American Civil War: Dialogic


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The American Civil War was very interesting as compared to other regional/national internal conflicts such as Vietnam and North/South Korea.

Issues such as federal authority, national expansion, and slavery drove the northern and southern states of America apart. The North (called the 'Union') was led by Ulysses S. Grant, while the South (called the 'Confederacy') was led by Robert E. Lee. The Union was clothed in dark-blue uniforms, while the Confederacy was clothed in gray uniforms.

The American Civil War is a great historical event to understand the human psychology of internal conflicts and the impact it can have on long-term social consciousness and progression of global politics.

Because the American Civil War has been construed as primarily a struggle over the legality and scrupulousness of slavery (of African-Americans), it has been used as a 'symbol/totem' of governance dialogue, which is why it is great for 'national-identity storytelling.'

Therefore, the American Civil War is a handy reference for politics-philosophy in discussions about ethnicity-based geo-politics in this modern age of networking-based intelligence (e.g., European Union, United Nations, etc.) and 'confluence metaphysics.'


Sherman looked at his wrist-watch. It was the field in Antietam in a progressed year of the American Civil War. No one knew Sherman was a time-traveller who came from the year 2020 to witness first-hand the human impact of this internally gripping national struggle. Sherman was a member of the U.S. Navy but from a distant future, and he originally wanted to see the American Civil War simply as a journalist but when he arrived in 1800s New York (through a time portal discovered by NASA in the year 2019), he was very excited to get his 'hands dirty' and enlisted in the great war.

Sherman noticed that his wrist-watch read 9:00 a.m. He used the sleeve of his dark-blue Union uniform to cover his watch and picked up his rifle and looked out across the field. He was in a trench, and his regimen comrades were either sleeping or laying in rest, as the Confederates in gray were likewise in repose in their trench across the field (in Antietam). Sherman couldn't believe his eyes, since on that morning, he thought he was seeing the apparition of a blackish angel-like figure. No one else noticed it, so Sherman realized he was either hallucinating the apparition or was the sole witness.

The angel approached Sherman, and the time-travelling patriot looked up at it and asked it, "What do you want, ghost?" The apparition held out its hand and revealed a shiny metal key. "What does this key open, and who are you?" The apparition replied, "This key must be taken back to the year 2020, so you must survive Antietam! I am a guardian of time travel!" The apparition promptly disappeared. Sherman looked at his wrist-watch again and it read 11 a.m. His comrades were preparing for the day's battle, but Sherman knew he had to get back to his own time, so he skulked away and found the time-portal opening and went through it to return to his own time.

When Sherman returned to his NASA field-based, he was interrogated and sterilized. He explained to the scientists and journalists that the time-travel was a success and that he had recorded events and even brought back photographs of the American Civil War. However, he kept his experience of the apparition and the key he received a secret. When Sherman returned to his Seattle apartment, he wrote in his diary:

"The key the apparition gave me must be a token of history itself! The American Civil War must be some kind of Christian symbol of confluence-based human drama. The apparition was certainly a messenger of Jesus and not Satan, since it seemed interested in the valuation of trauma. I'm sure if I keep this all a secret, the historical migration relevancy will be realized in the fullness of time."


American Civil War (Wikipedia)

American Civil War History (History.Com)

Ignoring the idiotic nonsense of Sherman being a time traveler, It was General George Meade who headed the union army, initially.
The American Civil War was primarily over the ideas of Federal control over all vs autonomous States loosely bound by a single Constitution. The famous historian Shelby Foote put it very succinctly and correctly with this comment:

Before the war, it was said “the United States are.” Grammatically, it was spoken that way and thought of as a collection of independent states. And after the war, it was always “the United States is,” as we say to day without being self-conscious at all. And that’s sums up what the war accomplished. It made us an “is.”

Remembering Civil War Historian Shelby Foote
Granny takes her dialogic inna mornin'...

... so she stay regular all day.

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