America needs to back away from giving out welfare


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I think we MUST scale back on welfare for abled adults. There's no way we can afford to give everyone welfare as it's economically impossible and will lead to lower living standards. Yep, double edge sword as we can't have a strong economy with everyone feeding off of it.

We need to only give such to people that lost their jobs or for a short term thing. If we're going to do anything we need to improve our educational system.
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Here's one way to start.

Welfare Drug Testing Bill Passed by Oklahoma House | Testing It Up

HB 2388 will call for drug testing of applicants for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and withhold payments to those who will test positive for illegal drug use. The bill passed by the House, however, has already undergone changes in the Senate. While the original version of the bill called for testing for everyone applying for aid, the Senate modified it such that not everyone will be subjected to testing.

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) currently continues to provide assistance to recipients who test positive for illegal drug while undergoing treatment, according to Sen. David Holt, Senate author of the bill. HB 2388 will halt payments while still providing treatment.
So...what about those who have LONG-TERM unemployment?? Are you really so disconnected that you think Detroit, or California, can get to 100% employability in 6 months to two years?

Matthew, study the issue before starting a thread, mmmkay?
Here's one way to start.

Welfare Drug Testing Bill Passed by Oklahoma House | Testing It Up

HB 2388 will call for drug testing of applicants for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and withhold payments to those who will test positive for illegal drug use. The bill passed by the House, however, has already undergone changes in the Senate. While the original version of the bill called for testing for everyone applying for aid, the Senate modified it such that not everyone will be subjected to testing.

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) currently continues to provide assistance to recipients who test positive for illegal drug while undergoing treatment, according to Sen. David Holt, Senate author of the bill. HB 2388 will halt payments while still providing treatment.

They tried that in Florida. The percentage of participants that failed their drug tests is lower that the overall percentage of drug users in Florida. The program wasted millions of dollars.

And now Oklahoma wants to do it, knowing that it's a failure?

What a stupid state.
So...what about those who have LONG-TERM unemployment?? Are you really so disconnected that you think Detroit, or California, can get to 100% employability in 6 months to two years?

Matthew, study the issue before starting a thread, mmmkay?

You mean those oases of commiecrats and unions are having problems, how about they move where the jobs are. I hear they are looking for people in the oil fields of ND, it's a little cool around Williston this time of year but the folks from Detroit should be able to handle it. Sometimes survival requires people to be proactive.
Here's one way to start.

Welfare Drug Testing Bill Passed by Oklahoma House | Testing It Up

HB 2388 will call for drug testing of applicants for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and withhold payments to those who will test positive for illegal drug use. The bill passed by the House, however, has already undergone changes in the Senate. While the original version of the bill called for testing for everyone applying for aid, the Senate modified it such that not everyone will be subjected to testing.

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) currently continues to provide assistance to recipients who test positive for illegal drug while undergoing treatment, according to Sen. David Holt, Senate author of the bill. HB 2388 will halt payments while still providing treatment.

They tried that in Florida. The percentage of participants that failed their drug tests is lower that the overall percentage of drug users in Florida. The program wasted millions of dollars.

And now Oklahoma wants to do it, knowing that it's a failure?

What a stupid state.
Stupid is not doing so. Because the percentage of drug users is lower than the percentage of drug users as welfare recipients is hardly an argument. People who use their own money to purchase drugs is something we have little control over. People who use tax dollars to do the same is something we can definitely discourage.

I suspect stupidity here, but not that of the states.
Here's one way to start.

Welfare Drug Testing Bill Passed by Oklahoma House | Testing It Up

HB 2388 will call for drug testing of applicants for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and withhold payments to those who will test positive for illegal drug use. The bill passed by the House, however, has already undergone changes in the Senate. While the original version of the bill called for testing for everyone applying for aid, the Senate modified it such that not everyone will be subjected to testing.

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) currently continues to provide assistance to recipients who test positive for illegal drug while undergoing treatment, according to Sen. David Holt, Senate author of the bill. HB 2388 will halt payments while still providing treatment.

They tried that in Florida. The percentage of participants that failed their drug tests is lower that the overall percentage of drug users in Florida. The program wasted millions of dollars.

And now Oklahoma wants to do it, knowing that it's a failure?

What a stupid state.

Ain't federalism great, a state can try something and the whole country doesn't have to pay for it. OK wants to try it, that's their business.
So they can spend millions on drug tests to save tens of thousands in welfare payments. Fooking geniuses.
So they can spend millions on drug tests to save tens of thousands in welfare payments. Fooking geniuses.
I can easily imagine that crack heads might not bother applying for welfare if they know they'll be tested. That would be preemption. Look, if you like you are free to give charitably to your local crack heads. I am sure they would be grateful for fueling their addictions and I'm sure would staunch the bleeding of your heart. Just don't ask the rest of to the same.
I think we MUST scale back on welfare for abled adults. There's no way we can afford to give everyone welfare as it's economically impossible and will lead to lower living standards. Yep, double edge sword as we can't have a strong economy with everyone feeding off of it.

We need to only give such to people that lost their jobs or for a short term thing. If we're going to do anything we need to improve our educational system.

Lot's of folks think the answer is in scaling back or slicing off services. But have you even thought of the waste that goes on in our government? Obama was able to trim $716 Billion out of the Medicare system without impacting services or payments. Kind of makes me wonder how much more cash is bleeding out...
I think we MUST scale back on welfare for abled adults. There's no way we can afford to give everyone welfare as it's economically impossible and will lead to lower living standards. Yep, double edge sword as we can't have a strong economy with everyone feeding off of it.

We need to only give such to people that lost their jobs or for a short term thing. If we're going to do anything we need to improve our educational system.

Lot's of folks think the answer is in scaling back or slicing off services. But have you even thought of the waste that goes on in our government? Obama was able to trim $716 Billion out of the Medicare system without impacting services or payments. Kind of makes me wonder how much more cash is bleeding out...

You make a good point...I think the president should get a group of men together to go over the federal budget looking for waste. This waste should be minimized to help cut the federal debt.
I think we MUST scale back on welfare for abled adults. There's no way we can afford to give everyone welfare as it's economically impossible and will lead to lower living standards. Yep, double edge sword as we can't have a strong economy with everyone feeding off of it.

We need to only give such to people that lost their jobs or for a short term thing. If we're going to do anything we need to improve our educational system.

Lot's of folks think the answer is in scaling back or slicing off services. But have you even thought of the waste that goes on in our government? Obama was able to trim $716 Billion out of the Medicare system without impacting services or payments. Kind of makes me wonder how much more cash is bleeding out...

You really beleived that line, how can you save a dime from a program that already has trillions in unfunded liability, you have to have they money before you can save it. The money is not there. He just added to the liability nothing more. Quit drinking the kool aid man.
It's actually pretty ridiculous how easy it would be to balance the budget, attack the deficit and usher in a new exceptional American age if this country would simply remove itself from Afghanistan, go back to Clinton-era tax rates and close tax loop holes. If Obama would grow a pair and get serious this country would 180 out of the economically dark days behind us.
Here's one way to start.

Welfare Drug Testing Bill Passed by Oklahoma House | Testing It Up

HB 2388 will call for drug testing of applicants for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and withhold payments to those who will test positive for illegal drug use. The bill passed by the House, however, has already undergone changes in the Senate. While the original version of the bill called for testing for everyone applying for aid, the Senate modified it such that not everyone will be subjected to testing.

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) currently continues to provide assistance to recipients who test positive for illegal drug while undergoing treatment, according to Sen. David Holt, Senate author of the bill. HB 2388 will halt payments while still providing treatment.

They tried that in Florida. The percentage of participants that failed their drug tests is lower that the overall percentage of drug users in Florida. The program wasted millions of dollars.

And now Oklahoma wants to do it, knowing that it's a failure?

What a stupid state.
Stupid is not doing so. Because the percentage of drug users is lower than the percentage of drug users as welfare recipients is hardly an argument. People who use their own money to purchase drugs is something we have little control over. People who use tax dollars to do the same is something we can definitely discourage.

I suspect stupidity here, but not that of the states.

It IS a stupid point. And it proves absolutely nothing even on a positive result with the tests - other than they found someone else who uses. To say that government funds are being used to buy drugs is a stretch at best. People also fake back spasms - but what do you think the real percentage is, and how much could you save the system when you factor in the cost of filtering?

You're barking up the wrong tree and trying to fix one of the things that would have the least impact on the system as a whole.
It's actually pretty ridiculous how easy it would be to balance the budget, attack the deficit and usher in a new exceptional American age if this country would simply remove itself from Afghanistan, go back to Clinton-era tax rates and close tax loop holes. If Obama would grow a pair and get serious this country would 180 out of the economically dark days behind us.

I agree with you on getting out of the middle east and closing loopholes...Thirdly we could cut all the fat out of government.

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