America’s Shame And Embarrassment


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By: Skook
3 Oct 13

Yes, we elected a community organizer to the office of the Presidency, because people thought he’d pay their mortgage and put gas in their cars.

He is the same guy who wants to get tough with our most treasured citizens, the WWII vets. Those guys in their late 80s and early 90s who came to Washington to see the city that most represents the country they fought and died for and for some of them, it will be their last trip.


These warriors of America’s past disgust him, we know that. They are the valiant Americans who stood up to oppression and defeated an evil that was poised to blanket the world. They are America’s greatest living symbols of a once great beacon of freedom.....


Read more:
America?s Shame And Embarrassment | Flopping Aces

Now why would Obama want to discriminate and use these gentlemen as virtual hostages by his refusal to negotiate the budget with Congress?
Now why would Obama want to discriminate and use these gentlemen as virtual hostages by his refusal to negotiate the budget with Congress?

Standing against what you think may be oppression is bad, as you are not even considering that ultimately this is in YOUR best interest in the conclusion.
Also ............ these so called hero's crushed a movement that would have transformed this earth in to a Utopia that would have endured until the ages of ages.
Not to mention, they made a bad example to all Americans of this Standing Your Ground crap with a gun that created an enormous blood bath beyond measure.
As the correct course of action would be to SUBMIT to the authorities without question, then all those authoritARIAN's would still be alive asserting correct doctrine to this day without opposition.
These so called hero's .............. really fucked things up, anyone knowing their history would agree with me.
Another bad bunch was Stalin and his subordinates, thankfully their history will soon be forgotten & erased from the earth ............ as it already has been in the Russian culture of today.

Standing your ground is bad, it just creates an unnecessary blood bath and sends the wrong message to the Sheeple.
Now why would Obama want to discriminate and use these gentlemen as virtual hostages by his refusal to negotiate the budget with Congress?

Standing against what you think may be oppression is bad, as you are not even considering that ultimately this is in YOUR best interest in the conclusion.
Also ............ these so called hero's crushed a movement that would have transformed this earth in to a Utopia that would have endured until the ages of ages.
Not to mention, they made a bad example to all Americans of this Standing Your Ground crap with a gun that created an enormous blood bath beyond measure.
As the correct course of action would be to SUBMIT to the authorities without question, then all those authoritARIAN's would still be alive asserting correct doctrine to this day without opposition.
These so called hero's .............. really fucked things up, anyone knowing their history would agree with me.
Another bad bunch was Stalin and his subordinates, thankfully their history will soon be forgotten & erased from the earth ............ as it already has been in the Russian culture of today.

Standing your ground is bad, it just creates an unnecessary blood bath and sends the wrong message to the Sheeple.

;lakdjsalk;dj wtf LMFAO!

I feel my response was on par with its subject.
When ever there is a civil rights fight, it's against the Republicans.

When ever there is a fight to feed children, it's against the Republicans.

The first responders were blocked from health care for 10 years. Who did the blocking? Yep, Republicans.

Who apologized to BP?

Who blocked jobs bills for veterans?

To do anything good in this country, we always have to fight the Republicans. And what have they done that's good? They won't say.
By: Skook
3 Oct 13

Yes, we elected a community organizer to the office of the Presidency, because people thought he’d pay their mortgage and put gas in their cars.

He is the same guy who wants to get tough with our most treasured citizens, the WWII vets. Those guys in their late 80s and early 90s who came to Washington to see the city that most represents the country they fought and died for and for some of them, it will be their last trip.


These warriors of America’s past disgust him, we know that. They are the valiant Americans who stood up to oppression and defeated an evil that was poised to blanket the world. They are America’s greatest living symbols of a once great beacon of freedom.....


Read more:
America?s Shame And Embarrassment | Flopping Aces

Now why would Obama want to discriminate and use these gentlemen as virtual hostages by his refusal to negotiate the budget with Congress?
You know I wish I was there. I would ask those Republican Congressman in front of the WWII vets what they thought of FDR and his policies. That would be a bullshit answer of epic porportions.
By: Skook
3 Oct 13

Yes, we elected a community organizer to the office of the Presidency, because people thought he’d pay their mortgage and put gas in their cars.

He is the same guy who wants to get tough with our most treasured citizens, the WWII vets. Those guys in their late 80s and early 90s who came to Washington to see the city that most represents the country they fought and died for and for some of them, it will be their last trip.


These warriors of America’s past disgust him, we know that. They are the valiant Americans who stood up to oppression and defeated an evil that was poised to blanket the world. They are America’s greatest living symbols of a once great beacon of freedom.....


Read more:
America?s Shame And Embarrassment | Flopping Aces

Now why would Obama want to discriminate and use these gentlemen as virtual hostages by his refusal to negotiate the budget with Congress?
You know I wish I was there. I would ask those Republican Congressman in front of the WWII vets what they thought of FDR and his policies. That would be a bullshit answer of epic porportions.

The Republicans congressmen who stopped the government because they don't want Americans to have health care.
Don't expect this president to understand our finest and their honour. He will use anyone and everything for political gain.

Thankfully his disrespect of these real men backfired on him.

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