Ambassador John Bolton... Please report to the White House ASAP...


I hate to break it to you guys, but Bolton's about as close to the definition of "neo-conservative" as one can get.

With Bolton comes wars, whether you want them or not.
Which war did Bolton get us into?


He was a director of PNAC, and one of the men responsible for George W.'s entire foreign policy.

Along with that other vile Neo-Conservative twisted pervert Richard Perle, they are basic evil, I hate Neo-Conservatives and there is nothing Conservative about them and I wish Conservatives would read about that crowd and realise it. The Neo-Conservatives only have ONE policy and that is Perpetual War.
I'm ok with Bolton replacing one problem with Bolton is that PEOPLE DO NOT WANT WAR!

NO WAR! .........Not with NKorea ...not With Iran ....Not with Russia......... Not with anybody !

I'm ok with Bolton if he is against war. Period.
Oh. he against war.

Mr. Hoss illustrate how in YOUR opinion John Bolton is against war and is NOT a Neo-Conservative Warmonger? I would not have had you as a Neo-Conservative Fan Boy so are you?

Also this is an example of me having an Independent Thought Process, if I did not I'd just be going along with the crowd here and Cheerleading for Neo-Conservative POS.

I hate to break it to you guys, but Bolton's about as close to the definition of "neo-conservative" as one can get.

With Bolton comes wars, whether you want them or not.
Which war did Bolton get us into?


He was a director of PNAC, and one of the men responsible for George W.'s entire foreign policy.

Along with that other vile Neo-Conservative twisted pervert Richard Perle, they are basic evil, I hate Neo-Conservatives and there is nothing Conservative about them and I wish Conservatives would read about that crowd and realise it. The Neo-Conservatives only have ONE policy and that is Perpetual War.

We are in a perpetual war already, Western civilization has always been.

I hate to break it to you guys, but Bolton's about as close to the definition of "neo-conservative" as one can get.

With Bolton comes wars, whether you want them or not.
Which war did Bolton get us into?


He was a director of PNAC, and one of the men responsible for George W.'s entire foreign policy.

Along with that other vile Neo-Conservative twisted pervert Richard Perle, they are basic evil, I hate Neo-Conservatives and there is nothing Conservative about them and I wish Conservatives would read about that crowd and realise it. The Neo-Conservatives only have ONE policy and that is Perpetual War.

We are in a perpetual war already, Western civilization has always been.

Well theoretically we are yes, we are in a war with Radical Fundamentalist Islam and that's enough to be keeping us concentrated, we do not need more wars on top of more wars, we do not need Neo-Conservatives Warmongers banging even more war drums because you know or you should know that their ultimate intention is to have WWIII, they probably are all impotent and the viagra does not work so they get hard ons thinking about nuclear bombs dropping, the Neo-Conservatives are pretty much all summed up by this:

Major Kong rides The Bomb.


now we have talks with NK! :clap::clap::clap:
What did he do to bring on these talks? Be specific.
Trump wouldn't roll over. Trump was firm and he was preparingt the military for what ever comes. We havemore nukes and they are our technology is better than theirs. North Korea blinked.
Kim Jong Il will never give up his nuclear weapons. Never. Western leaders are fooling themselves if they think they can get him to agree to give them up.

I hate to break it to you guys, but Bolton's about as close to the definition of "neo-conservative" as one can get.

With Bolton comes wars, whether you want them or not.
Which war did Bolton get us into?


He was a director of PNAC, and one of the men responsible for George W.'s entire foreign policy.

Along with that other vile Neo-Conservative twisted pervert Richard Perle, they are basic evil, I hate Neo-Conservatives and there is nothing Conservative about them and I wish Conservatives would read about that crowd and realise it. The Neo-Conservatives only have ONE policy and that is Perpetual War.

We are in a perpetual war already, Western civilization has always been.

Well theoretically we are yes, we are in a war with Radical Fundamentalist Islam and that's enough to be keeping us concentrated, we do not need more wars on top of more wars, we do not need Neo-Conservatives Warmongers banging even more war drums because you know or you should know that their ultimate intention is to have WWIII, they probably are all impotent and the viagra does not work so they get hard ons thinking about nuclear bombs dropping, the Neo-Conservatives are pretty much all summed up by this:

Major Kong rides The Bomb.

Love that movie. Kubrick is the best producer/director of all time.

I hate to break it to you guys, but Bolton's about as close to the definition of "neo-conservative" as one can get.

With Bolton comes wars, whether you want them or not.
Which war did Bolton get us into?

Bolton was whoring for Iraq and Afghanistan and look how great they didn't turn out, there was NO reason to even invade Iraq to begin with.

I assume you mean there was no reason for the United States to do it, in which case I would agree with you. There was plenty of reason for others to do it. I'm tired of taking on everyone's bad guy for them
He's a neocon war hawk.

It's funny how leftists don't grasp definitions of words. Bolton is a "war hawk," but he's not a "neocon War Hawk." He's a fiscal conservative.

It's funny how you people think "neocon" somehow means conservative. Actually it means a leftist war hawk. W and Obama were neocons. Big government spending war hawks. There's a word for a conservative. The word is conservative. Neo means "new," brainiac. Neocon means new conservative, not conservative. For example, Obama was a big government leftist, then fell in love with sending the military everywhere and getting in everyone's shit to fix them to his liking when he became President. That's a prototypical neocon.

You're the dumbest people on the planet
It's funny how leftists don't grasp definitions of words. Bolton is a "war hawk," but he's not a "neocon War Hawk." He's a fiscal conservative.It's funny how you people think "neocon" somehow means conservative. Actually it means a leftist war hawk. W and Obama were neocons. Big government spending war hawks. There's a word for a conservative. The word is conservative. Neo means "new," brainiac. Neocon means new conservative, not conservative. For example, Obama was a big government leftist, then fell in love with sending the military everywhere and getting in everyone's shit to fix them to his liking when he became President. That's a prototypical neocon.You're the dumbest people on the planet
Wrong. "Neoconservatism (commonly shortened to neocon) is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among liberal hawks who became disenchanted with the foreign policy platform of the Democratic Party. The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism. Neoconservatives typically advocate the promotion of democracy and American national interest in international affairs, including by means of military force and are known for espousing disdain for communism and for political radicalism." - Source

In other words, a neocon is a former liberal espousing political conservatism, conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and U.S. national interest in international affairs including through military means.
It's funny how leftists don't grasp definitions of words. Bolton is a "war hawk," but he's not a "neocon War Hawk." He's a fiscal conservative.It's funny how you people think "neocon" somehow means conservative. Actually it means a leftist war hawk. W and Obama were neocons. Big government spending war hawks. There's a word for a conservative. The word is conservative. Neo means "new," brainiac. Neocon means new conservative, not conservative. For example, Obama was a big government leftist, then fell in love with sending the military everywhere and getting in everyone's shit to fix them to his liking when he became President. That's a prototypical neocon.You're the dumbest people on the planet
Wrong. "Neoconservatism (commonly shortened to neocon) is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among liberal hawks who became disenchanted with the foreign policy platform of the Democratic Party. The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism. Neoconservatives typically advocate the promotion of democracy and American national interest in international affairs, including by means of military force and are known for espousing disdain for communism and for political radicalism." - Source

In other words, a neocon is a former liberal espousing political conservatism, conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and U.S. national interest in international affairs including through military means.

You said I'm wrong then repeated what I said. Neocons are leftists who fall in love with the military and forcing our will on others.

Bolton is a con, not a neocon

I hate to break it to you guys, but Bolton's about as close to the definition of "neo-conservative" as one can get.

With Bolton comes wars, whether you want them or not.
Which war did Bolton get us into?


He was a director of PNAC, and one of the men responsible for George W.'s entire foreign policy.

Along with that other vile Neo-Conservative twisted pervert Richard Perle, they are basic evil, I hate Neo-Conservatives and there is nothing Conservative about them and I wish Conservatives would read about that crowd and realise it. The Neo-Conservatives only have ONE policy and that is Perpetual War.

We are in a perpetual war already, Western civilization has always been.
Turn the Dirtbags Into Dust

The Third World is the enemy of our species. Ferals must be permanently pulverized.

Bolton is the best choice for DNI. We need more people in the Administration that has a set of balls. He will advise Trump how to stand up to the game playing despots like NK and Iran. Countries are going to step lightly from now on.
John Bolton plans to fire dozens of NSC officials

President Trump's new national security adviser is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to "clean house" and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

"Bolton can and will clean house," one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama "should start packing their s---."

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of NSC officials: report

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