America after Obama


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Richard Winchester
November 15, 2013

What will the United States of America be like after Barack Obama leaves the presidency on January 20, 2017 (assuming he does leave)?

Five days before the 2008 election, Obama declared he would "fundamentally transform" America. Obama has done much to fulfill that promise since January 20, 2009. If he completes his agenda, the U.S. will be very much like a European-style welfare state.

Obama is not personally responsible for some of the changes in American society that have facilitated the welfare state's growth. Charles Murray (Coming Apart), Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint (Come On People), and Nicholas Eberstadt (A Nation of Takers) focus on different -- albeit complementary -- facets of American society that have deteriorated since 1960.

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Articles: America after Obama

Will Obama change the term limits of presidency within the remaining 3 years and proclaim himself president for life? Or will his "Fundamental Transformation" be so devastating that America cannot recover?
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By Richard Winchester
November 15, 2013

What will the United States of America be like after Barack Obama leaves the presidency on January 20, 2017 (assuming he does leave)?

Five days before the 2008 election, Obama declared he would "fundamentally transform" America. Obama has done much to fulfill that promise since January 20, 2009. If he completes his agenda, the U.S. will be very much like a European-style welfare state.

Obama is not personally responsible for some of the changes in American society that have facilitated the welfare state's growth. Charles Murray (Coming Apart), Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint (Come On People), and Nicholas Eberstadt (A Nation of Takers) focus on different -- albeit complementary -- facets of American society that have deteriorated since 1960.

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Articles: America after Obama

Will Obama change the term limits of presidency within the remaining 3 years and proclaim himself president for life? Or will his "Fundamental Transformation" be so devastating that America cannot recover?

We know what america was like how bush left it. Hope republicans don't get to screw it up again.
Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint (Come On People), and Nicholas Eberstadt (A Nation of Takers) focus on different -- albeit complementary -- facets of American society that have deteriorated since 1960.

The colored folk don't call Bill Cosby a white ****** anymore.
Scary, ain't it? Keep this stench in the air until after election day, 2014, take the Senate and take it from there. Impeachment, removal from office, deal remorselessly and relentlessly with the ensuing civil unrest. We cannot allow ourselves to grow faint of heart for Obama will strip whatever freedoms and liberties we have left from our hands if we weaken. If we fail, this is our future.

As Venezuela goes, so goes America under Obama.

Venezuela Locks Up 100 ?Bourgeois? Businessmen For The Crime Of Capitalism | Weasel Zippers

Free Stuff! Venezuela?s Socialist President, ?We Will Guarantee Everyone Has A Plasma Television?? | Weasel Zippers

Hugo Chavez, some time back, solved Caracas housing problem by telling the city's homeless mobs to pick out which houses appealed to them, evict the people living in them, and tell them to go cap in hand to the city's officials who would supposedly reimburse them, at least partially, for their losses.
We've already seen the precursor to this in the Chrysler bankruptcy, when Obama placed the bondholders last in line, instead of first as the law stipulates, in order to entice Fiat into the mix while still giving a substantial part of Chrysler's remaing worth to the UAW. "If you don't like the nine cents on the dollar I'm giving you, you'll get nothing instead."

Our "Gangster Of Choom"
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Christie presidency in January 2017, a Senate dem majority, and a House split within five votes of majority for either party.
So you've become an optimist? I was under the impression that you rabid (hate the President) type didn't think America was going to survive President Obama!
What will the United States of America be like after Barack Obama leaves the presidency on January 20, 2017 (assuming he does leave)?

I should have stopped reading right there. Like how he was going to declare martial law right before the 2012 elections, because he knew he was going to lose, right?

Quit reading American Thinker articles, and think for yourself for once.
Regardless of Obama, more and more Americans have their palms out to the government, thus the Dimocrat party will continue to have an edge.
This has always been true with minorities, who can never get enough government handouts, but it is increasingly true with the white population mainly due to white females, who expect government provided healthcare, childcare, and now as we've seen lately, birth control.

The truth is that although Obama has sped things up, we have been heading towards a euro style socialistic government anyway.

If you think things are screwed now, just wait another thirty years when the demographics have completely changed this country. We will resemble a central or south American hellhole.
America after Obama. Okay.

Immediately after Obama leaves office, polls will show ObamaCare is very popular, even though a lot of people will believe it still has a lot of bugs that need fixing.

Five years after Obama, the CBO will report ObamaCare is astronomically more expensive than was advertised. But it will be more popular than ever.

20 years after Obama, America will have single payer healthcare and tax brackets in the sixties.

No textbook will report how many golf games Obama played or how many vacations he took.
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America after Obama. Okay.

Immediately after Obama leaves office, polls will show ObamaCare is very popular, even though a lot of people will believe it still has a lot of bugs that need fixing.

Five years after Obama, the CBO will report ObamaCare is astronomically more expensive than was advertised. But it will be more popular than ever.

20 years after Obama, America will have single payer healthcare and tax brackets in the sixties.

No textbook will report how many golf games Obama played or how many vacations he took.
Tell us how you used to be a Republican, again.
Obamacare will be repealed. It will go through on a 2/3 majority vote and become law without the president's signature. The true nature of the catastrophe is just now dawning on people.
America after Obama. Okay.

Immediately after Obama leaves office, polls will show ObamaCare is very popular, even though a lot of people will believe it still has a lot of bugs that need fixing.

Five years after Obama, the CBO will report ObamaCare is astronomically more expensive than was advertised. But it will be more popular than ever.

20 years after Obama, America will have single payer healthcare and tax brackets in the sixties.

No textbook will report how many golf games Obama played or how many vacations he took.
Tell us how you used to be a Republican, again.

If a reporter on TV reports about a bank robbery, do you shout, "That reporter loves bank robbers!"? Because that is how stupid you are sounding right now.

I'm telling you the way it is going to be. Don't mistake that as a condonement of the way it is going to be.
Five years???????
How about now?
1) American people are the most divisive since the 1960's....50 years.
2) Record welfare numbers
3) Record food stamp usage
4) Black America, in every category, are systematically worse off now than before he took office.
5) Anemic unemployment growth
6) Record underemployment numbers
7) BUT WAIT...Wall Street has had two record earnings years
8) The top 8% wealthiest have enjoyed a 28% gain in earnings...meanwhile the rest of us -5%

Shall I continue....
Five years???????
How about now?
1) American people are the most divisive since the 1960's....50 years.
2) Record welfare numbers
3) Record food stamp usage
4) Black America, in every category, are systematically worse off now than before he took office.
5) Anemic unemployment growth
6) Record underemployment numbers
7) BUT WAIT...Wall Street has had two record earnings years
8) The top 8% wealthiest have enjoyed a 28% gain in earnings...meanwhile the rest of us -5%

Shall I continue....

I agree on most of your points, but the last two stand out as the ones that illustrate the idiocy of the far right. Wall Street is doing fine, and the wealthy are getting wealthier. But if you were to ask some posters on this board Obama hates capitalism, and is trying to mold America into a socialist society. The fact is Obama is another Wall Street crony, just like any other modern president.
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Five years???????
How about now?
1) American people are the most divisive since the 1960's....50 years.
2) Record welfare numbers
3) Record food stamp usage
4) Black America, in every category, are systematically worse off now than before he took office.
5) Anemic unemployment growth
6) Record underemployment numbers
7) BUT WAIT...Wall Street has had two record earnings years
8) The top 8% wealthiest have enjoyed a 28% gain in earnings...meanwhile the rest of us -5%

Shall I continue....

I agree on most of your points, but the last two stand out as the ones that illustrate the idiocy of the far right. Wall Street is doing fine, and the wealthy are getting wealthier. But if you were to ask some posters on this board Obama hates capitalism, and is trying to mold America into a socialist society. The fact is Obama is another Wall Street crony, just like any other modern president.

The last two illustrate do not so much illustrate the idiocy of the far-right friend, it illustrates the idiocy of his supporters. They are too ill informed and star-struck to see the reality that is before them...there has been NO greater friend to corporatism and the central banks than this administration - PERIOD.
And yet - they still think he is on their side. Good God.:cuckoo:

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