America must stop selling weapons to Israel

You sure are blood thirsty.
No, it was the Muslim terrorists who went on a torture-and-murder spree of Jews, and you make nasty accusations against anyone who defends Israel’s right to defend itself. Didn’t you just hear that one of your fellow Muslims said they will keep having another October 7 until all the Jews are gone?

What did you think about the Muslim monster who stuck a baby in the oven, and kept the mother alive long enough to hear his/her wails of agony before killing mother too?
These leftists have sunken to a new level. After Muslim terrorists go on a rampage to kill Jews in Israel, they will call anyone who doesn’t side with Muslims a baby killer.
Unfortunately, they just aren't very bright...

They believe propaganda put out by Hamas, and because they are neck deep in a political tactic of turning everything on it head in ideological argument, they naturally fall into this trap that Hamas is putting out to the world...

They truly are a living example of 'if you believe in nothing, you will fall for anything'...
I don’t care. That doesn’t make it ok to pull the trigger and knowingly kill innocent people
He’s not pulling a trigger. The Jews are telling Palestinians to get out and giving them time to save themselves. Just the opposite of what the Muslims did.

Stop siding wih Muslim terrorists and against Jews.
These leftists have sunken to a new level. After Muslim terrorists go on a rampage to kill Jews in Israel, they will call anyone who doesn’t side with Muslims a baby killer.
What I find disturbing is the willingness of blood thirsty posters like this one to USE the horrific actions of Hamas to advance a policy they have always held.
Unfortunately, they just aren't very bright...

They believe propaganda put out by Hamas, and because they are neck deep in a political tactic of turning everything on it head in ideological argument, they naturally fall into this trap that Hamas is putting out to the world...

They truly are a living example of 'if you believe in nothing, you will fall for anything'...
Yes, they have everything upside down. It’s like I’m in a Twilight Zone episode.

And just listen to Biden. While Jews are being assaulted and threatened with murder on liberal college campuses, he sets up a task force to combat Islamaphobia.
You're blaming the wrong side here....It is Hamas that puts their innocent civilians in harms way, so that they can use it as propaganda.
I blame Hamas for alot. That brutal tactic being one thing. But that still doesn’t give an excuse to knowingly kill the innocent. That’s an act of evil
Yes, they have everything upside down. It’s like I’m in a Twilight Zone episode.

And just listen to Biden. While Jews are being assaulted and threatened with murder on liberal college campuses, he sets up a task force to combat Islamaphobia.
Just heard that this morning....Shocker....
Arab nationalist are much more popular in Palestine. People like Nasser of Egypt

The Palestinian people don’t care for the Iranian government. Power players in Israel Want you to believe that Iran is somehow admired in Palestine…. it’s not.

Hamas it’s only supported by a tiny fraction a Palestinians.
Palestinians exist only in your mind they are no an ethnic race.
Some people ask well what occurred before October 7 in the Holy land …take a look at this video…. For years bad people from Israel have been making the lives of Palestinian women and children a living hell. None of us in America would live like that we would stand up for ourselves …. We are a strong country. The strong in America stand up for those like women and children.

Imagine for a moment if we Americans had to live like Palestinians do. And so for that reason, we must stop selling weapons to Israel. We have got to stop giving billions of dollars to Israel. It is anti-American to do so.

May Jesus protect this Palestinian child. Jesus loves her. And may he protect her and all of the children of Gaza

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May the angel Michael protect the Palestinian women and children from the beasts that are bombing them every day.

Nope will never support the Muslim savages
I blame Hamas for alot. That brutal tactic being one thing. But that still doesn’t give an excuse to knowingly kill the innocent. That’s an act of evil
They are NOT doing that....In fact they stalled much of what they had planned, while pleading for civilians to get out of harms way....However, it is Hamas that purposely puts their command and control inside Hospitals, and schools. You condone that?
He’s not pulling a trigger. The Jews are telling Palestinians to get out and giving them time to save themselves. Just the opposite of what the Muslims did.

Stop siding wih Muslim terrorists and against Jews.
Oh I see and these poor scared women and children are supposed to pick up a flier and just run south otherwise be targets for death. Got it. They just just call an Uber and cruise down to their southern villas in guess. Don’t know why they all don’t do that
The Muslim terrorists have given Israel no choice. They must be eradicated, or the savages will do it again.
Eradicate them then. I got no issue. But go after the soldieries and terrorists. Not innocent people. How can you excuse murder?
Oh I see and these poor scared women and children are supposed to pick up a flier and just run south otherwise be targets for death. Got it. They just just call an Uber and cruise down to their southern villas in guess. Don’t know why they all don’t do that
Here is a good idea, move away from Hamas

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