Amazon removes shirts with derogatory slogan about Kamala Harris

But this was "funny" and "appropriate"......
One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

But isn't it the exact OPPOSITE? Who is being the real hypocrite here but you?

  • ALL I've heard here for years is about Trump the pussybragger those he's never said, admitted or been proven so, a philanderer because he's been married more than once, many accusations of an incestuous relationship with his daughter we know doesn't really exist and his wife called a whore because she used to model showing a littler skin.

  • Meantime, all these "hateful" tee shirts are pointing out is Hairy's storied and documented history of sleeping her way to the top to get ahead in politics, but THAT is called hate. In actuality, it is a real issuer that in any fair and open debates, she ought to be questioned about, if voters are to make real decisions on who it is they are electing.
And now that it has the potential of being brought to the fore in a political campaign, all of a sudden, all you hypocrites are NOW shocked and mortified.

Trump did say it. You can say that there is no proof he ever did it but he did say it. It was pretty disgusting.
No he didn't say it you moron. PRODUCE THE VIDEO if he did. He said that some of the contestants at that time would let you grab their pussies, he didn't say HE had grabbed any, and being a pussy grabber implies doing so against the willing consent of the women, these women LET YOU GRAB THEM, willingly concented, probably slept with a few people, because they WANTED TO WIN THE CONTEST.

If you understood power you would understand how offensive his words were. That you don't is sad.
And you DO understand power? I've been CEO of two corporations, worked for multi-billion dollar international companies, the federal government and held men's lives in my hands. What power do you know?

I know women didn't simply accept the things others did to them. It did a lot of damage but the women were helpless to do anything about it because no one believed them over the one with money and power.
Funny thing. Probably 9 out of 10 people on this planet could say the same thing, it happens to all of us, by a man, a bully, a boss, the government. Take your pick.

Sure and none of it is OK. It's a lack of respect for others and is quite common. Right here we now have arguments for what would basically be slave, starvation labor rates.
GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. Wake up and grow a pair. IT DOESN'T MATTER if any of it is "OK." It's human nature, survival of the fittest, competition to get ahead by gaining advantage over your environment that creates great leaders, winners, champions, commanders. All your psycho-basbble bullshit creates is sniveling little babies who cry their milk bottle is empty.

I disagree. You are arguing that you are no different than a slug and are unable to grow into something better.

Amazon has removed a clothing line emblazoned with an offensive slogan referring to Kamala Harris from its website after complaints from Twitter users who branded it “unacceptable”.

The T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies which had the words “Joe and the hoe” written in red, white and blue in the style of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Harris’s campaign logo, were on sale for between $24.99 and $42.99.

The derogatory phrase was also recently adopted by the conservative radio host and friend of Donald Trump Rush Limbaugh, who has a history of making abusive comments about the senator.

Dear me. They should really filter out this type of crap before it even gets to the market. Trumpers will have to look elsewhere for their fashion items. I wonder if the evangelist fringe joined in with the protest ?

look what you can get from amazon though.

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Have Amazon's customer service call you sometime, and you'll get some jerkoff from PAKISTAN that you can barely understand.

Why would you feel a need to demean someone working for a living?
Why is Amazon exploiting people at slave labor wages?

Is that not an issue with Amazon and not the person you demeaned with name calling?
Why is Amazon exploiting people in foreign countries at slave labor wages?
Because government policy makes the American worker too expensive....which is, ironically, the very thing a guy like Bezos supports. He is a filthy piece of hypocritical horse shit.

You go ahead and argue for paying people $3.00 an hour and that being a good thing.

All the same you never did address why you would demean someone simply working for a living but I think I am getting it. You don't have a lot of respect for those who work.
I didn't demean anyone. Check the thread again. I praised the Pakistani for working a job.

My apologies, I went to fast. It was 007.

No one is arguing for paying someone $3.00 an hour. That hypocritical assholes like Jeff Bezos supports a policy of ahitting on our unskilled job market while forcing employers to pay wages well above market value.

Seriously, if we didn't have five people chasing the same goddamn job, wages will be through the roof. Why do we have such a shitty job market? Do you know the answer. Your politics prevent you from saying it out loud.

My politics? We have the problem because it's what corporations want. They want to hire illegals (and no one stops them), They want to offshore (and no one stops them). Corporations want trillions and trillions in subsidies and bail out but scream when others call for a raise in the minimum wage to keep up.

Now what politics does that align me with?
Then, I assume you will be voting for Trump or Jo Jorganson? The alternative is exactly what you described.
But this was "funny" and "appropriate"......
One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

But isn't it the exact OPPOSITE? Who is being the real hypocrite here but you?

  • ALL I've heard here for years is about Trump the pussybragger those he's never said, admitted or been proven so, a philanderer because he's been married more than once, many accusations of an incestuous relationship with his daughter we know doesn't really exist and his wife called a whore because she used to model showing a littler skin.

  • Meantime, all these "hateful" tee shirts are pointing out is Hairy's storied and documented history of sleeping her way to the top to get ahead in politics, but THAT is called hate. In actuality, it is a real issuer that in any fair and open debates, she ought to be questioned about, if voters are to make real decisions on who it is they are electing.
And now that it has the potential of being brought to the fore in a political campaign, all of a sudden, all you hypocrites are NOW shocked and mortified.

Trump did say it. You can say that there is no proof he ever did it but he did say it. It was pretty disgusting.
No he didn't say it you moron. PRODUCE THE VIDEO if he did. He said that some of the contestants at that time would let you grab their pussies, he didn't say HE had grabbed any, and being a pussy grabber implies doing so against the willing consent of the women, these women LET YOU GRAB THEM, willingly concented, probably slept with a few people, because they WANTED TO WIN THE CONTEST.

If you understood power you would understand how offensive his words were. That you don't is sad.
And you DO understand power? I've been CEO of two corporations, worked for multi-billion dollar international companies, the federal government and held men's lives in my hands. What power do you know?

I know women didn't simply accept the things others did to them. It did a lot of damage but the women were helpless to do anything about it because no one believed them over the one with money and power.
Funny thing. Probably 9 out of 10 people on this planet could say the same thing, it happens to all of us, by a man, a bully, a boss, the government. Take your pick.

Sure and none of it is OK. It's a lack of respect for others and is quite common. Right here we now have arguments for what would basically be slave, starvation labor rates.
GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. Wake up and grow a pair. IT DOESN'T MATTER if any of it is "OK." It's human nature, survival of the fittest, competition to get ahead by gaining advantage over your environment that creates great leaders, winners, champions, commanders. All your psycho-basbble bullshit creates is sniveling little babies who cry their milk bottle is empty.

I disagree. You are arguing that you are no different than a slug and are unable to grow into something better.
Fuck off, Dweeb. If you want to choose to live in a world of fantasy and your bubble of dreamy ideals, its your life. I'm too busy with the world of reality, in how things really ARE and will be tomorrow, next week, and next year, in what WORKS in getting ahead and staying alive.

You go stand on some fucking street corner all day caring a sign telling the world to "Love Thy Brother," and see all the good it does as you stand there asking for a hand out.
Amazon or any other vendor places themselves in legal jeopardy when they make or facilitate disparaging accusations such as calling a woman immoral or overly promiscuous.
No they are hateful people spreading lies about her.

In this case, it's not lies, and everyone knows it.

The truth is that the only way that Kamala Harris is able to have any career in politics was that she had an adulterous sexual affair with a man who was married to someone else, and who was in a position to help her career in that direction. If not for that, she'd just be a mediocre ambulance chaser.
One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

Oh, is that how Trump got where he is?

You Communists are such hypocrites.
But this was "funny" and "appropriate"......
One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

But isn't it the exact OPPOSITE? Who is being the real hypocrite here but you?

  • ALL I've heard here for years is about Trump the pussybragger those he's never said, admitted or been proven so, a philanderer because he's been married more than once, many accusations of an incestuous relationship with his daughter we know doesn't really exist and his wife called a whore because she used to model showing a littler skin.

  • Meantime, all these "hateful" tee shirts are pointing out is Hairy's storied and documented history of sleeping her way to the top to get ahead in politics, but THAT is called hate. In actuality, it is a real issuer that in any fair and open debates, she ought to be questioned about, if voters are to make real decisions on who it is they are electing.
And now that it has the potential of being brought to the fore in a political campaign, all of a sudden, all you hypocrites are NOW shocked and mortified.

Trump did say it. You can say that there is no proof he ever did it but he did say it. It was pretty disgusting.
No he didn't say it you moron. PRODUCE THE VIDEO if he did. He said that some of the contestants at that time would let you grab their pussies, he didn't say HE had grabbed any, and being a pussy grabber implies doing so against the willing consent of the women, these women LET YOU GRAB THEM, willingly concented, probably slept with a few people, because they WANTED TO WIN THE CONTEST.

If you understood power you would understand how offensive his words were. That you don't is sad.
And you DO understand power? I've been CEO of two corporations, worked for multi-billion dollar international companies, the federal government and held men's lives in my hands. What power do you know?

I know women didn't simply accept the things others did to them. It did a lot of damage but the women were helpless to do anything about it because no one believed them over the one with money and power.
Funny thing. Probably 9 out of 10 people on this planet could say the same thing, it happens to all of us, by a man, a bully, a boss, the government. Take your pick.

Sure and none of it is OK. It's a lack of respect for others and is quite common. Right here we now have arguments for what would basically be slave, starvation labor rates.
GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. Wake up and grow a pair. IT DOESN'T MATTER if any of it is "OK." It's human nature, survival of the fittest, competition to get ahead by gaining advantage over your environment that creates great leaders, winners, champions, commanders. All your psycho-basbble bullshit creates is sniveling little babies who cry their milk bottle is empty.

I disagree. You are arguing that you are no different than a slug and are unable to grow into something better.
Fuck off, Dweeb. If you want to choose to live in a world of fantasy and your bubble of dreamy ideals, its your life. I'm too busy with the world of reality, in how things really ARE and will be tomorrow, next week, and next year, in what WORKS in getting ahead and staying alive.

You go stand on some fucking street corner all day caring a sign telling the world to "Love Thy Brother," and see all the good it does as you stand there asking for a hand out.

I get it. You want to be hateful and disrespectful to others and no one is going to influence you to be any different. It's sad but I get it.
Unlike trump, she`s accomplished more and has real qualifications for high office.

The sad part is her accomplishments are why people like me do not support her. Well, I guess I should say what she did with her accomplishments.
But this was "funny" and "appropriate"......
One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

But isn't it the exact OPPOSITE? Who is being the real hypocrite here but you?

  • ALL I've heard here for years is about Trump the pussybragger those he's never said, admitted or been proven so, a philanderer because he's been married more than once, many accusations of an incestuous relationship with his daughter we know doesn't really exist and his wife called a whore because she used to model showing a littler skin.

  • Meantime, all these "hateful" tee shirts are pointing out is Hairy's storied and documented history of sleeping her way to the top to get ahead in politics, but THAT is called hate. In actuality, it is a real issuer that in any fair and open debates, she ought to be questioned about, if voters are to make real decisions on who it is they are electing.
And now that it has the potential of being brought to the fore in a political campaign, all of a sudden, all you hypocrites are NOW shocked and mortified.

Trump did say it. You can say that there is no proof he ever did it but he did say it. It was pretty disgusting.
No he didn't say it you moron. PRODUCE THE VIDEO if he did. He said that some of the contestants at that time would let you grab their pussies, he didn't say HE had grabbed any, and being a pussy grabber implies doing so against the willing consent of the women, these women LET YOU GRAB THEM, willingly concented, probably slept with a few people, because they WANTED TO WIN THE CONTEST.

If you understood power you would understand how offensive his words were. That you don't is sad.
And you DO understand power? I've been CEO of two corporations, worked for multi-billion dollar international companies, the federal government and held men's lives in my hands. What power do you know?

I know women didn't simply accept the things others did to them. It did a lot of damage but the women were helpless to do anything about it because no one believed them over the one with money and power.
Funny thing. Probably 9 out of 10 people on this planet could say the same thing, it happens to all of us, by a man, a bully, a boss, the government. Take your pick.

Sure and none of it is OK. It's a lack of respect for others and is quite common. Right here we now have arguments for what would basically be slave, starvation labor rates.
GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. Wake up and grow a pair. IT DOESN'T MATTER if any of it is "OK." It's human nature, survival of the fittest, competition to get ahead by gaining advantage over your environment that creates great leaders, winners, champions, commanders. All your psycho-basbble bullshit creates is sniveling little babies who cry their milk bottle is empty.

I disagree. You are arguing that you are no different than a slug and are unable to grow into something better.
Fuck off, Dweeb. If you want to choose to live in a world of fantasy and your bubble of dreamy ideals, its your life. I'm too busy with the world of reality, in how things really ARE and will be tomorrow, next week, and next year, in what WORKS in getting ahead and staying alive.

You go stand on some fucking street corner all day caring a sign telling the world to "Love Thy Brother," and see all the good it does as you stand there asking for a hand out.

I get it. You want to be hateful and disrespectful to others and no one is going to influence you to be any different. It's sad but I get it.
No you don't get anything. Talking to you is like talking to a block of wood. Go fly a kite. Oh, I see. You already are.

Amazon has removed a clothing line emblazoned with an offensive slogan referring to Kamala Harris from its website after complaints from Twitter users who branded it “unacceptable”.

The T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies which had the words “Joe and the hoe” written in red, white and blue in the style of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Harris’s campaign logo, were on sale for between $24.99 and $42.99.

The derogatory phrase was also recently adopted by the conservative radio host and friend of Donald Trump Rush Limbaugh, who has a history of making abusive comments about the senator.

Dear me. They should really filter out this type of crap before it even gets to the market. Trumpers will have to look elsewhere for their fashion items. I wonder if the evangelist fringe joined in with the protest ?
When you sleep your way to the top,'s rather naive to expect you won't get some blow back from it at some point. Kamala Harris did what she did. Pretending she's pure as the driven snow because she's the Democratic pick for VP is wishful thinking at best. Once again the Democrats chose someone with serious flaws to run and they did so more because of her skin color than the content of her character.
Kamala is no more a whore than The Don...Well, they are both whores really.
Kamala is no more a whore than The Don...Well, they are both whores really.

Trump is a whore monger. he paid for sex.

Harris is a whore. she gave sex to get paid.
To pay for sec means you are a sucker and ugly, to get paid for sex mean you are desirable and available.

If it makes you feel better to imagine that Trump is ugly, whatever.

harris is a whore, though. that does not reflect well on her.
I think she was a terrible pick but I also find it really sad that people would create things like this.

But this was "funny" and "appropriate"......

One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

Hypocrisy? All women must be believed, unless she accuses the Democratic nominee, right? Kamala said she believed Tara Reade was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden, until he picked her as his running mate.
I think she was a terrible pick but I also find it really sad that people would create things like this.

But this was "funny" and "appropriate"......

One of the biggest issues is the hypocrisy over the issue. Trump can sleep around and even cheat on his wives but a female should be demeaned over her sex life?

Hypocrisy? All women must be believed, unless she accuses the Democratic nominee, right? Kamala said she believed Tara Reade was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden, until he picked her as his running mate.

She absolutely did. What's your point as it applies to replying to me?

Amazon has removed a clothing line emblazoned with an offensive slogan referring to Kamala Harris from its website after complaints from Twitter users who branded it “unacceptable”.

The T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies which had the words “Joe and the hoe” written in red, white and blue in the style of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Harris’s campaign logo, were on sale for between $24.99 and $42.99.

The derogatory phrase was also recently adopted by the conservative radio host and friend of Donald Trump Rush Limbaugh, who has a history of making abusive comments about the senator.

Dear me. They should really filter out this type of crap before it even gets to the market. Trumpers will have to look elsewhere for their fashion items. I wonder if the evangelist fringe joined in with the protest ?
I'm sure they can pick 'em up on StormFront.
You spend a lot of time there?
Naw, I have you guys here.

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