America dies

In fact, If I were any of the lawyers that will be defending any of the Trump rioters, I would build my case around the fact that local authorities DID NOTHING to stop the BLM/Aunt Teefah rioters.
Oh, the thing about that is this is the democrats feed off of animosity and hate like that creature in that Star Trek episode "Day of the dove". We need to fight them. Democrats feed on hate.
How is one worse than the other?
Trumps people went after corrupt congress people to protest our corrupt congress critters abusing us.
The lefts Brown shirts went after innocent people and businesses looting, burning, murdering and raping. Sad that you can't tell the difference.
The Star Trek episode "Day of the dove" was a metaphor. The thing that fed off fear and animosity and drove hate is not Trump nor Biden...its us.
Democrats push race riots for months, then are (ahemm ) "morally outraged" that for a few hours on one day people got pissed at them? umm DEMOCRATS BURN cities for months over NOTHING.

Sounds perhaps like I am oversimplifying some already worn out cliché, but it is true: democrats, their platforms, policies and ideologies are pure evil—if you consider their anti-human efforts the antithesis of "good". Continuing to try to makes sense of the vile things they do or to reason with them not only wastes precious time in the service of saving our nation but is also wholly useless. They will twist every act of evil they commit so that eventually good people start believing good is evil and evil is good. Pleading with evil bastards always ends the same way . . . nameless and face down in some mass grave. Don't take my word for it . . . read the history of every radical leftist government in human existence.
Trump had issues, true. But Democrats burned down cities and drove racial strife over lies . I used to be a democrat, they are scoundrels. Like AOC claiming she was a ghost murdered by republicans. She and Democrats have a bad habit of exaggerating just a little.
Democrats push race riots for months, then are (ahemm ) "morally outraged" that for a few hours on one day people got pissed at them? umm DEMOCRATS BURN cities for months over NOTHING.
The thread premise is a lie.

The Democrats have neither pushed race riots nor burned cities.

The thread is yet another example of the right's hate and contempt for the truth.

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