America Needs to Implement Forced Labor

I'm a working person, but in a way isn't that forced labor as well?

So I get up at 5:00 am every morning, go to work, and government steals some of my money to give to those that don't want to work. I have no choice in the matter really, I am forced to support people I don't know, never met, and never got a "thank you" for; not even a Christmas card.

That being said, is it so much to ask that those who took my money do something for society--not me personally of course, that would never happen, but society in general?

And if this is asked of them, how is that slavery and me going to work to support these lowlifes not slavery?
I'm a working person, but in a way isn't that forced labor as well?

So I get up at 5:00 am every morning, go to work, and government steals some of my money to give to those that don't want to work. I have no choice in the matter really, I am forced to support people I don't know, never met, and never got a "thank you" for; not even a Christmas card.

That being said, is it so much to ask that those who took my money do something for society--not me personally of course, that would never happen, but society in general?

And if this is asked of them, how is that slavery and me going to work to support these lowlifes not slavery?

If they agree - it is not slavery. If you choose to work - it is not slavery. Where you have no choice, if you wish to obey the law, is in whether or not you pay income tax, but you could always work for under-the-table wages.

You are free to choose.

(You are aware that a large percentage of welfare recipients are women with children, and they would have to be paid considerably more for one of these jobs than what they are currently receiving because of the childcare costs.)
If they agree - it is not slavery. If you choose to work - it is not slavery. Where you have no choice, if you wish to obey the law, is in whether or not you pay income tax, but you could always work for under-the-table wages.

You are free to choose.

(You are aware that a large percentage of welfare recipients are women with children, and they would have to be paid considerably more for one of these jobs than what they are currently receiving because of the childcare costs.)

There you go. Everything is a choice. I chose to work for a living, but I didn't choose to support these people, yet it is a choice.

Same thing with applying for welfare. It's a choice. Nobody has to be on welfare. If you were so irresponsible to have children with no income, how did that become my problem? You made the choice to have those children, not me.

But because I made this choice to support myself, I should have the right to choose what parameters one must follow to take my money. I think that's pretty fair.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

:lol: The really good news is that after Trump gets his ass kicked in the election .. Clinton and the democrats will be choosing as many as 4 Supreme Court Justices .. AND, the Republican Party will be greatly reduced in power and influence. You Trumpies had a hand in that.

That means that no one has to take any lame-brain idea from the right-wing seriously. The right-wing will be as powerless as you are. :0) .. and the Republican Party will have to conform to a woman-powered multi-racial society in order to survive. The next president after Clinton may be gay .. or Hispanic.

Welcome to America.
If you were so irresponsible to have children with no income, how did that become my problem? You made the choice to have those children, not me.

I suppose the children are at fault as well. Perhaps you would like them to start working as soon as they can left a shovel.

Sometimes husbands die or desert their families. If you can find the latter, you could put them to work as well.
A certain group of people feel so entitled that even to hint that they should get a job and go to work is considered a major insult to them.

They feel that the color of their skin entitles them to be live off your dime, your hard work and still yet have nothing but hatred for the working people that enable them to live off the taxpayers dime.....and since they have so much free time...they hang out on street corners..sell drugs, harass anyone who happens to be walking by and when they get bored they go to some mom and pop store and brazenly just pick up stuff and walk out....knowing full well the propiertor will not dare to challenge them. Aka...michael brown in ferguson...aka the gentle giant....aka bullshite
Like Queen Hillary the first person who self-identifies as a woman running for President

this person is self-identifying as a woman
giving birth to a Democrat
Looks like a typical right winger to me. One probably claiming he found the parts.
well it is your pic
based on it, one can assume you took it in an intimate moment

Your taste in people who self-identify as women is clearly on display
I suppose the children are at fault as well. Perhaps you would like them to start working as soon as they can left a shovel.

Sometimes husbands die or desert their families. If you can find the latter, you could put them to work as well.

Yes, SOME TIMES fathers die, but it most cases, the woman has three or four fathers of her kids. They can't all be dying.
:lol: The really good news is that after Trump gets his ass kicked in the election .. Clinton and the democrats will be choosing as many as 4 Supreme Court Justices .. AND, the Republican Party will be greatly reduced in power and influence. You Trumpies had a hand in that.

That means that no one has to take any lame-brain idea from the right-wing seriously. The right-wing will be as powerless as you are. :0) .. and the Republican Party will have to conform to a woman-powered multi-racial society in order to survive. The next president after Clinton may be gay .. or Hispanic.

Welcome to America.

Correct. The liberals are on the move to turn our beautiful country a giant circus show. The one-party rule can be the law of the land if Clinton nominates a bunch of Commie leftists to the Supreme Court which is what she will do. Then the great experiment will end, and criminals will celebrate coast to coast.

This is why it's important that we fight evil at it's roots, and that means making sure Hillary is forced into retirement.
America Needs to Implement Forced Labor

once the gov't Golem consumes all disposable income
out of people through taxes and fees

once people see that working does not allow one
to "eat their own honestly-earned bread".

and decide to join the nonproductive

then it will happen

which is always the end state of statist gov'ts

Then call it doing something for your handout.

Traveling around I see signs in many places related to cleaning the highways, roads, etc. from litter. Where I live it's called "Adopt A Highway". It's done in 2 mile stretches and the organization that adopted it has it's name on the sign. I have a good idea. Let those receiving handouts be the ones that do this as a way to "earn" that handout. Since they have no problem receiving it, they shouldn't have a problem with their name being on the sign so the rest of us know where the money we earned working goes.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Why use code to signal you're talking about black people when there are more whites than blacks on welfare?
Measured in raw numbers, of course, given that Blacks are only 12% of the total US population...

However, as a percentage of that demographic's total population? That's a welfare check of another color...

Doesn't matter.
It only "doesn't matter" because you (and yours) don't like the numbers...
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Why use code to signal you're talking about black people when there are more whites than blacks on welfare?
Measured in raw numbers, of course, given that Blacks are only 12% of the total US population...

However, as a percentage of that demographic's total population? That's a welfare check of another color...
blacks were never mentioned, are you trying to tell us that when you think of the lifestyle described above you automatically think black?
Talk about racist.

When I think about the lifestyle described above, I think in terms of percentage of Whites, percentage of Blacks, percentage of Hispanics, etc., who are "on the dole"...

The percentage figures provide endless hours of amusement, frustrating the hell out of LibTards who cannot spin-doctor their way out of what the numbers tell us...

Great fun, that... baiting LibTards through cogent counterpointing of the raw-number figures they love to toss around, to try and slam Whites...

Great fun... to turn the tables, with meaningful metadata that they cannot defend against, after they've committed to an attack-dog posture vs. Whites...

Great fun... to watch the anger and angst and frustration and apoplexy, when it dawns on them, that others will correctly interpret the percentages metadata...

Data and conclusions that they try so desperately to keep off the table, during any related conversation...

Great fun...

Thanks for the laugh...

But I understand how your hurt widdle feewings cloud your perception...

Next contestant, please...
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Then call it doing something for your handout.

Traveling around I see signs in many places related to cleaning the highways, roads, etc. from litter. Where I live it's called "Adopt A Highway". It's done in 2 mile stretches and the organization that adopted it has it's name on the sign. I have a good idea. Let those receiving handouts be the ones that do this as a way to "earn" that handout. Since they have no problem receiving it, they shouldn't have a problem with their name being on the sign so the rest of us know where the money we earned working goes.
You can call it whatever you want but it's still forced labor. When you look at the places it still exists like China and N Korea it is ugly, coersive and is an instrument of tyranny.

Then call it doing something for your handout.

Traveling around I see signs in many places related to cleaning the highways, roads, etc. from litter. Where I live it's called "Adopt A Highway". It's done in 2 mile stretches and the organization that adopted it has it's name on the sign. I have a good idea. Let those receiving handouts be the ones that do this as a way to "earn" that handout. Since they have no problem receiving it, they shouldn't have a problem with their name being on the sign so the rest of us know where the money we earned working goes.
You can call it whatever you want but it's still forced labor. When you look at the places it still exists like China and N Korea it is ugly, coersive and is an instrument of tyranny.

They're not being forced. They're doing something for the handout they get. That's called working and if they actually tried it for once, they wouldn't need the handouts.

It's no coercive. It's you get this so you'll provide this. If you don't provide this for the handout, no more handouts. For those of us that earn our own way, there's a word for it. It's called work.

Then call it doing something for your handout.

Traveling around I see signs in many places related to cleaning the highways, roads, etc. from litter. Where I live it's called "Adopt A Highway". It's done in 2 mile stretches and the organization that adopted it has it's name on the sign. I have a good idea. Let those receiving handouts be the ones that do this as a way to "earn" that handout. Since they have no problem receiving it, they shouldn't have a problem with their name being on the sign so the rest of us know where the money we earned working goes.
You can call it whatever you want but it's still forced labor. When you look at the places it still exists like China and N Korea it is ugly, coersive and is an instrument of tyranny.

They're not being forced. They're doing something for the handout they get. That's called working and if they actually tried it for once, they wouldn't need the handouts.

It's no coercive. It's you get this so you'll provide this. If you don't provide this for the handout, no more handouts. For those of us that earn our own way, there's a word for it. It's called work.
Work or starve is the very definition of coercive. It is clear you think these people do nothing all day but it is really not the case. It might surprise you that more than half of all food stamp recipients have jobs.

Then call it doing something for your handout.

Traveling around I see signs in many places related to cleaning the highways, roads, etc. from litter. Where I live it's called "Adopt A Highway". It's done in 2 mile stretches and the organization that adopted it has it's name on the sign. I have a good idea. Let those receiving handouts be the ones that do this as a way to "earn" that handout. Since they have no problem receiving it, they shouldn't have a problem with their name being on the sign so the rest of us know where the money we earned working goes.
You can call it whatever you want but it's still forced labor. When you look at the places it still exists like China and N Korea it is ugly, coersive and is an instrument of tyranny.

They're not being forced. They're doing something for the handout they get. That's called working and if they actually tried it for once, they wouldn't need the handouts.

It's no coercive. It's you get this so you'll provide this. If you don't provide this for the handout, no more handouts. For those of us that earn our own way, there's a word for it. It's called work.
Work or starve is the very definition of coercive. It is clear you think these people do nothing all day but it is really not the case. It might surprise you that more than half of all food stamp recipients have jobs.

Then everyone that WORKS and earns their own way is coerced based on how you look at things.

Half may work which means they can buy their own damn food. That means the other half aren't doing anything all day. For the half that don't work, shouldn't they be doing something for it? Those of us that are forced to fund it have to do something so they can get it for nothing.
Yes, SOME TIMES fathers die, but it most cases, the woman has three or four fathers of her kids. They can't all be dying.

You are part of a small minority of deadbeats who do not want to pay their fair share of the taxes. You and your kind will go to any length to achieve this end, including the demonization of single-parent families struggling to make ends meet and people of color in general in an attempt to justify your self-centered actions, by pretending that all welfare recipients are black and lazy and criminals and all have children sired by multiple fathers.

Instead of taking part in the effort to make this country a better place for all to live you make yourself a part of the problem, because you are so afraid that you yourself might one day become one of the less fortunate.

It is this very same fear that forced people of color into segregated parts of the cities and towns all across American and kept most from acquiring good jobs. The result of which produced poverty, a high crime rate and an overall sense of hopelessness and despair.

Ironically, the fear that you people have and many before you had is the very thing that created this problem.

You reap what you sow.
You are part of a small minority of deadbeats who do not want to pay their fair share of the taxes. You and your kind will go to any length to achieve this end, including the demonization of single-parent families struggling to make ends meet and people of color in general in an attempt to justify your self-centered actions, by pretending that all welfare recipients are black and lazy and criminals and all have children sired by multiple fathers.

Instead of taking part in the effort to make this country a better place for all to live you make yourself a part of the problem, because you are so afraid that you yourself might one day become one of the less fortunate.

It is this very same fear that forced people of color into segregated parts of the cities and towns all across American and kept most from acquiring good jobs. The result of which produced poverty, a high crime rate and an overall sense of hopelessness and despair.

Ironically, the fear that you people have and many before you had is the very thing that created this problem.

You reap what you sow.

I don't have a problem paying taxes, I have a problem when my taxes are used for vote buying and charity.

Force charity is not charity at all. Force charity is theft. And not that I even mind helping out the truly needy in our country, it's just that the system is way over abused.

I'm using my own personal experiences topped off with what I see happening right in front of me every day. Do you really want to see us make a better place for everybody? Then anybody physically and mentally capable of having a job doesn't get anything from taxpayers. That's how you make a better country.

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