Elon Musk Needs To Shut Up About Gun Control

You are not the militia...so how does it regulate you?

The Second Amendment simply suggests that if your retarded ass doesn't own a firearm and your State or Local authority
hasn't written a law forming, arming and regulating a Militia, then there is no way you would be prepared to defend a free state.

It explicitly states that it is the People's Right, not Militia's Right, to bear arms and that Right shall not be infringed.
You wouldn't have to protect a Militia's right to bear arms because you couldn't have a Militia without them you retard.

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Yes, you basically are making my point dumb ass

You are more willing to give Elon a pass because of what you think his buying Twitter will do the the "libs" -- which is some pretty bitch ass logic...but that's common for your ilk
I didn't give him a pass dumb ass. I don't care that he bought Twitter and thought it was funny how you nuts cried and cried and it was the death of America as we all knew it, you love the drama.

I don't care what Musk's opinion is on guns, but I support his right to say it, just as I support your right to sound like a petty spoil imp, which you are good at. His buying Twitter I am not for or against either, I don't use the platform and I wish that all social media would go away, it creates way too much drama.
In other words, Burger was a Conservative Chief Justice appointed by Nixon??

Can you tell me where in the 2nd does it prevent an everyday citizen from having unfettered access to any weapon he or she wants??

There is a reason you folks keep dodging everything in my post and instead --clutching your pearls like a bitch...
There is a reason you folks keep dodging everything in my post and instead --clutching your pearls like a bitch... --Biff Poindexter​

Well, I would have been willing to civilly discuss the general range of weaponry that all competent, law-abiding citizens may have under natural and constitutional law, but you can just shove your pearls up your silly ass, bitch. :cool:
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There is a reason you folks keep dodging everything in my post and instead --clutching your pearls like a bitch... --Biff Poindexter​

Well, I would have been willing to civilly discuss the general range of weaponry that all competent, law-abiding citizens may have under natural and constitutional law, but you can just shove your pearls up your silly ass, bitch. :cool:
Who decides who is competent?? The state?
Fun fact. Did you know that personal napalm flamethrowers are not considered to be firearms? Ironic, eh? Yep, you can go and order one and have it delivered with no special paperwork or anything.
Who decides who is competent?? The state?
I have some better questions. They cut right through your bullshit.

What's the individual right theory as opposed to the collective rights theory? Why did that dissembling, demagogic bitch poodle of a statist bootlick Justice Burger lie about the individual right theory? Why did he misrepresent it, strawman it?

More to the point, what proponent of the individual right theory ever asserted that the Second Amendment "guarantees every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires" in the first place?

This is already they case, so...?
Can you tell me where in the 2nd does it prevent an everyday citizen from having unfettered access to any weapon he or she wants??
The 2nd prevents the state from infringing on the right of the people to keep and bear arms; it doesn't prevent the people from doing anything.
Maybe you should ask a better question.
Fun fact. Did you know that personal napalm flamethrowers are not considered to be firearms? Ironic, eh? Yep, you can go and order one and have it delivered with no special paperwork or anything.
The same is true for darts and many other things. Crossbows, in some states...

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk commented Thursday morning on gun control measures following Tuesday's Texas elementary school shooting that killed 19 children and two adults. In a tweet, Musk gave his opinion that assault rifles should, at minimum, require a special permit, where the recipient is extremely well vetted. President Biden called for changes to gun laws Tuesday and expressed his heartbreak in his address to the nation following the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. After the mass shooting at a Texas school, parents are once again forced to have tough conversations with their children. Biden called for "commonsense" gun laws, saying that "we know they work and have a positive impact." Biden claimed that after the assault weapons ban was passed in 1994, mass shootings went down. After the law expired in 2004, Biden said, "mass shootings tripled."
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well, you have to give Elon time to... uh... get used to being a R. I didn't always see the wisdom of the 2nd A either... I mean, I always figured.. Who needs that kind of weapon... But my thinking is that once "they" take a certain kind of weapon or overly restrict buying it.. they will come after others because... the word Precedent comes to mind.. We see how long the baby killing scotus ruling of 1973 lasted so long largely due to precedent... To hell w/ precedent (at least some of the time)

In any case... I more agree w/ you than not... but again... we have to give the dude time to... understand it all. I mean, he hasn't been in the R party long


"Tesla CEO Elon Musk commented Thursday morning on gun control measures following Tuesday's Texas elementary school shooting that killed 19 children and two adults. In a tweet, Musk gave his opinion that assault rifles should, at minimum, require a special permit, where the recipient is extremely well vetted. President Biden called for changes to gun laws Tuesday and expressed his heartbreak in his address to the nation following the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. After the mass shooting at a Texas school, parents are once again forced to have tough conversations with their children. Biden called for "commonsense" gun laws, saying that "we know they work and have a positive impact." Biden claimed that after the assault weapons ban was passed in 1994, mass shootings went down. After the law expired in 2004, Biden said, "mass shootings tripled."
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Elon has built up such a huge right-wing following that he should be careful not to alienate them by sounding like a radical leftist liberal cuck...they will probably give him a pass for now, since they know not much will ever get done in terms of gun control laws...but still...he needs to be quiet and just focus on owning the libs like he wishes to own Twitter...fact of the matter is, there should be no gun control laws.....gun control laws have only created more problems...like when in the days of Baby-face Nelson and Machine Gun Kelly - the radical leftist socialist Congress passed a weapons ban on machine guns....and this was back when we had good criminals who were more fun to glorify and revere...

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In fact, I remember when a radical leftist judge basically admitted it out loud -- that the 2nd amendment interpretation by the NRA was a fraud....I mean, he was a conservative..but still -- we all knew he was a Deep State liberal the whole time....

This guy literally said that the 2nd amendment was a fraud on the American public...WTF?

Fact of the matter remains, all attempts at banning assault weapons have failed and only made the problem worse... there should be no gun control laws...the 2nd clearly states that you can only regulate militias, not everyday citizens...it doesn't say what weapon a citizen can have....or at what age you can possess that weapon...Every kid in that class room should be able to have a weapon, and let's see how the number of school shootings go down instantly....

Why are we allowing Dems to limit our ability to own a rocket launcher if we want one?? ...if we can manufacture our own ghost guns, why can't we manufacture our own tactical explosives? Even a small scale nuclear weapon if you worked hard enough and can afford it?? How can you successfully overthrow government without unfettered access to weapons? I see people go thru life everyday without owning their own Javelin missile systems and I am wondering, how do they go along with such oppression?

This is where we disagree. Mr. Musk is a tremendous American and has every right to express his opinion- even when he's wrong.

Libs like yourself want to regulate thought, I, as a conservative can't see that.

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk commented Thursday morning on gun control measures following Tuesday's Texas elementary school shooting that killed 19 children and two adults. In a tweet, Musk gave his opinion that assault rifles should, at minimum, require a special permit, where the recipient is extremely well vetted. President Biden called for changes to gun laws Tuesday and expressed his heartbreak in his address to the nation following the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. After the mass shooting at a Texas school, parents are once again forced to have tough conversations with their children. Biden called for "commonsense" gun laws, saying that "we know they work and have a positive impact." Biden claimed that after the assault weapons ban was passed in 1994, mass shootings went down. After the law expired in 2004, Biden said, "mass shootings tripled."
View attachment 649987
Elon has built up such a huge right-wing following that he should be careful not to alienate them by sounding like a radical leftist liberal cuck...they will probably give him a pass for now, since they know not much will ever get done in terms of gun control laws...but still...he needs to be quiet and just focus on owning the libs like he wishes to own Twitter...fact of the matter is, there should be no gun control laws.....gun control laws have only created more problems...like when in the days of Baby-face Nelson and Machine Gun Kelly - the radical leftist socialist Congress passed a weapons ban on machine guns....and this was back when we had good criminals who were more fun to glorify and revere...

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In fact, I remember when a radical leftist judge basically admitted it out loud -- that the 2nd amendment interpretation by the NRA was a fraud....I mean, he was a conservative..but still -- we all knew he was a Deep State liberal the whole time....

This guy literally said that the 2nd amendment was a fraud on the American public...WTF?

Fact of the matter remains, all attempts at banning assault weapons have failed and only made the problem worse... there should be no gun control laws...the 2nd clearly states that you can only regulate militias, not everyday citizens...it doesn't say what weapon a citizen can have....or at what age you can possess that weapon...Every kid in that class room should be able to have a weapon, and let's see how the number of school shootings go down instantly....

Why are we allowing Dems to limit our ability to own a rocket launcher if we want one?? ...if we can manufacture our own ghost guns, why can't we manufacture our own tactical explosives? Even a small scale nuclear weapon if you worked hard enough and can afford it?? How can you successfully overthrow government without unfettered access to weapons? I see people go thru life everyday without owning their own Javelin missile systems and I am wondering, how do they go along with such oppression?

You say you want no gun control, but then you post this sarcastic shit proving otherwise.

Here's what really needs to happen.

Repeal all gun laws at all levels.

THEN, cut off any discussion about future gun control.

problem solved.

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk commented Thursday morning on gun control measures following Tuesday's Texas elementary school shooting that killed 19 children and two adults. In a tweet, Musk gave his opinion that assault rifles should, at minimum, require a special permit, where the recipient is extremely well vetted. President Biden called for changes to gun laws Tuesday and expressed his heartbreak in his address to the nation following the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. After the mass shooting at a Texas school, parents are once again forced to have tough conversations with their children. Biden called for "commonsense" gun laws, saying that "we know they work and have a positive impact." Biden claimed that after the assault weapons ban was passed in 1994, mass shootings went down. After the law expired in 2004, Biden said, "mass shootings tripled."
View attachment 649987
Elon has built up such a huge right-wing following that he should be careful not to alienate them by sounding like a radical leftist liberal cuck...they will probably give him a pass for now, since they know not much will ever get done in terms of gun control laws...but still...he needs to be quiet and just focus on owning the libs like he wishes to own Twitter...fact of the matter is, there should be no gun control laws.....gun control laws have only created more problems...like when in the days of Baby-face Nelson and Machine Gun Kelly - the radical leftist socialist Congress passed a weapons ban on machine guns....and this was back when we had good criminals who were more fun to glorify and revere...

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In fact, I remember when a radical leftist judge basically admitted it out loud -- that the 2nd amendment interpretation by the NRA was a fraud....I mean, he was a conservative..but still -- we all knew he was a Deep State liberal the whole time....

This guy literally said that the 2nd amendment was a fraud on the American public...WTF?

Fact of the matter remains, all attempts at banning assault weapons have failed and only made the problem worse... there should be no gun control laws...the 2nd clearly states that you can only regulate militias, not everyday citizens...it doesn't say what weapon a citizen can have....or at what age you can possess that weapon...Every kid in that class room should be able to have a weapon, and let's see how the number of school shootings go down instantly....

Why are we allowing Dems to limit our ability to own a rocket launcher if we want one?? ...if we can manufacture our own ghost guns, why can't we manufacture our own tactical explosives? Even a small scale nuclear weapon if you worked hard enough and can afford it?? How can you successfully overthrow government without unfettered access to weapons? I see people go thru life everyday without owning their own Javelin missile systems and I am wondering, how do they go along with such oppression?

Republicans: "We love the Constitution".
Someone else: "I'm saying something you don't like"
"Republicans:" "Fuck the Constitution"
You say you want no gun control, but then you post this sarcastic shit proving otherwise.

Here's what really needs to happen.

Repeal all gun laws at all levels.

THEN, cut off any discussion about future gun control.

problem solved.
So to prove how much you are for Constitutional rights, you want to stop talk about gun control because of how much you care about free speech?


I am against gun control that amounts to people having their weapons taken away....but since when most of folks talk about removing all restrictions, I know it is mostly full of shit -- I think their stance on gun control is full of shit...I think if it was a law passed AGAIN that targeted people of color for gun restrictions -- those same right-wing ammosexuals will be A-OK with it

Let me know when you folks threaten not to vote for a candidate because they put restrictions on your ability to stockpile explosives.

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk commented Thursday morning on gun control measures following Tuesday's Texas elementary school shooting that killed 19 children and two adults. In a tweet, Musk gave his opinion that assault rifles should, at minimum, require a special permit, where the recipient is extremely well vetted. President Biden called for changes to gun laws Tuesday and expressed his heartbreak in his address to the nation following the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. After the mass shooting at a Texas school, parents are once again forced to have tough conversations with their children. Biden called for "commonsense" gun laws, saying that "we know they work and have a positive impact." Biden claimed that after the assault weapons ban was passed in 1994, mass shootings went down. After the law expired in 2004, Biden said, "mass shootings tripled."
View attachment 649987
Elon has built up such a huge right-wing following that he should be careful not to alienate them by sounding like a radical leftist liberal cuck...they will probably give him a pass for now, since they know not much will ever get done in terms of gun control laws...but still...he needs to be quiet and just focus on owning the libs like he wishes to own Twitter...fact of the matter is, there should be no gun control laws.....gun control laws have only created more problems...like when in the days of Baby-face Nelson and Machine Gun Kelly - the radical leftist socialist Congress passed a weapons ban on machine guns....and this was back when we had good criminals who were more fun to glorify and revere...

View attachment 649992

In fact, I remember when a radical leftist judge basically admitted it out loud -- that the 2nd amendment interpretation by the NRA was a fraud....I mean, he was a conservative..but still -- we all knew he was a Deep State liberal the whole time....

This guy literally said that the 2nd amendment was a fraud on the American public...WTF?

Fact of the matter remains, all attempts at banning assault weapons have failed and only made the problem worse... there should be no gun control laws...the 2nd clearly states that you can only regulate militias, not everyday citizens...it doesn't say what weapon a citizen can have....or at what age you can possess that weapon...Every kid in that class room should be able to have a weapon, and let's see how the number of school shootings go down instantly....

Why are we allowing Dems to limit our ability to own a rocket launcher if we want one?? ...if we can manufacture our own ghost guns, why can't we manufacture our own tactical explosives? Even a small scale nuclear weapon if you worked hard enough and can afford it?? How can you successfully overthrow government without unfettered access to weapons? I see people go thru life everyday without owning their own Javelin missile systems and I am wondering, how do they go along with such oppression?

To gain the understanding of the Second Amendment all one needs to do is to read what our founders said about the Second. If you still don't understand move or shut the Hell up.

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