America is a different place than it was 75 years ago - it was relatively safe

So ALL whites are racists? uh huh. NEXT
Stop whining. I didnt say all. Lots of white women love Black people

They're not white any longer if they choose to do that.
They are white and happy....

They're white trash due to their choice.
So we have it, when women chose a better mate than you, they are
Been happening everysinse white women could get away from your kind....

The Puzzling “White Indians” Who Loved Their Abductors.
Posted on April 5, 2014 by admin

Captive-taking by Native Americans was surprisingly common in Colonial times.

It was also common for captives to choose their Native communities over their Colonial families.

This puzzled the European Americans to no end.

They came to America believing that conversion would be easy once Natives saw the superiority of the Europeans’ religion, clothing, agriculture, dwellings, and every comfort known so far to man.

Yet there were very few Indians who converted to English culture, while large numbers of English chose to become Indian. Even Benjamin Franklin pondered why:

“When an Indian child has been brought up among us, taught our language and habituated to our customs, yet if he goes to see his relations and makes one Indian ramble with them, there is no persuading him ever to return. [But] when white persons of either sex have been taken prisoners young by the Indians, and lived a while among them, tho’ ransomed by their friends, and treated with all imaginable tenderness to prevail with them to stay among the English, yet in a short time they become disgusted with our manner of life, and the care and pains that are necessary to support it, and take the first good opportunity of escaping again into the woods, from whence there is no reclaiming them.”

One author put a bottom line on it in 1782, writing that,

“thousands of Europeans are Indians, and we have no examples of even one of those Aborigines having from choice become Europeans!”

Most of the thousands of “white Indians” left no explanation as to why they chose their adopted Native families and culture over the Colonials. They just traded in their hard shoes and disappeared into the wilderness.

The only narratives we have are from those who chose to return to Colonial society. In those writings, it is clear that the “white Indians” valued what Axtell calls the Natives’

“strong sense of community, abundant love, and uncommon integrity – values that the English colonists also honored, if less successfully.”

Axtell also notes other values, such as:

“social equality, mobility, adventure, and, as two adult converts acknowledged, ‘the most perfect freedom, the ease of living, [and] the absence of those cares and corroding solicitudes which so often prevail with us.”

Face it....nobody wants to be with your kind....

You mean hard working, self sufficient, and debt free? No, blacks, white trash which are the same as blacks, etc. don't want to be like me. They want the government to take care of them.
Stop whining. I didnt say all. Lots of white women love Black people

They're not white any longer if they choose to do that.
They are white and happy....

They're white trash due to their choice.
So we have it, when women chose a better mate than you, they are
Been happening everysinse white women could get away from your kind....

The Puzzling “White Indians” Who Loved Their Abductors.
Posted on April 5, 2014 by admin

Captive-taking by Native Americans was surprisingly common in Colonial times.

It was also common for captives to choose their Native communities over their Colonial families.

This puzzled the European Americans to no end.

They came to America believing that conversion would be easy once Natives saw the superiority of the Europeans’ religion, clothing, agriculture, dwellings, and every comfort known so far to man.

Yet there were very few Indians who converted to English culture, while large numbers of English chose to become Indian. Even Benjamin Franklin pondered why:

“When an Indian child has been brought up among us, taught our language and habituated to our customs, yet if he goes to see his relations and makes one Indian ramble with them, there is no persuading him ever to return. [But] when white persons of either sex have been taken prisoners young by the Indians, and lived a while among them, tho’ ransomed by their friends, and treated with all imaginable tenderness to prevail with them to stay among the English, yet in a short time they become disgusted with our manner of life, and the care and pains that are necessary to support it, and take the first good opportunity of escaping again into the woods, from whence there is no reclaiming them.”

One author put a bottom line on it in 1782, writing that,

“thousands of Europeans are Indians, and we have no examples of even one of those Aborigines having from choice become Europeans!”

Most of the thousands of “white Indians” left no explanation as to why they chose their adopted Native families and culture over the Colonials. They just traded in their hard shoes and disappeared into the wilderness.

The only narratives we have are from those who chose to return to Colonial society. In those writings, it is clear that the “white Indians” valued what Axtell calls the Natives’

“strong sense of community, abundant love, and uncommon integrity – values that the English colonists also honored, if less successfully.”

Axtell also notes other values, such as:

“social equality, mobility, adventure, and, as two adult converts acknowledged, ‘the most perfect freedom, the ease of living, [and] the absence of those cares and corroding solicitudes which so often prevail with us.”

Face it....nobody wants to be with your kind....

You mean hard working, self sufficient, and debt free? No, blacks, white trash which are the same as blacks, etc. don't want to be like me. They want the government to take care of them.
No, I mean intelligent, independent, masculine and self determined...
They want to get away from low bred white trash like you...insecure, effeminate, unsure and a need to replace presence with material commodities...
Yep, white women have been smarter for hundreds of years.
Last edited:
It's simply refreshing to introduce some facts and history into the fantastical yearns you like to spin....
Nothing "fantastical" about it. The covers are coming off and White Americans are waking up.
It's simply refreshing to introduce some facts and history into the fantastical yearns you like to spin....
Nothing "fantastical" about it. The covers are coming off and White Americans are waking up.
LOL!!!...according to rubes like you, whites have been waking up for the last 50 years.
If their dumb asses are that lazy, they're no threat to anything except a mattress.
They're not white any longer if they choose to do that.
They are white and happy....

They're white trash due to their choice.
So we have it, when women chose a better mate than you, they are
Been happening everysinse white women could get away from your kind....

The Puzzling “White Indians” Who Loved Their Abductors.
Posted on April 5, 2014 by admin

Captive-taking by Native Americans was surprisingly common in Colonial times.

It was also common for captives to choose their Native communities over their Colonial families.

This puzzled the European Americans to no end.

They came to America believing that conversion would be easy once Natives saw the superiority of the Europeans’ religion, clothing, agriculture, dwellings, and every comfort known so far to man.

Yet there were very few Indians who converted to English culture, while large numbers of English chose to become Indian. Even Benjamin Franklin pondered why:

“When an Indian child has been brought up among us, taught our language and habituated to our customs, yet if he goes to see his relations and makes one Indian ramble with them, there is no persuading him ever to return. [But] when white persons of either sex have been taken prisoners young by the Indians, and lived a while among them, tho’ ransomed by their friends, and treated with all imaginable tenderness to prevail with them to stay among the English, yet in a short time they become disgusted with our manner of life, and the care and pains that are necessary to support it, and take the first good opportunity of escaping again into the woods, from whence there is no reclaiming them.”

One author put a bottom line on it in 1782, writing that,

“thousands of Europeans are Indians, and we have no examples of even one of those Aborigines having from choice become Europeans!”

Most of the thousands of “white Indians” left no explanation as to why they chose their adopted Native families and culture over the Colonials. They just traded in their hard shoes and disappeared into the wilderness.

The only narratives we have are from those who chose to return to Colonial society. In those writings, it is clear that the “white Indians” valued what Axtell calls the Natives’

“strong sense of community, abundant love, and uncommon integrity – values that the English colonists also honored, if less successfully.”

Axtell also notes other values, such as:

“social equality, mobility, adventure, and, as two adult converts acknowledged, ‘the most perfect freedom, the ease of living, [and] the absence of those cares and corroding solicitudes which so often prevail with us.”

Face it....nobody wants to be with your kind....

You mean hard working, self sufficient, and debt free? No, blacks, white trash which are the same as blacks, etc. don't want to be like me. They want the government to take care of them.
No, I mean intelligent, independent, masculine and self determined...
They want to get away from low bred white trash like you...insecure, effeminate, unsure and a need to replace presence with material commodities...
Yep, white women have been smarter for hundreds of years.

Any white woman that would lower herself to be with a black boy has chosen to be one of you.
LOL!!!...according to rubes like you, whites have been waking up for the last 50 years.
If their dumb asses are that lazy, they're no threat to anything except a mattress.
It isn't laziness but rather a guilt-based brainwash which has fostered decades of slumbering tolerance White Americans have passively succumbed to. But have you ever thought about why the police brutality whining has persistently fallen on deaf ears?

Do you really think some fuzzy-headed n!gger kneeling in a sport staduim to demonstrate his contempt for the Nation which has facilitated his fortune is going to further your "cause?"

Enough is enough.
It really was different back then in many ways.
ahhh the good old days all miss the tranquil days

. Why don't you go through out the world in comparison of ? America may have been the most safe during different time periods for the most part in the world. Yeah, yeah, yeah of course we had our share of bad going on in this country during different time periods sure, but in comparison to the world we were relatively safer in the world during the world events throughout time.
The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950

Robert A. Gibson

The United States has a brutal history of domestic violence. It is an ugly episode in our national history that has long been neglected. Of the several varieties of American violence, one type stands out as one of the most inhuman chapters in the history of the world—the violence committed against Negro citizens in America by white people. This unit of post Reconstruction Afro-American history will examine anti-Black violence from the 1880s to the 1950s. The phenomenon of lynching and the major race riots of this period, called the American Dark Ages by historian Rayford W. Logan, will be covered.

Immediately following the end of Reconstruction, the Federal Government of the United States restored white supremacist control to the South and adopted a “laissez-faire” policy in regard to the Negro. The Negro was betrayed by his country. This policy resulted in Negro disfranchisement, social, educational and employment discrimination, and peonage. Deprived of their civil and human rights, Blacks were reduced to a status of quasislavery or “second-class” citizenship. A tense atmosphere of racial hatred, ignorance and fear bred lawless mass violence, murder and lynching.

In the last decades of the nineteenth century, the lynching of Black people in the Southern and border states became an institutionalized method used by whites to terrorize Blacks and maintain white supremacy. In the South, during the period 1880 to 1940, there was deep-seated and all-pervading hatred and fear of the Negro which led white mobs to turn to “lynch law” as a means of social control. Lynchings—open public murders of individuals suspected of crime conceived and carried out more or less spontaneously by a mob—seem to have been an American invention. In Lynch-Law, the first scholarly investigation of lynching, written in 1905, author James E. Cutler stated that “lynching is a criminal practice which is peculiar to the United States.”1

Most of the lynchings were by hanging or shooting, or both. However, many were of a more hideous nature—burning at the stake, maiming, dismemberment, castration, and other brutal methods of physical torture. Lynching therefore was a cruel combination of racism and sadism, which was utilized primarily to sustain the caste system in the South. Many white people believed that Negroes could only be controlled by fear. To them, lynching was seen as the most effective means of control.
79.02.04: The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950

Some people have a very different historical and modern history in America than you...they weren't safe at all...
. And your purpose for bringing this history up that has been corrected by the new generations over time means what now ?? Is it that the generations are thought to be weakened down enough that they are now ripe for exacting vengence on them ??? Hmmm. I mean has there been a concerted effort by certain groups or members of groups over a long period of time now, to then weaken the targeted groups by injecting their minds with enough poison to get them set up for the final nail in their coffin ?? Do tell.
It's simply refreshing to introduce some facts and history into the fantastical yearns you like to spin....
. Oh so you thought by my word corrected, that I was challenging your facts or assertions ?? LOL... When I say corrected I mean that the nation has worked long and hard to correct the wrongs over time, and now we have the new generations that are not going to be dragged backwards by the liberal bullcrap going on today.
LOL!!!...according to rubes like you, whites have been waking up for the last 50 years.
If their dumb asses are that lazy, they're no threat to anything except a mattress.
It isn't laziness but rather a guilt-based brainwash which has fostered decades of slumbering tolerance White Americans have passively succumbed to. But have you ever thought about why the police brutality whining has persistently fallen on deaf ears?

Do you really think some fuzzy-headed n!gger kneeling in a sport staduim to demonstrate his contempt for the Nation which has facilitated his fortune is going to further your "cause?"

Enough is enough.
So in other words, not only are low bred, white trash too damn lazy to "awake", during their moments of semi-conscious tossing and turnings, they are perpetual fucking cry babies...ok.
LOL!!!...according to rubes like you, whites have been waking up for the last 50 years.
If their dumb asses are that lazy, they're no threat to anything except a mattress.
It isn't laziness but rather a guilt-based brainwash which has fostered decades of slumbering tolerance White Americans have passively succumbed to. But have you ever thought about why the police brutality whining has persistently fallen on deaf ears?

Do you really think some fuzzy-headed n!gger kneeling in a sport staduim to demonstrate his contempt for the Nation which has facilitated his fortune is going to further your "cause?"

Enough is enough.
So in other words, not only are low bred, white trash too damn lazy to "awake", during their moments of semi-conscious tossing and turnings, they are perpetual fucking cry babies...ok.

The white people aren't demanding someone owes them something. It's the lazy blacks unwilling to do for themselves that will tell you they want to be judged by their character until it is proven to not exist. That's when they want to be judged by their skin color and blame something that none of them ever were. What's worse is they want those that never owned what the used to claim that entitlement to pay for it or accept their nonsense.
I am sixty, hell, We had harmony and communal harmony back then, it was safe back in the mid sixties. Then, diversity reared it's ugly head. Diversity is the enemy of commonality. A community is about people that conform to laws, standards and ethics . Diversity means ... divisiveness, opposition, and it is the opposite of communal harmony. It leads to divisiveness. If you are black, Hispanics or's divisive as hell. Diversity means divisive. Let's be inclusive. Forget about the clauses.
I grew up in those times
Yea, everything was harmony. As long as blacks knew their place, women accepted their role, gays stayed in the closet........everyone was happy

Great time to be a straight, Christian, white male
So gays come out of the closet and we have AIDS and guys who cannot get over themselves. Women do what they think they want and end up old, alone and unfulfilled. And blacks who think whites owe them big time, still live in fear of losing handouts...

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