America First: President Trump imposes 30% tariff on imported solar products & washing machines


You are right, I imagine they will raise the price of all machines accordingly, if imported or not. Everything is going to go up.

As a Conservative I am generally against any trade restrictions because you are right, it runs up the cost of goods and services.

The problem is that foreign countries subsidize the cost of export goods and that has the effect of screwing American workers who has to compete with foreign subsidies.

It is a damn if you do and damn if you don't.

I am glad Trump is putting tariffs solar panels because maybe that will curtail a little bit of this stupid environmental wackoism going on.
Obama was a big solar energy guy so why didn't he propose a tariff on foreign solar products? It might have saved the taxpayer dollars that Hussein poured into Solindra just before it went under. Maybe he was too stupid or too timid or a little of both. Lefties should appreciate the fact that President Trump is trying to assist domestic companies that produce alternate energy products but alas anger and hatred has turned their minds upside down and everything good turns out to be bad.

Everything is going solar and wind, if T likes it or not.

Great that's what America needs is millions of ugly wind farms. Not sure what is worse, oil pumps or windmills.
This is welcome news for thousands of Whirlpool workers in Ohio whose jobs have been threatened by a surge of cheap washers!

AMERICA FIRST: Trump Imposes 30% Tariff on Imported Solar Products and Washing Machines - Breitbart
So now you will pay more for a washing machine. This is good news?

I am good with it. I don't mind spending my money on American products. It also helps American workers keep their jobs.
Why should I pay more for Americans? You think they give a shit about me or you.

Now if another country is dumping products by selling them for less than they cost to be produced ... that's another story.
US capitalism is all about artificially manipulating prices, rather than leaving that to the "invisible hand". This is the reason that I buy my RX in Mexico.

After all, why should American manufacturers have to compete in a free market? That would be cruel! Us consumers OWE them our money! Reminds me when Ford was selling us Pintos while VW was sell us cars for a lower price that did not explode on impact!
US capitalism is all about artificially manipulating prices, rather than leaving that to the "invisible hand". This is the reason that I buy my RX in Mexico.

After all, why should American manufacturers have to compete in a free market? That would be cruel! Us consumers OWE them our money! Reminds me when Ford was selling us Pintos while VW was sell us cars for a lower price that did not explode on impact!

Did you bitch about that asshole Obama giving billions to subsidize failing GM and Chrysler? How about giving hundred of millions to the Democrat campaign bundlers who ran Solyndra? How about subsidies to failing banks that contributed to Obama's 2008 campaign?

Is you condemnation of American capitalism restricted to those that don't support Democrat assholes?
This is welcome news for thousands of Whirlpool workers in Ohio whose jobs have been threatened by a surge of cheap washers!

AMERICA FIRST: Trump Imposes 30% Tariff on Imported Solar Products and Washing Machines - Breitbart
So now you will pay more for a washing machine. This is good news?

I am good with it. I don't mind spending my money on American products. It also helps American workers keep their jobs.
Why should I pay more for Americans? You think they give a shit about me or you.

Now if another country is dumping products by selling them for less than they cost to be produced ... that's another story.

I give a shit about American employees, so I will buy American to support other working Americans. You can do whatever the hell you like.
US capitalism is all about artificially manipulating prices, rather than leaving that to the "invisible hand". This is the reason that I buy my RX in Mexico.

After all, why should American manufacturers have to compete in a free market? That would be cruel! Us consumers OWE them our money! Reminds me when Ford was selling us Pintos while VW was sell us cars for a lower price that did not explode on impact!

Did you bitch about that asshole Obama giving billions to subsidize failing GM and Chrysler? How about giving hundred of millions to the Democrat campaign bundlers who ran Solyndra? How about subsidies to failing banks that contributed to Obama's 2008 campaign?

Is you condemnation of American capitalism restricted to those that don't support Democrat assholes?

Yes, I did bitch about all those things, which, BTW resulted from the financial institution meltdown which was, in turn, caused by the GOP's having deregulated the financial industry. AND, in spite of that, they are doing it again!
This is welcome news for thousands of Whirlpool workers in Ohio whose jobs have been threatened by a surge of cheap washers!

AMERICA FIRST: Trump Imposes 30% Tariff on Imported Solar Products and Washing Machines - Breitbart
So now you will pay more for a washing machine. This is good news?

I am good with it. I don't mind spending my money on American products. It also helps American workers keep their jobs.
Why should I pay more for Americans? You think they give a shit about me or you.

Now if another country is dumping products by selling them for less than they cost to be produced ... that's another story.

I give a shit about American employees, so I will buy American to support other working Americans. You can do whatever the hell you like.

Works for me. I live 35 miles from the border, so I will continue to buy from the most economical source. As a matter of fact, there is virtually nothing for sale at Walmart that was made in the USA. I can find good deals on my foreign made computer and TV!
This is welcome news for thousands of Whirlpool workers in Ohio whose jobs have been threatened by a surge of cheap washers!

AMERICA FIRST: Trump Imposes 30% Tariff on Imported Solar Products and Washing Machines - Breitbart
So now you will pay more for a washing machine. This is good news?

I am good with it. I don't mind spending my money on American products. It also helps American workers keep their jobs.
Why should I pay more for Americans? You think they give a shit about me or you.

Now if another country is dumping products by selling them for less than they cost to be produced ... that's another story.

I give a shit about American employees, so I will buy American to support other working Americans. You can do whatever the hell you like.

Works for me. I live 35 miles from the border, so I will continue to buy from the most economical source. As a matter of fact, there is virtually nothing for sale at Walmart that was made in the USA. I can find good deals on my foreign made computer and TV!

Good for you, I won't buy from Walmart, Target, Lowes, Home Depot and other big box places. I shop local mom and pops and support the small businesses. I don't give a shit about your lack of money.
So much for the free market that the Trump zealots used to pretend they were in favor of

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I’ve never been in favor of it. It’s always been one thing I hated about the GOP. Dems were just as guilty of it too. They never once proposed taxing imports in order to keep jobs in America, all they ever wanted to do was raise taxes on the companies themselves.
This is welcome news for thousands of Whirlpool workers in Ohio whose jobs have been threatened by a surge of cheap washers!

AMERICA FIRST: Trump Imposes 30% Tariff on Imported Solar Products and Washing Machines - Breitbart
So now you will pay more for a washing machine. This is good news?

I am good with it. I don't mind spending my money on American products. It also helps American workers keep their jobs.
Why should I pay more for Americans? You think they give a shit about me or you.

Now if another country is dumping products by selling them for less than they cost to be produced ... that's another story.

I give a shit about American employees, so I will buy American to support other working Americans. You can do whatever the hell you like.

Works for me. I live 35 miles from the border, so I will continue to buy from the most economical source. As a matter of fact, there is virtually nothing for sale at Walmart that was made in the USA. I can find good deals on my foreign made computer and TV!

And yet moronic progressives complain there aren’t enough high paying jobs in the US.
Many people don't know that America used to be staunchly protectionist and that we thrived under that trade policy. Abraham Lincoln was an ardent protectionist. So was Ulysses S. Grant. Ditto for Rutherford B. Hayes and Teddy Roosevelt.

Many fiercely protectionist nations have done very well, such as China and South Korea.

There is no way on this earth that an American factory in Ohio or Michigan is going to be able to compete with a factory in Ecuador, El Salvador, or Guatemala when the latter has few if any health and safety regulations to worry about and a vastly lower labor cost.
Why should we be buying a bunch of pansy-assed, faggoty solar panels from foreigners when we got good old American coal out the ying yang and real men more than willing to mine for it?

Make America Great Again, damnit!
So now you will pay more for a washing machine. This is good news?

I am good with it. I don't mind spending my money on American products. It also helps American workers keep their jobs.
Why should I pay more for Americans? You think they give a shit about me or you.

Now if another country is dumping products by selling them for less than they cost to be produced ... that's another story.

I give a shit about American employees, so I will buy American to support other working Americans. You can do whatever the hell you like.

Works for me. I live 35 miles from the border, so I will continue to buy from the most economical source. As a matter of fact, there is virtually nothing for sale at Walmart that was made in the USA. I can find good deals on my foreign made computer and TV!

And yet moronic progressives complain there aren’t enough high paying jobs in the US.

You must be talking about some other moronic progressive. I'm not complaining about lack of jobs in the USA tightening nuts and bolts on washing machines. As a matter of fact, I believe that every gas station pumping attendant in Oregon should be immediately fired, and that the law in that state which forbids customers from pumping their own gas should be repealed. I believe that New Jersey has the same law. Reminds me of when Wisconsin got their panties in a wad when margarine became popular, and was so much cheaper than butter, so they passed a law that margarine had to be white, not yellow. Then some guy came up with the idea of including a yellow die capsule with every pound of margarine, to turn it yellow before you put it on the table!
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Forget the cost structures, research the import taxes on US goods trying to be sold in Asia, then get back to us on what is fair.
isn't over 10% to 20% of our total gdp/economy done in goods we make that are sold to nations/customers overseas?

You do understand trade deficits right? Not trying to be a smart ass...real.
The American government, in favor of investors, has allowed itself to be taken advantage of by nearly all of our trade partners.
Not just China dumps markets. Australia does it too. And so does Canada, and so does European countries. This dumping makes investors boatloads of cash while putting many American businesses - out of business.
I haven't read into it, but that 30% tariff isn't slapped on for the helluvit...I can bet you without looking that these machines are getting heavily subsidized by their government.
Now, why would you want to continue with unfair trading???
You know, not everything Trump does means it is automatically wrong.

Edit: Oh and btw - many of these countries slap tariffs on our products.
Don't get me wrong. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to pay 35% more for American Rx than I do for the exact same brand of RX in Mexico. Makes me feel very patriotic! Mostly, I just go down there for the scenery, and while I am there, just drop in and pick up a few statins, muscle relaxants, cholesterol pills, vitamins, etc. BTW. An American pharmacist makes about $90.000. A Mexican pharmacist makes about $22,000. The only difference is that in Mexico, drugs are sold in prepackaged lots of 30, 60, or 90, like aspirin is sold here. In American the drugs are sold in giant bottles and counted off by the pharmacist to smaller bottles. By law, no one but a licensed pharmacist can do that in the USA. They have an additional 3 years of college training in counting pills!
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And I will say that America also dumps markets if it makes investors and share holders more money also.
Agri-Business. Nuff said.
Yea the American bread basket funded by the American tax payer with guaranteed profits to supply cheap food to Americans and abroad.

And I will say that America also dumps markets if it makes investors and share holders more money also.
Agri-Business. Nuff said.
Republicans have used the Farm bill as a way to line their pockets for years.

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