America Needs to Implement Forced Labor

Socialism always end up with The People back in slave chains.

Yes, and socialism always leads to communism. The lazy love socialism because others will pay their way, which is where the left is taking us now. Eventually, that falls apart because one half gets tired of carrying the other half. That is when communism rears it's ugly head and the tyrants in government start telling people what they have to do.
Yup, Great Britain, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada, etc., have all moved on to communism.

You are a clown.

We have more than enough adults on the dole to supply all of the labor force we need. Not even to mention all those incarcerated and costing the tax payers big bucks to house them...put the non violent incarcerated to work...killing rats, cockroashes, mosquites and working in the fields of california ...would not everyone love to see the price of produce come down?

Your greed, sellfishness, desire to treat other people as less than human, is truly disgusting. You should be looking at ways of raising people up out of poverty, not using their poverty and circumstances as a means to exploit them for your own gain.
Socialism always end up with The People back in slave chains.

Yes, and socialism always leads to communism. The lazy love socialism because others will pay their way, which is where the left is taking us now. Eventually, that falls apart because one half gets tired of carrying the other half. That is when communism rears it's ugly head and the tyrants in government start telling people what they have to do.
Yup, Great Britain, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada, etc., have all moved on to communism.

You are a clown.

We have more than enough adults on the dole to supply all of the labor force we need. Not even to mention all those incarcerated and costing the tax payers big bucks to house them...put the non violent incarcerated to work...killing rats, cockroashes, mosquites and working in the fields of california ...would not everyone love to see the price of produce come down?

Your greed, sellfishness, desire to treat other people as less than human, is truly disgusting. You should be looking at ways of raising people up out of poverty, not using their poverty and circumstances as a means to exploit them for your own gain.
I would have to say that you are the disgusting one. You would rather just pay people to do nothing instead of giving them the opportunity to support themselves while learning a trade.
exactly who is it that wants to keep someone in poverty?
Hillary brought it up.......that's all you need to know.

The Clinton Campaign may have raised the issue, and then quickly abandoned it, but Republicans elevated it to a religious mantra.

Doesn't matter, Hillary opened the door.....she was the ob...original birther

Raising a possible issue, doesn't make you an adherent to an aberrant conspiracy theory.

Ah ok...its OK if the democrats do it....go it...baaah, baaah, baaah
Hillary brought it up.......that's all you need to know.

The Clinton Campaign may have raised the issue, and then quickly abandoned it, but Republicans elevated it to a religious mantra.

Doesn't matter, Hillary opened the door.....she was the ob...original birther

No she wasn't. That's a lie. It was Clinton supporters who started the rumour, not Hillary herself.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

I'm going to be fact checking every Clinton lie on this board so you better keep your facts straight and back them up with links because I am sick and tired of the lies you conservatives spew. Check your facts, get your links in order or be prepared to defend this bullshit you keep posting because I will call you on every piece of shit you post.
Hillary brought it up.......that's all you need to know.

The Clinton Campaign may have raised the issue, and then quickly abandoned it, but Republicans elevated it to a religious mantra.

Doesn't matter, Hillary opened the door.....she was the ob...original birther

No she wasn't. That's a lie. It was Clinton supporters who started the rumour, not Hillary herself.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

I'm going to be fact checking every Clinton lie on this board so you better keep your facts straight and back them up with links because I am sick and tired of the lies you conservatives spew. Check your facts, get your links in order or be prepared to defend this bullshit you keep posting because I will call you on every piece of shit you post.

You fact which supporters? She didn't have the balls to take credit for it, hides behind employees....sounds like her whole career
It seems the issue is Federal vs State
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So the states could do what they decided was best for them

Feds started taking over more during the Depression
Made a National
Clinton with his Republican Congress pushed back to block funding
and more control to the states

Papa Obama has been eating away at that

Read it again. The 10th only allows states powers that the federal government doesn't prohibit them from having.


Actual, it powers not delegated to the United States
nor prohibited by it to the states

by the US Constitution (it trumps)

Democrats always have a hard time with the US Constitution
no wonder they find it such a drag

You just agreed with me and don't even know it.

not at all
You said " federal government doesn't prohibit them from having"
the amendment does not say that

it says states have power not delegated to the United States by the Consitution
or prohibited by it to the States ---
"it" is in reference to the Constitution

Federal gov't and the US Constitution are not the same
you are confusing it

The Constitution was very specific on what the Federal gov't was to do
The Bill of Rights is what the states were prohibited from doing
in addition to what was given the US gov;t
for example- printing money

The Constitution is the founding document of the federal government and federal law.

This is further expressed in the Supremacy Clause:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof...

Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Why use code to signal you're talking about black people when there are more whites than blacks on welfare?


This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

The OP clearly made it about race.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Why use code to signal you're talking about black people when there are more whites than blacks on welfare?


This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

Democrats have always been the party of the three "s"
slavery, segregation and socialism (statism)

Tools used by them for political power

Today they have only upgraded... 2.0 version

they have always been racist
they just picked a different race now

2)\with their divisive politics
they have segregated us as a people

with Democrat's tax/spend policies
the whole US will be one big plantation and
all the American people will be slaves
since the producers will be giving more and more
to the gov't via all taxes - federal and state and local

Really, looking at how much we have spent on Johnson's Great Society and how it has failed
the public education system and Democrats refusal to support school vouchers.

Even Papa Obama denied poor black kids from going to the same school as his daughters

Abortion polices that have killed more blacks than most diseases

To see all these negative impacts....
it almost looks like it was designed by the KKK,
Your greed, sellfishness, desire to treat other people as less than human, is truly disgusting. You should be looking at ways of raising people up out of poverty, not using their poverty and circumstances as a means to exploit them for your own gain.

What we have here are people that don't want to work, don't care about having children they can't afford, eating other people's food, have other people pay for their housing and medical care, but that's not greed, selfishness or exploitation?
Our infrastructure is not crumbling. We want professionals to build crap, not unskilled morons.

Trump's policies of deporting illegals, limiting legal immigration and bringing back the jobs, will lower the dole.

Not only is it crumbing, it's in danger of collapsing:

2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure

Is U.S. Infrastructure Destined to Crumble?

Our crumbling infrastructure is hurting U.S. competitiveness

Trump isn't going to do shit, because he won't be elected.

Wow. The American SOciety of Engineers thinks we need more spending on Engineering projects?

And your confidence is the obvious false confidence of a dishonest partisan. The polls have NEVER supported your confidence and are doing so less now.
This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

I think it may take longer than that. These people are kind of slow.

Liberals have minds like putty. If you get it while it's fresh and still soft from lack of exposure, you can form it into anything you desire.

They are brainwashed into responding with things like: racism, homophobe,Rush, Beck, Hannity...... Their commands come from liberal politicians.

I'm so glad I never got into a serious relationship with a liberal woman. I can't imagine being woken up in the middle of the night by some maniac screaming "RACISTS" and frantically looking under the bed, in the closets, throwing blankets and pillows around.......
Who says there are no communes anymore?

Are there? Maybe you know something I don't.

I just did a quick search and immediately got this : Communes - Fellowship for Intentional Community

I don't see any reason communes wouldn't still be around. They can work because they are so small scale, unlike attempting the same sort of living in an entire nation.

No, they can't work because nobody with any intelligence would stick around if they are supporting the commune and others are just leeching off of them.

It's why I've proposed the idea of the country simply dividing in half. One side for conservatives and the other side for the liberals. Those in between would have to figure out which side they wish to live on.

In a matter of a few decades, the liberal side would totally fail forcing them to give up their ideology and come to the conservative side. It would only be then we think as a united country.

Mom is always right. When I was a child and fought with my siblings, moms solution was to separate us into different rooms, and then there would be peace. After a while, we learned to play with each other without strife because playing alone was simply no fun. But mom couldn't make any concessions, we had to figure those out by ourselves.

The left is moving even further left and the right is trying to move further right. There is no middle ground any longer. I'm all for putting Mom's Rule into effect.
Who says there are no communes anymore?

Are there? Maybe you know something I don't.

I just did a quick search and immediately got this : Communes - Fellowship for Intentional Community

I don't see any reason communes wouldn't still be around. They can work because they are so small scale, unlike attempting the same sort of living in an entire nation.

No, they can't work because nobody with any intelligence would stick around if they are supporting the commune and others are just leeching off of them.

It's why I've proposed the idea of the country simply dividing in half. One side for conservatives and the other side for the liberals. Those in between would have to figure out which side they wish to live on.

In a matter of a few decades, the liberal side would totally fail forcing them to give up their ideology and come to the conservative side. It would only be then we think as a united country.

Mom is always right. When I was a child and fought with my siblings, moms solution was to separate us into different rooms, and then there would be peace. After a while, we learned to play with each other without strife because playing alone was simply no fun. But mom couldn't make any concessions, we had to figure those out by ourselves.

The left is moving even further left and the right is trying to move further right. There is no middle ground any longer. I'm all for putting Mom's Rule into effect.
Notice that Mom only made it temporary.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Right or wrong, unions would never let it happen.

The unions that exist today have no power for the most part...just phoney unions aka company unions. The glory days of unions has been over for long time now.

Public service is the last big bastion of Unions. They still weild power especially in democrat controlled cities.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Right or wrong, unions would never let it happen.

The unions that exist today have no power for the most part...just phoney unions aka company unions. The glory days of unions has been over for long time now.

Public service is the last big bastion of Unions. They still weild power especially in democrat controlled cities.
Where conservatives like to use forced labor through traffic fines..

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