America Needs to Implement Forced Labor

Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Right or wrong, unions would never let it happen.

The unions that exist today have no power for the most part...just phoney unions aka company unions. The glory days of unions has been over for long time now.

Public service is the last big bastion of Unions. They still weild power especially in democrat controlled cities.
Where conservatives like to use forced labor through traffic fines..

Ought oh, did someone get caught speeding? Obey the law then you don't need to worry about traffic fines.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Right or wrong, unions would never let it happen.

The unions that exist today have no power for the most part...just phoney unions aka company unions. The glory days of unions has been over for long time now.

Public service is the last big bastion of Unions. They still weild power especially in democrat controlled cities.
Where conservatives like to use forced labor through traffic fines..

Ought oh, did someone get caught speeding? Obey the law then you don't need to worry about traffic fines.
Nope, no speeding ticket, I am an old man and drive 5 miles under the speed limit...
Right or wrong, unions would never let it happen.

The unions that exist today have no power for the most part...just phoney unions aka company unions. The glory days of unions has been over for long time now.

Public service is the last big bastion of Unions. They still weild power especially in democrat controlled cities.
Where conservatives like to use forced labor through traffic fines..

Ought oh, did someone get caught speeding? Obey the law then you don't need to worry about traffic fines.
Nope, no speeding ticket, I am an old man and drive 5 miles under the speed limit...

In this day and age where progressives have made anyone who actually obeys the laws are chumps, you must be an impediment to those driving around you, going 5 MPH under the speed limit.

But if you didn't get a traffic ticket then I really don't understand your post, but that is pretty normal.
In this day and age where progressives have made anyone who actually obeys the laws are chumps, you must be an impediment to those driving around you, going 5 MPH under the speed limit.

I don't care as long as those kind of people stay home during rush hour.
In this day and age where progressives have made anyone who actually obeys the laws are chumps, you must be an impediment to those driving around you, going 5 MPH under the speed limit.

I don't care as long as those kind of people stay home during rush hour.

I think it is a testament to American culture the way we drive. There was a worker who was explaining to me how the company had to enforce every rule to the tee. He felt that somehow the company, by trying to get something done, was violating safety. Which was very far from the truth. But then he tells me he routinely drives 15 MPH over the posted speed limit. So it comes down to being a chump for following the law. Going 5 mph below the speed limit is obeying the law. But there are so many who just don't care any more I know for a fact there would be a stack of cars behind the person.

If someone tries and speed way over the speed limit and starts riding my bumper what I do is obey the speed limit. That really gets their anger raging.

The worse part, as with manners, a lot of people today just don't care. Not saying you or anyone else is one of those people.
The difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives are so certain that they're right about everything, and liberals are never really sure of anything. But one thing I do know is that conservative fiscal policies, that is the ones they enact, not the ones they say they'll enact, doom the country to poverty and inequity for the many, and fabulous wealth for the very few.

Oh and Ray, you said you wanted professionals working on your infrastructure, and then you laugh when the professionals express concern over the state of your infrastructure. Did you also notice that the Chamber of Commerce says that the crumbling infrastructure is affecting America's ability to compete.

Conservatives are the ones who have refused to compromise or to accept that their fiscal policies are bankrupting your country. You keep voting for massive corporate welfare, by way of earned income credits. You worship at the alter of the Koch Brothers, all the while racking up the biggest deficits, and promoting job killing programs and tax cuts. And then you deny, deny, deny that you caused the problem in the first place.
The difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives are so certain that they're right about everything, and liberals are never really sure of anything. But one thing I do know is that conservative fiscal policies, that is the ones they enact, not the ones they say they'll enact, doom the country to poverty and inequity for the many, and fabulous wealth for the very few.

Oh and Ray, you said you wanted professionals working on your infrastructure, and then you laugh when the professionals express concern over the state of your infrastructure. Did you also notice that the Chamber of Commerce says that the crumbling infrastructure is affecting America's ability to compete.

Conservatives are the ones who have refused to compromise or to accept that their fiscal policies are bankrupting your country. You keep voting for massive corporate welfare, by way of earned income credits. You worship at the alter of the Koch Brothers, all the while racking up the biggest deficits, and promoting job killing programs and tax cuts. And then you deny, deny, deny that you caused the problem in the first place.

Our fiscal policies are fine, it's the Democrats that drove us further in the hole.

Since the Republicans took over Congress, the deficit has been reduced almost each year. If not for DumBama and his threat to shut down the government, we may even have a balanced budget by now.

Taking less money in taxation is not welfare. That's another liberal lie. Welfare is when government GIVES taxpayer money to people that didn't earn it. As for infrastructure, nobody is suggesting that welfare workers design and engineer our bridges and roads. There are plenty of manual labor jobs that require no education whatsoever. Trust me, I was born into a construction family and worked as a laborer for my father since the age of 12.
The difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives are so certain that they're right about everything, and liberals are never really sure of anything. But one thing I do know is that conservative fiscal policies, that is the ones they enact, not the ones they say they'll enact, doom the country to poverty and inequity for the many, and fabulous wealth for the very few.

Oh and Ray, you said you wanted professionals working on your infrastructure, and then you laugh when the professionals express concern over the state of your infrastructure. Did you also notice that the Chamber of Commerce says that the crumbling infrastructure is affecting America's ability to compete.

Conservatives are the ones who have refused to compromise or to accept that their fiscal policies are bankrupting your country. You keep voting for massive corporate welfare, by way of earned income credits. You worship at the alter of the Koch Brothers, all the while racking up the biggest deficits, and promoting job killing programs and tax cuts. And then you deny, deny, deny that you caused the problem in the first place.

Could you post a little evidence to back up anything within your post? We have had a democrat president for 8 years who has gotten everything he wanted either through legislation or executive order and we are in a bigger mess. So I am not quite sure what you base your tyrad on. A little background would be nice.

Reagan pointed out the problem with liberals. It isn't that they are ignorant, they just know so much that isn't so.
I think it is a testament to American culture the way we drive. There was a worker who was explaining to me how the company had to enforce every rule to the tee. He felt that somehow the company, by trying to get something done, was violating safety. Which was very far from the truth. But then he tells me he routinely drives 15 MPH over the posted speed limit. So it comes down to being a chump for following the law. Going 5 mph below the speed limit is obeying the law. But there are so many who just don't care any more I know for a fact there would be a stack of cars behind the person.

If someone tries and speed way over the speed limit and starts riding my bumper what I do is obey the speed limit. That really gets their anger raging.

The worse part, as with manners, a lot of people today just don't care. Not saying you or anyone else is one of those people.

I don't care if people drive under the speed limit, just do so in the right lane where you are staying out of everybody's way. The people that piss me off are those senior citizens who do drive that slow in the middle or left lane of a highway, and don't have to be there in rush hour.

As for driving way over the speed limit, I don't care as long as you're doing so safely. If you're one of those idiots that are crossing three lanes of traffic at 90 mph with no turn signal, those are the idiots I would like to see off the road. They make it dangerous for everybody else.

People who drive fast actually help out traffic providing they are driving safely. If you go from point A to point B and it usually takes you a half-hour going 55mph, then you are using the highway for a half-hour. If you go from point A to point B in 22 minutes because you are traveling 80 mph, then you are using the highway for less amount of time. That means less congestion. Plus it insures me that I won't get stopped because I usually only drive 5mph over the speed limit. The cops will get them before they get me.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Why use code to signal you're talking about black people when there are more whites than blacks on welfare?


This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

The OP clearly made it about race.
No he didn't. You are a liar and a race baiting slug.
Who says there are no communes anymore?

Are there? Maybe you know something I don't.

I just did a quick search and immediately got this : Communes - Fellowship for Intentional Community

I don't see any reason communes wouldn't still be around. They can work because they are so small scale, unlike attempting the same sort of living in an entire nation.

No, they can't work because nobody with any intelligence would stick around if they are supporting the commune and others are just leeching off of them.

Why do you assume any commune would have some people leaching off others, rather than everyone working to support the group (which is generally the idea behind communes, isn't it?). The reason I say it can work small scale, like a commune, is that you can get enough like minded people together who all agree to work for the group in whatever way is decided for that commune. The larger the scale, the less likely to be able to find enough people who all agree, but with few enough people it seems like something that can definitely work.

There certainly seems to be plenty of communes operating out there, at least based on that link I provided. :dunno:
Who says there are no communes anymore?

Are there? Maybe you know something I don't.

I just did a quick search and immediately got this : Communes - Fellowship for Intentional Community

I don't see any reason communes wouldn't still be around. They can work because they are so small scale, unlike attempting the same sort of living in an entire nation.

No, they can't work because nobody with any intelligence would stick around if they are supporting the commune and others are just leeching off of them.

Why do you assume any commune would have some people leaching off others, rather than everyone working to support the group (which is generally the idea behind communes, isn't it?). The reason I say it can work small scale, like a commune, is that you can get enough like minded people together who all agree to work for the group in whatever way is decided for that commune. The larger the scale, the less likely to be able to find enough people who all agree, but with few enough people it seems like something that can definitely work.

There certainly seems to be plenty of communes operating out there, at least based on that link I provided. :dunno:

Maybe because every commune I've ever heard of ended up that way eventually? Or because I know something about human nature? You need only look at our nation's welfare system to see that far too many people, when provided with a safety net, turn it into a hammock.

See my post above. I wasn't talking about SLAVE labor.

What part of "forced labor" is different from "slave labor"? Should someone mail you a dictionary/thesaurus set, so that you can understand the meanings of your words as well as the rest of us do?
It's true that for practical purposes you couldn't get most of the people on welfare to clean parks or kill roaches, because it would cost too much to take care of their kids and hire supervisors to train them and monitor them. I wasn't thinking of SLAVE labor, guys. I was thinking of something akin to a WPA where people worked in various projects in order to collect benefits. Probably cost more than it was worth, though.

Not really. After Welfare Reform was passed, it was a huge success.

The United States. Perhaps you've heard of it?
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites. We could force these people to work...

Sounds like slave labor, unless you give them union wages and benefits and a choice. Since this is the land of the free, I assume this is what you meant to say.
Who says there are no communes anymore?

Are there? Maybe you know something I don't.

I just did a quick search and immediately got this : Communes - Fellowship for Intentional Community

I don't see any reason communes wouldn't still be around. They can work because they are so small scale, unlike attempting the same sort of living in an entire nation.

No, they can't work because nobody with any intelligence would stick around if they are supporting the commune and others are just leeching off of them.

Why do you assume any commune would have some people leaching off others, rather than everyone working to support the group (which is generally the idea behind communes, isn't it?). The reason I say it can work small scale, like a commune, is that you can get enough like minded people together who all agree to work for the group in whatever way is decided for that commune. The larger the scale, the less likely to be able to find enough people who all agree, but with few enough people it seems like something that can definitely work.

There certainly seems to be plenty of communes operating out there, at least based on that link I provided. :dunno:

Maybe because every commune I've ever heard of ended up that way eventually? Or because I know something about human nature? You need only look at our nation's welfare system to see that far too many people, when provided with a safety net, turn it into a hammock.

That's why I think it has to be very small scale, that's the only way you can have everyone involved actually agree to live in that shared-living sort of manner.
It seems the issue is Federal vs State
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So the states could do what they decided was best for them

Feds started taking over more during the Depression
Clinton with his Republican Congress pushed back to block funding
and control to the states

Papa Obama has been eating away at that
nowhere in the constitution does it say that it is wrong to make an able body person perform some task for the good of society in order to recieve monetary compensation.

Yes, well, there's a difference between saying, "You must work to receive this money" and "You must work". The difference, of course, is that with the first one, you have the option of passing on the money in order to pass on the work.
Sounds like slave labor, unless you give them union wages and benefits and a choice. Since this is the land of the free, I assume this is what you meant to say.

What do you mean by slave labor? We agree to support them and they agree to work for it. The key word here is "agree."

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