John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.
John Bolton is the National Security Advisory for one reason and one reason only, to convince North Korea the US will attack if the negotiations fail. James "Mad Dog" Matttis, Secretary of Defense was considered the hawk in Trump's circle of advisers but today he's considered ultraconservative compared to Bolton. Bolton who has advocated a preemptive strike on NK will certain give them reason to believe the US is preparing for war. The appointment of Bolton and selection of hard liner Mike Pompeo as CIA Director is certainly a move in that direction.

Trump is of course playing a very dangerous game but high states bets are nothing new to Trump. If he can work a deal with NK, he will be congratulating himself till the next election. But if NK is convinced the US is going to strike first and negotiations are just a ruse, then war is inevitable because NK will strike first. I think Trump sees this a political win, no matter which way it goes.
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Bolton was a key fuck head for GWB's "axis of evil" debacle......

Bolton pushed for the catastrophe that was (and still is) the Iraq war....

So, now we have Iran and North Korea to fulfill that promise to attack the remaining two countries in that infamous "axis" speech........What could fucking possibly go wrong?

NO actually the Democrats were pushing for Iraq to be overthrown!
I guess you don't remember the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act signed by Clinton?

Do you also KNOW and I'm sure you don't because uninformed people like you shoot your mouth off with NO substantiation about all these hawk democrats?

View attachment 184469
Reasons for War: Things you might have forgotten about Iraq.
Things have changed quite a bit in last 20 years.
Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.
John Bolton is the National Security Advisory for one reason and one reason only, to convince North Korea the US will attack if the negotiations fail. James "Mad Dog" Matttis, Secretary of Defense was considered the hawk in Trump's circle of advisers but today he's considered ultraconservative compared to Bolton. Bolton who has advocated a preemptive strike on NK will certain give them reason to believe the US is preparing for war. The appointment of Bolton and selection of hard liner Mike Pompeo as CIA Director is certainly a move in that direction.

Trump is of course playing a very dangerous game but high states bets are nothing new to Trump. If he can work a deal with NK, he will be congratulating himself till the next election. But if NK is convinced the US is going to strike first and negotiations are just a ruse, then war is inevitable because NK will strike first. I think Trump sees this a political win, no matter which way it goes.
And a war started in March of 2019 would all but guarantee Trump a second term in office, it worked for GWB.
I have not read all the preceding posts--I have just read the O. P.

And I would like to say that I don't give a shit how you liberal turds spin this...I am delighted to hear that anyone at all is planning to clean the Obama appointees out of government, forthwith....if Bolton can do it, maybe it will set an example for Sessions, Pompeo and the rest.

You cannot get rid of the Obama-stench fast enough to suit me. Think about this: Everybody he ever hired, appointed or promoted is someone who thinks more of Karl Marx than they do Thomas Jefferson.

The Obama people need to go, go, go....and many of them need to go to jail. (Have you seen how that MaCabe bitch is whining? That's what we need. More Obama bitches whining.)
Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.
I can never understand why conservatives keep recycling an inept foreign policy head like Bolton

Hopefully he won’t get us involved with N Korea or Iran
We've been "involved" with N. Korea and Iran since the 1950s. Where have you been?
Involved in terms of staring across a DMZ and making faces

Lets see if Bolton advocates pulling the trigger
You scare easy, huh. Trump has that big mouth punk crying in his rice bowl and begging to talk. Did the fat rocket man scare you?

Agreed. Trump is so tough and macho. Why, if it weren't for that crippling bone spur condition and several deferments during the vietnam war, he would have probably ended that war in a couple days. Same for that other brave warrior Bolton. Never saw a war he didn't like as long as he didn't have to participate in it.
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Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report
I can never understand why conservatives keep recycling an inept foreign policy head like Bolton

Hopefully he won’t get us involved with N Korea or Iran
We've been "involved" with N. Korea and Iran since the 1950s. Where have you been?
Involved in terms of staring across a DMZ and making faces

Lets see if Bolton advocates pulling the trigger
You scare easy, huh. Trump has that big mouth punk crying in his rice bowl and begging to talk. Did the fat rocket man scare you?

Agreed. Trump is so tough and macho. Why, if it weren't for that crippling bone spur condition and several deferments during the vietnam war, he would have probably ended that war in a couple days. Same for that other brave warrior Bolton. Never saw a war he didn't like as long as he didn't have to participate in it.
How many wars did Bill Clinton and Obungo fight in?
Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.
John Bolton is the National Security Advisory for one reason and one reason only, to convince North Korea the US will attack if the negotiations fail. James "Mad Dog" Matttis, Secretary of Defense was considered the hawk in Trump's circle of advisers but today he's considered ultraconservative compared to Bolton. Bolton who has advocated a preemptive strike on NK will certain give them reason to believe the US is preparing for war. The appointment of Bolton and selection of hard liner Mike Pompeo as CIA Director is certainly a move in that direction.

Trump is of course playing a very dangerous game but high states bets are nothing new to Trump. If he can work a deal with NK, he will be congratulating himself till the next election. But if NK is convinced the US is going to strike first and negotiations are just a ruse, then war is inevitable because NK will strike first. I think Trump sees this a political win, no matter which way it goes.
And a war started in March of 2019 would all but guarantee Trump a second term in office, it worked for GWB.
I'm sure Trump has considered that.
Bolton was a key fuck head for GWB's "axis of evil" debacle......

Bolton pushed for the catastrophe that was (and still is) the Iraq war....

So, now we have Iran and North Korea to fulfill that promise to attack the remaining two countries in that infamous "axis" speech........What could fucking possibly go wrong?

NO actually the Democrats were pushing for Iraq to be overthrown!
I guess you don't remember the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act signed by Clinton?

Do you also KNOW and I'm sure you don't because uninformed people like you shoot your mouth off with NO substantiation about all these hawk democrats?

View attachment 184469
Reasons for War: Things you might have forgotten about Iraq.
Things have changed quite a bit in last 20 years.

No question things have changed...for the better!
But that didn't doesn't alter your totally unsubstantiated statement that ONLY GWB/Bolton pushed for Iraq war.
Again you seem to forget a democrat signed the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act calling for the overthrow of Saddam.

Plus if you had YOUR way over 3.6 million Iraq children would have starved...
1)In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

Consider that from 1991 to 1995 an average of 144,000 children starved. Do you know why?
Because Saddam would NOT comply with UN sanctions which dictated he simply acknowledge there were NO WMDs. Saddam would rather 576,000 children starve to death.
Thank goodness for the compassion of Americans.
Because if Saddam were still in power today, nearly 3.6 million more children would have starved!
I have no problem with Bolton cleaning house.....of all Hussein Obama and Clinton leftovers.....scum that they are!

but never forget Mr Bolton.....WE DO NOT WANT WAR with other countries ok? never!

Cool now then................ that we understand each other ! :thup:

Clean away.....
Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Excellent. It should have been done in every Executive department right from the beginning.
It was changed for the most part, by Trump's general mcmaster, and now bolton is going to wipe them out.....

Who with any talent and knowlege in National Security would ever go and work in this white house? The cream of the crop are no where around and that makes us less safe!

The National Security agency is suppose to gather and give the President all options. all sides of approach, for every security issue we may have....and their best educated guess on how each of those options come in to fruition....if they are executed....what it will be like afterwards...

They are NOT suppose to have their minds already made up, like Bolton, who only beats the war drums....McMaster was good at the job, because he has served during wars and KNOWS the harm and deaths of his men, that wars can cause and would try every diplomatic means to end strife, than to send his men in to war.....especially when other options were still available.

bolton, NOT SO MUCH!!!! he's a mad man!!! always was and always will be.... :eek:
Ya we should leave in place all the Obama ass lickers that leak like a sieve. Right?
Bolton was a key fuck head for GWB's "axis of evil" debacle......

Bolton pushed for the catastrophe that was (and still is) the Iraq war....

So, now we have Iran and North Korea to fulfill that promise to attack the remaining two countries in that infamous "axis" speech........What could fucking possibly go wrong?

NO actually the Democrats were pushing for Iraq to be overthrown!
I guess you don't remember the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act signed by Clinton?

Do you also KNOW and I'm sure you don't because uninformed people like you shoot your mouth off with NO substantiation about all these hawk democrats?

View attachment 184469
Reasons for War: Things you might have forgotten about Iraq.
Things have changed quite a bit in last 20 years.

No question things have changed...for the better!
But that didn't doesn't alter your totally unsubstantiated statement that ONLY GWB/Bolton pushed for Iraq war.
Again you seem to forget a democrat signed the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act calling for the overthrow of Saddam.

Plus if you had YOUR way over 3.6 million Iraq children would have starved...
1)In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

Consider that from 1991 to 1995 an average of 144,000 children starved. Do you know why?
Because Saddam would NOT comply with UN sanctions which dictated he simply acknowledge there were NO WMDs. Saddam would rather 576,000 children starve to death.
Thank goodness for the compassion of Americans.
Because if Saddam were still in power today, nearly 3.6 million more children would have starved!
I think you have me confused with someone else. I never said GWB/Bolton pushed for Iraq war.
I have no problem with Bolton cleaning house.....of all Hussein Obama and Clinton leftovers.....scum that they are!

but never forget Mr Bolton.....WE DO NOT WANT WAR with other countries ok? never!

Cool now then................ that we understand each other ! :thup:

Clean away.....

Bolton is the National Security Advisory not the Chief of Staff. He has no authority to cleanup the white house staff. He does have authority over his staff which includes an appointed deputy adviser, executive secretary, and a number of specialists, such as the advisory on Asian Affairs, African Affairs, ect. Many of these people are recruited from the CIA, NSA, State, and various think tanks. Unlike cabinets members, the Security Advisors's organization is flexible and is dependent on the president's policy and current issues. Since Bolton is the 3rd National Security Adviser in 14 months the staff is probably a mess and will probably remain so. I would be really surprised if Bolton makes it to the end of the year.
Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.
It should have been done long ago. It's time to clean out all the Obama moles and traitors.
Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Excellent. It should have been done in every Executive department right from the beginning.
It was changed for the most part, by Trump's general mcmaster, and now bolton is going to wipe them out.....

Who with any talent and knowlege in National Security would ever go and work in this white house? The cream of the crop are no where around and that makes us less safe!

The National Security agency is suppose to gather and give the President all options. all sides of approach, for every security issue we may have....and their best educated guess on how each of those options come in to fruition....if they are executed....what it will be like afterwards...

They are NOT suppose to have their minds already made up, like Bolton, who only beats the war drums....McMaster was good at the job, because he has served during wars and KNOWS the harm and deaths of his men, that wars can cause and would try every diplomatic means to end strife, than to send his men in to war.....especially when other options were still available.

bolton, NOT SO MUCH!!!! he's a mad man!!! always was and always will be.... :eek:
He's getting rid of Obama appointees, which means backstabbing traitors who constantly leak to the fake news media.
Trump will have a small and tight core that will circle the wagons and completely isolate itself from the country, its party, and the world.

An interesting couple of years ahead.
Trump has no use for a staff infested with backstabbing Obama-appointed traitors.
Liberals think they have the right to Dictate who advises the President....................

They are legends in their own minds.............

They are desperate to find a Diversion to a possible Damning Report coming from the Inspector Damning that McCabe leaves when he is so close to retirement......................

They will Divert Attention elsewhere as they try to Hide their ABUSE OF POWER.

Paying for Dirt on a political Candidate and using unsubstantial claims from a known Hater of Trump named Steele to obtain FISA WARRANTS......................then using misinformation to gain wire taps in places like Trump Towers.............NONE OF THE SO CALLED EVIDENCE SHOWS COLLUSION......or Election Tampering that they have claimed for over a year now.........................................

Now....the facts uncovered show that the FBI and Obama Administration used their influence to protect their own and not properly proceed to crimes committed by the other candidate.............because they are ABOVE THE LAW............

Riddle me average citizen deletes and Bleach Bits emails ordered to be handed over by a Court order........................Where would they end up....................

Riddle me this.................average joe DOD employee puts a server in a bathroom and sends and receives Classified data on it...............Where would they end up.............................

You Liberals KNOW the answers to these Riddles..........even as your comments will divert away from it........No matter what you post about KNOW THEY ARE CRIMES............................and you KNOW and average citizen doing these things would BE THROWN UNDER THE JAIL...................

Have a Nice day Liberals......................
Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Excellent. It should have been done in every Executive department right from the beginning.
It was changed for the most part, by Trump's general mcmaster, and now bolton is going to wipe them out.....

Who with any talent and knowlege in National Security would ever go and work in this white house? The cream of the crop are no where around and that makes us less safe!

The National Security agency is suppose to gather and give the President all options. all sides of approach, for every security issue we may have....and their best educated guess on how each of those options come in to fruition....if they are executed....what it will be like afterwards...

They are NOT suppose to have their minds already made up, like Bolton, who only beats the war drums....McMaster was good at the job, because he has served during wars and KNOWS the harm and deaths of his men, that wars can cause and would try every diplomatic means to end strife, than to send his men in to war.....especially when other options were still available.

bolton, NOT SO MUCH!!!! he's a mad man!!! always was and always will be.... :eek:
Ya we should leave in place all the Obama ass lickers that leak like a sieve. Right?
Flynn came in as NSA director and put in his own people... then when he was fired... McMaster came in and fired Flynn people and replaced them with his OWN people, and now Bolton is coming in and is going to fire the McMaster chosen people to replace them with his own people..... so please spare me the bull crud that these are Obama ass lickers....


Bolton just wants War Mongers to work for him, and NOT McMaster's people.

As the third NSA advisor under Trump, you can leave that Obama bull crud behind, at this point they are replacing their own original picks.
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Only those with absolute loyalty to the Führer may stay.

John Bolton plans to fire dozens of White House officials: report

President Trump’s new national security advisor is reportedly planning major staffing changes at the National Security Council.

Sources close to the situation told Foreign Policy that John Bolton is preparing to “clean house” and remove nearly all of the political appointees brought in by his predecessor.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Foreign Policy reported that Bolton is planning to remove dozens of current officials, with a focus on those who have been “disloyal” to the president.
Bolton is the newest high-level addition to the Trump administration. The president announced late Thursday via tweet that Bolton would be replacing H.R. McMaster, making him Trump’s third national security adviser in just 14 months.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another former official said that any National Security Council officials appointed under former President Obama “should start packing their shit.”

Excellent. It should have been done in every Executive department right from the beginning.
It was changed for the most part, by Trump's general mcmaster, and now bolton is going to wipe them out.....

Who with any talent and knowlege in National Security would ever go and work in this white house? The cream of the crop are no where around and that makes us less safe!

The National Security agency is suppose to gather and give the President all options. all sides of approach, for every security issue we may have....and their best educated guess on how each of those options come in to fruition....if they are executed....what it will be like afterwards...

They are NOT suppose to have their minds already made up, like Bolton, who only beats the war drums....McMaster was good at the job, because he has served during wars and KNOWS the harm and deaths of his men, that wars can cause and would try every diplomatic means to end strife, than to send his men in to war.....especially when other options were still available.

bolton, NOT SO MUCH!!!! he's a mad man!!! always was and always will be.... :eek:
Ya we should leave in place all the Obama ass lickers that leak like a sieve. Right?
Flynn came in as NSA director and put in his own people... then when he was fired... McMaster came in and fired Flynn people and replaced them with his OWN people, and now Bolton is coming in and is going to fire the McMaster chosen people to replace them with his own people..... so please spare me the bull crud that these are Obama ass lickers....


Bolton just wants War Mongers to work for him, and NOT McMaster's people.

As the third NSA advisor under Trump, you can leave that Obama bull crud, behind, at this point they are replacing their own original picks.

The Obama dead-enders are the only ones getting fired.

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