America: We Have a Problem


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
When you point a finger remember 3 are pointing back at the pointer.
"We" blame our problems on others. Muslims, immigrants, Chinese etc. There are some culpable players, no doubt- players being key. Players recognize a weakness and exploit it. But, when after being played (exploited), over and over, who is the responsible party?

At some point the realization of reality has to be acknowledged.
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This country was founded on a moral principle that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights. ALL men- there are no caveats in ALL. The founders established a constitutional republican form of governance to help ensure there was no official "playing/exploitation".

I would think those 2 things would be taught in Public (tax payer funded) Education. Apparently not. I say apparently because of the numerous excuses used to defend unconstitutional actions, (excuse is an attempt to justify). There can be no sound justification for that. All that is required is reading simple English. Alleged adults, having been allegedly educated should have the skill for reading and reading comprehension. If not, dictionaries are readily available and free on the internet.

And no, I'm not pointing a finger. I've made my peace with me and mine. I'm just pointing out some obvious inadequacies. The most glaring inadequacy, beyond our lack of reading comprehension, is the desire to be on a *side*- because, well, because. Now it's said that it's human nature to be tribal- au contraire mi amigo. It seems to be human nature to exploit those perceived to be weaker.
So, why do we continue others to exploit us?
It's the ammerikkan weigh !
When you point a finger remember 3 are pointing back at the pointer.
"We" blame our problems on others. Muslims, immigrants, Chinese etc. There are some culpable players, no doubt- players being key. Players recognize a weakness and exploit it. But, when after being played (exploited), over and over, who is the responsible party?

At some point the realization of reality has to be acknowledged.

to be clear,,,those fingers are pointing at democrats and republicans,,,

some of us americans have been waving our hands and warning others and trying to stop them for decades
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Consider, if you will, this whole "tribal" crap-
A few weeks ago I read a pretty good analysis of politicians classification of voters- enemies or tools. The ultimate of tribing-
I've used that phrase numerous times, here and in person. It's a truism, is it not?
My questions are; why do they do that, and why do Individuals allow it to be done to them?
Answer for the former: exploitation by players. Answer to the latter: Many.

I am an advocate for the rights of the Individual. I despise grouping and group think, especially political and religious. I'm that way by "nature"- the Individual loses autonomy in a group. Except the head(s) of the group. The heads/leaders retain theirs.

They exploit, by whatever means necessary, the weakness of the less informed and intellectually weak. I apologize if you find that insulting- I don't mean to.
But, who is remembered? The group (tribe) or the head/leader (exploiter/player) of the group? In the future, will your descendants remember you or the group you gave up your autonomy to? Is that what you want of them?

Consider political tribes/groups. Democrats and Republicans, left and right have swapped poles. One time enemies have become tools. ??????
Either way, they still depend on an Individual, usually charismatic, or loud and obnoxious, to retain their autonomy while exploiting the tribe.
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This country has become a laughing stock for one reason. Double Standards.
Read through the thread linked- in that thread, it seems it's perfectly okay to torture people who are *considered* (but not proven) to have terrorist ties. But, there is whining when they torture our military personnel. That coincides with those who refuse to read and consider opposing views and prefer to rely on partisan 30 second sound bites for their opinions. Those being detained came from their own lands- our soldiers invaded their lands, so, who are the terrorists? Our pledge of allegiance is a joke- Liberty and Justice for all means absolutely nothing. The Rule of Laws is a sham.

There are multiple points here. Double standards is but one, but is indicative of the hypocrisy that is pervasive and rampant in this country. We call ourselves civilized yet praise uncivilized behavior, as long as it's our own or actually, anyone we disagree with. We collectively, through our representative gov't, approve of evil perpetrated in our name. It's amazing that an allegedly educated society doesn't have the knowledge to realize something as simple as begets, begets. Some things cannot be denied.

This Country was founded on the principle, the philosophy, that "all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights"- there are no caveats in that principle. Denying or restricting rights while claiming Liberty and Justice for all is an ultimate Double Standard- then we whine and cry when we're considered a laughing stock while boasting how great we are. There's a saying; that dog will bite. Those type sayings come about for a reason.

Common sense has taken a vacation from the US political scene- logic has taken a vacation from our society- Double Standards has become a religion fueled with ignorance and practiced with zealotry. The godvernment acolytes who worship at the alter of the partisan Double Standard church are determined to have their way (depending on how the wind is blowing on a given day) and agree that Forcing their beliefs, wants and desires on others is the American value system they love.
When you point a finger remember 3 are pointing back at the pointer.
"We" blame our problems on others. Muslims, immigrants, Chinese etc. There are some culpable players, no doubt- players being key. Players recognize a weakness and exploit it. But, when after being played (exploited), over and over, who is the responsible party?

At some point the realization of reality has to be acknowledged.
Careful....The neocon types will accuse you of being a "blame Murica firster"! ;)
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Careful....The neocon types will accuse you of being a "blame Murica firster"!
I hope so- LOL- if, or I should put it this way - IF - they read the rest of it they'll have plenty of ammunition. But, since neither neocons or alleged liberals strong suit isn't reading there's not much chance of the opportunity.

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