America is at War

And now you're talking to yourself.:cuckoo:
Oh God,now you want to bring up climate change? You have the whole package when it comes to loony tune democrats.
You want to to educate me on where the virus came from?:laugh:
Are you a virologist?
You're a fucken clown. I'm not a virologist, but I did take genetics and advanced genetics in college. It was years ago but I remember the basic principles. That hasn't changed.
If you hate each other that much, please consider placing the other on "ignore" so that threads aren't derailed with your hatefests. Thanks.
I'm not making crazy accusations against people I don't know or care to know, you are, proving you're crazy.
Nor Am I---------The enemy is CHINA and their virus the Covid KUNG FLU----GOV WHITMER and GOV CUOMO with FAUCI's egging them on PURPOSELY (because no one so stupid to force infected covid patients into nursing homes where they would spread their disease easily killing thousands) spread the covid. Don't what you want to argue----but there is nothing that I posted that isn't accurate.
I am not having a war with myself

I am not having a war with myself I know what I'm thinking I served my country during the Vietnam war and I love my country As for a war with China, let's hope we never come to that, because they would win. Our military is superior at the present time because of all the technological advances. China is ahead of US on EM Pulse Weaponry, that means all our technology would be in the toilet in moments because of their advances in that arena.
As for a war with China, let's hope we never come to that,

It already has come to that....Xi Jinping loosed the FauxiVirus onto the world on purpose....A defacto act of war against the entire world.
As for a war with China, let's hope we never come to that,

It already has come to that....Xi Jinping loosed the FauxiVirus onto the world on purpose....A defacto act of war against the entire world.
For years the United States forcefully had economic power over most of the world. China does not want war, it wants economic supremacy just like we had.
We still need to upgrade infrastructure. The Chinese have already built entire cities. That is what we should be focusing on.

We still need to upgrade infrastructure. The Chinese have already built entire cities. That is what we should be focusing on.
I remember reading, the Chinese love eating apples but they didn't like paying high prices importing them. So they took one of the rivers in the north in a semi-arid area that was subject to flooding. Redesigned the river so it had multiple irrigation canals, planted an entire valley with apple trees. Today those apple trees not only supply China with all the apples they can eat, they export them now. That's going to be kind of hard to compete with. We need a lot of help and cooperation to get even the simplest things done. Hopefully we will keep advancing in technology and automation.
I remember reading, the Chinese love eating apples but they didn't like paying high prices importing them. So they took one of the rivers in the north in a semi-arid area that was subject to flooding. Redesigned the river so it had multiple irrigation canals, planted an entire valley with apple trees. Today those apple trees not only supply China with all the apples they can eat, they export them now. That's going to be kind of hard to compete with. We need a lot of help and cooperation to get even the simplest things done. Hopefully we will keep advancing in technology and automation.
New cities in more optimum locations would also incur cost savings. Public transportation and mass energy storage could be built in.
New cities in more optimum locations would also incur cost savings. Public transportation and mass energy storage could be built in.
Nice idea, what the cost would be prohibitive. We are we are having trouble getting a trillion dollar infrastructure Bill through Congress. To create a new city would probably cost a hundred trillion. China, because it's a communist Nation, doesn't have to worry about cost they do anything they want with practically slave labor. Cost is not a factor for them. It's a trade-off, be "free " or be able to do practically anything. I'd rather be free and poor.
We are fighting an enemy that is more insidious and treacherous any human and me could ever be. Covid is the enemy. It roams among us unseen, capable of attacking anyone and everyone. It knows our weaknesses and is ever evolving to exploit those weaknesses. Everyone needs to join in this fight. Weak links will allow the enemy to win. So, please clean up your act, wear a mask and get vaccinated. We need to win this war.

I ran my essentials in the Johns Hopkins risk calculator. It was a less than 1% chance of dying.

So, I'm good. What's your deal then? Do you have a lot of comorbidities or are your comorbidities too much CNN?
I ran my essentials in the Johns Hopkins risk calculator. It was a less than 1% chance of dying.

So, I'm good. What's your deal then? Do you have a lot of comorbidities or are your comorbidities too much CNN?
I'm actually trying to save some lives. Most people can't even see how bad this going this is going to get. It's not good some people aren't prepared.
Have these right-wingers hours in this crazy and this nasty, I haven't been on a message board for 20 years or so. People were bad when Bush was in office, but this is pure Insanity.


At least we weren't out in the streets, screaming at the sky, rioting, looting, and committing arson, assaults, and murder for a whole year. The Capitol protest was a Sunday picnic, compared to the shenanigans you liberals, progressives, and Democrats were doing.
We are fighting an enemy that is more insidious and treacherous any human and me could ever be. Covid is the enemy. It roams among us unseen, capable of attacking anyone and everyone. It knows our weaknesses and is ever evolving to exploit those weaknesses. Everyone needs to join in this fight. Weak links will allow the enemy to win. So, please clean up your act, wear a mask and get vaccinated. We need to win this war.

Mind your own business.

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