America CAN Cut Gun Deaths By 67% Tomorrow


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
That is correct! By removing the guns from ONE lone group. Just one LONE group would cut that rate TOMORROW! And that lone group you ask? DEMOCRATS.

Stats back the statement up be it the killings in the inner city OR the murder sprees by lone wolf shooters. Sixty seven percent of gun deaths go down in Democrat controlled areas. Source.... Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem It s a Democratic Problem FrontPage Magazine

Now not only are democrats behind most of the day to day killings that take place in America BUT also the killing of office holders and children. Source...
Democrats Should Not Have Guns - Victoria Jackson

When democrats look at you and argue about the NEED for gun control it's because democrats are UNABLE to control THEIR murdering ways.

If democrats TRULY want a less violent nation then democrats need to merely hand THEIR guns over to a Tea Party/Libertarian/GOP member.
Islam with a quran is the most deadly thing to this world. A democrat with a gun is the most deadly thing to this nation.

That is correct! By removing the guns from ONE lone group. Just one LONE group would cut that rate TOMORROW! And that lone group you ask? DEMOCRATS.

Stats back the statement up be it the killings in the inner city OR the murder sprees by lone wolf shooters. Sixty seven percent of gun deaths go down in Democrat controlled areas. Source.... Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem It s a Democratic Problem FrontPage Magazine

Now not only are democrats behind most of the day to day killings that take place in America BUT also the killing of office holders and children. Source...
Democrats Should Not Have Guns - Victoria Jackson

When democrats look at you and argue about the NEED for gun control it's because democrats are UNABLE to control THEIR murdering ways.

If democrats TRULY want a less violent nation then democrats need to merely hand THEIR guns over to a Tea Party/Libertarian/GOP member.
Islam with a quran is the most deadly thing to this world. A democrat with a gun is the most deadly thing to this nation.

Everyone loves gun control, for their enemies that is.
ROFL an article by VICTORIA JACKSON?!??!?

Read the content of the link. Dispute the FACTS. Nice clown get up. Who shamed you into it?

Haha, alright, but that really cracked me up. She lists about 20 or so shootings, more than half of which occurred before 1995, some going back to the 19th century....and then sums up...gee, democrats shouldn't have guns. And ends the article.

If that's a credible source then I'm going to start posting quotes from Sesame Street for you guys....
That is correct! By removing the guns from ONE lone group. Just one LONE group would cut that rate TOMORROW! And that lone group you ask? DEMOCRATS.

Stats back the statement up be it the killings in the inner city OR the murder sprees by lone wolf shooters. Sixty seven percent of gun deaths go down in Democrat controlled areas. Source.... Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem It s a Democratic Problem FrontPage Magazine

Now not only are democrats behind most of the day to day killings that take place in America BUT also the killing of office holders and children. Source...
Democrats Should Not Have Guns - Victoria Jackson

When democrats look at you and argue about the NEED for gun control it's because democrats are UNABLE to control THEIR murdering ways.

If democrats TRULY want a less violent nation then democrats need to merely hand THEIR guns over to a Tea Party/Libertarian/GOP member.
Islam with a quran is the most deadly thing to this world. A democrat with a gun is the most deadly thing to this nation.
Everyone loves gun control, for their enemies that is.
I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
That is correct! By removing the guns from ONE lone group. Just one LONE group would cut that rate TOMORROW! And that lone group you ask? DEMOCRATS.

Stats back the statement up be it the killings in the inner city OR the murder sprees by lone wolf shooters. Sixty seven percent of gun deaths go down in Democrat controlled areas. Source.... Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem It s a Democratic Problem FrontPage Magazine

Now not only are democrats behind most of the day to day killings that take place in America BUT also the killing of office holders and children. Source...
Democrats Should Not Have Guns - Victoria Jackson

When democrats look at you and argue about the NEED for gun control it's because democrats are UNABLE to control THEIR murdering ways.

If democrats TRULY want a less violent nation then democrats need to merely hand THEIR guns over to a Tea Party/Libertarian/GOP member.
Islam with a quran is the most deadly thing to this world. A democrat with a gun is the most deadly thing to this nation.
Everyone loves gun control, for their enemies that is.
I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
It's a Liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal then you are un-American.
That is correct! By removing the guns from ONE lone group. Just one LONE group would cut that rate TOMORROW! And that lone group you ask? DEMOCRATS.

Stats back the statement up be it the killings in the inner city OR the murder sprees by lone wolf shooters. Sixty seven percent of gun deaths go down in Democrat controlled areas. Source.... Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem It s a Democratic Problem FrontPage Magazine

Now not only are democrats behind most of the day to day killings that take place in America BUT also the killing of office holders and children. Source...
Democrats Should Not Have Guns - Victoria Jackson

When democrats look at you and argue about the NEED for gun control it's because democrats are UNABLE to control THEIR murdering ways.

If democrats TRULY want a less violent nation then democrats need to merely hand THEIR guns over to a Tea Party/Libertarian/GOP member.
Islam with a quran is the most deadly thing to this world. A democrat with a gun is the most deadly thing to this nation.
Everyone loves gun control, for their enemies that is.
I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
It's a Liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal then you are un-American.
I live in Arizona and it's NOT liberal. A liberal nation? After the LAST election? Do YOU need a clown suit! LMAO.
Yep, time for Dims to put their money where their mouths are.
Want gun control ? Want 'em banned ? Then give yours up !
That is correct! By removing the guns from ONE lone group. Just one LONE group would cut that rate TOMORROW! And that lone group you ask? DEMOCRATS.

Stats back the statement up be it the killings in the inner city OR the murder sprees by lone wolf shooters. Sixty seven percent of gun deaths go down in Democrat controlled areas. Source.... Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem It s a Democratic Problem FrontPage Magazine

Now not only are democrats behind most of the day to day killings that take place in America BUT also the killing of office holders and children. Source...
Democrats Should Not Have Guns - Victoria Jackson

When democrats look at you and argue about the NEED for gun control it's because democrats are UNABLE to control THEIR murdering ways.

If democrats TRULY want a less violent nation then democrats need to merely hand THEIR guns over to a Tea Party/Libertarian/GOP member.
Islam with a quran is the most deadly thing to this world. A democrat with a gun is the most deadly thing to this nation.
Everyone loves gun control, for their enemies that is.
I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
It's a Liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal then you are un-American.
I live in Arizona and it's NOT liberal. A liberal nation? After the LAST election? Do YOU need a clown suit! LMAO.
We let the fags marry here. That's not Jesusland now is it?
That is correct! By removing the guns from ONE lone group. Just one LONE group would cut that rate TOMORROW! And that lone group you ask? DEMOCRATS.

Stats back the statement up be it the killings in the inner city OR the murder sprees by lone wolf shooters. Sixty seven percent of gun deaths go down in Democrat controlled areas. Source.... Gun Violence is Not a Republican Problem It s a Democratic Problem FrontPage Magazine

Now not only are democrats behind most of the day to day killings that take place in America BUT also the killing of office holders and children. Source...
Democrats Should Not Have Guns - Victoria Jackson

When democrats look at you and argue about the NEED for gun control it's because democrats are UNABLE to control THEIR murdering ways.

If democrats TRULY want a less violent nation then democrats need to merely hand THEIR guns over to a Tea Party/Libertarian/GOP member.
Islam with a quran is the most deadly thing to this world. A democrat with a gun is the most deadly thing to this nation.
Everyone loves gun control, for their enemies that is.
I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
It's a Liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal then you are un-American.
I live in Arizona and it's NOT liberal. A liberal nation? After the LAST election? Do YOU need a clown suit! LMAO.
We let the fags marry here. That's not Jesusland now is it?
Who a democrat marries I could care less BUT I am concerned about the FACT they are unable to control their emotions and find it needed to kill to make their point,
Everyone loves gun control, for their enemies that is.
I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
It's a Liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal then you are un-American.
I live in Arizona and it's NOT liberal. A liberal nation? After the LAST election? Do YOU need a clown suit! LMAO.
We let the fags marry here. That's not Jesusland now is it?
Who a democrat marries I could care less BUT I am concerned about the FACT they are unable to control their emotions and find it needed to kill to make their point,
Most of the gun deaths in American are GOPers, who blow their own brains out.
ROFL an article by VICTORIA JACKSON?!??!?

Read the content of the link. Dispute the FACTS. Nice clown get up. Who shamed you into it?

Haha, alright, but that really cracked me up. She lists about 20 or so shootings, more than half of which occurred before 1995, some going back to the 19th century....and then sums up...gee, democrats shouldn't have guns. And ends the article.

If that's a credible source then I'm going to start posting quotes from Sesame Street for you guys....
Well, most of them anyway: Now you can add Elliot Rodger – the next in a long line of mass murderers with mass murder on their minds:

– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat
– James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
– Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.
– Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.
– Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.
– Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.
– Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat – killed Kennedy…

Why are no conservative NRA members involved in mass shootings?

Curious, isn’t it? So I was thinking, maybe we should just make it illegal for Democrats to buy guns?

Read more at Why are all Mass Murderers Democrats Joe For America
I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
It's a Liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal then you are un-American.
I live in Arizona and it's NOT liberal. A liberal nation? After the LAST election? Do YOU need a clown suit! LMAO.
We let the fags marry here. That's not Jesusland now is it?
Who a democrat marries I could care less BUT I am concerned about the FACT they are unable to control their emotions and find it needed to kill to make their point,
Most of the gun deaths in American are GOPers, who blow their own brains out.


So you know that most suicides are GOPers? I'd love to see the proof of that claim.
I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
It's a Liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal then you are un-American.
I live in Arizona and it's NOT liberal. A liberal nation? After the LAST election? Do YOU need a clown suit! LMAO.
We let the fags marry here. That's not Jesusland now is it?
Who a democrat marries I could care less BUT I am concerned about the FACT they are unable to control their emotions and find it needed to kill to make their point,
Most of the gun deaths in American are GOPers, who blow their own brains out.

I think democrats ARE the enemy and if more Americans would not only see that but act on it this nation would be far better off. We ARE talking the party of treason here.
It's a Liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal then you are un-American.
I live in Arizona and it's NOT liberal. A liberal nation? After the LAST election? Do YOU need a clown suit! LMAO.
We let the fags marry here. That's not Jesusland now is it?
Who a democrat marries I could care less BUT I am concerned about the FACT they are unable to control their emotions and find it needed to kill to make their point,
Most of the gun deaths in American are GOPers, who blow their own brains out.
You got STATS to back that up? I would truly hate to think you were just running your mouth on an empty brain.
ROFL an article by VICTORIA JACKSON?!??!?


Exactly the way I feel about Bill Maher and the junior senator from Minnesota...Al Franken. Not to mention Jon Stewart, Alex Baldwin, Jeanene Garafalo, Billy Crystal, David Letterman etal.
Democrats like to say that they are "independent thinkers" ...that's why so many have clown show how "independent" they are......they're such good little apparatchiks!!

Democrats like to say that they are "independent thinkers" ...that's why so many have clown show how "independent" they are......they're such good little apparatchiks!!

I was guessing democrats here were so ashamed of who they are and the last election thet CHOSE to hide their face. It does fit them however, the "Loon Platoon".
Anyone who uses Victoria (I am NOT a bimbo) Jackson as a source cannot be taken seriously.

As for your list of shooters, than list has been debunked numerous times. The James Holmes who worked on the Obama campaign, is not the same person who shot those people in the theatre. The shooter wasn't a registered anything. Most of these people are not registered for either party. It's just another conservative lie.
Anyone who uses Victoria (I am NOT a bimbo) Jackson as a source cannot be taken seriously.

As for your list of shooters, than list has been debunked numerous times. The James Holmes who worked on the Obama campaign, is not the same person who shot those people in the theatre. The shooter wasn't a registered anything. Most of these people are not registered for either party. It's just another conservative lie.
A good 90% of that list is solid, far more then the UN-proven claim that most GOP's shoot themselves. Democrats with guns are a major problem.

It's time they gave them up or learned how to control themselves.

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