America Needs to Implement Forced Labor

according to North Koreans, it is utopia
They just did a poll and it was 99.99% agreed

She sold me :)
probably because she nice looking

I think we know the penalty for not agreeing with Bowl Cut Jr. I'm surprised it wasn't 100%.
Oh, the far right (not the GOPers) are indeed fascists and would love to put their enemies in forced labor slave camps.

No force at all. If you don't want to work for what we give you, then don't go on the program and get a job yourself.

Most Medicaid goes to children or the elderly. What jobs do you have for them?
most medicaid goes to children or the elderly because in the case of the children the parents are worthless fucks that dont care about the spawn they pop out and in the case of MOST elderly its because they never thought to plan for their later years.
Neither one should be considered my problem.

Then go live on an island by yourself, and don't ask anyone for anything. Ever. No doctors, no lawyers, teachers - nobody.
This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

No, conservatives are the new KKK. It was conservatives who started the birther movement, isn't even veiled racism. But Republicans now completely deny the Southern Strategy ever existed, and think that people like Shoots Speeders, and Steve McGarrett don't represent the Republican Party, while ignoring the 30% of Republicans who think that Obama was born in Kenya.
We have prisoners......lets use a wall on the Mexican border.

Since Mexico is going to pay for it....they will probably want mexicans to build it...but The Donald being a genius at negotiations my get them to agree to letting at least some of our prisoners help out.
This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

No, conservatives are the new KKK. It was conservatives who started the birther movement, isn't even veiled racism. But Republicans now completely deny the Southern Strategy ever existed, and think that people like Shoots Speeders, and Steve McGarrett don't represent the Republican Party, while ignoring the 30% of Republicans who think that Obama was born in Kenya.
Hell I thought conservatives were the old KKK. Slowly they are dying off. The new conservatives are for America, we don't care about your race(that's liberal democrats) we only care about your politics. This board has many racists on it from both sides though which is sad.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Have you noted the state of Venezuela lately, genius?
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Have you noted the state of Venezuela lately, genius?

I have noted this>>>>Thousands of Venezuelans pour into Colombia to buy food
Socialism always end up with The People back in slave chains.

Yes, and socialism always leads to communism. The lazy love socialism because others will pay their way, which is where the left is taking us now. Eventually, that falls apart because one half gets tired of carrying the other half. That is when communism rears it's ugly head and the tyrants in government start telling people what they have to do.

In what countries has socialism led to Communism?

Cuba, the U.S.S.R.

Venezuela is almost full on Communism now.

You can always tell when a country goes full throttle communist...the citizens begin to starve.
This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

No, conservatives are the new KKK. It was conservatives who started the birther movement, isn't even veiled racism. But Republicans now completely deny the Southern Strategy ever existed, and think that people like Shoots Speeders, and Steve McGarrett don't represent the Republican Party, while ignoring the 30% of Republicans who think that Obama was born in Kenya.

The birther movement was started by a hilary supporter dumbass.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Our infrastructure is not crumbling. We want professionals to build crap, not unskilled morons.

Trump's policies of deporting illegals, limiting legal immigration and bringing back the jobs, will lower the dole.

roadways-highways-funding...and you were saying? Anyhow...good to see you support Trump.
For a number of years I thought it would be good if we had a WPA sort of public works projects to get young adults out of the inner city and areas of high unemployment to teach them job skills and work ethic. I wouldn't force them but rather provide the opportunity to only those that really want to work.

Simplify it...give them an the one given to the first people that came to America....Work or Starve...your choice.
This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

No, conservatives are the new KKK. It was conservatives who started the birther movement, isn't even veiled racism. But Republicans now completely deny the Southern Strategy ever existed, and think that people like Shoots Speeders, and Steve McGarrett don't represent the Republican Party, while ignoring the 30% of Republicans who think that Obama was born in Kenya.
The birther movement was started by a hilary supporter dumbass.
And morphed by far right comrades into a crazy machine that has affected almost half of self identified Republicans. Amazing!
Socialism always end up with The People back in slave chains.

Yes, and socialism always leads to communism. The lazy love socialism because others will pay their way, which is where the left is taking us now. Eventually, that falls apart because one half gets tired of carrying the other half. That is when communism rears it's ugly head and the tyrants in government start telling people what they have to do.
Yup, Great Britain, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada, etc., have all moved on to communism.

You are a clown.

We have more than enough adults on the dole to supply all of the labor force we need. Not even to mention all those incarcerated and costing the tax payers big bucks to house them...put the non violent incarcerated to work...killing rats, cockroashes, mosquites and working in the fields of california ...would not everyone love to see the price of produce come down?
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Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Right or wrong, unions would never let it happen.

The unions that exist today have no power for the most part...just phoney unions aka company unions. The glory days of unions has been over for long time now.
Our infrastructure is crumbling aka bridges, roads, etc. We have huge,huge untapped sources of labor that is not being utilized....we let this potential labor pool subsist on the dole and thus they are a drain on our economy aka parasites.

We could force these people to up streets, city parks, fighting mosquitoes,rats and cockroaches. They could be used in so many ways..yet they sit idle....drawing food stamps and other gubmint checks and they moonlight shoplifting, selling drugs and other sorts of criminal behavior...these are the thugs hanging out on the street corner...riding the subways and busses threatening and intimidating citizens.

If the socialist paradise of Venezuela can do it...why can't we?

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens

Work or starve mother fuckers. Nothing unconstitutional about that.

No President worth his salt has ever let the constitution stand in the way of progress...'they keep sticking the constitution in my is just a g.d. piece of paper' ....George Bush

Yes you are right....there is nothing in the constitution about food stamps.
Oh, the far right (not the GOPers) are indeed fascists and would love to put their enemies in forced labor slave camps.

No force at all. If you don't want to work for what we give you, then don't go on the program and get a job yourself.

Most Medicaid goes to children or the elderly. What jobs do you have for them?
most medicaid goes to children or the elderly because in the case of the children the parents are worthless fucks that dont care about the spawn they pop out and in the case of MOST elderly its because they never thought to plan for their later years.
Neither one should be considered my problem.

Then go live on an island by yourself, and don't ask anyone for anything. Ever. No doctors, no lawyers, teachers - nobody.
why? I have provided for myself and my family.
Im not the problem here, the deadbeats are. maybe they should go live on an island and be forced to provide for their own survival. I doubt they could do it.
Oh, the far right (not the GOPers) are indeed fascists and would love to put their enemies in forced labor slave camps.

No force at all. If you don't want to work for what we give you, then don't go on the program and get a job yourself.

Most Medicaid goes to children or the elderly. What jobs do you have for them?
most medicaid goes to children or the elderly because in the case of the children the parents are worthless fucks that dont care about the spawn they pop out and in the case of MOST elderly its because they never thought to plan for their later years.
Neither one should be considered my problem.

Then go live on an island by yourself, and don't ask anyone for anything. Ever. No doctors, no lawyers, teachers - nobody.
why? I have provided for myself and my family.
Im not the problem here, the deadbeats are. maybe they should go live on an island and be forced to provide for their own survival. I doubt they could do it.

To be specific one particular minority has lost their work ethic for the most part....even if they wanted to work...most employers would reject them since the majority have rap sheets as long as their arm by the time they get out of high school....and the stats show the results---over 50 percent of the younger ones are unemployed and most of them are essentially unemployable....getting by on living with their mamas, gubmint checks, shoplifting, selling dope etc.etc. and so on and so see them hanging out on the corner in all the big cities.

They are the ones in Chicago so busy killing each other...will any politician black or white dare talk about it? Of course not...instant career suicide to do so...aka anyone realistically wanting to do something bout it or even mention it is labeled a waycist.
This is the biggest problem of liberal democrats. The only thing they think about is race and they make assumptions on how others are thinking. First thing I thought of was my hometown which has an equal amount of black and white receiving govt assistance. Race never entered my mind. I am a conservative. Libs are the new KKK, trust me on this, the evidence is mounting everyday. In about 10 years it will be crystal clear to everyone.

No, conservatives are the new KKK. It was conservatives who started the birther movement, isn't even veiled racism. But Republicans now completely deny the Southern Strategy ever existed, and think that people like Shoots Speeders, and Steve McGarrett don't represent the Republican Party, while ignoring the 30% of Republicans who think that Obama was born in Kenya.
The birther movement was started by a hilary supporter dumbass.
And morphed by far right comrades into a crazy machine that has affected almost half of self identified Republicans. Amazing!

Hillary brought it up.......that's all you need to know.
Capitalism has always tended toward slavery.

For unskilled positions, wages are a profit sucking liability.

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