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America Loves Israel?

Every friday noon we have Yehoram Gaon on the radio. He was born in Jerusalem, and considered in Israel a symbol of culture. He talks about all kind of things for two hours. He has wonderful way of expression and nails things down in a way that is more accurate than anyone of the government knows.

Yesterday he talked about the crisis and Syria, and the Arab spring. He said the Americans are slowly "pulling the strings" to help the people who protest to bring down the dictators. he has critizised the blindness of the American government to the fact that they don't help but makes things worse.

For example, Egypt. The people were determinded to bring down Mubarak, just like the Lybians wanted to be free from Guadafi. while it's good that an oppressed people got rid of the dictator, the situation now is nothing better. In Egypt there is chaos, the massed are being slaughtered by the army, good chances that the Muslim brothehood will gain power, which will bring more rights to be broken than mobarak ever did. Terror attacks by Al Quaeda happen in those countries who gained freedom. The Arab spring we all hoped for is now and Islamic winter.

America's involvement didn't help much. We see fundamentalists using the situation to rise and get control

So much fore democracy and freedom, hua?

Yehoram Gaon told the story of a cub, giving a small boy a cocoon, telling him it's about to become a butterfly. But he warns the boy, once its trying to get, don't help him, let him find his own way out. after that, time passed, and the boy noticed the small caterpillar trying indeed to break through. excided, he forgot the cub's warning and started pulling at his wings to force it out. when it was finally out, it couldn't fly, because when the boy pulled at his wings, it didn't get to activate his muscles, so it fell to the ground and didn't rise again.

Then Gaon asked, if it can be that the Americans are the small child, trying to force the butterfly out, force the countries to take a step that they should take on their own? is it possible that they are not ready nor need the American help? the answer will probably be yes.

Obama said that if elected again then he would give all his time to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yehoram Gaon then sarcastically said, "Thanks but no thanks", "we have seen how you "help" others". There is a saying in Hebrew about a bee that tries to help, the answer is "Not of your honey, nor your sting". I don't want the good or the bad you offer me.

Israel gets most of its weapons, its international support and a huge amount of money from the US and the US is Israel's primary ally when most the rest of the world condemns them for human rights violations.

And the Israeli people actually think the US is impeding their progress because of their minimal involvement in nearby nations?? AIPAC is one of the guiding forces in US politics - I really don't think there is much dissonance between the two nations as a result.

The US also has long made it illegal for international groups to lobby in Washington. Makes sense, as nations that do not have the US interest at heart could influence politics. Funny thing is, somehow AIPAC magically bypassed that rule and became the ONLY lobby group in the US campaigning for a foreign entity. While it is clearly ILLEGAL to lobby for a foreign interest in DC - and AIPAC is perhaps THE most powerful lobbying group there is.

Don't forget the AIPAC leader David Steiner whose phone conversation was released in the 90's. He discusses with complete authority and arrogance how AIPAC is buying candidates and how they even have "lists" of exactly who they want for every high level government position. Sound like an illegal foreign entity with WAY to much power? I think so.

Not even the largest oil or financial companies can compete with AIPAC's power. And all that money and interest is going OUTSIDE of the US to a country that only a small fraction of the US population has a vested interest in.

If anyone has any disagreement on one single fact I mentioned, please let it be known.


AIPAC is not a foreign lobby. It represents the interests of a group of Americans, just like any other lobby.
AIPAC is not the largest or the most powerful lobby in DC.
Steiner is a former AIPAC leader, having resigned in 1992 after admitting he was over-selling to one he believed could be an influencial player.
AIPAC cannot compete financially with either the largest oil or financial companies. Their power is derived from the large number of Americans who believe in AIPAC's mission.
Next I suppose you will announce you have proof "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is factual.
Israel is the most insidious and evil menace the U.S. has ever faced in it's long history.

Masquerading as an ally and friend; Israel is our stealth enemy.

Like a deadly parasite that has injected it's venom deep into the political heart of America.

And the slow acting Zionist poison keeps it's victim in a delusional catatonic state in order to feed on the still breathing corpse of a once great nation.
Every friday noon we have Yehoram Gaon on the radio. He was born in Jerusalem, and considered in Israel a symbol of culture. He talks about all kind of things for two hours. He has wonderful way of expression and nails things down in a way that is more accurate than anyone of the government knows.

Yesterday he talked about the crisis and Syria, and the Arab spring. He said the Americans are slowly "pulling the strings" to help the people who protest to bring down the dictators. he has critizised the blindness of the American government to the fact that they don't help but makes things worse.

For example, Egypt. The people were determinded to bring down Mubarak, just like the Lybians wanted to be free from Guadafi. while it's good that an oppressed people got rid of the dictator, the situation now is nothing better. In Egypt there is chaos, the massed are being slaughtered by the army, good chances that the Muslim brothehood will gain power, which will bring more rights to be broken than mobarak ever did. Terror attacks by Al Quaeda happen in those countries who gained freedom. The Arab spring we all hoped for is now and Islamic winter.

America's involvement didn't help much. We see fundamentalists using the situation to rise and get control

So much fore democracy and freedom, hua?

Yehoram Gaon told the story of a cub, giving a small boy a cocoon, telling him it's about to become a butterfly. But he warns the boy, once its trying to get, don't help him, let him find his own way out. after that, time passed, and the boy noticed the small caterpillar trying indeed to break through. excided, he forgot the cub's warning and started pulling at his wings to force it out. when it was finally out, it couldn't fly, because when the boy pulled at his wings, it didn't get to activate his muscles, so it fell to the ground and didn't rise again.

Then Gaon asked, if it can be that the Americans are the small child, trying to force the butterfly out, force the countries to take a step that they should take on their own? is it possible that they are not ready nor need the American help? the answer will probably be yes.

Obama said that if elected again then he would give all his time to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yehoram Gaon then sarcastically said, "Thanks but no thanks", "we have seen how you "help" others". There is a saying in Hebrew about a bee that tries to help, the answer is "Not of your honey, nor your sting". I don't want the good or the bad you offer me.

Israel gets most of its weapons, its international support and a huge amount of money from the US and the US is Israel's primary ally when most the rest of the world condemns them for human rights violations.

And the Israeli people actually think the US is impeding their progress because of their minimal involvement in nearby nations?? AIPAC is one of the guiding forces in US politics - I really don't think there is much dissonance between the two nations as a result.

The US also has long made it illegal for international groups to lobby in Washington. Makes sense, as nations that do not have the US interest at heart could influence politics. Funny thing is, somehow AIPAC magically bypassed that rule and became the ONLY lobby group in the US campaigning for a foreign entity. While it is clearly ILLEGAL to lobby for a foreign interest in DC - and AIPAC is perhaps THE most powerful lobbying group there is.

Don't forget the AIPAC leader David Steiner whose phone conversation was released in the 90's. He discusses with complete authority and arrogance how AIPAC is buying candidates and how they even have "lists" of exactly who they want for every high level government position. Sound like an illegal foreign entity with WAY to much power? I think so.

Not even the largest oil or financial companies can compete with AIPAC's power. And all that money and interest is going OUTSIDE of the US to a country that only a small fraction of the US population has a vested interest in.

If anyone has any disagreement on one single fact I mentioned, please let it be known.


AIPAC is not a foreign lobby. It represents the interests of a group of Americans, just like any other lobby.
AIPAC is not the largest or the most powerful lobby in DC.
Steiner is a former AIPAC leader, having resigned in 1992 after admitting he was over-selling to one he believed could be an influencial player.
AIPAC cannot compete financially with either the largest oil or financial companies. Their power is derived from the large number of Americans who believe in AIPAC's mission.
Next I suppose you will announce you have proof "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is factual.

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby: the Israel Lobby · LRB 23 March 2006

Instead, the thrust of US policy in the region derives almost entirely from domestic politics, and especially the activities of the ‘Israel Lobby’. Other special-interest groups have managed to skew foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert it as far from what the national interest would suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans that US interests and those of the other country – in this case, Israel – are essentially identical.

Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing that given to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct economic and military assistance since 1976, and is the largest recipient in total since World War Two, to the tune of well over $140 billion (in 2004 dollars). Israel receives about $3 billion in direct assistance each year, roughly one-fifth of the foreign aid budget, and worth about $500 a year for every Israeli. This largesse is especially striking since Israel is now a wealthy industrial state with a per capita income roughly equal to that of South Korea or Spain.
Israel is the most insidious and evil menace the U.S. has ever faced in it's long history.

Masquerading as an ally and friend; Israel is our stealth enemy.

Like a deadly parasite that has injected it's venom deep into the political heart of America.

And the slow acting Zionist poison keeps it's victim in a delusional catatonic state in order to feed on the still breathing corpse of a once great nation.

Funny that you would list "Dar al Harb" (house of war) as your locale. Considering the attitude you display here you must agree with the words of these fine sheikhs
(Source: Encyclopedia of the Middle East}:

Dar al Harb
Dar al Harb (Arabic: دار الحرب "house of war") refers to areas outside Muslim rule, as opposed to Dar al Islam. The precise designations of such territories can vary widely according to the speakers idea of who is and is not a Muslim, and which governments are or are not Muslim in practice. The inhabitants of the Dar al-Harb are called harbi (Arabic: حربي), as opposed to dhimmi (second class citizens of the book - Christians and Jews) or kufr (non-believers, pagans). According to ancient law, a harbi does not even have the right to live. To enter the territory of Islam (Dar al Islam) he needs a safe-conduct pass called an aman. The term has meaning today for Islamist extremists.

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi was quoted in As Sarq al Awast of July 19, 2003 as saying:
"It has been determined by Islamic law that the blood and property of people of Dar Al-Harb are not protected."

Likewise, Sheikh Ali Gomaa said in an interview published in July 2003 by the Egyptian newspaper Al-Haqiqa:
"...it is permitted to kill him, because he is a Harbi and the Harbi spreads corruption throughout the face of the earth."

Dar al-Harb, like Dar al Islam and similar terms, are not found in the Quran or in the Hadith which are the core basis of Islam.
So often when entering conflicts, the US seems to mean well. I do believe that as a country and a people, the US is both largely well-intentioned and on the side of right and justice, so to speak.

The problem is that the US seems unable to understand that it does not understand. In Viet Nam, Somalia and Iraq we have seen the US act on terrible intelligence, and to end up doing possibly more harm than good. The loss of lives, both US and local, has been staggering in some cases.

And yet the US does not learn. Everyday we see posters here desperate to bomb Syria or Iran, posters who should know better, but clearly do not. The desire for war is, at times, far stronger than the desire to do the right thing.

I think the US can help resolve the ME crisis, and possibly even the conflict can not be solved without the US, but perhaps for that to happen, the US needs to step back from its friendship with Israel and ask itself why it needs to be involved at all.
Perhaps you could get a better perspective on American involvement if you read the short novel "The Ugly American."
Every friday noon we have Yehoram Gaon on the radio. He was born in Jerusalem, and considered in Israel a symbol of culture. He talks about all kind of things for two hours. He has wonderful way of expression and nails things down in a way that is more accurate than anyone of the government knows.

Yesterday he talked about the crisis and Syria, and the Arab spring. He said the Americans are slowly "pulling the strings" to help the people who protest to bring down the dictators. he has critizised the blindness of the American government to the fact that they don't help but makes things worse.

For example, Egypt. The people were determinded to bring down Mubarak, just like the Lybians wanted to be free from Guadafi. while it's good that an oppressed people got rid of the dictator, the situation now is nothing better. In Egypt there is chaos, the massed are being slaughtered by the army, good chances that the Muslim brothehood will gain power, which will bring more rights to be broken than mobarak ever did. Terror attacks by Al Quaeda happen in those countries who gained freedom. The Arab spring we all hoped for is now and Islamic winter.

America's involvement didn't help much. We see fundamentalists using the situation to rise and get control

So much fore democracy and freedom, hua?

Yehoram Gaon told the story of a cub, giving a small boy a cocoon, telling him it's about to become a butterfly. But he warns the boy, once its trying to get, don't help him, let him find his own way out. after that, time passed, and the boy noticed the small caterpillar trying indeed to break through. excided, he forgot the cub's warning and started pulling at his wings to force it out. when it was finally out, it couldn't fly, because when the boy pulled at his wings, it didn't get to activate his muscles, so it fell to the ground and didn't rise again.

Then Gaon asked, if it can be that the Americans are the small child, trying to force the butterfly out, force the countries to take a step that they should take on their own? is it possible that they are not ready nor need the American help? the answer will probably be yes.

Obama said that if elected again then he would give all his time to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yehoram Gaon then sarcastically said, "Thanks but no thanks", "we have seen how you "help" others". There is a saying in Hebrew about a bee that tries to help, the answer is "Not of your honey, nor your sting". I don't want the good or the bad you offer me.

Israel gets most of its weapons, its international support and a huge amount of money from the US and the US is Israel's primary ally when most the rest of the world condemns them for human rights violations.

And the Israeli people actually think the US is impeding their progress because of their minimal involvement in nearby nations?? AIPAC is one of the guiding forces in US politics - I really don't think there is much dissonance between the two nations as a result.

The US also has long made it illegal for international groups to lobby in Washington. Makes sense, as nations that do not have the US interest at heart could influence politics. Funny thing is, somehow AIPAC magically bypassed that rule and became the ONLY lobby group in the US campaigning for a foreign entity. While it is clearly ILLEGAL to lobby for a foreign interest in DC - and AIPAC is perhaps THE most powerful lobbying group there is.

Don't forget the AIPAC leader David Steiner whose phone conversation was released in the 90's. He discusses with complete authority and arrogance how AIPAC is buying candidates and how they even have "lists" of exactly who they want for every high level government position. Sound like an illegal foreign entity with WAY to much power? I think so.

Not even the largest oil or financial companies can compete with AIPAC's power. And all that money and interest is going OUTSIDE of the US to a country that only a small fraction of the US population has a vested interest in.

If anyone has any disagreement on one single fact I mentioned, please let it be known.

AIPAC is an American configuration,it is not a political action group and David Steiner resigned.
Every friday noon we have Yehoram Gaon on the radio. He was born in Jerusalem, and considered in Israel a symbol of culture. He talks about all kind of things for two hours. He has wonderful way of expression and nails things down in a way that is more accurate than anyone of the government knows.

Yesterday he talked about the crisis and Syria, and the Arab spring. He said the Americans are slowly "pulling the strings" to help the people who protest to bring down the dictators. he has critizised the blindness of the American government to the fact that they don't help but makes things worse.

For example, Egypt. The people were determinded to bring down Mubarak, just like the Lybians wanted to be free from Guadafi. while it's good that an oppressed people got rid of the dictator, the situation now is nothing better. In Egypt there is chaos, the massed are being slaughtered by the army, good chances that the Muslim brothehood will gain power, which will bring more rights to be broken than mobarak ever did. Terror attacks by Al Quaeda happen in those countries who gained freedom. The Arab spring we all hoped for is now and Islamic winter.

America's involvement didn't help much. We see fundamentalists using the situation to rise and get control

So much fore democracy and freedom, hua?

Yehoram Gaon told the story of a cub, giving a small boy a cocoon, telling him it's about to become a butterfly. But he warns the boy, once its trying to get, don't help him, let him find his own way out. after that, time passed, and the boy noticed the small caterpillar trying indeed to break through. excided, he forgot the cub's warning and started pulling at his wings to force it out. when it was finally out, it couldn't fly, because when the boy pulled at his wings, it didn't get to activate his muscles, so it fell to the ground and didn't rise again.

Then Gaon asked, if it can be that the Americans are the small child, trying to force the butterfly out, force the countries to take a step that they should take on their own? is it possible that they are not ready nor need the American help? the answer will probably be yes.

Obama said that if elected again then he would give all his time to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yehoram Gaon then sarcastically said, "Thanks but no thanks", "we have seen how you "help" others". There is a saying in Hebrew about a bee that tries to help, the answer is "Not of your honey, nor your sting". I don't want the good or the bad you offer me.

Israel gets most of its weapons, its international support and a huge amount of money from the US and the US is Israel's primary ally when most the rest of the world condemns them for human rights violations.

And the Israeli people actually think the US is impeding their progress because of their minimal involvement in nearby nations?? AIPAC is one of the guiding forces in US politics - I really don't think there is much dissonance between the two nations as a result.

The US also has long made it illegal for international groups to lobby in Washington. Makes sense, as nations that do not have the US interest at heart could influence politics. Funny thing is, somehow AIPAC magically bypassed that rule and became the ONLY lobby group in the US campaigning for a foreign entity. While it is clearly ILLEGAL to lobby for a foreign interest in DC - and AIPAC is perhaps THE most powerful lobbying group there is.

Don't forget the AIPAC leader David Steiner whose phone conversation was released in the 90's. He discusses with complete authority and arrogance how AIPAC is buying candidates and how they even have "lists" of exactly who they want for every high level government position. Sound like an illegal foreign entity with WAY to much power? I think so.

Not even the largest oil or financial companies can compete with AIPAC's power. And all that money and interest is going OUTSIDE of the US to a country that only a small fraction of the US population has a vested interest in.

If anyone has any disagreement on one single fact I mentioned, please let it be known.


When Israeli PM Sharon said: "We Control America!" he was refering to AIPAC control of our Poilitics and Government with the use of $$$Money. You would think that the architects of this program would look to previous results of this process in other countries. The rich are always the first targets of Economic and Political revolutions.
Holy BS, Batman!
Israel is the most insidious and evil menace the U.S. has ever faced in it's long history.

Masquerading as an ally and friend; Israel is our stealth enemy.

Like a deadly parasite that has injected it's venom deep into the political heart of America.

And the slow acting Zionist poison keeps it's victim in a delusional catatonic state in order to feed on the still breathing corpse of a once great nation.
That dried gorilla shit you're smoking has finally ruined your little brain.
Israel is the most insidious and evil menace the U.S. has ever faced in it's long history.

Masquerading as an ally and friend; Israel is our stealth enemy.

Like a deadly parasite that has injected it's venom deep into the political heart of America.

And the slow acting Zionist poison keeps it's victim in a delusional catatonic state in order to feed on the still breathing corpse of a once great nation.
That dried gorilla shit you're smoking has finally ruined your little brain.

Hoss, why is it you ZioNuts can not answer a point without insults or comedy while people on both sides of this conflict die daily?

Were you in the ME Boards as a "Proud Veteran?" There is a lot of similarity.
Next I suppose you will announce you have proof "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is factual.
Actually, there is No evidence to prove that it isn't factual. :cool:

Unless you accept the findings of that pesky Russian court, the Swiss court, the London Times and the US Senate (source: Holocaust Encyclopedia):
In 1921, the London Times presented conclusive proof that the Protocols was a "clumsy plagiarism." The Times confirmed that the Protocols had been copied in large part from a French political satire that never mentioned Jews—Maurice Joly's Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864). Other investigations revealed that one chapter of a Prussian novel, Hermann Goedsche's Biarritz (1868), also "inspired" the Protocols.
In 1935, a Swiss court fined two Nazi leaders for circulating a German-language edition of the Protocols in Berne, Switzerland. The presiding justice at the trial declared the Protocols "libelous," "obvious forgeries," and "ridiculous nonsense."
In 1993, a Russian court ruled that Pamyat, a far-right nationalist organization, had committed an antisemitic act by publishing the Protocols.
The US Senate issued a report in 1964 declaring that the Protocols were "fabricated." The Senate called the contents of the Protocols "gibberish" and criticized those who "peddled" the Protocols for using the same propaganda technique as Hitler.

Despite these repeated exposures of the Protocols as a fraud, it remains the most influential antisemitic text of the past one hundred years, and it continues to appeal to a variety of antisemitic groups and individuals, just like you.
Israel is the most insidious and evil menace the U.S. has ever faced in it's long history.

Masquerading as an ally and friend; Israel is our stealth enemy.

Like a deadly parasite that has injected it's venom deep into the political heart of America.

And the slow acting Zionist poison keeps it's victim in a delusional catatonic state in order to feed on the still breathing corpse of a once great nation.
That dried gorilla shit you're smoking has finally ruined your little brain.

Hoss, why is it you ZioNuts can not answer a point without insults or comedy while people on both sides of this conflict die daily?

Were you in the ME Boards as a "Proud Veteran?" There is a lot of similarity.

The fact that people are dying daily is no reason to defend the hateful screed of a known anti-Semite (Sunni Man) unless you are like-minded.
No one is required to respond respectfully to people like that.
Just because some kangaroo court and a newspaper with no evidence declared it to be a fraud doesn't mean it's not true.

In fact; the Protocols lays out the Zionist plan for world domination. :cool:
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Israel is the most insidious and evil menace the U.S. has ever faced in it's long history.

Masquerading as an ally and friend; Israel is our stealth enemy.

Like a deadly parasite that has injected it's venom deep into the political heart of America.

And the slow acting Zionist poison keeps it's victim in a delusional catatonic state in order to feed on the still breathing corpse of a once great nation.
That dried gorilla shit you're smoking has finally ruined your little brain.

Hoss, why is it you ZioNuts can not answer a point without insults or comedy while people on both sides of this conflict die daily?

Were you in the ME Boards as a "Proud Veteran?" There is a lot of similarity.
Nope. PV and I were both in the military and we can see through all this Palestinian Plight BS.
Just because some kangaroo court and a newspaper with no evidence declared it to be a fraud doesn't mean it's not true. :cool:

You, of course, have proof that those courts were kangaroo and that the London Times had no evidence, right?
Despite these repeated exposures of the Protocols as a fraud, it remains the most influential antisemitic text of the past one hundred years, and it continues to appeal to a variety of antisemitic groups and individuals, just like you.
Despite these repeated exposures of the Protocols as a fraud, it remains the most influential antisemitic text of the past one hundred years, and it continues to appeal to a variety of antisemitic groups and individuals, just like you.
That's because all a person has to do it read the book and you will immediately see that everything it talks about is happening right before your very eyes. :cool:
Despite these repeated exposures of the Protocols as a fraud, it remains the most influential antisemitic text of the past one hundred years, and it continues to appeal to a variety of antisemitic groups and individuals, just like you.
That's because all a person has to do it read the book and you will immediately see that everything it talks about is happening right before your very eyes. :cool:

Only in the eyes of raging anti-Semitic morons.
That's because all a person has to do it read the book and you will immediately see that everything it talks about is happening right before your very eyes. :cool:

It just isn't that funny, though. I mean, everyone knows that it is intended as a joke, but did you actually think it was funny?

I just thought it was silly.
So says this son of a self hating Jew that married a non Jew.

That's basically what the Nazis and IslamoNazis do. Make lists of successful Jews to blame the world's problems on them. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Roudy -

Please take a look at the forum guidelines on posting abuse towards family members. IMO, your post comes very close to breaching those guidelines.

Weren't you warned by the Mods about this already once this week?
Every friday noon we have Yehoram Gaon on the radio. He was born in Jerusalem, and considered in Israel a symbol of culture. He talks about all kind of things for two hours. He has wonderful way of expression and nails things down in a way that is more accurate than anyone of the government knows.

Yesterday he talked about the crisis and Syria, and the Arab spring. He said the Americans are slowly "pulling the strings" to help the people who protest to bring down the dictators. he has critizised the blindness of the American government to the fact that they don't help but makes things worse.

For example, Egypt. The people were determinded to bring down Mubarak, just like the Lybians wanted to be free from Guadafi. while it's good that an oppressed people got rid of the dictator, the situation now is nothing better. In Egypt there is chaos, the massed are being slaughtered by the army, good chances that the Muslim brothehood will gain power, which will bring more rights to be broken than mobarak ever did. Terror attacks by Al Quaeda happen in those countries who gained freedom. The Arab spring we all hoped for is now and Islamic winter.

America's involvement didn't help much. We see fundamentalists using the situation to rise and get control

So much fore democracy and freedom, hua?

Yehoram Gaon told the story of a cub, giving a small boy a cocoon, telling him it's about to become a butterfly. But he warns the boy, once its trying to get, don't help him, let him find his own way out. after that, time passed, and the boy noticed the small caterpillar trying indeed to break through. excided, he forgot the cub's warning and started pulling at his wings to force it out. when it was finally out, it couldn't fly, because when the boy pulled at his wings, it didn't get to activate his muscles, so it fell to the ground and didn't rise again.

Then Gaon asked, if it can be that the Americans are the small child, trying to force the butterfly out, force the countries to take a step that they should take on their own? is it possible that they are not ready nor need the American help? the answer will probably be yes.

Obama said that if elected again then he would give all his time to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yehoram Gaon then sarcastically said, "Thanks but no thanks", "we have seen how you "help" others". There is a saying in Hebrew about a bee that tries to help, the answer is "Not of your honey, nor your sting". I don't want the good or the bad you offer me.

Israel gets most of its weapons, its international support and a huge amount of money from the US and the US is Israel's primary ally when most the rest of the world condemns them for human rights violations.

And the Israeli people actually think the US is impeding their progress because of their minimal involvement in nearby nations?? AIPAC is one of the guiding forces in US politics - I really don't think there is much dissonance between the two nations as a result.

The US also has long made it illegal for international groups to lobby in Washington. Makes sense, as nations that do not have the US interest at heart could influence politics. Funny thing is, somehow AIPAC magically bypassed that rule and became the ONLY lobby group in the US campaigning for a foreign entity. While it is clearly ILLEGAL to lobby for a foreign interest in DC - and AIPAC is perhaps THE most powerful lobbying group there is.

Don't forget the AIPAC leader David Steiner whose phone conversation was released in the 90's. He discusses with complete authority and arrogance how AIPAC is buying candidates and how they even have "lists" of exactly who they want for every high level government position. Sound like an illegal foreign entity with WAY to much power? I think so.

Not even the largest oil or financial companies can compete with AIPAC's power. And all that money and interest is going OUTSIDE of the US to a country that only a small fraction of the US population has a vested interest in.

If anyone has any disagreement on one single fact I mentioned, please let it be known.


When Israeli PM Sharon said: "We Control America!" he was refering to AIPAC control of our Poilitics and Government with the use of $$$Money. You would think that the architects of this program would look to previous results of this process in other countries. The rich are always the first targets of Economic and Political revolutions.

Ariel Sharon NEVER SAID "We control America"

This quote was fakes by Hamas and you Anti-Zionists swollow it like fresh water on a heated day.
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