy doesn't remember he is running for President, how in the world can he even come up with a how. He is is going to be a sock for Harris.
That's what I like about a balless coward like you Tommy. You ain't even man enough to stand behind your words because you haven't the confidence to back them up afraid knowing you'd LOSE, so like a good little English leftwing dhimmi, all you can manage is a funny in the shadows of the night like a rotten neighborhood brat that eggs your windows then runs and hides in the bushes while grabbing yourself. But that's OK, we shall see how much you and Kamela are laughing come morning of Nov. 4.

Joe and the Hoe.jpg
WidenFor Biden.jpg

Kamela, the VP that just gives, and gives, and GIVES.
I think she was a terrible pick but I also find it really sad that people would create things like this.

But this was "funny" and "appropriate"......

One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

This hypocrisy has been going on for millennia. And it's the republicans who lecture the rest of us on "morality," but there is no such thing as "morality" if large segments of the population are given a pass. I notice that the "religious leaders" never tackle this subject at all.

What is disgusting is that someone who supposedly is an adult would find this "funny." This is the kind of behavior that kills public discourse.

In any event, there is no evidence for these stories.
it's the republicans who lecture the rest of us on "morality,"
and its the democrats who lecture us on just about everything else...

republicans are the ones who want to examine everybody's genitals. To them, there is no "morality" other than their version of sexual morality, and even then, it only applies to women and LGBTs.
What's the smartest thing that's ever come out of Kamala's mouth?

That's right...... Willie Browns cock....
I think she was a terrible pick but I also find it really sad that people would create things like this.

But this was "funny" and "appropriate"......

One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

This hypocrisy has been going on for millennia. And it's the republicans who lecture the rest of us on "morality," but there is no such thing as "morality" if large segments of the population are given a pass. I notice that the "religious leaders" never tackle this subject at all.

What is disgusting is that someone who supposedly is an adult would find this "funny." This is the kind of behavior that kills public discourse.

In any event, there is no evidence for these stories.
it's the republicans who lecture the rest of us on "morality,"
and its the democrats who lecture us on just about everything else...

republicans are the ones who want to examine everybody's genitals. To them, there is no "morality" other than their version of sexual morality, and even then, it only applies to women and LGBTs.
doesnt take away what i said.....

Amazon has removed a clothing line emblazoned with an offensive slogan referring to Kamala Harris from its website after complaints from Twitter users who branded it “unacceptable”.

The T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies which had the words “Joe and the hoe” written in red, white and blue in the style of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Harris’s campaign logo, were on sale for between $24.99 and $42.99.

The derogatory phrase was also recently adopted by the conservative radio host and friend of Donald Trump Rush Limbaugh, who has a history of making abusive comments about the senator.

Dear me. They should really filter out this type of crap before it even gets to the market. Trumpers will have to look elsewhere for their fashion items. I wonder if the evangelist fringe joined in with the protest ?
You can still buy it from SEVERAL sources. :)

Amazon has removed a clothing line emblazoned with an offensive slogan referring to Kamala Harris from its website after complaints from Twitter users who branded it “unacceptable”.

The T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies which had the words “Joe and the hoe” written in red, white and blue in the style of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Harris’s campaign logo, were on sale for between $24.99 and $42.99.

The derogatory phrase was also recently adopted by the conservative radio host and friend of Donald Trump Rush Limbaugh, who has a history of making abusive comments about the senator.

Dear me. They should really filter out this type of crap before it even gets to the market. Trumpers will have to look elsewhere for their fashion items. I wonder if the evangelist fringe joined in with the protest ?

I don't know why right wingers are so hateful , but they are.
Name the last time a republican mob went to a democrat convention and attacked them in mass. Name ONE republican riot EVER in the history of the US.

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