American College of Pediatricians: A tragic day for America's children

The American College of Pediatricians is a RIGHTWING political group posing as a medical professional organization.
Horseshit. They're all doctors and know what they're talking about. A leftwing homeless critter like you is braying into the wind.
Being a doctor does not make one immune from pursuing a partisan, social conservative agenda and being devoid of objectivity:

'National Institute of Health Director Francis S. Collins, MD, has accused the conservative American College of Pediatricians of distorting his research on homosexuality.

"It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," Collins said in a written statement on NIH letterhead. "The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents."'

NIH Director Raps American College of Pediatricians for Distorting Research on Homosexuality

It's telling how you and many others on the right are so politically naïve.

Comon now, how can you argue with positions on child welfare supported by 1 out of 100 pediatricians?

Actually if ACP has 60 members and AAP has 60,000 that's one out of a thousand.

This is interesting too:

"It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," Collins said in a written statement on NIH letterhead. "The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents."'

>> Gary Remafedi, a pediatrician at the University of Minnesota, found his research being cited by ACPeds to argue that schools should deny support to gay teenagers. Remafedi complained that ACPeds had fundamentally mischaracterized his work, saying: "It's obvious that they didn't even read my research. I mean, they spelled my name wrong every time they cited it." The organization refused to correct or retract its assertions, leading Remafedi to state that ACPeds had "deliberately distorted my research for malicious purposes."[1] << (same Wiki page)​

Almost seems like a ... what is the word.... a pattern, that's it.
I agree 100%, a sad day for America's children


In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

[T]his is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children.

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

The American College of Pediatricians is a Social Conservative Group which would be against Same Sex Marriage and should not be confused with American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)...

American College of Pediatricians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

American Academy of Pediatrics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The American College of Pediatricians was founded by Social Conservatives like Joseph Zanga and only has around 60 to 200 people in their Social Conservative hate club...

So in my opinion the small Bible Beating hate group comments has little value to me, and it is no surprise they would be against treating everyone equally...

This is a perfect example of Sassy's bullshit resources and of course the resource for Sassy's BS OP is Breitbart! :laugh:
Keep up the good work, Sassy. Are you going to start posting using another new name, again. I mean, isn't that something you have done in the past, after you embarrassed yourself?
The American College of Pediatricians is a RIGHTWING political group posing as a medical professional organization.
Horseshit. They're all doctors and know what they're talking about. A leftwing homeless critter like you is braying into the wind.
Being a doctor does not make one immune from pursuing a partisan, social conservative agenda and being devoid of objectivity:

'National Institute of Health Director Francis S. Collins, MD, has accused the conservative American College of Pediatricians of distorting his research on homosexuality.

"It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," Collins said in a written statement on NIH letterhead. "The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents."'

NIH Director Raps American College of Pediatricians for Distorting Research on Homosexuality

It's telling how you and many others on the right are so politically naïve.

Doc Collins?

You're speaking of Dr Francis S. Collins... the geneticist who's study of homosexuality, demonstrated that there is NO POTENTIAL GENETIC COMPONENT TO HOMOSEXUALITY?

You're citing HIM, where he stated his concerns that his data, set into clearly defined constructs which in NO WAY ALTERED HIS CONCLUSIONS... that such might lead people to think less acceptingly by recognizing that Doc Collins noted that ENVIRONMENT AND FREE WILL are the two most profound components of Homosexuality?


ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up!

From Doc Collins:

"An area of particularly strong public interest is the genetic basis of homosexuality. Evidence from twin studies does in fact support the conclusion that heritable factors play a role in male homosexuality. However, the likelihood that the identical twin of a homosexual male will also be gay is about 20% (compared with 2-4 percent of males in the general population), indicating that sexual orientation is genetically influenced but not hardwired by DNA, and that whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predeterminations. ... environment, particularly childhood experiences as well as the role of free will choices affect all of us in profound ways and as researchers discover increasing levels of molecular detail about inherited factors that underlie our personalities, it's critical that such data be used to illuminate, not provide support to idealogues."

Now, what the above cited would-be Barrister implies is that HIS statement is a DENIAL of the facts established bu Doc Collins LIFE LONG WORK. When it is a statement which merely confirms that Homosexuality, to the extent that science can determine at this point, is the consequence of environment. We know this because there is not one dam' thing science can point to that says: "THAT BABY IS QUEER AS A LIE DETECTOR AT A DNC CONVENTION! I GUARANTEE IT!"

Thus, as has always been INSTINCTIVELY KNOWN... Homosexuality is the result of sexual imprinting during infancy and toddler periods; wherein deviants play games which inevitably involve the genitals, and happy smiling faces... and lots of coos and laughing. The infancy and toddler stage is critical, because it is when the child is incapable of speech, thus can't tell another that Uncle Cab was touching his privates... and the earlier the indoctrination, the greater depth it has within the subjects psyche. "I was always like this...". The single most common explanation from homosexuals... and this is because the event predates long term conscious memory. The imprinting is hormonal... not conscious. The sub-conscious merely notes the event in early logs, it notes the pleasure and sense of security... it is carnal, base instructions, which sit in guidance of future behavior.

The play introduces the grouping of genitals with play...

Now... anyone here ever heard of a homosexual which associates sex with play? Anyone? ... Anyone at all?

Asked another way, Anyone here ever trotted out the notion that 'Sexual Intercourse defines marriage and serves the purpose of procreation' had the Cult mob ya with jeers and cries that "SEX IS FOR FUN!".

"You're CONFUSING FUCKING WITH MARRIAGE!", anyone read THAT before?

(Grab that clue for me, will ya? Take one for yourself, it's a great one, you'll probably need it down the road. You were just given THE WAY THAT HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE INJURES YOU AND YOUR CULTURE. Normalizing Sexual Abnormality PROMOTES SEXUAL ABNORMALITY OF EVERY STRIPE. So, hang onto that... .)

The Exercise also imprints the sexual response, thus sexual stimulation... to the gender engaging the sexual infant playtime.

So, from this we find the reason for the desire, we find the reason for the promiscuity and the reason that such individuals demonstrate a severely disproportionate desire for sex with small children.

But hey.. that's just science. That's all.

And put that away until someone mentions that it's Summer already and that the reason it's so hot is GLOBAL WARMING!
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The American College of Pediatricians is a RIGHTWING political group posing as a medical professional organization.
Horseshit. They're all doctors and know what they're talking about. A leftwing homeless critter like you is braying into the wind.
Being a doctor does not make one immune from pursuing a partisan, social conservative agenda and being devoid of objectivity:

'National Institute of Health Director Francis S. Collins, MD, has accused the conservative American College of Pediatricians of distorting his research on homosexuality.

"It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality," Collins said in a written statement on NIH letterhead. "The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents."'

NIH Director Raps American College of Pediatricians for Distorting Research on Homosexuality

It's telling how you and many others on the right are so politically naïve.

Doc Collins?

You're speaking of Dr Francis S. Collins... the geneticist who's study of homosexuality, demonstrated that there is NO POTENTIAL GENETIC COMPONENT TO HOMOSEXUALITY?

You're citing HIM, where he stated his concerns that his data, set into clearly defined constructs which in NO WAY ALTERED HIS CONCLUSIONS... that such might lead people to think less acceptingly by recognizing that Doc Collins noted that ENVIRONMENT AND FREE WILL are the two most profound components of Homosexuality?


ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up!

From Doc Collins:

"An area of particularly strong public interest is the genetic basis of homosexuality. Evidence from twin studies does in fact support the conclusion that heritable factors play a role in male homosexuality. However, the likelihood that the identical twin of a homosexual male will also be gay is about 20% (compared with 2-4 percent of males in the general population), indicating that sexual orientation is genetically influenced but not hardwired by DNA, and that whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predeterminations. ... environment, particularly childhood experiences as well as the role of free will choices affect all of us in profound ways and as researchers discover increasing levels of molecular detail about inherited factors that underlie our personalities, it's critical that such data be used to illuminate, not provide support to idealogues."

Now, what the above cited would-be Barrister implies is that HIS statement is a DENIAL of the facts established bu Doc Collins LIFE LONG WORK. When it is a statement which merely confirms that Homosexuality, to the extent that science can determine at this point, is the consequence of environment. We know this because there is not one dam' thing science can point to that says: "THAT BABY IS QUEER AS A LIE DETECTOR AT A DNC CONVENTION! I GUARANTEE IT!"

Thus, as has always been INSTINCTIVELY KNOWN... Homosexuality is the result of sexual imprinting during infancy and toddler periods; wherein deviants play games which inevitably involve the genitals, and happy smiling faces... and lots of coos and laughing.

This introduces the grouping of genitals with play... Now... anyone here ever heard of a homosexual which associates sex with play? Anyone? ... Anyone at all?

Anyone trotted out the notion that Sexual Intercourse defines marriage and serves the purpose of procreation had the Cult mob ya with jeers and cries that "SEX IS FOR FUN!".

(Grab that clue for me, will ya? Take one for yourself, it's a great one, you'll probably need it down the road.)

The Exercise also imprints the sexual response, thus sexual stimulation to the gender engaging the sexual infant playtime.

So, from this we find the reason for the desire, we find the reason for the promiscuity and the reason that such individuals demonstrate a severely disproportionate desire for sex with small children.

But hey.. that's just science. That's all.

And put that away until someone mentions that it's Summer already and that the reason it's so hot is GLOBAL WARMING!

If heterosexuality is genetic then homosexuality has to be genetic, even if some homosexuality may not be.

If a man's biology makes him attracted to females, then the attraction is biochemical. Biochemistry is affected by genetics. If the genetics were altered so as to alter the biochemistry,

they could produce a natural inborn biochemistry that caused a man to be attracted to men,

much in the way the biochemistry of heterosexual women causes them to be attracted to men.
If heterosexuality is genetic then homosexuality has to be genetic, even if some homosexuality may not be.


So... because sexuality is clearly genetic... (We know this Gilligan, because of the difference between the boys PeePee and the Girls WeeWee.)

You feel certain that, if for no other reason, its only fair that homosexuality be 'Genetic'.

And this; as you so eloquently put it, despite homosexuality not always being Genetic.


W... T... F...?

(Would someone take Gilligan aside and explain what 'genetic' means?)

ROFLMNAO! Gilligan, you are hysterical!

If heterosexuality is genetic then homosexuality has to be genetic, even if some homosexuality may not be.


So... because sexuality is clearly genetic... (We know this Gilligan, because of the difference between the boys PeePee and the Girls WeeWee.)

You feel certain that, if for no other reason, its only fair that homosexuality be 'Genetic'.

And this; as you so eloquently put it, despite homosexuality not always being Genetic.


W... T... F...?

(Would someone take Gilligan aside and explain what 'genetic' means?)

ROFLMNAO! Gilligan, you are hysterical!

You repeatedly assert that sexuality is genetic.

That means both heterosexuality in most cases AND homosexuality in most cases are going to be genetic.
I agree 100%, a sad day for America's children


In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

[T]his is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children.

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

The rights of adults to marry same-sex partners is compared to the Roe/Wade decision?
That anti-freedom "American College" group is anti-American.

Your opinion, mine is that Left Loon Liberals are anti-American. There we're even
Poor poser pwn'd yourself again with a far right group giving a far right opinion....:lol:
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said: [T]his is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children. American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart
In general I feel a child is better served by the influences of both a Mommy and a Daddy.

That said, there are many exceptions. There do exist homosexual couples who raise their child with love, and their are heterosexual pairs who suck at raising kids, and there are opposite examples of the two I just listed as well.
If heterosexuality is genetic then homosexuality has to be genetic, even if some homosexuality may not be.


So... because sexuality is clearly genetic... (We know this Gilligan, because of the difference between the boys PeePee and the Girls WeeWee.)

You feel certain that, if for no other reason, its only fair that homosexuality be 'Genetic'.

And this; as you so eloquently put it, despite homosexuality not always being Genetic.


W... T... F...?

(Would someone take Gilligan aside and explain what 'genetic' means?)

ROFLMNAO! Gilligan, you are hysterical!

You repeatedly assert that sexuality is genetic.

That means both heterosexuality in most cases AND homosexuality in most cases are going to be genetic.

Sexuality is primally genetic Gilligan... of the 9,998.738,938,821,400, 017 line items that comprise the human being... Sexuality is number 6.

Human sexuality; Gilligan... is established by the human physiological design.

Homosexuality not only DEVIATES from that design; Gilligan, it deviates AS FAR FROM that design as is possible, where the subjects remain exclusively HUMAN.

We've been over this MANY TIMES Gilligan. You MUST at least TRY to pay attention... you're embarrassing me here. Apparently Iv'e become your default keeper... so LISTEN UP!

That deviation is a consequence of ENVIRONMENT, wherein sexual imprinting during infancy and early toddler development is introduced by deviants through sex play; which is to say games with infants and toddlers which inevitably involve the genitals and, happy, smiling faces... with lots of coos and laughing, thus such is registered as pleasurable and 'fun'.

The infancy and toddler stage is critical because it is when the child is incapable of speech, thus can't tell another that 'Uncle Cab touched his privates...', and the earlier the introduction to the play, the greater depth the imprint has within the subjects psyche: "I was always like this...", is the single most common explanation from homosexuals.

And this is because the event predates development of long term conscious memory. The imprinting is hormonal... not conscious. The sub-conscious merely notes the event in early logs, it notes the pleasure, play and a sense of security... it is carnal, base instructions, which sit in guidance of future behavior.

Now... Gilligan, have ya ever heard of a homosexual which associates sex, with play?

Do you think conflating sex with play and promiscuity would be linked? (Doctors do...Gilligan; so, nod your head in agreement here and no one will know the difference.)

Asked another way, have ya ever seen someone trot out the notion that 'Sexual Intercourse defines marriage and serves the purpose of procreation' and seen the Homo-Cult mob that person, weeping and gnashing its tooth with jeers and cries that "SEX IS FOR FUN!".

"You're CONFUSING FUCKING WITH MARRIAGE!", have ya ever read THAT before?

(Grab that clue for me, will ya? Take one for yourself, it's a great one, you'll probably need it down the road. You were just given THE WAY THAT HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE INJURES YOU AND YOUR CULTURE. Normalizing Sexual Abnormality PROMOTES SEXUAL ABNORMALITY OF EVERY STRIPE. So, hang onto that... .)
Along the lines of science, there really is no gene for gayness, which means there is no such thing as being born gay.

But even if that's true, what difference does it make? If people become homosexual because of influences in life, or experiences, or biological imbalances or those same imbalances while in the womb, what about it? There would still be homosexual people who aren't born gay, but arrived there. Knowing that no homosexual is born gay, is that enough justification to keep them from raising children, etc?

Mind you I do not support gay marriage, nor do I look upon it and homosexuality favorably. I'm saying that even though science shows there is no gene for gayness, it means little in the grand scheme of things.
The American College of Pediatricians is a RIGHTWING political group posing as a medical professional organization.
Horseshit. They're all doctors and know what they're talking about. A leftwing homeless critter like you is braying into the wind.

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative association of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States. The College was founded in 2002 by a group of pediatricians including Joseph Zanga, a past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as a protest against the AAP's support for adoption by gay couples.[1][2]

The group's membership has been estimated at between 60 and 200 members.[1][3]

(In contrast, the AAP has more than 60,000 members.[4])
I know who they are. They're sane, level headed people who don't pander to a big nest of fairies.

No, they're a hundred homophobic crackpots running a con.
They are people who put their faith in God and not the American AIDS Colony. healers. Do they use rattles and voodoo masks?
In general I feel a child is better served by the influences of both a Mommy and a Daddy.

That said, there are many exceptions. There do exist homosexual couples who raise their child with love, and their are heterosexual pairs who suck at raising kids, and there are opposite examples of the two I just listed as well.

Yes, of course there are.

But the risk, wherein we license an individual to take RESPONSIBILITY for a child, KNOWING that they are people who DEFINE THEMSELVES THROUGH THEIR DEVIANT SEXUAL CRAVINGS... and who, consequently have a history of rejecting obvious sexual boundaries, setting their own subjective needs above all other consideration, is simply too high to accept. We're placing children into LIKELY circumstances of profound psychological and sexual abuse.

Come on... it is a no brainer. It's FOOLISH to even contemplate setting a child alone with sexual deviants.

The CATHOLIC CHURCH got burned by the homo-cult AND BLAMED FOR THE ABUSE THEIR CHILDREN SUFFERED. Of course, it has its fair share of the blame, as it covered up the abuse and that is UNFORGIVABLE... but the ABUSE was carried out by homosexuals set into positions of trust and authority over children and the results were CATASTROPHIC!

All the SCOTUS has done is amplify that by MILLIONS...
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In general I feel a child is better served by the influences of both a Mommy and a Daddy.

That said, there are many exceptions. There do exist homosexual couples who raise their child with love, and their are heterosexual pairs who suck at raising kids, and there are opposite examples of the two I just listed as well.
So since when do we make second-rate exemplary exceptions dominant to a sensible rule?
How many multi-hundred page discussions have been established over this issue... my guess is that this one will NOT grow to anywhere near those heights... .

And it will not because, it will either be shipped off the 'Patagonia Religion' forum, or some other thread cemetery... by well; there are a number of possibilities there. But even if it remained in US Politics, the Advocacy for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality will not want to encourage the discussion, given that such represents the coveted:

"In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

"This is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children."

The College, which has members in 44 states and in several countries outside the U.S., joined in an amici brief in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that has led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50 states of the nation.


Despite being certified by almost all major social science scholarly associations—indeed, in part because of this—the alleged scientific consensus that having two parents of the same sex is innocuous for child well-being is almost wholly without basis. All but a handful of the studies cited in support draw on small, non-random samples which cannot be extrapolated to the same-sex population at large. This limitation is repeatedly acknowledged in scientific meetings and journals, but ignored when asserted as settled findings in public or judicial advocacy.

The College itself has maintained that a significant body of research has demonstrated that “same-sex marriage" deliberately deprives the child of a mother or a father, and is therefore harmful.”

American College of Pediatricians on Same-Sex Marriage Ruling A Tragic Day for America s Children - Breitbart

Even before sodomy was legitimized by the federal government, kids were being indoctrinated in homosexuality while in their school. What a screwed-up generation we're we're going to have.

Of course...

Understand that the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is just THAT... it is not a 'Homosexual Right' advocacy, it is a literal cult of pedophiles, primarily Europeans... who have for GENERATIONS sought to NORMALIZE Degeneracy, as a means to LEGALLY have sexual relations with CHILDREN.

By this time next year, we'll be in here debating the finer points of 'Providing Children with Equal Protections Under the Law'... which will of course, have the ancillary component of freeing children's sexual consent.


Child marriage has long been a prominent feature of traditional marriage.

The good news is in tandem with gay rights....the age of consent has been going UP.
Along the lines of science, there really is no gene for gayness, which means there is no such thing as being born gay.

But even if that's true, what difference does it make? If people become homosexual because of influences in life, or experiences, or biological imbalances or those same imbalances while in the womb, what about it?


By Normalizing it, placing homosexuals as the parent and in other positions of influence and authority over children you AXIOMATICALLY INCREASE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR THESE PEOPLE TO INJURE A CHILD; thus in increase in instances of homosexuality... which INCREASES THE OPPORTUNITY... which if your into math, you'll recognize the formula for exponential growth.

In general I feel a child is better served by the influences of both a Mommy and a Daddy.

That said, there are many exceptions. There do exist homosexual couples who raise their child with love, and their are heterosexual pairs who suck at raising kids, and there are opposite examples of the two I just listed as well.

Yes, of course there are.

But the risk, wherein we license an individual to take RESPONSIBILITY for a child, KNOWING that they are people who DEFINE THEMSELVES THROUGH THEIR DEVIANT SEXUAL CRAVINGS... and who, consequently have a history of rejecting obvious sexual boundaries, setting their own subjective needs above all other consideration, is simply too high to accept. We're placing children into LIKELY circumstances of profound psychological and sexual abuse.

Come on... it is a no brainer. It's FOOLISH to even contemplate setting a child along with sexual deviants.

The CATHOLIC CHURCH got burned by the homo-cult AND BLAMED FOR THE ABUSE THEIR CHILDREN SUFFERED. Of course, it has its fair share of the blame, as it covered up the abuse and that is UNFORGIVABLE... but the ABUSE was carried out by homosexuals set into positions of trust and authority over children and the results were CATASTROPHIC!

All the SCOTUS has done is amplify that by MILLIONS...

Being a homosexual, no matter how nauseating that notion is, doesn't mean you're a sexual predator. It means you're a guy with a perverse attraction towards guys, or a gal with a perverse attractions towards gals. That in no way makes them sexual predators. If memory serves, said predators come in all sizes, colors, creeds, etc.

While I dislike homosexuality, I also dislike stupid arguments both for and against it.

There are bad apples in every group. As much as I find homosexuality itself disgusting, the people themselves are not either 100% good or 100% bad.
In general I feel a child is better served by the influences of both a Mommy and a Daddy.

That said, there are many exceptions. There do exist homosexual couples who raise their child with love, and their are heterosexual pairs who suck at raising kids, and there are opposite examples of the two I just listed as well.
So since when do we make second-rate exemplary exceptions dominant to a sensible rule?

Please rephrase that so I don't misunderstand you.

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