America In Retreat: A Record 11 Embassies Evacuated Under Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

America In Retreat:

A Record 11 Embassies Evacuated Under Biden

21 Mar 2024 ~~ By | I & I Editorial Board

With the evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Haiti last week, President Joe Biden extended his historic lead for fleeing embassies – a dubious distinction once held by Barack Obama.
That’s according to the Daily Signal, which dug into the records and found that as the world has slipped into chaos over the past three years, the U.S. has been forced to withdraw from embassy after embassy.
“Since Biden took office in January 2021, his State Department has partially or fully evacuated 11 U.S. embassies via what are known as authorized or ordered departure directives,” writes Tony Kinnett. The number is actually 14 if you count the fact that this is the fourth time Biden has ordered Americans to bolt from the U.S. embassy in Haiti.
The Biden embassy evacuation timeline:
  • Burma, March 2021
  • Chad, April 2021
  • Afghanistan, July 2021
  • Ethiopia, November 2021
  • Ukraine, February 2022
  • Belarus, February 2022
  • Russia, February 2022
  • Nigeria, October 2022
  • Sudan, April 2023
  • Niger, August 2023
  • Haiti, November 2021, December 2022, July 2023, March 2024
This record of failure is particularly noteworthy given that Biden bumbled his way into office promising to “restore America’s standing in the world,” which is still listed on a White House website as an “immediate priority” of his administration
It is no coincidence that America is increasingly under attack since Biden took office – from the 13 soldiers murdered during his bungled Afghan withdrawal to the deadly attacks against U.S. forces stationed in Iraq, to the increase in cyberattacks coming from China.
Nor is it a coincidence that 21 armed conflicts have started since Biden took office, and the number of deaths from armed conflicts shot up by 176% from 2020 to 2022, as we noted in this space a couple of months ago.

As pathetic as this may seem, Biden’s idea of restoring America’s position in the world was based upon his analysis of repeating what Obama did: Cut and run. It is that vision that Biden wants to enshrine in America and Americans. He views American greatness as anathema and not good policy, since it inspires hatred from those who want to hate us.
Please note Obama's view of Biden who said, "Never underestimate Joe’s ability to foul things up".
Then there's Antony Blinken whose management of the State Dept. has been on the wrong side of history since it's inception.
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They should be evaluated if the country is on the verge of a internal civil war and the country cannot provide adequate protection.

Let the locals fight it out and deal with the winner

Biden did the right thing as the US does not need to be dragged into an internal civil war in another country.

US and the rest of the world should provide support as needed to allies.

History has shown how failed attempts to evacuation to late is problematic

If American lives were saved then its a win
So you are blaming the internal politics and security situation of other countries on Pres. Biden?

Come on man, think.

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