America under President Trump


May 11, 2018
His first 100 days will be a flurry of activities to implement most of the policies he'd promised. Here's an excerpt from a lengthy article how he says it would look:
Shortly after the Nov. 8 election, President-elect Trump and his vice president — most likely a governor or member of Congress — would begin interviewing candidates for the open Supreme Court seat and quickly settle on a nominee in the mold of Justice Antonin Scalia.
He would start “building a government based on relationships,” perhaps inviting the Republican leaders Paul D. Ryan and Mitch McConnell to escape the chilly Washington fall and schmooze at Mar-a-Lago over golf and two-pound lobsters.
On Inauguration Day, he would go to a “beautiful” gala ball or two, but focus mostly on rescinding Obama executive orders on immigration and calling up corporate executives to threaten punitive measures if they shift jobs out of the United States.
And by the end of his first 100 days as the nation’s 45th leader, the wall with Mexico would be designed, the immigration ban on Muslims would be in place, the audit of the Federal Reserve would be underway and plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act would be in motion.
“As president, I’ll be working from the first day with my vice president and staff to make clear that America will be changing in major ways for the better,” Mr. Trump said in a telephone interview on Saturday. “We can’t afford to waste time. I want a vice president who will help me have a major impact quickly on Capitol Hill, and the message will be clear to the nation and to people abroad that the American government will be using its power differently.”
“I know everyone won’t like everything I do, but I’m not running to be everyone’s favorite president,” Mr. Trump said. “Things are seriously wrong in this country. People are hurting, business is hurting. I’m running to move quickly to make big changes.”
"I know people aren’t sure right now what a President Trump will be like,” he said. “But things will be fine.
I’m not running for president to make things unstable for the country.”

....and I think he will indeed do things that'll be best for the USA.
Well I mean, when he becomes President, this guy will practically have everything - including the prestige of
being President, right?
If he's an egoist (as they say he is)........of course he'd want to go down in history not just as another US President........
..........but as, the best President the USA had ever had!
He'll most likely work on that. That will be his ultimate goal!
As long as Trump Enterprises produces manufactured products in China and exports them to the USA he's still a schmuck to me.
His first 100 days will be a flurry of activities to implement most of the policies he'd promised. Here's an excerpt from a lengthy article how he says it would look:
Shortly after the Nov. 8 election, President-elect Trump and his vice president — most likely a governor or member of Congress — would begin interviewing candidates for the open Supreme Court seat and quickly settle on a nominee in the mold of Justice Antonin Scalia.
He would start “building a government based on relationships,” perhaps inviting the Republican leaders Paul D. Ryan and Mitch McConnell to escape the chilly Washington fall and schmooze at Mar-a-Lago over golf and two-pound lobsters.
On Inauguration Day, he would go to a “beautiful” gala ball or two, but focus mostly on rescinding Obama executive orders on immigration and calling up corporate executives to threaten punitive measures if they shift jobs out of the United States.
And by the end of his first 100 days as the nation’s 45th leader, the wall with Mexico would be designed, the immigration ban on Muslims would be in place, the audit of the Federal Reserve would be underway and plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act would be in motion.
“As president, I’ll be working from the first day with my vice president and staff to make clear that America will be changing in major ways for the better,” Mr. Trump said in a telephone interview on Saturday. “We can’t afford to waste time. I want a vice president who will help me have a major impact quickly on Capitol Hill, and the message will be clear to the nation and to people abroad that the American government will be using its power differently.”
“I know everyone won’t like everything I do, but I’m not running to be everyone’s favorite president,” Mr. Trump said. “Things are seriously wrong in this country. People are hurting, business is hurting. I’m running to move quickly to make big changes.”
"I know people aren’t sure right now what a President Trump will be like,” he said. “But things will be fine.
I’m not running for president to make things unstable for the country.”

....and I think he will indeed do things that'll be best for the USA.
Well I mean, when he becomes President, this guy will practically have everything - including the prestige of
being President, right?
If he's an egoist (as they say he is)........of course he'd want to go down in history not just as another US President........
..........but as, the best President the USA had ever had!
He'll most likely work on that. That will be his ultimate goal!
All of that was done which is impressive. The wall was more complicated because they took bids etc.
His first 100 days will be a flurry of activities to implement most of the policies he'd promised. Here's an excerpt from a lengthy article how he says it would look:
Shortly after the Nov. 8 election, President-elect Trump and his vice president — most likely a governor or member of Congress — would begin interviewing candidates for the open Supreme Court seat and quickly settle on a nominee in the mold of Justice Antonin Scalia.
He would start “building a government based on relationships,” perhaps inviting the Republican leaders Paul D. Ryan and Mitch McConnell to escape the chilly Washington fall and schmooze at Mar-a-Lago over golf and two-pound lobsters.
On Inauguration Day, he would go to a “beautiful” gala ball or two, but focus mostly on rescinding Obama executive orders on immigration and calling up corporate executives to threaten punitive measures if they shift jobs out of the United States.
And by the end of his first 100 days as the nation’s 45th leader, the wall with Mexico would be designed, the immigration ban on Muslims would be in place, the audit of the Federal Reserve would be underway and plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act would be in motion.
“As president, I’ll be working from the first day with my vice president and staff to make clear that America will be changing in major ways for the better,” Mr. Trump said in a telephone interview on Saturday. “We can’t afford to waste time. I want a vice president who will help me have a major impact quickly on Capitol Hill, and the message will be clear to the nation and to people abroad that the American government will be using its power differently.”
“I know everyone won’t like everything I do, but I’m not running to be everyone’s favorite president,” Mr. Trump said. “Things are seriously wrong in this country. People are hurting, business is hurting. I’m running to move quickly to make big changes.”
"I know people aren’t sure right now what a President Trump will be like,” he said. “But things will be fine.
I’m not running for president to make things unstable for the country.”

....and I think he will indeed do things that'll be best for the USA.
Well I mean, when he becomes President, this guy will practically have everything - including the prestige of
being President, right?
If he's an egoist (as they say he is)........of course he'd want to go down in history not just as another US President........
..........but as, the best President the USA had ever had!
He'll most likely work on that. That will be his ultimate goal!

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