America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Lol. You know nothing. Stop posting.

Apparently the news doesn’t reach you. Israel has mass murdered thousands of innocent women and children since 10/7.

You might be the dumbest poster on this board.
All your tears flow one way....
I see you now have resorted to posting Hamas propaganda video....

Keep in mind:

Hamas uses their own people for human shields

Hamas uses Hospitals and schools for their HQ's, and Weapons depots

It was Hamas who attacked unprovoked on Oct 7 like hit and run cowards.

It is Hamas who is the elected government of Palestinians in Gaza.

And it is Hamas who says of those Palestinians being killed, that it is "Not their problem"....

That's who YOU support.
Do you believe this is justified?
Do you believe this is justified?
I believe that Hamas cowardly attacked innocent people inside Israel, raped, killed, and burned these civilians, of a country they knew damned well would retaliate harshly, causing civilian causality on their side, and doesn't care...

Like I said, they use their own people as human shields for propaganda purposes....If you don't at least have that as a baseline in understanding what is happening, then we have nothing to talk about....Fore, you are simply a useful idiot of the Hamas propaganda machine....
I believe that Hamas cowardly attacked innocent people inside Israel, raped, killed, and burned these civilians, of a country they knew damned well would retaliate harshly, causing civilian causality on their side, and doesn't care...

Like I said, they use their own people as human shields for propaganda purposes....If you don't at least have that as a baseline in understanding what is happening, then we have nothing to talk about....Fore, you are simply a useful idiot of the Hamas propaganda machine....
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”

You are cursed. Warmongers get a special place in Hell.
Some people ask well what occurred before October 7 in the Holy land …take a look at this video…. For years bad people from Israel have been making the lives of Palestinian women and children a living hell. None of us in America would live like that we would stand up for ourselves …. We are a strong country. The strong in America stand up for those like women and children.

Imagine for a moment if we Americans had to live like Palestinians do. And so for that reason, we must stop selling weapons to Israel. We have got to stop giving billions of dollars to Israel. It is anti-American to do so.

May Jesus protect this Palestinian child. Jesus loves her. And may he protect her and all of the children of Gaza

View attachment 851542

May the angel Michael protect the Palestinian women and children from the beasts that are bombing them every day.

No, they need many more weapons in order to get rid of this problem.
That is a bullshit point. Hamas started it because they are evil bastards that should be wiped out. The response should never be the careless killing of innocents. That’s blood on Israel’s hands that is immoral and wrong
Not bullshit at all Sally. Immoral would be inviting the barbaric animals to do it again.

If you think that a targeted approach would do any good, then you are simply naive. All Hamas would do is the same they are doing now. Surround themselves with civilians.

Gee golly wiz.
The tunnels ARE bomb shelters.
Israel is just lying.
Because sometimes we have “slow” posters on this site, I’ll spell it out.

Bomb Shelters to protect CIVILIANS, not tunnels to protect TERRORISTS.

Got it now?
Not bullshit at all Sally. Immoral would be inviting the barbaric animals to do it again.

If you think that a targeted approach would do any good, then you are simply naive. All Hamas would do is the same they are doing now. Surround themselves with civilians.

Gee golly wiz.
So you’re excusing and supporting the careless and knowing murder of innocents. You’re just as bad as Hamas
So you’re excusing and supporting the careless and knowing murder of innocents. You’re just as bad as Hamas

Hamas is the ones hiding amongst civilians Dorkwad.

Nobody likes the idea of civilian casualties more than those that do evil, then use the innocent as human shields.

There are Jewish parents in Israel, raising their kids to hate Christians. I know Palestinian people I’ve worked with them they love Christians.

There’s good and bad people in both Israel and Palestine.

Jews aren’t putting babies in ovens and burning them to death, setting children on fire, raping women to death, or slicing off Palestinians’ heads with shovels. They haven’t captured 250 innocent people to hold them hostage.

But a Jew did spit, and another one yelled. So there’s “bad on both sides.”

And you wonder why people call you an antisemite.
I’m killing no one, and I won’t be looking for something that doesn’t exist.
These leftists have sunken to a new level. After Muslim terrorists go on a rampage to kill Jews in Israel, they will call anyone who doesn’t side with Muslims a baby killer.
Hamas is the ones hiding amongst civilians Dorkwad.

Nobody likes the idea of civilian casualties more than those that do evil, then use the innocent as human shields.
I don’t care. That doesn’t make it ok to pull the trigger and knowingly kill innocent people

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