America & Nazi Germany

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FDR was of course the FIRST world leader to condemn Hitler, way back in 1933; FDR had to fight not only the far right on the economy, but also the same cruds on the war against fascism. Thank God we had an American like him at the helm.

What happened to the rich people in Germany? Did the 3rd reich take their wealth or was he good for industry? Did the rich in Germany back Hitler? Sure he came to power by way of elections, but was he a socialist, communist or capitalist? I would bet you anything like the Koch brothers back the GOP candidates, the Corporations were behind Hitler. If not, he would have never gotten into power. And those Robber Barons that own Germany and Europe also own America. Some of them are the private bankers that own our Federal Reserve. And we don't even know who they are.

He was a fascist, but beyond description utilizing our political terminology. The wealthy who initially backed him later saw their wealth "conscripted' for the good of the Reich.
To continue this intellectual discussion, I wonder how many know that the laws by which the Japanese and Japanese-Americans were placed in camps are still on the books.
The camps were, at times, called concentration camps but as the concentration camps of Hitler's Germany began to come to light there was an attempt to change the names to differentiate between Hitler's camps and the relocation centers.
Another question remains, if the events of 1941 were to repeat today, would we do the same thing again?

Jake summed it up; there would be no need. Part of the reason for the internment camps was the outrage of citizens. Germans were not rounded up; still, my mother, a teenager in WWII, and my father, who began his service at age 17 years, two days, both said anti German sentiment was in the air. No comparison with concentration camps. The so called concentration camps were in reality death camps also.
As someone with plenty of Alsatian blood coursing through his veins, I impolitely invite you to ram it up your liberoidal ass.

FDR provoked war with Japan, via economic embargo and directly with the AVG (Flying Tigers), who were flying combat missions well before 7 December'41.

France, England and the good ole USA sold Poland down the river to the reds...."Fuck the Poles", said the craven traitors who declared war on Germany over the 1 September '39 Nazi invasion.

America ended up enabling and empowering both Stalin and Mao, who out-slaughtered Hitler by a factor of no less than ten.

You are one seriously sad excuse of an historian.

Declaring war on Germany for invading Poland was saying "Fuck You" to the Poles? Who knew?

Hitler declared war on the US:

Hitler's Declaration of War Against the US
FDR was of course the FIRST world leader to condemn Hitler, way back in 1933; FDR had to fight not only the far right on the economy, but also the same cruds on the war against fascism. Thank God we had an American like him at the helm.

What happened to the rich people in Germany? Did the 3rd reich take their wealth or was he good for industry? Did the rich in Germany back Hitler? Sure he came to power by way of elections, but was he a socialist, communist or capitalist? I would bet you anything like the Koch brothers back the GOP candidates, the Corporations were behind Hitler. If not, he would have never gotten into power. And those Robber Barons that own Germany and Europe also own America. Some of them are the private bankers that own our Federal Reserve. And we don't even know who they are.

He was a fascist, but beyond description utilizing our political terminology. The wealthy who initially backed him later saw their wealth "conscripted' for the good of the Reich.

All of us who try to put Hitler in a box forget that the his motivation was total power. He would have been a Boy Scout if that would have worked for him.
FDR didn't want to know about Nazi atrosities. Even after his own administration begged him to relax the immigration standards so that Jews could leave Germany he refused. The US had no intelligence network and the State Dept consisted of a bunch of rich liberals who used US embassies for parties. The ambassador to Germany was an honest college professor who was ridiculed by FDR's elite liberals and he was finally relieved of duty when he complained too much about Hitler.

Nonsense. Read The Myth of Rescue. Morganthau began speeding up the immigration process for Jews in threatened nation; between 1938, and 1940, close to half all immigrants were Jews. in the extremist frenzy to attack FDR, the extremists pretend the Us declared war on Germany! It is sad how many posters skipped high school history. Two days after the US declared war on Japan, Germany declared war on the US*.

*After the INVASION of Iraq, I read some Bush jobs write the US invaded Germany; insane. Nor was Japan "provoked"; US Navy vessels had been in the Pacific, and intelligence sources believed an attack on the Philippines was imminent. Here is actual history for you:

BBC ON THIS DAY | 11 | 1941: Germany and Italy declare war on US
As someone with plenty of Alsatian blood coursing through his veins, I impolitely invite you to ram it up your liberoidal ass.

FDR provoked war with Japan, via economic embargo and directly with the AVG (Flying Tigers), who were flying combat missions well before 7 December'41.

France, England and the good ole USA sold Poland down the river to the reds...."Fuck the Poles", said the craven traitors who declared war on Germany over the 1 September '39 Nazi invasion.

America ended up enabling and empowering both Stalin and Mao, who out-slaughtered Hitler by a factor of no less than ten.

You are one seriously sad excuse of an historian.

As you think the US declared war on Germany, US history isn't a subject you should be addressing:

United States Enters World War II: Brief History
Americans were flying for Britain also, and for Spain at one time, Americans can at times be found aiding other nations usually for some good American dollars.
The US was sending oil to Japan and that oil was used to conduct war on China, and FDR stopped selling oil to Japan to wage that war. Japan had the option of stopping the war in China, obtaining oil elsewhere or another course of action. Japan chose the latter meaning Pearl Harbor and capturing the oil fields in East Indies.
Americans were flying for Britain also, and for Spain at one time, Americans can at times be found aiding other nations usually for some good American dollars.
The US was sending oil to Japan and that oil was used to conduct war on China, and FDR stopped selling oil to Japan to wage that war. Japan had the option of stopping the war in China, obtaining oil elsewhere or another course of action. Japan chose the latter meaning Pearl Harbor and capturing the oil fields in East Indies.

Thus, the extremists claim he "provoked" Japan? How do they explain away the fact Germany declared war on the US, and not the other way around? Do those who now favor the defeated Axis against the US invent a conspiracy wherein Churchill "set up" the declaration by a UK resident that spoke German? :cuckoo:
He did on October 20, 1942. In no way shape or form, however, did he make the connection to Nazi concentrations camps as you did.

The only connection I made is the one that even an idiot like you cannot dispute - that they were in fact concentration camps. Anything beyond that is from your infantile imagination. Your inherent dishonesty and lack of character has led you to repeat your own conclusions and falsely attribute them to me over and over, you ignorant fucking douchebag.
Fakey is a dishonest douchebag who can't address (or understand) what is actually said, so he fabricates positions and responds to the constructs of his little imagination instead. He is a person of low character and even lower intellect. That he would spout off about what would happen in a college history course is hilarious.

The FACT of the matter is that Fakey is deliberately attempting to misrepresent me despite being corrected on this matter dozens of times now. That is the behavior of a fundamentally dishonest person. He was exposed as being ignorant of the actual meaning of a term in the English language and his little ego is in a fury over it. That is the behavior of a developmentally stunted imbecile.

The more he attempts to misrepresent and the more he melts down over his own humiliation, the more he proves the above to be true of him.

Yes, comparing the two is reprehensible.

Misrepresenting someone else's position is reprehensible, but Fakey lacks the character to stop himself from doing so.
To continue this intellectual discussion, I wonder how many know that the laws by which the Japanese and Japanese-Americans were placed in camps are still on the books.
The camps were, at times, called concentration camps but as the concentration camps of Hitler's Germany began to come to light there was an attempt to change the names to differentiate between Hitler's camps and the relocation centers.
Another question remains, if the events of 1941 were to repeat today, would we do the same thing again?

Jake summed it up; there would be no need. Part of the reason for the internment camps was the outrage of citizens. Germans were not rounded up; still, my mother, a teenager in WWII, and my father, who began his service at age 17 years, two days, both said anti German sentiment was in the air. No comparison with concentration camps. The so called concentration camps were in reality death camps also.

Some Germans and Italians were also "rounded up," but in nowhere near the numbers.
To continue this intellectual discussion, I wonder how many know that the laws by which the Japanese and Japanese-Americans were placed in camps are still on the books.
The camps were, at times, called concentration camps but as the concentration camps of Hitler's Germany began to come to light there was an attempt to change the names to differentiate between Hitler's camps and the relocation centers.
Another question remains, if the events of 1941 were to repeat today, would we do the same thing again?

Jake summed it up; there would be no need. Part of the reason for the internment camps was the outrage of citizens. Germans were not rounded up; still, my mother, a teenager in WWII, and my father, who began his service at age 17 years, two days, both said anti German sentiment was in the air. No comparison with concentration camps. The so called concentration camps were in reality death camps also.

Some Germans and Italians were also "rounded up," but in nowhere near the numbers.

Some Germans, at least in the mid west, received hate mail, homes & businesses vandalized, and were shunned by former neighbors. The enlistment of the recently immigrated, and their children, helped calm the situation*. The internment camps are in no way comparable to the Axis concentrations camps, which does not excuse the internment in any way.

*SOURCE: An uncle, by marriage; a first generation American, his family came to the US in the early twenties from Germany.
Fakey is a dishonest douchebag who can't address (or understand) what is actually said, so he fabricates positions and responds to the constructs of his little imagination instead. He is a person of low character and even lower intellect. That he would spout off about what would happen in a college history course is hilarious.

The FACT of the matter is that Fakey is deliberately attempting to misrepresent me despite being corrected on this matter dozens of times now. That is the behavior of a fundamentally dishonest person. He was exposed as being ignorant of the actual meaning of a term in the English language and his little ego is in a fury over it. That is the behavior of a developmentally stunted imbecile.

The more he attempts to misrepresent and the more he melts down over his own humiliation, the more he proves the above to be true of him.

Yes, comparing the two is reprehensible.

Misrepresenting someone else's position is reprehensible, but Fakey lacks the character to stop himself from doing so.

You compared one directly and the other indirectly. The post numbers have already been listed above.

You lack integrity to accept what you post.
Yes, comparing the two is reprehensible.

Misrepresenting someone else's position is reprehensible, but Fakey lacks the character to stop himself from doing so.

You compared one directly and the other indirectly. The post numbers have already been listed above.

You lack integrity to accept what you post.

YOU really shouldn't be using the word "integrity" at all, liar. This entire meltdown of yours is based on conclusions YOU made and have been trying to falsely attribute to me. You are a dishonest piece of shit. This all started because you didn't know what "concentration camp" meant and your little ego got all upset. That does not excuse your blatant and repeated dishonesty.
The internment camps are in no way comparable to the Axis concentrations camps.

In no way other than that they were, in fact, concentration camps. That's more than inexcusable.

The internment camps did not deprive those held of food, water, shelter, medical care, nor other basic necessities. Again no excuse, but not Axis concentration camps. The internment camps remain a shame on US history, we must remember so it does not happen again. Some monetary damages have been paid to survivors, and descendants, but money alone cannot erase the disgrace.
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