America dumbs down

Not doubt that America is dumbed down. I've noticed that our scientists, intellectuals and political hacks have been getting progressively dumber over the last 50-some years.
and lots of the general populous....that is being demonstrated to full effect by some of the right leaning posters..

I'm pretty sure that anyone who continues to live willingly in a state like California is pretty much confirmed to be dumbed-down about as far as one can go and in no position to judge others of any leaning.
could it be that they are?

If the bulk of the subject matter of the linked article is off limits, then I'll just say that the legislation described in the article is silly. School should teach the mechanism of the evolving theory of evolution. That doesn't exclude a concept of purpose or Providence.

When I was in school, I learned about the Stanley-Miller experiment and the warm pond theory where a lightening bolt struck the water and life began. I learned about an organic cell which was much more simplistic than we understand it to be today. And, this wasn't very long ago. Hopefully the lessons have become more nuanced, but I doubt it.
The Catholic Church does not officially dispute the theory of Evolution. In fact, it is taught in biology classes at Notre Dame(!). The Catholic Church teaches that the stories in Genesis are allegorical, and not to be taken literally.

It is not the obligation of scientists to conform with accepted religious beliefs. It is the obligation of religion to explain beliefs that can be proven false by settled science (e.g., the earth being 5,000 years old).

"Arrogance" becomes an issue in arguments like this when people with degrees in - for example - Wimmins' Studies lecture others about the science of "climate change."
That is one of many reasons I am not catholic, they are untruthful.
ok. how?
The stories in Genesis are not allegorical.
bullshit! there is no evidence what so ever supporting the Adam and eve myth ,the flood myth, Moses myth,
Joshua, the tower of babble, need I go on....?
they are only real as stories. not actual events
Not doubt that America is dumbed down. I've noticed that our scientists, intellectuals and political hacks have been getting progressively dumber over the last 50-some years.
and lots of the general populous....that is being demonstrated to full effect by some of the right leaning posters..

I'm pretty sure that anyone who continues to live willingly in a state like California is pretty much confirmed to be dumbed-down about as far as one can go and in no position to judge others of any leaning.
I disagree. do love the jealous of California thing..
could it be that they are?

If the bulk of the subject matter of the linked article is off limits, then I'll just say that the legislation described in the article is silly. School should teach the mechanism of the evolving theory of evolution. That doesn't exclude a concept of purpose or Providence.

When I was in school, I learned about the Stanley-Miller experiment and the warm pond theory where a lightening bolt struck the water and life began. I learned about an organic cell which was much more simplistic than we understand it to be today. And, this wasn't very long ago. Hopefully the lessons have become more nuanced, but I doubt it.
they have and they do not include the religious concepts of purpose or Providence.
as those are Philosophical constructs and not physical science...
Not doubt that America is dumbed down. I've noticed that our scientists, intellectuals and political hacks have been getting progressively dumber over the last 50-some years.
and lots of the general populous....that is being demonstrated to full effect by some of the right leaning posters..

I'm pretty sure that anyone who continues to live willingly in a state like California is pretty much confirmed to be dumbed-down about as far as one can go and in no position to judge others of any leaning.
I disagree. do love the jealous of California thing..

Confusing pity and disdain for jealousy only confirms your low standing on the intellectual food-chain, darlin.
they have and they do not include the religious concepts of purpose or Providence.
as those are Philosophical constructs and not physical science...

I agree. I should have been more clear. Public school should be teaching the mechanisms of evolution, like I said. Science should not enter into philosophy.

I will say, though, that my daughter goes to public school in one of the most liberal cities in the country. She does study world religions in social studies. She sings traditional religious hymns and gospel songs in the public school choir. Maybe atheists are just horrible at writing choir songs. Like maybe, "I love the birds and the flowers, but it's actually just an adapted chemical response in the brain resulting from a series of random contingencies, lalala." See, that just doesn't make a good choir song.

Anyway, I've been very satisfied with our local public schools K thru HS.
Nope, sorry. I have not been misinformed nor mislead. Please tell me exactly where I've been misinformed or mislead. Thanks.
if you understood what a false premise was you would not have to ask.
OK. Fair enough. We'll do this your way. What "false premise" am I believing? What is it that I don't understand? And, what exactly do my posts prove? Please give details instead of general slurs or slams. And, if it all "began where it began", as you say, and have said, where exactly was that, and who or what set it in motion? I would greatly appreciated it if you would make an effort to answer those question. Thanks.

A false premise is an incorrect proposition that forms the basis of an argument or syllogism. Since the premise (proposition, or assumption) is not correct, the conclusion drawn may be in error. However, the logical validity of an argument is a function of its internal consistency, not the truth value of its premises.
the false premise you are buying is god exists as there is no proof of it....(can we do this without needing to explain again what no evidence either way means ) that makes it and every conclusion, idea, opinion, etc. false .
is that clear enough?
as to the rest of your "questions" if you understand these false premise and logical fallacy
noun fal·la·cy \ˈfa-lə-sē\
: a wrong belief : a false or mistaken idea

: the quality of being false or wrong

those questions become irrelevant.
Nice try. Still not willing to answer the questions? No problem, I understand. How can I be wrong when it's ONLY your opinion that I'm wrong? You haven't provided any facts or data to prove me wrong. All you're doing is say that GOD, or believing in GOD, is a false premise. Can you provide anything other than just your opinion on this matter? If you're going to say that I'm wrong, which you have several times already, at least show proof that I'm wrong. Giving just your opinion doesn't hold any more water than me giving my opinion.

Also, again, I fully understand what a false premise is. I gave the definition that I was directed to. All I'm asking is "what false premise" do you think I believe or understand, and why do you think that? Very simple questions. Please answer them. Thanks.
how many times does this question and in how many ways does this circular reasoning have to be answered.
once more in to the breach.....
god is a false premise because the is no evidence that god exists.... no extra data is needed, this is not my opinion it's a fact, period.
no matter what kind of alleged evidence you produce it's
not viable because it is based on the aforementioned false premise .
believing in god is a logical fallacy the logical fallacy of assuming the conclusion in the premises; begging the question.
a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning.
And, again, we totally disagree. Which is perfectly fine, no problem. Personally, I believe that GOD does exist, and is the creator. There's no end to this, neither side has been proven in centuries of trying. We'll just agree to disagree and let it go at that. I honestly appreciate the conversation on the subject, as I always do. Thanks.
I didn't expect this sort of Spanish inquisition !

Nobody does.
Their weapon is deflection, bringing in discussions of theism and Obamacare... their two weapons are deflecting with theism, Obamacare, climate change.... their THREE weapons aagggh......

Amongst their weapons are deflection, ad hom...

Amongst their weaponry are such diverse elements as deflection with theism
I'll come in again.
Did the root post mention GOD, and creation? Yes or no? If yes, then how is this a deflection? Thank.

Their weapon is Deflection. That's all -- just deflection. And a nice red uniform.

The OP mentioned state legislators making a mockery of their own job trying to make state government into theocracy. How can you defend that?

I originally thought the OP was jumping on you too harshly back there but at some point I came to understand he had you pegged. The idea of defending this sort of idiocy is just hard to believe.
I wasn't defending anyone. Obviously, you misunderstood my comments. I have no reason to defend anyone. I certainly wouldn't defend a politician. I was defending a position, not a person. I think if you go back and re-read my comments, you'll see that I wasn't defending anyone. Politicians are one of the lowest forms of humanity. They're the last ones that I'd ever defend.
you are vigorously defending a belief....
Yes, correct. I am defending the belief I have in GOD as the creator.
The Catholic Church does not officially dispute the theory of Evolution. In fact, it is taught in biology classes at Notre Dame(!). The Catholic Church teaches that the stories in Genesis are allegorical, and not to be taken literally.

It is not the obligation of scientists to conform with accepted religious beliefs. It is the obligation of religion to explain beliefs that can be proven false by settled science (e.g., the earth being 5,000 years old).

"Arrogance" becomes an issue in arguments like this when people with degrees in - for example - Wimmins' Studies lecture others about the science of "climate change."
To be clear the Roman Catholic Church had their own hand in denying the Book of Genesis and Creation just as they have had their own hand in the creation of Communists - whose spiritual father is Darwin - the creation of Islam - with their fore runner Augustine and later Catholic convent turned agent Khadijah - and their denial of the Scriptures by replacing Truth with Lies - they teach Purgatory yet there is no Purgatory in the Bible. They teach Limbo and there is no Limbo in the Bible. They teach salvation through Mary and Catholicism and yet that is not in the Bible. The Bible is very clear that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that NO MAN comes to the father except THROUGH HIM. Not through Mary. Not through the false Roman Institution. Jesus Christ never mentioned a pope or a Vicar and he has need of neither! They teach Peter is the first pope of Rome yet Peter was never a Pope - there is no mention of his having ever visited Rome - Paul preached to Rome - not Peter - Peter was called to preach to the Jews - furthermore Peter was a married man and Jesus healed his mother in law. Finally Peter's bones are not in Rome -his tomb was found in Israel and the Bible is not an allegory. It's the truth which proves that the Roman Vatican are nothing but Liars.

The audacity of Rome's Vatican is only exceeded by the stupidity of its followers.
The Catholic Church does not officially dispute the theory of Evolution. In fact, it is taught in biology classes at Notre Dame(!). The Catholic Church teaches that the stories in Genesis are allegorical, and not to be taken literally.

It is not the obligation of scientists to conform with accepted religious beliefs. It is the obligation of religion to explain beliefs that can be proven false by settled science (e.g., the earth being 5,000 years old).

"Arrogance" becomes an issue in arguments like this when people with degrees in - for example - Wimmins' Studies lecture others about the science of "climate change."
That is one of many reasons I am not catholic, they are untruthful.
ok. how?
The stories in Genesis are not allegorical.
bullshit! there is no evidence what so ever supporting the Adam and eve myth ,the flood myth, Moses myth,
Joshua, the tower of babble, need I go on....?
they are only real as stories. not actual events
There is evidence, you just have to be smart enough to look for it. Good luck with your unbelief.
Not doubt that America is dumbed down. I've noticed that our scientists, intellectuals and political hacks have been getting progressively dumber over the last 50-some years.
and lots of the general populous....that is being demonstrated to full effect by some of the right leaning posters..

I'm pretty sure that anyone who continues to live willingly in a state like California is pretty much confirmed to be dumbed-down about as far as one can go and in no position to judge others of any leaning.
I disagree. do love the jealous of California thing..

Confusing pity and disdain for jealousy only confirms your low standing on the intellectual food-chain, darlin.
YOU wish!
Nobody does.
Their weapon is deflection, bringing in discussions of theism and Obamacare... their two weapons are deflecting with theism, Obamacare, climate change.... their THREE weapons aagggh......

Amongst their weapons are deflection, ad hom...

Amongst their weaponry are such diverse elements as deflection with theism
I'll come in again.
Did the root post mention GOD, and creation? Yes or no? If yes, then how is this a deflection? Thank.

Their weapon is Deflection. That's all -- just deflection. And a nice red uniform.

The OP mentioned state legislators making a mockery of their own job trying to make state government into theocracy. How can you defend that?

I originally thought the OP was jumping on you too harshly back there but at some point I came to understand he had you pegged. The idea of defending this sort of idiocy is just hard to believe.
I wasn't defending anyone. Obviously, you misunderstood my comments. I have no reason to defend anyone. I certainly wouldn't defend a politician. I was defending a position, not a person. I think if you go back and re-read my comments, you'll see that I wasn't defending anyone. Politicians are one of the lowest forms of humanity. They're the last ones that I'd ever defend.
you are vigorously defending a belief....
Yes, correct. I am defending the belief I have in GOD as the creator.
it's your myth...
The Catholic Church does not officially dispute the theory of Evolution. In fact, it is taught in biology classes at Notre Dame(!). The Catholic Church teaches that the stories in Genesis are allegorical, and not to be taken literally.

It is not the obligation of scientists to conform with accepted religious beliefs. It is the obligation of religion to explain beliefs that can be proven false by settled science (e.g., the earth being 5,000 years old).

"Arrogance" becomes an issue in arguments like this when people with degrees in - for example - Wimmins' Studies lecture others about the science of "climate change."
That is one of many reasons I am not catholic, they are untruthful.
ok. how?
The stories in Genesis are not allegorical.
bullshit! there is no evidence what so ever supporting the Adam and eve myth ,the flood myth, Moses myth,
Joshua, the tower of babble, need I go on....?
they are only real as stories. not actual events
There is evidence, you just have to be smart enough to look for it. Good luck with your unbelief.
false! you want to believe there is evidence, extremely ignorant and gullible people will find what they are looking for especially when it's not there.....
Did the root post mention GOD, and creation? Yes or no? If yes, then how is this a deflection? Thank.

Their weapon is Deflection. That's all -- just deflection. And a nice red uniform.

The OP mentioned state legislators making a mockery of their own job trying to make state government into theocracy. How can you defend that?

I originally thought the OP was jumping on you too harshly back there but at some point I came to understand he had you pegged. The idea of defending this sort of idiocy is just hard to believe.
I wasn't defending anyone. Obviously, you misunderstood my comments. I have no reason to defend anyone. I certainly wouldn't defend a politician. I was defending a position, not a person. I think if you go back and re-read my comments, you'll see that I wasn't defending anyone. Politicians are one of the lowest forms of humanity. They're the last ones that I'd ever defend.
you are vigorously defending a belief....
Yes, correct. I am defending the belief I have in GOD as the creator.
it's your myth...
To me it's NOT a myth. I don't have any myths. I live in reality and the real world.
Their weapon is Deflection. That's all -- just deflection. And a nice red uniform.

The OP mentioned state legislators making a mockery of their own job trying to make state government into theocracy. How can you defend that?

I originally thought the OP was jumping on you too harshly back there but at some point I came to understand he had you pegged. The idea of defending this sort of idiocy is just hard to believe.
I wasn't defending anyone. Obviously, you misunderstood my comments. I have no reason to defend anyone. I certainly wouldn't defend a politician. I was defending a position, not a person. I think if you go back and re-read my comments, you'll see that I wasn't defending anyone. Politicians are one of the lowest forms of humanity. They're the last ones that I'd ever defend.
you are vigorously defending a belief....
Yes, correct. I am defending the belief I have in GOD as the creator.
it's your myth...
To me it's NOT a myth. I don't have any myths. I live in reality and the real world.
it's a myth, it's no more real than the lord of the rings, just not as good.
not my opinion just fact.
to you or any one for that matter a myth can seem as real as actuality if you want it bad ENOUGH...
That is one of many reasons I am not catholic, they are untruthful.
ok. how?
The stories in Genesis are not allegorical.
bullshit! there is no evidence what so ever supporting the Adam and eve myth ,the flood myth, Moses myth,
Joshua, the tower of babble, need I go on....?
they are only real as stories. not actual events
There is evidence, you just have to be smart enough to look for it. Good luck with your unbelief.
false! you want to believe there is evidence, extremely ignorant and gullible people will find what they are looking for especially when it's not there.....
Wrong, but then you always are. Good luck to you also at judgement.
The stories in Genesis are not allegorical.
bullshit! there is no evidence what so ever supporting the Adam and eve myth ,the flood myth, Moses myth,
Joshua, the tower of babble, need I go on....?
they are only real as stories. not actual events
There is evidence, you just have to be smart enough to look for it. Good luck with your unbelief.
false! you want to believe there is evidence, extremely ignorant and gullible people will find what they are looking for especially when it's not there.....
Wrong, but then you always are. Good luck to you also at judgement.
Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind?

In order to become "the most powerful nation on Earth" you need to achieve 2 things in your population:
1). They must be dumbed down ...
2). ... and that will have caused them to lose their minds.
The U.S. is being overrun by a wave of anti-science, anti-intellectual thinking. Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind?

South Carolina’s state beverage is milk. Its insect is the praying mantis. There’s a designated dance—the shag—as well a sanctioned tartan, game bird, dog, flower, gem and snack food (boiled peanuts). But what Olivia McConnell noticed was missing from among her home’s 50 official symbols was a fossil. So last year, the eight-year-old science enthusiast wrote to the governor and her representatives to nominate the Columbian mammoth. Teeth from the woolly proboscidean, dug up by slaves on a local plantation in 1725, were among the first remains of an ancient species ever discovered in North America. Forty-three other states had already laid claim to various dinosaurs, trilobites, primitive whales and even petrified wood. It seemed like a no-brainer. “Fossils tell us about our past,” the Grade 2 student wrote.

And, as it turns out, the present, too. The bill that Olivia inspired has become the subject of considerable angst at the legislature in the state capital of Columbia. First, an objecting state senator attached three verses from Genesis to the act, outlining God’s creation of all living creatures. Then, after other lawmakers spiked the amendment as out of order for its introduction of the divinity, he took another crack, specifying that the Columbian mammoth “was created on the sixth day with the other beasts of the field.” That version passed in the senate in early April. But now the bill is back in committee as the lower house squabbles over the new language, and it’s seemingly destined for the same fate as its honouree—extinction.

What has doomed Olivia’s dream is a raging battle in South Carolina over the teaching of evolution in schools. Last week, the state’s education oversight committee approved a new set of science standards that, if adopted, would see students learn both the case for, and against, natural selection.

Charles Darwin’s signature discovery—first published 155 years ago and validated a million different ways since—long ago ceased to be a matter for serious debate in most of the world. But in the United States, reconciling science and religious belief remains oddly difficult. A national poll, conducted in March for the Associated Press, found that 42 per cent of Americans are “not too” or “not at all” confident that all life on Earth is the product of evolution. Similarly, 51 per cent of people expressed skepticism that the universe started with a “big bang” 13.8 billion years ago, and 36 per cent doubted the Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years.

The American public’s bias against established science doesn’t stop where the Bible leaves off, however. The same poll found that just 53 per cent of respondents were “extremely” or “very confident” that childhood vaccines are safe and effective. (Worldwide, the measles killed 120,000 people in 2012. In the United States, where a vaccine has been available since 1963, the last recorded measles death was in 2003.) When it comes to global warming, only 33 per cent expressed a high degree of confidence that it is “man made,” something the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has declared is all but certain. (The good news, such as it was in the AP poll, was that 69 per cent actually believe in DNA, and 82 per cent now agree that smoking causes cancer.)

If the rise in uninformed opinion was limited to impenetrable subjects that would be one thing, but the scourge seems to be spreading. Everywhere you look these days, America is in a rush to embrace the stupid. Hell-bent on a path that’s not just irrational, but often self-destructive. Common-sense solutions to pressing problems are eschewed in favour of bumper-sticker simplicities and blind faith.

America dumbs down a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking

"The U.S. is being overrun by a wave of anti-science, anti-intellectual thinking. Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind?"

Look out folks, we're being overran !!! :laugh:


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