America after Obama

Five years???????
How about now?
1) American people are the most divisive since the 1960's....50 years.
2) Record welfare numbers
3) Record food stamp usage
4) Black America, in every category, are systematically worse off now than before he took office.
5) Anemic unemployment growth
6) Record underemployment numbers
7) BUT WAIT...Wall Street has had two record earnings years
8) The top 8% wealthiest have enjoyed a 28% gain in earnings...meanwhile the rest of us -5%

Shall I continue....

I agree on most of your points, but the last two stand out as the ones that illustrate the idiocy of the far right. Wall Street is doing fine, and the wealthy are getting wealthier. But if you were to ask some posters on this board Obama hates capitalism, and is trying to mold America into a socialist society. The fact is Obama is another Wall Street crony, just like any other modern president.

The last two illustrate do not so much illustrate the idiocy of the far-right friend, it illustrates the idiocy of his supporters. They are too ill informed and star-struck to see the reality that is before them...there has been NO greater friend to corporatism and the central banks than this administration - PERIOD.
And yet - they still think he is on their side. Good God.:cuckoo:

Well, it's fair to say there are a lot of idiots on both sides. :cool:

A Pub health reform and the existing welfare and food stamp programs are NOT a marxist or welfare state lol...

but thanks for wrecking the recovery with fake crises, hater dupes...
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America after Obama will be for the most part like Bush left it. Big banks and Big business running the show.
All I know about 5 years from now is that if the rightwing monkeys can find a way a screech and jabber even more hysterically than they do now,

be assured, they'll be doing it.
By Richard Winchester
November 15, 2013

What will the United States of America be like after Barack Obama leaves the presidency on January 20, 2017 (assuming he does leave)?

Five days before the 2008 election, Obama declared he would "fundamentally transform" America. Obama has done much to fulfill that promise since January 20, 2009. If he completes his agenda, the U.S. will be very much like a European-style welfare state.

Obama is not personally responsible for some of the changes in American society that have facilitated the welfare state's growth. Charles Murray (Coming Apart), Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint (Come On People), and Nicholas Eberstadt (A Nation of Takers) focus on different -- albeit complementary -- facets of American society that have deteriorated since 1960.

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Articles: America after Obama

Will Obama change the term limits of presidency within the remaining 3 years and proclaim himself president for life? Or will his "Fundamental Transformation" be so devastating that America cannot recover?

We know what america was like how bush left it. Hope republicans don't get to screw it up again.

Give it a break Obama has been president for 5 years and all we have seen is incompetency in everything he's done with a fouled foreign policy, bad economy, massive unemployment and now getting caught in the lies of the century. What has Obama done right?
I read somewhere this morning (I was still half asleep) that americans are giving up their citizenship and moving abroad. That is up 33% from...ever. Gosh. Should be a clue in there somewhere.

Personally...I wouldn't mind Canada. Kinda cold though. Costa Rica sounds nice. Wish I could afford it. And wasn't so damn old.
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Five years???????
How about now?
1) American people are the most divisive since the 1960's....50 years.
2) Record welfare numbers
3) Record food stamp usage
4) Black America, in every category, are systematically worse off now than before he took office.
5) Anemic unemployment growth
6) Record underemployment numbers
7) BUT WAIT...Wall Street has had two record earnings years
8) The top 8% wealthiest have enjoyed a 28% gain in earnings...meanwhile the rest of us -5%

Shall I continue....

I agree on most of your points, but the last two stand out as the ones that illustrate the idiocy of the far right. Wall Street is doing fine, and the wealthy are getting wealthier. But if you were to ask some posters on this board Obama hates capitalism, and is trying to mold America into a socialist society. The fact is Obama is another Wall Street crony, just like any other modern president.

Obama does hate capitalism. Like all dictators. He does love crony capitalism, which allows him to dish out lucrative contracts to his friends and supporters. Crony capitalism is not capitalism, although the distinction is probably lost on a libtard like you.
I expect the decline to continue. It started before Barry and will continue after.
I expect the decline to continue. It started before Barry and will continue after.

Agreed, I think the decline started before Obama.

He's merely a symptom of it.

We're a culture in rapid decay, and the deckhands are all pointing the finger at each other as we sink.


Enjoy the decline my friend. Take care of you and yours and wait it out. I hope the balloon goes up sooner rather than later though. Because as Marc Faber says, at this point, we are building a higher diving board for ourselves. The crash will only get worse the longer the ponzi scheme goes.
By Richard Winchester
November 15, 2013

What will the United States of America be like after Barack Obama leaves the presidency on January 20, 2017 (assuming he does leave)?

Five days before the 2008 election, Obama declared he would "fundamentally transform" America. Obama has done much to fulfill that promise since January 20, 2009. If he completes his agenda, the U.S. will be very much like a European-style welfare state.

Obama is not personally responsible for some of the changes in American society that have facilitated the welfare state's growth. Charles Murray (Coming Apart), Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint (Come On People), and Nicholas Eberstadt (A Nation of Takers) focus on different -- albeit complementary -- facets of American society that have deteriorated since 1960.

Read more:
Articles: America after Obama

Will Obama change the term limits of presidency within the remaining 3 years and proclaim himself president for life? Or will his "Fundamental Transformation" be so devastating that America cannot recover?

We know what america was like how bush left it. Hope republicans don't get to screw it up again.

Give it a break Obama has been president for 5 years and all we have seen is incompetency in everything he's done with a fouled foreign policy, bad economy, massive unemployment and now getting caught in the lies of the century. What has Obama done right?

He finally got us out of Iraq, and finally got OBL. He stopped the Bush Recession with the stimulus, and has brought health insurance to those who the GOP thinks should just suffer instead.
I dont believe a word of it.
People said the same in the 1970s under Carter. Reagan proved them wrong. This is a big country with a lot of human ingenuity and wealth. Yes, things look like they suck right now, and they do. But it is temporary. Imagine a Pres Cruz with a GOP House and Senate made up largely of TP sympathetic people. Imagine Cruz tearing up dozens of pages of useless regulations, thousands maybe. Business breathes a sigh of relief and goes on the largest expansion in history, hiring and promoting like never before.
Yeah, it's possible. And when it happens all the lib simps here will complain about how people were better off under Obama because they had guaranteed health care and guaranteed food stamps and free contraceptives.
We know what america was like how bush left it. Hope republicans don't get to screw it up again.

Give it a break Obama has been president for 5 years and all we have seen is incompetency in everything he's done with a fouled foreign policy, bad economy, massive unemployment and now getting caught in the lies of the century. What has Obama done right?

He finally got us out of Iraq, and finally got OBL. He stopped the Bush Recession with the stimulus, and has brought health insurance to those who the GOP thinks should just suffer instead.

What are you smoking? Oh you're not smoking. You're just fucking stupid.
He abandoned Iraq, which is now getting over run with Islamic militants and violence.
Seal Team 6, which members of his administration had called "Cheney's Hit Squad" got Obama, following on a program Bush had started.
The Bush Recession was already over when he took office. In any case, Obama's recovery has been worse than Bush's recession. We are poorer now than when Obama took office.
There are more people today without health insurance than there were 6 months ago.
Yeah, total fucking failure. Even you recognize it.
The problem is that Obama is being addressed as if the entire country were the same, not so in fact.

Flyover America has been growing three times faster than the Democratic heartland since the meltdown.

That will speed up after 2015 when US automation outstrips Chinese wages.

Implicit wages for US robots are $3.40/hour now. That "labor cost" is headed lower and skill levels are headed higher.

The northeast quarter and left coast are headed to bankruptcy/default and Detroit is just the start.

Obama is the Buchanan of this era.
Obama has made Progressive economics as popular as Ebola Herpes. Moderates hate it, the young hate it even Democrats up for reelection hate it.

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