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America Loves Israel?

I posted about that several times. You must have missed it.


The US recruits, arms, pays, and trains Fatah "security forces" who are under the command of a US officer. Their job is to eliminate resistance groups in general and Hamas in particular.

When the Palestinians defend themselves from these US forces, the liars say that the Palestinians are killing each other.

That is the result. What you Americans do with Palestinians organizations is not something we Israelis care much. America tends to think that it can push all the right buttons, but at many cases the situation is out of their league. especially in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

What we see is Palestinians kill one another non stop. what are the secret interests,? not really our business and we don't really care/

The US recruits, arms, pays, and trains Fatah "security forces" who are under the command of a US officer. Their job is to eliminate resistance groups in general and Hamas in particular.

When the Palestinians defend themselves from these US forces, the liars say that the Palestinians are killing each other.

That is the result. What you Americans do with Palestinians organizations is not something we Israelis care much. America tends to think that it can push all the right buttons, but at many cases the situation is out of their league. especially in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

What we see is Palestinians kill one another non stop. what are the secret interests,? not really our business and we don't really care/

That is Israel's plan. The US is involved because we always got stuck with whatever Israel wants.
The US recruits, arms, pays, and trains Fatah "security forces" who are under the command of a US officer. Their job is to eliminate resistance groups in general and Hamas in particular.

When the Palestinians defend themselves from these US forces, the liars say that the Palestinians are killing each other.

That is the result. What you Americans do with Palestinians organizations is not something we Israelis care much. America tends to think that it can push all the right buttons, but at many cases the situation is out of their league. especially in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

What we see is Palestinians kill one another non stop. what are the secret interests,? not really our business and we don't really care/

That is Israel's plan. The US is involved because we always got stuck with whatever Israel wants.

No. America always gets involved in the MidEast in a poor attempt in repairing the world. your government should figure out by now it's not working. Not in Israel, or Lybia, or Syria, or Iran, or Iraq or Afghanistan.
That is the result. What you Americans do with Palestinians organizations is not something we Israelis care much. America tends to think that it can push all the right buttons, but at many cases the situation is out of their league. especially in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

What we see is Palestinians kill one another non stop. what are the secret interests,? not really our business and we don't really care/

That is Israel's plan. The US is involved because we always got stuck with whatever Israel wants.

No. America always gets involved in the MidEast in a poor attempt in repairing the world. your government should figure out by now it's not working. Not in Israel, or Lybia, or Syria, or Iran, or Iraq or Afghanistan.

Like I say, it is like a dog with his chain around a tree.
obama is no friend to Israel, which is one of the reasons he has to go.

Obama "You have to stop settlements."
Israel "No."
Obama "Well ok, by the way here is your welfare check."

That darn Obama. Not even openly declaring his support for Israel, condemning the Palestinians from entering the UN and giving BILLIONS of American tax dollars to a country that only welcomes less than 2% of the US population is enough!

Even though Israel "officially" received $3 billion dollars in US aid this past year (90% for the Israeli Military) which is more than it has ever received, he still must go as he is "not a friend" of the Jews.

Ugg, the chutzpah of AIPAC and Israel. I know Obama, like every president and politician, is declaring his "support" for Israel only because he has to. A rule of thumb in Washington - you gotta declare your undying support for Israel, or the money's gone.

The arrogance of the zionists. Doesn't matter if someone like me is only interested in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a human rights perspective. I only wish for the equality and equal treatment of all people - yet they counter with "you fucking hate so much! you hate jews!"

And whoever said that the significantly higher number of palestinians killed is a result of them killing themselves??? Come on!
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No. America always gets involved in the MidEast in a poor attempt in repairing the world. your government should figure out by now it's not working. Not in Israel, or Lybia, or Syria, or Iran, or Iraq or Afghanistan.

Exactly - and interesting that an Israeli poster has a clearer view of US politics than an American one.
obama is no friend to Israel, which is one of the reasons he has to go.

Obama "You have to stop settlements."
Israel "No."
Obama "Well ok, by the way here is your welfare check."
Iran to Hamas: "Here's the money and weapons but it comes with strings attached."
Hamas: "What is that?"
Iran: "No peace or treaties with Israel under any circumstances, Kill the Jew whenever you can, women and kids don't matter. Constant state of war until the Zionist entity is destroyed."
Hamas: "Well okay, as long as we get to steal most of the money"
Iran: "Allah Akbar, JIHAD!"
Hamas: "You took the words right out of my ass...I mean mouth!"
obama is no friend to Israel, which is one of the reasons he has to go.

That is funny...that damn Obama - why hasn't he committed genocide yet? Let's start killing!
Are you now accusing Israel of promoting genodice you IslamoNazi worshipping asshole?

Um.....no, I'm not.

Your literacy really is dreadful, Roudy. If it were better, you wold understand that the pronoun 'he' can only refer here to Obama, and not to a country. Otherwise it would be ' why haven't they'.
obama is no friend to Israel, which is one of the reasons he has to go.

Obama "You have to stop settlements."
Israel "No."
Obama "Well ok, by the way here is your welfare check."
Iran to Hamas: "Here's the money and weapons but it comes with strings attached."
Hamas: "What is that?"
Iran: "No peace or treaties with Israel under any circumstances, Kill the Jew whenever you can, women and kids don't matter. Constant state of war until the Zionist entity is destroyed."
Hamas: "Well okay, as long as we get to steal most of the money"
Iran: "Allah Akbar, JIHAD!"
Hamas: "You took the words right out of my ass...I mean mouth!"

At least what I said was true.
No. America always gets involved in the MidEast in a poor attempt in repairing the world. your government should figure out by now it's not working. Not in Israel, or Lybia, or Syria, or Iran, or Iraq or Afghanistan.

Exactly - and interesting that an Israeli poster has a clearer view of US politics than an American one.

Every friday noon we have Yehoram Gaon on the radio. He was born in Jerusalem, and considered in Israel a symbol of culture. He talks about all kind of things for two hours. He has wonderful way of expression and nails things down in a way that is more accurate than anyone of the government knows.

Yesterday he talked about the crisis and Syria, and the Arab spring. He said the Americans are slowly "pulling the strings" to help the people who protest to bring down the dictators. he has critizised the blindness of the American government to the fact that they don't help but makes things worse.

For example, Egypt. The people were determinded to bring down Mubarak, just like the Lybians wanted to be free from Guadafi. while it's good that an oppressed people got rid of the dictator, the situation now is nothing better. In Egypt there is chaos, the massed are being slaughtered by the army, good chances that the Muslim brothehood will gain power, which will bring more rights to be broken than mobarak ever did. Terror attacks by Al Quaeda happen in those countries who gained freedom. The Arab spring we all hoped for is now and Islamic winter.

America's involvement didn't help much. We see fundamentalists using the situation to rise and get control

So much fore democracy and freedom, hua?

Yehoram Gaon told the story of a cub, giving a small boy a cocoon, telling him it's about to become a butterfly. But he warns the boy, once its trying to get, don't help him, let him find his own way out. after that, time passed, and the boy noticed the small caterpillar trying indeed to break through. excided, he forgot the cub's warning and started pulling at his wings to force it out. when it was finally out, it couldn't fly, because when the boy pulled at his wings, it didn't get to activate his muscles, so it fell to the ground and didn't rise again.

Then Gaon asked, if it can be that the Americans are the small child, trying to force the butterfly out, force the countries to take a step that they should take on their own? is it possible that they are not ready nor need the American help? the answer will probably be yes.

Obama said that if elected again then he would give all his time to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yehoram Gaon then sarcastically said, "Thanks but no thanks", "we have seen how you "help" others". There is a saying in Hebrew about a bee that tries to help, the answer is "Not of your honey, nor your sting". I don't want the good or the bad you offer me.
So often when entering conflicts, the US seems to mean well. I do believe that as a country and a people, the US is both largely well-intentioned and on the side of right and justice, so to speak.

The problem is that the US seems unable to understand that it does not understand. In Viet Nam, Somalia and Iraq we have seen the US act on terrible intelligence, and to end up doing possibly more harm than good. The loss of lives, both US and local, has been staggering in some cases.

And yet the US does not learn. Everyday we see posters here desperate to bomb Syria or Iran, posters who should know better, but clearly do not. The desire for war is, at times, far stronger than the desire to do the right thing.

I think the US can help resolve the ME crisis, and possibly even the conflict can not be solved without the US, but perhaps for that to happen, the US needs to step back from its friendship with Israel and ask itself why it needs to be involved at all.
yet if the US was not there you would bitch also. you criticize our policies yet embrace our freebies. Enjoy it while it lasts.
So often when entering conflicts, the US seems to mean well. I do believe that as a country and a people, the US is both largely well-intentioned and on the side of right and justice, so to speak.

The problem is that the US seems unable to understand that it does not understand. In Viet Nam, Somalia and Iraq we have seen the US act on terrible intelligence, and to end up doing possibly more harm than good. The loss of lives, both US and local, has been staggering in some cases.

And yet the US does not learn. Everyday we see posters here desperate to bomb Syria or Iran, posters who should know better, but clearly do not. The desire for war is, at times, far stronger than the desire to do the right thing.

I think the US can help resolve the ME crisis, and possibly even the conflict can not be solved without the US, but perhaps for that to happen, the US needs to step back from its friendship with Israel and ask itself why it needs to be involved at all.


I wish I could completely agree with you, what you write, and think that the US is perhaps just a little misguided. Unfortunately, I think there are some deeper issues that go back to who really controls our foreign policy, which never seems to change really, no matter who Americans elect to offices in elections.

Richard Falk has a fascinating recent article on his blog about Palestinian hunger strikers and American soldiers committing suicide, which occurs right now at the rate of one a day. And he speaks of the US worshipping the God of War, and I think that is America's real problem right there. I have long thought of Nationalism and our Wars as Idolatry, but I do not think until I read his article it really sunk in how true that really is.

Every friday noon we have Yehoram Gaon on the radio. He was born in Jerusalem, and considered in Israel a symbol of culture. He talks about all kind of things for two hours. He has wonderful way of expression and nails things down in a way that is more accurate than anyone of the government knows.

Yesterday he talked about the crisis and Syria, and the Arab spring. He said the Americans are slowly "pulling the strings" to help the people who protest to bring down the dictators. he has critizised the blindness of the American government to the fact that they don't help but makes things worse.

For example, Egypt. The people were determinded to bring down Mubarak, just like the Lybians wanted to be free from Guadafi. while it's good that an oppressed people got rid of the dictator, the situation now is nothing better. In Egypt there is chaos, the massed are being slaughtered by the army, good chances that the Muslim brothehood will gain power, which will bring more rights to be broken than mobarak ever did. Terror attacks by Al Quaeda happen in those countries who gained freedom. The Arab spring we all hoped for is now and Islamic winter.

America's involvement didn't help much. We see fundamentalists using the situation to rise and get control

So much fore democracy and freedom, hua?

Yehoram Gaon told the story of a cub, giving a small boy a cocoon, telling him it's about to become a butterfly. But he warns the boy, once its trying to get, don't help him, let him find his own way out. after that, time passed, and the boy noticed the small caterpillar trying indeed to break through. excided, he forgot the cub's warning and started pulling at his wings to force it out. when it was finally out, it couldn't fly, because when the boy pulled at his wings, it didn't get to activate his muscles, so it fell to the ground and didn't rise again.

Then Gaon asked, if it can be that the Americans are the small child, trying to force the butterfly out, force the countries to take a step that they should take on their own? is it possible that they are not ready nor need the American help? the answer will probably be yes.

Obama said that if elected again then he would give all his time to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yehoram Gaon then sarcastically said, "Thanks but no thanks", "we have seen how you "help" others". There is a saying in Hebrew about a bee that tries to help, the answer is "Not of your honey, nor your sting". I don't want the good or the bad you offer me.

Israel gets most of its weapons, its international support and a huge amount of money from the US and the US is Israel's primary ally when most the rest of the world condemns them for human rights violations.

And the Israeli people actually think the US is impeding their progress because of their minimal involvement in nearby nations?? AIPAC is one of the guiding forces in US politics - I really don't think there is much dissonance between the two nations as a result.

The US also has long made it illegal for international groups to lobby in Washington. Makes sense, as nations that do not have the US interest at heart could influence politics. Funny thing is, somehow AIPAC magically bypassed that rule and became the ONLY lobby group in the US campaigning for a foreign entity. While it is clearly ILLEGAL to lobby for a foreign interest in DC - and AIPAC is perhaps THE most powerful lobbying group there is.

Don't forget the AIPAC leader David Steiner whose phone conversation was released in the 90's. He discusses with complete authority and arrogance how AIPAC is buying candidates and how they even have "lists" of exactly who they want for every high level government position. Sound like an illegal foreign entity with WAY to much power? I think so.

Not even the largest oil or financial companies can compete with AIPAC's power. And all that money and interest is going OUTSIDE of the US to a country that only a small fraction of the US population has a vested interest in.

If anyone has any disagreement on one single fact I mentioned, please let it be known.

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Every friday noon we have Yehoram Gaon on the radio. He was born in Jerusalem, and considered in Israel a symbol of culture. He talks about all kind of things for two hours. He has wonderful way of expression and nails things down in a way that is more accurate than anyone of the government knows.

Yesterday he talked about the crisis and Syria, and the Arab spring. He said the Americans are slowly "pulling the strings" to help the people who protest to bring down the dictators. he has critizised the blindness of the American government to the fact that they don't help but makes things worse.

For example, Egypt. The people were determinded to bring down Mubarak, just like the Lybians wanted to be free from Guadafi. while it's good that an oppressed people got rid of the dictator, the situation now is nothing better. In Egypt there is chaos, the massed are being slaughtered by the army, good chances that the Muslim brothehood will gain power, which will bring more rights to be broken than mobarak ever did. Terror attacks by Al Quaeda happen in those countries who gained freedom. The Arab spring we all hoped for is now and Islamic winter.

America's involvement didn't help much. We see fundamentalists using the situation to rise and get control

So much fore democracy and freedom, hua?

Yehoram Gaon told the story of a cub, giving a small boy a cocoon, telling him it's about to become a butterfly. But he warns the boy, once its trying to get, don't help him, let him find his own way out. after that, time passed, and the boy noticed the small caterpillar trying indeed to break through. excided, he forgot the cub's warning and started pulling at his wings to force it out. when it was finally out, it couldn't fly, because when the boy pulled at his wings, it didn't get to activate his muscles, so it fell to the ground and didn't rise again.

Then Gaon asked, if it can be that the Americans are the small child, trying to force the butterfly out, force the countries to take a step that they should take on their own? is it possible that they are not ready nor need the American help? the answer will probably be yes.

Obama said that if elected again then he would give all his time to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Yehoram Gaon then sarcastically said, "Thanks but no thanks", "we have seen how you "help" others". There is a saying in Hebrew about a bee that tries to help, the answer is "Not of your honey, nor your sting". I don't want the good or the bad you offer me.

Israel gets most of its weapons, its international support and a huge amount of money from the US and the US is Israel's primary ally when most the rest of the world condemns them for human rights violations.

And the Israeli people actually think the US is impeding their progress because of their minimal involvement in nearby nations?? AIPAC is one of the guiding forces in US politics - I really don't think there is much dissonance between the two nations as a result.

The US also has long made it illegal for international groups to lobby in Washington. Makes sense, as nations that do not have the US interest at heart could influence politics. Funny thing is, somehow AIPAC magically bypassed that rule and became the ONLY lobby group in the US campaigning for a foreign entity. While it is clearly ILLEGAL to lobby for a foreign interest in DC - and AIPAC is perhaps THE most powerful lobbying group there is.

Don't forget the AIPAC leader David Steiner whose phone conversation was released in the 90's. He discusses with complete authority and arrogance how AIPAC is buying candidates and how they even have "lists" of exactly who they want for every high level government position. Sound like an illegal foreign entity with WAY to much power? I think so.

Not even the largest oil or financial companies can compete with AIPAC's power. And all that money and interest is going OUTSIDE of the US to a country that only a small fraction of the US population has a vested interest in.

If anyone has any disagreement on one single fact I mentioned, please let it be known.


When Israeli PM Sharon said: "We Control America!" he was refering to AIPAC control of our Poilitics and Government with the use of $$$Money. You would think that the architects of this program would look to previous results of this process in other countries. The rich are always the first targets of Economic and Political revolutions.

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