America Doesn't Have An Antisemitism Problem

And therein lies the problem.

If you don't know that the dimocrap party is controlled by the Far Left, then you're part of the problem.
Of course, I know that. What does that have to do with me?
It has a leftist problem.

The only places where antsemitsim has raised its ugly head are in Cities completely and totally dominated by the left.

But don't take my word for it. Take it from somebody who has lived it.

I'm glad I live in a small community with people who respect one another.
Whites mass immigrated here.


Yours is a statement of fact, IM2...

I couldn't refute it even if I wanted... so no contest here.

North America was their historic homeland and their will should have been respected... The fact that the notion of countries, nation-states were completely alien to them is irrelevant... as the native inhabitants they had a right to deny entry to a foreign people, culture, etc...

I just think you're confusing the central landmass of North America (a geographic term) with the 13 Colonies and the United States of America (a political entity)...

Indians inhabited the former for thousands of years but they never founded or lived in the latter before 1620/1776.

The nation-state of America (notwithstanding the brutal injustice upon which it was founded) was undoubtedly conceived as a white nation by the founders.

And if you decide to be honest with yourself, you're gonna concede the fact, that if anything, your post is a harsh cautionary tale of what happens to a people and their homeland, kingdom, country, nation, etc... when they can't prevent or simply allow its racial composition to be destroyed.
No, I'm not confusing anything.

Just so you know, the dimocrap scum conducting these illegal, terrorist protests have called Columbia's bluff.

They ain't moving. And the leftist students at Columbia have surrounded them in order to protect them.

Another FYI:

One of the main radical leaders of the illegal pro-Hamas encampment at Columbia
was suspended from campus 4 weeks ago for bringing in a terrorist for a "Resistance 101" teach-in. The suspension was never enforced.

This leader's mom is Elizabeth Daughtrey, an officer at the @StateDept.
There are no ilegal terrorist protests being held in this country right now.
There was no "immigration" legal or otherwise. There was no country here, just wandering nomadic primitives who invaded each other, mass murdered and took slaves.
That's a lie. So just stop trying to justify what was done.
The Self-Gassing Jews of the left are so predictaable.

Jewish Dems Quiet on Antisemitism to Pander for Votes​

"I think this is why Democrats are freaking out with respect to these protests and why they are not cracking down on the rampant antisemitism."

Jewish lawmakers on Capitol Hill are quiet on the antisemitic protests that have roiled Columbia University and other college campuses in recent weeks because their goal is to shore up support for the Democratic Party ahead of November, Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., told Newsmax on Monday.

In 2016, when [former President] Donald Trump won, he won by 80,000 votes in three states," Lawler told "Wake Up America" during an in-studio appearance. "When he lost in 2020, he lost by 40,000 votes in three states. So, you're talking about an election that will be determined by a handful of votes in a handful of states.
Antisemitism is their bread and butter. Do whatever they want under the cover of antisemitism. I run that risk by just typing this.
There was no "immigration" legal or otherwise. There was no country here, just wandering nomadic primitives who invaded each other, mass murdered and took slaves.
You do realize you're trying to use logic and reason on an individual with the IQ of an immature Dung Beetle, don't you?

Intelligent, thinking people are aware of how "Native Americans" lived in pre-Columbian times.

They were, as you say, mass murdering scum and they did take Slaves. Lots of them.

But not for menial labor or building projects..... For food. They ate them.

The Aztecs were the worst of them, they had institutionalized it. They had even developed weapons designed to not kill their prey when they went on raiding parties. They didn't want to have to carry them back to the Village. Plus, they could keep them alive until they needed them for their next Stew or Barbecue. And they forced them to march with them when they were being pursued by their enemies -- The Spanish. There are archeological records in California proving this to be true.

The Usual Suspects deny it but it's absolutely 100% proven fact, Native Americans had Insitutionalized Cannibalism.

In fact, it is recorded as late as 150 years ago that the Commanche would routinely cook, alive, their captives over an open fire and then sit down and eat them in front of other captives.

And we're the bad guys??
What my two little babies, CarlinAnnArbor and Edgetho, are basically saying is that they believe in the law of the jungle, might makes right... ethics and morality be damned.


But if landgrabs, ethnic cleasing, destruction of whole societies and genocide are "kosher" why so many conservatives like my little babies CarlinAnnArbor, Edgetho, JGalt, The Hawk, TrogocratsRDumb, The Parser, etc... have a problem with mass non-white immigration, the destruction of the anglo-saxon/white/european national character of the United States, the destruction of the country's white majority, the genocide of white Americans through miscegenation?
At least I am coherent, my political thought is logically consistent...

I clearly stated to IM2 in a previous post that I oppose all landgrabs, destructions of civilizations and genocides...

I said that what happened in North America 400, 300, 200 years ago was a brutality that should never have happened... just like the genocide of white Americans and the destruction of America's european majority/national character that is happening now.

But my little babies, CarlinAnnArbor, Edgetho and IM2 cannot keep the same coherence.

Carl and Edgetho mock the brutality commited against America's original people while IM2 uses that brutality as an excuse to legitimize the monstrosity being committed against white Americans now.

They are all morally depraved individuals with IM2 being the mirror image (inverted image) of the first two.

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