America Doesn't Have An Antisemitism Problem

Yes, there is a lot of anti-Semitism on the left, but don't fool yourself. The far right has their share as well.
Yes, it does. The Far Right has a lot of its own problems.

The thing is, and this is Important......... The Far Right has no power in our Party. Or anywhere else for that matter.

The Far left RUNS your Party.
Yes, it does. The Far Right has a lot of its own problems.

The thing is, and this is Important......... The Far Right has no power in our Party. Or anywhere else for that matter.

The Far left RUNS your Party.
The far right IS the Republican Party right now.
Americans don't have an anti-semitism problem, but their country, as the white nation conceived by the founders, will be destroyed in a few decades by the jewish-american agenda for the US:

Mass immigation of hispanics, blacks, arabs, asians and God knows what else.

Americans don't have an anti-semitism problem but they sure as hell should!!
Americans don't have an anti-semitism problem, but their country, as the white nation conceived by the founders, will be destroyed in a few decades by the jewish-american agenda for the US:

Mass immigation of hispanics, blacks, arabs, asians and God knows what else.
And here we see an example of Anti Semitism. This was not a white nation. Whites mass immigrated here.

America has an anti-Zionism issue, but it's not a problem. It's an awakening and it's being fought against by the police and all other government authorities.

Trump needs to gain the courage to lead it. He can't continue to be cowed by Biden on playing it safe!

All he has to do is address the issue as being against Zionism and not against the Jews.

And fwiw, his supporters need to get some balls and go to bat for that cause. The rest of the world is already there!

Trump against Zionism?


Anti-Zionism and Antisemitisms by the left is made up of a very small percent of the overall 'Liberal Coalition' . The vast majority of Liberals support Israel (in most cases) and are very much anti-Antisemitic.

On the right, even among moderate Conservatives, lot's of people are antisemitic. Who is and who is not is random, but it consists of a very sizeable minority or possibly a majority.

The only reason the right doesn't appear to be antisemitic is that since WWII, anti-semiticism has been condemned and associated with Nazis.

Given enough power, over time the right will become openly antisemitic. At least the Jews can be thankful to all the illegal immigrants as they're the ones that are getting the brunt of right-wing hatred....for now.
Whites mass immigrated here.


Yours is a statement of fact, IM2...

I couldn't refute it even if I wanted... so no contest here.

North America was their historic homeland and their will should have been respected... The fact that the notion of countries, nation-states were completely alien to them is irrelevant... as the native inhabitants they had a right to deny entry to a foreign people, culture, etc...

I just think you're confusing the central landmass of North America (a geographic term) with the 13 Colonies and the United States of America (a political entity)...

Indians inhabited the former for thousands of years but they never founded or lived in the latter before 1620/1776.

The nation-state of America (notwithstanding the brutal injustice upon which it was founded) was undoubtedly conceived as a white nation by the founders.

And if you decide to be honest with yourself, you're gonna concede the fact, that if anything, your post is a harsh cautionary tale of what happens to a people and their homeland, kingdom, country, nation, etc... when they can't prevent or simply allow its racial composition to be destroyed.
Just so you know, the dimocrap scum conducting these illegal, terrorist protests have called Columbia's bluff.

They ain't moving. And the leftist students at Columbia have surrounded them in order to protect them.

Another FYI:

One of the main radical leaders of the illegal pro-Hamas encampment at Columbia
was suspended from campus 4 weeks ago for bringing in a terrorist for a "Resistance 101" teach-in. The suspension was never enforced.

This leader's mom is Elizabeth Daughtrey, an officer at the @StateDept.
The thing is, and this is Important......... The Far Right has no power in our Party.

They are literally the Republican party now under Cult 45. It’s an extremist movement full of lies, conspiracy theories, and paranoia.

The Far left RUNS your Party.
Which is who?
I see that a few here misunderstood my post. But I don't feel like 'splaining it, so...never mind, carry on. lol

No one misunderstood your post at all. Once again your attempt at being pithy, just shines a light on your wilful ignorance of the topic at hand.

You obviously cannot tell the difference between propaganda and facts and treat them as equal. It is shocking to see the depths of anti-semitic behaviour throughout the USA, and it's not just coming from one side.

The right has seized on the pro-Palestinian protests and tried to pretend that the right doesn't have an anti-semitism problem, even though the KKK and radical right wing Christian attacks on Jews goes back generations. The religious right believes that "Jews killed Jesus" making them fair game. The Romans killed Jesus.

Last but not least, as the arrests at Stamford have shown, very few of the protestors are students. Most are outside agitators.
You can't answer my question?
It's a horseshit question designed to distract from the absolute FACT that your entire party is controlled by the Far Left. You know it, I know it, everybody else knows it. Why do you do that? Why do you, and people like you, try to deflect from absolute facts with total garbage? Don't forget, Trump sunk the Titanic.

Just own it. It is what it is.

BTW, Trump's Daughter is Jewish. Trump has Jewish Grandchildren. Save your bullshit for your 3rd Grade Classroom. They might believe you. Nobody else does.

shit gets old, man

It'd be nice to have somewhere to discuss current events without facing the onslaught of bullshit. Just out and out bullshit.

Republicans have a lot of faults, but AntiSemitism isn't one of them. Your party is irredeemable
It's a horseshit question designed to distract from the absolute FACT that your entire party is controlled by the Far Left.

I still don't know who you're talking about.
I still don't know who you're talking about.
And therein lies the problem.

If you don't know that the dimocrap party is controlled by the Far Left, then you're part of the problem.

And, no. I'm not going to get into a Pee Wee Herman, "I'm rubber and you're glue" argument with you.

I am not a child. Play your word games somewhere else.
No one misunderstood your post at all. Once again your attempt at being pithy, just shines a light on your wilful ignorance of the topic at hand.

You obviously cannot tell the difference between propaganda and facts and treat them as equal. It is shocking to see the depths of anti-semitic behaviour throughout the USA, and it's not just coming from one side.

The right has seized on the pro-Palestinian protests and tried to pretend that the right doesn't have an anti-semitism problem, even though the KKK and radical right wing Christian attacks on Jews goes back generations. The religious right believes that "Jews killed Jesus" making them fair game. The Romans killed Jesus.

Last but not least, as the arrests at Stamford have shown, very few of the protestors are students. Most are outside agitators.

You clearly don't know my position on the whole thing, or what I was talking about when I mentioned propaganda. It's not what you assumed. But I probably shouldn't have posted at all, because I really don't have the time or desire to get into any debates on this whole thing.
It has a leftist problem.

The only places where antsemitsim has raised its ugly head are in Cities completely and totally dominated by the left.

But don't take my word for it. Take it from somebody who has lived it.

She is so right on this (as well as many other things.)
It has a leftist problem.

The only places where antsemitsim has raised its ugly head are in Cities completely and totally dominated by the left.

But don't take my word for it. Take it from somebody who has lived it.

I must clarify that the statement "America doesn't have an antisemitism problem. It has a leftist problem" is false and oversimplifies a complex issue.

Antisemitism exists across the political spectrum and is not confined to any particular ideology or group. It is important to address antisemitism wherever it occurs, whether it is from the left, right, or any other political orientation.

While it is true that antisemitism can manifest on the left, such as through criticism of Israel crossing into anti-Semitic tropes, it is also prevalent on the right, with white supremacist groups frequently targeting Jewish individuals.

Both sides have a responsibility to combat antisemitism and promote understanding and tolerance. Labelling the issue as solely a "leftist problem" ignores the broader societal challenge of combating antisemitism in all its forms.

It is crucial for individuals and communities to work together to address this issue effectively and promote a culture of respect and inclusivity for all people, regardless of their background or beliefs.

Antisemitism differs from Anti-Netanyahu?

Antisemitism is hatred or discrimination towards Jewish people as a whole, based on stereotypes, prejudices, or conspiracy theories. It is a form of racism that has a long history and can manifest in various ways, including verbal attacks, violence, or discriminatory policies.

On the other hand, criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, or anti-Netanyahu sentiment, is focused on opposition to his political actions, policies, or leadership style. This criticism is directed specifically at Netanyahu as an individual and his role in Israeli politics, rather than targeting Jewish people as a whole.

It is essential to differentiate between the two because conflating criticism of Netanyahu with antisemitism can undermine legitimate debate and discussion about Israeli government policies.

It is possible to criticize Netanyahu or the Israeli government without being antisemitic, just as it is possible to oppose antisemitism while also acknowledging and critiquing Israeli government actions.

Understanding this distinction is crucial in promoting constructive dialogue and combating both antisemitism and unjust policies.

Are you antisemitism or anti-Netanyahu? :)

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