America & Nazi Germany

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Only someone as truly stupid as Fakey could go to all the trouble of quoting the posts above without understanding one word.
FDR was of course the FIRST world leader to condemn Hitler, way back in 1933; FDR had to fight not only the far right on the economy, but also the same cruds on the war against fascism. Thank God we had an American like him at the helm.

What happened to the rich people in Germany? Did the 3rd reich take their wealth or was he good for industry? Did the rich in Germany back Hitler? Sure he came to power by way of elections, but was he a socialist, communist or capitalist? I would bet you anything like the Koch brothers back the GOP candidates, the Corporations were behind Hitler. If not, he would have never gotten into power. And those Robber Barons that own Germany and Europe also own America. Some of them are the private bankers that own our Federal Reserve. And we don't even know who they are.
What the idiot quoted as "post 95" directly refutes the basis of his emo-meltdown, but he is too damn stupid to understand what he himself quoted. Truly a hopeless case.
Unkotare lacks balance.

The internment camps (the proper, historical term) should never be linked to Nazi concentration camps.

Yet Unkotare did.

The second he uses language like FDR/dictator and Nazi concentration camps, he brings into play the concept of Hitler, linking it indirectly to FDR, which was his intent.

If Unkotare pulled this in a history class at any reputable college or university, he would immediately have been counseled on balance and on the recognitions of his own bias,.
No one is denying that 110,000 Japanese-Americans went to internment camps, and that it was wrong.

However, what Unkotare can't handle is being called on his false analogies of FDR = Hitler and American internment camps = German concentration camps. That was the clear meaning in the OP.

Until you not only drop it, Unkotare, but admit you were wrong and have been defending your wrongness like a four year old on the playground, I am going to keep calling you out,

Is it true France is having a very difficult time with their muslims? They basically refuse to assimilate. Didn't they ban the burka or something like that?

Well what if they turned violent? I mean, what if all of the sudden Al Queda was running around in America or France, hiding in Arab communities? Car bombs going off every day. Terrorists going into our malls with automatic weapons and body armor, capabale of taking out hundreds of people, and doing it. And the arab community was protecting/hiding these terrorists. Detention centers are off the table?

By the way. This is one of Europe and Greece's big problems. Consider this. Of the 106,200 people detected trying to cross illegally into the European Union in 2009, almost three-quarters were stopped in Greece.

Chances are the terrorists are not here legally. Throw out everyone who's here illegally and we will lower the chance of terrorists, arab or Japanese.
Exile home grown wannabee terrorists (a few from the left, the militia wannabees from the right), and this country would be much safer. They can go to Johnston Island and fight over that. Johnston Island
Unkotare lacks balance.

Fakey is a dishonest douchebag who can't address (or understand) what is actually said, so he fabricates positions and responds to the constructs of his little imagination instead. He is a person of low character and even lower intellect. That he would spout off about what would happen in a college history course is hilarious.

The FACT of the matter is that Fakey is deliberately attempting to misrepresent me despite being corrected on this matter dozens of times now. That is the behavior of a fundamentally dishonest person. He was exposed as being ignorant of the actual meaning of a term in the English language and his little ego is in a fury over it. That is the behavior of a developmentally stunted imbecile.

The more he attempts to misrepresent and the more he melts down over his own humiliation, the more he proves the above to be true of him.
Only someone as truly stupid as Fakey could go to all the trouble of quoting the posts above without understanding one word.

It seems that everybody that disagrees with you is a liar and / or stupid. Did it ever occur to you that YOU may have a slight problem?

It occurs to me that you and Fakey might make a perfect couple since you share many of the same deficiencies.
Is it true France is having a very difficult time with their muslims? They basically refuse to assimilate. Didn't they ban the burka or something like that?

Well what if they turned violent? I mean, what if all of the sudden Al Queda was running around in America or France, hiding in Arab communities? Car bombs going off every day. Terrorists going into our malls with automatic weapons and body armor, capabale of taking out hundreds of people, and doing it. And the arab community was protecting/hiding these terrorists. Detention centers are off the table?

Of course they are off the table. We would not repeat the outrages of the scumbag FDR. We wouldn't need to. He certainly didn't need to (to say the very, very least).
Unkotare lacks balance.

Fakey is a dishonest douchebag who can't address (or understand) what is actually said, so he fabricates positions and responds to the constructs of his little imagination instead. He is a person of low character and even lower intellect. That he would spout off about what would happen in a college history course is hilarious.

The FACT of the matter is that Fakey is deliberately attempting to misrepresent me despite being corrected on this matter dozens of times now. That is the behavior of a fundamentally dishonest person. He was exposed as being ignorant of the actual meaning of a term in the English language and his little ego is in a fury over it. That is the behavior of a developmentally stunted imbecile.

The more he attempts to misrepresent and the more he melts down over his own humiliation, the more he proves the above to be true of him.

You lack balance. Here is the entire post I made, so folks can make their own balanced judgments.

Unkotare lacks balance.

The internment camps (the proper, historical term) should never be linked to Nazi concentration camps.

Yet Unkotare did.

The second he uses language like FDR/dictator and Nazi concentration camps, he brings into play the concept of Hitler, linking it indirectly to FDR, which was his intent.

If Unkotare pulled this in a history class at any reputable college or university, he would immediately have been counseled on balance and on the recognitions of his own bias,.
Fakey is on Spam mode because he has nothing left to say and no way to justify his dishonesty and ignorance. His little ego is in full meltdown.
He did on October 20, 1942. In no way shape or form, however, did he make the connection to Nazi concentrations camps as you did. That's the difference here, Unkotare. FDR could use the term in conjunction with "relocation centers". You can't because you used the term Nazi concentration centers. Children of the Camps | INTERNMENT TIMELINE

Please apologize to the descendents of the internees.
Unkotare lacks balance.

Fakey is a dishonest douchebag who can't address (or understand) what is actually said, so he fabricates positions and responds to the constructs of his little imagination instead. He is a person of low character and even lower intellect. That he would spout off about what would happen in a college history course is hilarious.

The FACT of the matter is that Fakey is deliberately attempting to misrepresent me despite being corrected on this matter dozens of times now. That is the behavior of a fundamentally dishonest person. He was exposed as being ignorant of the actual meaning of a term in the English language and his little ego is in a fury over it. That is the behavior of a developmentally stunted imbecile.

The more he attempts to misrepresent and the more he melts down over his own humiliation, the more he proves the above to be true of him.

You lack balance. Here is the entire post I made, so folks can make their own balanced judgments.

Unkotare lacks balance.

The internment camps (the proper, historical term) should never be linked to Nazi concentration camps.

Yet Unkotare did.

The second he uses language like FDR/dictator and Nazi concentration camps, he brings into play the concept of Hitler, linking it indirectly to FDR, which was his intent.

If Unkotare pulled this in a history class at any reputable college or university, he would immediately have been counseled on balance and on the recognitions of his own bias,.

Yes, comparing the two is reprehensible.
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