American Born Citizens.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Shouldn't the law be changed to read "To be an american born citizen the child must be conceived on american soil".
I'm assuming you mean if the parents aren't citizens, otherwise you'd be denying citizenship to the children of expats and all sorts of travelers.

It's an interesting idea, but good luck proving it. :lol:
If children are born to American citizens, they are Americans. A good example would be American military personnel who take their families all over the globe. They have children born all over the world. Are we going to thank them by saying, "Sorry, Mac - your children were not on American soil when they were born, therefore they are not American citizens"?
Shouldn't the law be changed to read "To be an american born citizen the child must be conceived on american soil".


Bad idea.

Too many Americans, with American parents were conceived in some honeymoon outside of the USA.
American personnel are not on foreign soil ILLEGALLY! Stop the madness - do away with the anchor baby perk! This is the only country which allows this and it is total craziness. Where the baby is conceived is of no consequence - it is where the baby is 'dropped'.
Really easy.... just change it to read that you are not entitled to US citizenship if your mother or father is in the US illegally.

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