America’s Best Teachers


Sep 23, 2010
Media liberals have their gonads caught in a vice because a lot of Americans are beginning to ask: “How did homegrown terrorists learn to hate this country so much?” The answer is easy while being too painful for the Left to admit:



In simple terms hatred of America is taught by the federal government, the schools, and the media. Everything socialism teaches is the opposite of the things the Founding Fathers taught with the limited government they designed. Each day in every way it is becoming clearer that the Founding Fathers are the better teachers.

I believe that most Americans know what socialism teaches in the public schools about America’s Founders. They also know about the contempt Democrats have for the US Constitution. They do not know that it is bureaucrats in the federal government behind everything not just elected officials. Elected politicians come and go, but the same bureaucrats grind this country down decade after decade.

Congressional hearings notwithstanding, nobody ever slaps down a top bureaucrat in a meaningful way. God forbid that the head of a corrupt, or treasonous, bureaucracy is fired or sent to prison. Eric Holder’s part in the Fast and Furious Affair is a case in point. The guy practically laughs in the faces of members of Congress when they question him.

Television’s part in promoting socialism is indisputable. If you watched any of the coverage given to the tragedy in Boston you saw media mouths dripping compassion for the victims —— along with heartfelt concern for the country. In truth, events like the killings in Boston are career-makers in TV’s culture.

Once a tragedy has lost its commercial value on television, as they all do, media mouths go right back to promoting the very political agenda that led to the killing in the first place. Example: See then-Senator Kerry’s support for UNCLOS:

On June 14, 2012, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations held hearings with senior military leaders and former government officials regarding the United Nations (U.N.) Convention on the Law of the Sea (CLOS). These hearings presented critical evidence and discussions that nations which have ratified/acceded to UNCLOS should incorporate into decisions regarding whether or not to remain in UNCLOS and, if so, how the Convention may be amended in the future. For the United States, the hearings clearly illustrated why a number of conservatives are concerned about this treaty.

April 18, 2013
The U.N.'s Latest Attempt to Shackle the USA
By Sierra Rayne

Articles: The U.N.'s Latest Attempt to Shackle the USA

NOTE: Every landlocked country ratified/acceded to UNCLOS. It does not take a genius to figure out why.

UNCLOS is another name for the LOST (Law of the Sea Treaty). For years, Democrats and a few RINO have been trying to ratify that disaster. Biden, and thankfully-gone Richard Lugar, tried and failed. Now that John Kerry is an elected official turned bureaucrat, I expect he will come up with some kind of sneaky business involving the LOST.

Question: Did you ever hear a media mouth express heartfelt concern for their country’s loss of sovereignty? If not, don’t look for media mouths to jump on a traitor like John Kerry over a UN treaty any more than they held him accountable for the things he said and did after he returned from Vietnam. Hell, Kerry got full media support when he ran for president in 2004.

Media gun controls

Television is 100 percent behind disarming law-abiding Americans. Everybody working in television knows that support for universal background checks is the final step before confiscation. They supported background checks while pretending they opposed confiscation. My point: Did even one media mouth mention how much safer Bostonians with guns would have been until the police captured Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? I can only imagine how those people confined to their homes without guns felt knowing that an armed Tsarnaev could bust in at any minute.

Parenthetically, Harry Reid sneered at the true reason for the Second Amendment:

Reid seems to be saying that the federal government is so wonderful tyranny can never happen here. Reid is not very bright; so maybe somebody should ask for him for a guarantee that the machinery he would set up will not be taken over by people less altruistic than Hussein & Company.

Finally, I have one slight disagreement with Richard Butrick:

The man is slipping from the limelight. The marquee man from MSM and Hollywood and Vine is headed for Sunset Boulevard.

Right from the start of his 2008 campaign, the MSM gave Obama the star treatment. He was their main event. He was billed as a transformational figure -- a visionary who would (1) unify the country and (2) lead us to a fairer economic prosperity and (3) bring us respect abroad in a world of lessened tensions.

April 20, 2013
Obama Fizzles Out
By Richard Butrick

Articles: Obama Fizzles Out

Shortly after Hussein’s second term began he became irrelevant to most Americans. The hardest of hardcore liberals are the only Americans who still believe anything he says; nonetheless, television is still pushing him like he is the gold standard for truth. Proof: It’s near impossible to surf the boob tube for ten minutes without running into a clip of Hussein spouting one of his talking points; gun controls, open borders, taxation, and everything else he has been lying about since 2008.

Finally, Hussein topped himself when he expressed his anger over gun control legislation being stopped in the Senate. That was one clip I watched. I could see that he really thought the public would rise up and march on the Senate because Big Brother was pissed off. I think most Americans were laughing at him. I know I was.

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