'America is a bomb waiting to explode' - A Foreigners View of American Weakness


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The United States is in decline. While not all major shocks to the system will be devastating, when the right one comes along, the outcome may be dramatic.
Not all explosives are the same. We all know you have to be careful with dynamite. Best to handle it gently and not smoke while you’re around it.

Semtex is different. You can drop it. You can throw it. You can put it in the fire. Nothing will happen. Nothing until you put the right detonator in it, that is.

To me, the US – and most of the supposedly free West – increasingly looks like a truck being systematically filled with Semtex....

1. Destruction of farms and reliable food source
The average American is a long way from food when the shops are closed.

The Washington Post reports that the number of farms in the country has fallen by some 4 million from more than 6 million in 1935 to roughly 2 million in 2012.

And according to the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, only about 2 percent of the US population live on farms.

That means that around 4.6 million people currently have the means to feed themselves....

2. Weak economic system
The American economic system is little more than froth.

The US currency came off the gold standard in 1933 and severed any link with gold in 1971. Since then, the currency has been essentially linked to oil, the value of which has been protected and held together by wars.

The whole world has had enough of the US and its hubris – not least the people of the US themselves, which the massive support currently for Putin’s decision to deal with ISIS demonstrates.

Since pro-active war is what keeps the US going, if it loses the monopoly on that front, its decline is inevitable....

3. Americans increasingly on mind-altering drugs
According to the Scientific American, use of antidepressants among the US population was up 400 percent in the late 2000s over the 1990s. Many of these drugs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors....

4. Morals in decline
During the objective hardship of the 1930s, there was surprisingly little crime. People were brought up with a conception of morals and right and wrong. Frugality and prudence were prized virtues. Communities were generally fairly cohesive.

Relative to then, society today is undisciplined, unrealistic and selfish...."

Unfortunately, I find myself in full agreement.
America could be on waiting to explode, but there will always be an individual, party, group that wants to build on the ideals we have held to be true and the course that was set hen the US began.
My, I have been hearing about the immanent demise of America since 1950. And I think we are a much better nation than we were then. And enjoy a standard of living unimaginable at that time. So, doom and gloom all you want, we had challenges then, we have different challenges now, but we will do all right, just as we have done in the past.
My, I have been hearing about the immanent demise of America since 1950. And I think we are a much better nation than we were then. And enjoy a standard of living unimaginable at that time. So, doom and gloom all you want, we had challenges then, we have different challenges now, but we will do all right, just as we have done in the past.

What a Polyana perspective OldRocks. Say we have a bridge that has never had a new coat of paint on it to keep down the progression of rust and corrosion. Eventually it will collapse, but to peole like you it's always, 'For fifty years I have heard people say the bridge is going to collapse and just look at it; strong as it ever was!'

Until it isnt strong any more and collapses in rush hour or when a barge brushes against a foundation that it should be able to deflect.

Our nation has many signs of economic, military and moral corrosion, and partisans like you always rush to defend the country if their party's got the WH and agree with hossanas if they dont.

Why dont you look at the fact and address them instead of brushing things aside with a pedantic wave of your little fairy wand?.
Then I just need to find the right black market salesman..

Why do you always have to play the race card, dude?


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