American College of Pediatricians: A tragic day for America's children

The American College of Pediatricians is a RIGHTWING political group posing as a medical professional organization.
Horseshit. They're all doctors and know what they're talking about. A leftwing homeless critter like you is braying into the wind.
Being a doctor does not make one immune from pursuing a partisan, social conservative agenda and being devoid of objectivity:

'National Institute of Health Director Francis S. Collins, MD, has accused the conservative American College of Pediatricians of distorting his research on homosexuality.

"It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," Collins said in a written statement on NIH letterhead. "The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents."'

NIH Director Raps American College of Pediatricians for Distorting Research on Homosexuality

It's telling how you and many others on the right are so politically naïve.
I agree 100%, a sad day for America's children


In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

[T]his is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children.

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

The rights of adults to marry same-sex partners is compared to the Roe/Wade decision?
That anti-freedom "American College" group is anti-American.

Yes... but only because it's a judicial decision which has no foundation in the US Constitution or Reason which will; as has Roe, come with catastrophic consequences, which are demosntrated in the 50 MILLION pre-born children that has come as a result and inestimable quantities of unwanted children, through Roe's absurd precept, that there's no reason to fear from sexual intercourse, because you have a right to murder your child... .

Equal treatment under the law is a foundational principle of the Constitution.
Which has nothing to do with homo marriage.
OK,. but why would an aborted infant have any need for a pediatrician? See, this is of no interest to dedicated, donating members of The Democrat Party.
Funny, Republicans ask why does someone who is born need anything from the government?
How many multi-hundred page discussions have been established over this issue... my guess is that this one will NOT grow to anywhere near those heights... .

And it will not because, it will either be shipped off the 'Patagonia Religion' forum, or some other thread cemetery... by well; there are a number of possibilities there. But even if it remained in US Politics, the Advocacy for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality will not want to encourage the discussion, given that such represents the coveted:

"In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

"This is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children."

The College, which has members in 44 states and in several countries outside the U.S., joined in an amici brief in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that has led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50 states of the nation.


Despite being certified by almost all major social science scholarly associations—indeed, in part because of this—the alleged scientific consensus that having two parents of the same sex is innocuous for child well-being is almost wholly without basis. All but a handful of the studies cited in support draw on small, non-random samples which cannot be extrapolated to the same-sex population at large. This limitation is repeatedly acknowledged in scientific meetings and journals, but ignored when asserted as settled findings in public or judicial advocacy.

The College itself has maintained that a significant body of research has demonstrated that “same-sex marriage" deliberately deprives the child of a mother or a father, and is therefore harmful.”

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

Even before sodomy was legitimized by the federal government, kids were being indoctrinated in homosexuality while in their school. What a screwed-up generation we're we're going to have.

Of course...

Understand that the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is just THAT... it is not a 'Homosexual Right' advocacy, it is a literal cult of pedophiles, primarily Europeans... who have for GENERATIONS sought to NORMALIZE Degeneracy, as a means to LEGALLY have sexual relations with CHILDREN.

By this time next year, we'll be in here debating the finer points of 'Providing Children with Equal Protections Under the Law'... which will of course, have the ancillary component of freeing children's sexual consent.


Child marriage has long been a prominent feature of traditional marriage.


I say it here... and it comes out ^ THERE ^.







Be VERY AMAAaazed . . .
How many multi-hundred page discussions have been established over this issue... my guess is that this one will NOT grow to anywhere near those heights... .

And it will not because, it will either be shipped off the 'Patagonia Religion' forum, or some other thread cemetery... by well; there are a number of possibilities there. But even if it remained in US Politics, the Advocacy for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality will not want to encourage the discussion, given that such represents the coveted:

"In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

"This is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children."

The College, which has members in 44 states and in several countries outside the U.S., joined in an amici brief in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that has led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50 states of the nation.


Despite being certified by almost all major social science scholarly associations—indeed, in part because of this—the alleged scientific consensus that having two parents of the same sex is innocuous for child well-being is almost wholly without basis. All but a handful of the studies cited in support draw on small, non-random samples which cannot be extrapolated to the same-sex population at large. This limitation is repeatedly acknowledged in scientific meetings and journals, but ignored when asserted as settled findings in public or judicial advocacy.

The College itself has maintained that a significant body of research has demonstrated that “same-sex marriage" deliberately deprives the child of a mother or a father, and is therefore harmful.”

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

Even before sodomy was legitimized by the federal government, kids were being indoctrinated in homosexuality while in their school. What a screwed-up generation we're we're going to have.

Of course...

Understand that the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is just THAT... it is not a 'Homosexual Right' advocacy, it is a literal cult of pedophiles, primarily Europeans... who have for GENERATIONS sought to NORMALIZE Degeneracy, as a means to LEGALLY have sexual relations with CHILDREN.

By this time next year, we'll be in here debating the finer points of 'Providing Children with Equal Protections Under the Law'... which will of course, have the ancillary component of freeing children's sexual consent.


Child marriage has long been a prominent feature of traditional marriage.


I say it here... and it comes out ^ THERE ^.







Be VERY AMAAaazed . . .

Why do you talk like Gollum?

I agree 100%, a sad day for America's children


In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

[T]his is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children.

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

The rights of adults to marry same-sex partners is compared to the Roe/Wade decision?
That anti-freedom "American College" group is anti-American.

Yes... but only because it's a judicial decision which has no foundation in the US Constitution or Reason which will; as has Roe, come with catastrophic consequences, which are demosntrated in the 50 MILLION pre-born children that has come as a result and inestimable quantities of unwanted children, through Roe's absurd precept, that there's no reason to fear from sexual intercourse, because you have a right to murder your child... .

Equal treatment under the law is a foundational principle of the Constitution.
Which has nothing to do with homo marriage.

It has everything to do with same sex marriage.
I agree 100%, a sad day for America's children


In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

[T]his is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children.

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

Josh Duggar is looking for a job. Maybe he can be their new spokesperson.
The American College of Pediatricians is a RIGHTWING political group posing as a medical professional organization.
Horseshit. They're all doctors and know what they're talking about. A leftwing homeless critter like you is braying into the wind.
Being a doctor does not make one immune from pursuing a partisan, social conservative agenda and being devoid of objectivity:

'National Institute of Health Director Francis S. Collins, MD, has accused the conservative American College of Pediatricians of distorting his research on homosexuality.

"It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," Collins said in a written statement on NIH letterhead. "The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents."'

NIH Director Raps American College of Pediatricians for Distorting Research on Homosexuality

It's telling how you and many others on the right are so politically naïve.

Comon now, how can you argue with positions on child welfare supported by 1 out of 100 pediatricians?
I agree 100%, a sad day for America's children


In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

[T]his is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children.

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

The rights of adults to marry same-sex partners is compared to the Roe/Wade decision?
That anti-freedom "American College" group is anti-American.

Yes... but only because it's a judicial decision which has no foundation in the US Constitution or Reason which will; as has Roe, come with catastrophic consequences, which are demosntrated in the 50 MILLION pre-born children that has come as a result and inestimable quantities of unwanted children, through Roe's absurd precept, that there's no reason to fear from sexual intercourse, because you have a right to murder your child... .

Equal treatment under the law is a foundational principle of the Constitution.
Which has nothing to do with homo marriage.

It has everything to do with same sex marriage.
It has nothing to do with homo marriage. Marriage benefits for opposite gender people are equally available for all.
Homos want special rights. They want marriage benefits for like gendered people who have sex with each other. Completely separate issue.
Being a doctor does not make one immune from pursuing a partisan, social conservative agenda and being devoid of objectivity.

So true, as no one is immune.

But... those least likely to contract Relativism, are those who are well grounded, in their personal recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to... the natural principles, OKA: Laws of Nature.

As would naturally be the case where the individuals are those who STUDY the specific issue at hand.

And since the issue is Children and the effects of that which children experience in nature, it follows that the people MOST LIKELY TO UNDERSTAND THE EFFECTS UPON CHILDREN WHO ARE FAMILIAL WITH HOMO-GENDER PARENTS, IN AMERICA... it follows that:

(Gilligan, a Pediatrician, is a Doctor that studies Children, with regard to their body and mind, how they work and stuff that is likely to make them sick, lil' buddy. Do you understand?)

would be the most authoritative source, possible.

No doubt your source is good too, but... he's probably homosexual or an advocate of the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality and as a result, that's wholly subjective, thus not worthy of consideration, where the issue is the best interests of children and NOT the Best Interests of the Sexual Deviant who is given legal license (That means authority, Gilligan) to house and sustain children; with sexual deviant meaning those who profess to have no respect for sexual boundaries... who are prone toward making catastrophically poor choices with regard to their sexual impulses.
OK,. but why would an aborted infant have any need for a pediatrician? See, this is of no interest to dedicated, donating members of The Democrat Party.
Funny, Republicans ask why does someone who is born need anything from the government?

Cons want smaller gov, unless it supports their religion, or their pocketbook.
The American College of Pediatricians is a RIGHTWING political group posing as a medical professional organization.
Horseshit. They're all doctors and know what they're talking about. A leftwing homeless critter like you is braying into the wind.
Being a doctor does not make one immune from pursuing a partisan, social conservative agenda and being devoid of objectivity:

'National Institute of Health Director Francis S. Collins, MD, has accused the conservative American College of Pediatricians of distorting his research on homosexuality.

"It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," Collins said in a written statement on NIH letterhead. "The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents."'

NIH Director Raps American College of Pediatricians for Distorting Research on Homosexuality

It's telling how you and many others on the right are so politically naïve.
Not so naive as to say that kids growing up to be gay and marry a gay are mentally healthy individuals.
The rights of adults to marry same-sex partners is compared to the Roe/Wade decision?
That anti-freedom "American College" group is anti-American.

Yes... but only because it's a judicial decision which has no foundation in the US Constitution or Reason which will; as has Roe, come with catastrophic consequences, which are demosntrated in the 50 MILLION pre-born children that has come as a result and inestimable quantities of unwanted children, through Roe's absurd precept, that there's no reason to fear from sexual intercourse, because you have a right to murder your child... .

Equal treatment under the law is a foundational principle of the Constitution.
Which has nothing to do with homo marriage.

It has everything to do with same sex marriage.
It has nothing to do with homo marriage. Marriage benefits for opposite gender people are equally available for all.
Homos want special rights. They want marriage benefits for like gendered people who have sex with each other. Completely separate issue.

The would-be BENEFITS, are designed to promote healthy families... not degenerate hell holes for children.
The rights of adults to marry same-sex partners is compared to the Roe/Wade decision?
That anti-freedom "American College" group is anti-American.

Yes... but only because it's a judicial decision which has no foundation in the US Constitution or Reason which will; as has Roe, come with catastrophic consequences, which are demosntrated in the 50 MILLION pre-born children that has come as a result and inestimable quantities of unwanted children, through Roe's absurd precept, that there's no reason to fear from sexual intercourse, because you have a right to murder your child... .

Equal treatment under the law is a foundational principle of the Constitution.
Which has nothing to do with homo marriage.

It has everything to do with same sex marriage.
It has nothing to do with homo marriage. Marriage benefits for opposite gender people are equally available for all.
Homos want special rights. They want marriage benefits for like gendered people who have sex with each other. Completely separate issue.

To you maybe. You as always are wrong.

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