America & Nazi Germany

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The words were yours, Unkotare; the comparisons were yours, Unkotare; you are the one trying to create new comparisons and definitions that are false.

You need to grow up and act like an adult, in accepting your failure here.

The infantile imagination was yours, the ignorance of the English language was yours, the deliberate dishonesty was yours, so the shit smeared all over your face is all yours.
Fakey's deficiency with the English language does not change the meaning of words. His blatant dishonesty reveals his complete lack of character as a human being.
Unkotare, ad homs merely demonstrate how much of nothing you have to say in this thread.
You are the Straw Man, Unkotare. In fact that is how I will address you, until you admit the false comparisons,
Fakey the dishonest douchebag takes a stroll down memory lane:

Remember when I provided you with no fewer than three sources for a term you did not know the definition of? Those were good times.

Remember when you tried to claim I was saying something that I was not? Remember when I directly and repeatedly told you that your asinine assumption was in error? Those were good times.

Remember when your little ego then got bruised, sending you into this meltdown? Oh, that's still going on now!
Come on, Straw Man, tell us how FDR was like Hitler and how the internment camps were like concentration camps.

You continue to deny you were wrong. All you have to do is admit your errors, and you will feel better.
I told you before that if I ever needed you to put words in my mouth I'd reach down your throat and take them. Until then, you need to read more and imagine less. Do you think that repeating a lie often enough will cover your shame at not knowing the meaning of a term in what is supposedly your native language? Give it up, you won't get less stupid by repeating the lie.
You continue to deny you were wrong.

When the fever breaks, or you sober up, or whatever the hell is wrong with you, you will realize that I was not "wrong" about anything. FDR threw over 100,000 AMERICANS into concentration camps. If you don't like the term or the fact that you didn't know what it means, that is too fucking bad. Your fabrication of any other conclusions on my part is blatantly dishonest and if you ever develop a shred of integrity you will also realize that.
You left out FDR's concentration camps for innocent, loyal Americans.

We Americans love to bash ourselves. These were scary times after pearl harbor was attacked. There were Japanese spies on Hawaii scouting our fleet. America over reacted with the japense internment camps. However, if one were to look at the examples of the other participants in WWII, the USA was a shining example of morality in WWII.

The US dropped two atomic bombs because we had them. I believe every other participant would have used such a weapon in they had possessed it. Sure Japanese Americans were rounded up, but they were not slaughtered.

This has all been posted many times before but I guess you missed it.

1) Not ONE Japanese-American was EVER convicted of espionage during WWII.

2) The loyal American citizens who the scumbag FDR had thrown into concentration camps went on to make up a large part of the most highly decorated military unit in US history.

3) Anyone who would try to rationalize or excuse throwing over 100,000 innocent AMERICANS into concentration camps doesn't deserve to live in America, let alone be a citizen.

I mostly agree with that. I can rationalize it, but it can't under any circumstances be excused
No one is denying that 110,000 Japanese-Americans went to internment camps, and that it was wrong.

However, what Unkotare can't handle is being called on his false analogies of FDR = Hitler and American internment camps = German concentration camps. That was the clear meaning in the OP.

Until you not only drop it, Unkotare, but admit you were wrong and have been defending your wrongness like a four year old on the playground, I am going to keep calling you out,
FDR was of course the FIRST world leader to condemn Hitler, way back in 1933; FDR had to fight not only the far right on the economy, but also the same cruds on the war against fascism. Thank God we had an American like him at the helm.
communism vs fascism !!
Do you need yet another dictionary definition to help you with your English deficiency, idiot? Is all this really because your little ego was so bruised by the reality that you didn't know the meaning of a term in English, or is it because you so desire to suck the dick of the long-dead FDR?
Little Fakey seems to want to think that repeating his asinine lies will somehow cover his shame at not understanding the English language.
You wrote the comparisons as FDR = Hitler and American internment camps = German concentration camps.

That is false, simply wrong, very immoral. The moment you introduced Hitler and concentration camps into the argument, you failed.
You wrote the comparisons as FDR = Hitler and American internment camps = German concentration camps.

No, YOU wrote that, you fucking imbecile.

Your deficiency with the English language is YOUR problem, douchebag.
FACT: FDR threw over 100,000 AMERICANS into concentration camps. If that word (and the fact that he didn't know what it meant when he started whining) bothers Fakey, that is just too damn bad. It is what it is.

Because Fakey is a dishonest and mentally limited individual, he drew conclusions beyond the FACT stated above and has now insisted, in a fit of apparent dementia, upon attributing them to me. Anything he has to say should be disregarded with the appropriate amount of pity and scorn.
Post 67 of this thread by Unkotare: "The majority of the over 100,000 people of Japanese descent thrown into concentration camps by the dictator FDR were loyal US citizens. They proved themselves to be among the most loyal, in fact. No Japanese-Americans were ever convicted of espionage during the war. While 'away,' their property and holdings were siezed or extorted and most never got back what was taken from them. I can't believe someone said "No lack of food, shelter, clothing, bathing, and bathroom facilities either." Isn't that fucking great? Would anyone here volunteer to be thrown behind barbed wire under armed guard by your own government because hey, they have bathrooms? What a fucking outrage. And of course before such 'nice' concentration camps were built for them, a great many of these AMERICAN CITIZENS were forced to live in horse stables out in the desert. How 'nice.' FDR should go down in history as a villian."

Post 95: "As is using comparison with European "extermination camps" as a means of diminishing the utter outrage of the US government rounding up over 100,000 innocent, loyal US citizens and residents and throwing them into concentration camps." Yet you continue to use the term deliberately.

Post 106: "There is no "wrong area" for US citizens to live in the United States, and there is NO rationalization for what that criminal FDR did."

Post 120: "Is that the standard of acceptability? 'Our concentration camps not as bad as the Nazi concentration camps'? The United States of America is a hell of a lot better than that>"

That is enough to condemn the implications of falsification, deliberately linking the concept of American interment camps to Nazi concentration camps and linking indirectly the false comparison of Hitler to FDR.
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