America cannot be great with Paul Ryan as Speaker

Without science, infrastructure and education will NOT be great. Period...

Ryan sucks but he at least understands that it isn't free.

Sell your house, car, all your possessions and give the money to the government so they can spend it on science, infrastructure, and education. Set an example to Yeah I thought not.
Rather, Paul Ryan is obsessed with spending America into oblivion. .
Okay, what about all of President Trumps proposed spending increases (Defense, Border Enforcement, $1 Trillion in Infrastructure, etc..,) or don't those count?

Not to mention where are the spending cuts in "Tax Reform" wish list to offset the long term deficit effects?

The only difference between Republicans and Democrats with respect to blowing ever increasing amounts of other peoples money is what bullshit they want to blow it on.
Nonsense. Our politicians don't make us great. Nor do our laws. We are great when the people are great. And the people are great when the people are good.

Doesn't matter who has power. The power is in our hands not theirs
If Newt was Speaker, O-care would be repealed, spending would be cut, the wall would be funded, and Trump's 100 days would be 100% successful.

Paul Ryan is the problem.

No, Newt wouldn't fare any better than Ryan and Boehner.

The problem is that the Republican party is badly fractured, most glaringly in the House.

Half the Republicans would like to actually get shit done.

But, the Freedom Caucus types rose to prominence on a sentiment of nothing more than opposition to government.

Compromise is a dirty word to them.

Such a caucus is not really interested in governing as much as they are to fealty to arch-conservative orthodoxy.

It's impossible to get anything done when half the party just wants to burn the mission down.

The problem is that the Republican party has become hopelessly dysfunctional by design, and Trump is losing allies in both camps by the day.
The people and the country are greatly only when the live up to the greatness of the Constitution.
Nonsense. Our politicians don't make us great. Nor do our laws. We are great when the people are great. And the people are great when the people are good.

Doesn't matter who has power. The power is in our hands not theirs

What country are YOU living in? The power isn't in your hands, the power is in the hands of the nexus of politicians, bureaucrats and well-moneyed special interests operating in the D.C. rats nest. You just get the warm & fuzzy illusion that your vote means that you have the power, just look at the results, the federal government continues to grow in size, scope and cost and the liberty and prosperity of the people continues to shrink in proportion.

The Republican Party and the Democrat Party have done a very thorough job of executing the "divide and conquer" strategy on the citizenry, to the point that we're so divided that our popular sovereignty has been completely conquered.
He's an incompetent milquetoast wuss. Just like John Boehner was. And Mitch McConnell isn't much better. They like things just the way they are. Trump gets things done. And he's thoroughly frustrated by how feckless Republican Leadership is.

Trump didn't expect that. He just assumed they would wanna get things done too. Trump's not a professional Politician. He doesn't understand their inept laziness. I think Ryan and McConnell do have to go. It's time.
Okay, what about all of President Trumps proposed spending increases (Defense, Border Enforcement, $1 Trillion in Infrastructure, etc..,) or don't those count?

I agree he has too much on his plate. That should not prevent a GOP controlled house from cutting spending, which they won;t do...
Okay, what about all of President Trumps proposed spending increases (Defense, Border Enforcement, $1 Trillion in Infrastructure, etc..,) or don't those count?

I agree he has too much on his plate. That should not prevent a GOP controlled house from cutting spending, which they won;t do...

They won't because they CAN'T , not only do you have a Republican Caucus that can't agree on the time of day let alone any major spending cuts anything the House does still has to get through the Senate before Donald "Progressive in Conservative Clothing" Trump can sign it and all Trump wants to do is increase spending while cutting taxes. I'm all for tax cuts but you cannot have tax cuts without spending cuts since if you don't cut spending all you're doing is shifting taxes into the future + interest.

For crying out loud, the Republicrats have been campaigning on Obamacare REPEAL for 7 years and when show time comes what happens? They choke and they'll choke on getting spending and deficits under control too.
During the 2014 elections in my home state of Maryland, there were problems with some of the ballot machines, whereby many ballots cast for Republicans “coincidentally” were automatically rendered as Democrat ballots. With the omnibus deal forged at 2 a.m. last night in Congress, this is essentially what has happened on a national level. People voted for a revolution – to drain the swamp – and out popped a Democrat budget. In fact, one would be hard pressed to find anything different about this budget from the one we would have gotten if Hillary had been elected.Betrayal beyond belief: Dem priorities funded; Trump’s scuttled
They won't because they CAN'T


Submit bill to cut spending. Vote to cut spending. They CAN do that. They do not want to do that because Paul Ryan doesn't want to do that. Paul Ryan need to go and be replaced by a Speaker who DOES want to do that.
They won't because they CAN'T


Submit bill to cut spending. Vote to cut spending. They CAN do that. They do not want to do that because Paul Ryan doesn't want to do that. Paul Ryan need to go and be replaced by a Speaker who DOES want to do that.
No they can't because they cannot agree on what spending to cut because everybody with the possible exception of the Freedom Caucus all have vote buying pet spending that they won't touch, nor can they put anything together that will pass muster in the Senate since the Republicans have the same problem in the Senate. That's in addition to the fact that the spending cuts that are needed go beyond discretionary spending and straight into entitlements, which has proven to be a political dead end.

As it stands today the best estimates are that the Republicans will need to find between $300billion to $700billion a year in spending cuts (after factoring in economic growth) to fund the Trump tax reform "wish list" (not including his proposed $1 Trillion in new infrastructure spending), where do you figure they're going to find those cuts? The last time a Republican led House actually CUT spending was in 1997 and that was possible because they had Democrat support, do you think that's possible now?

As far as replacing Paul Ryan, who do you imagine that they can replace him with that would be any better?
Okay, what about all of President Trumps proposed spending increases (Defense, Border Enforcement, $1 Trillion in Infrastructure, etc..,) or don't those count?

I agree he has too much on his plate. That should not prevent a GOP controlled house from cutting spending, which they won;t do...

They won't because they CAN'T , not only do you have a Republican Caucus that can't agree on the time of day let alone any major spending cuts anything the House does still has to get through the Senate before Donald "Progressive in Conservative Clothing" Trump can sign it and all Trump wants to do is increase spending while cutting taxes. I'm all for tax cuts but you cannot have tax cuts without spending cuts since if you don't cut spending all you're doing is shifting taxes into the future + interest.

For crying out loud, the Republicrats have been campaigning on Obamacare REPEAL for 7 years and when show time comes what happens? They choke and they'll choke on getting spending and deficits under control too.
It's like the drunk that claims he can kick anyone's ass and passes out before the first punch..
The last time a Republican led House actually CUT spending was in 1997

Thank You!!!!

FYI : Gingrich didn't do the 1997 Budget by himself, he had the help of the Democrats, the "Peace Dividend" and the Tech Bubble, that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve some credit but compared to current conditions he was operating in deficit hawk heaven.

IMHO If he were SoTH today he wouldn't be doing any better than Ryan is.
For next year maybe Trumpet can submit a budget plan and Congress will go along, but Congress is full of people that know Trump is a little shy on how to grease the wheels to get what he wants...

LaDexter wants Paul Ryan in front of a treason grand jury, for multiple reasons....

How is trying someone for a capital offense better than censorship? Wouldn't the result be the same except the person is dead...?

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